FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

EA_MatPrior said:
Believe me we are looking and doing everything we can as quickly as we can. No one is more frustrated than the game team having worked on this for the past 12 months but please be patient why we try and resolve the issue.

The game was obviously thoroughly tested but it's difficult to replicate the real world stress of millions of gamers trying to download and use the game and that is what is currently causing the issues. Many MMO type games have had similar 1st day problems and it seems we are suffering likewise.

Glad to hear that those gamers who did manage to connect while the servers were up loved the game, hopefully we’ll get things ironed out soon and everyone (including myself!) can get online and start playing.

1pm Update:

1. The fix has been made, and is in the final stages of being tested.

2. Then this needs to be propagated out to the live environment.

3. Service should resume within the hour on one platform. We will see which platform we can bring back quickest.

4. Once we're confident the fix is working in the live environment, we'll bring back the other console.

Regarding the confusion on my last post. The 10pm PST / 5am GMT change does not mean the game will only come back then, it means at that time we will take the game down briefly (it's the quietest time of the day) and move the hosting to some new servers.

Working now on PS3 apparantly.
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Nice to hear the new commentary, having not bought the UEFA commentary pack is it the same or is it new for Ultimate? Would be nice if you can use it in MM if you buy the DLC, that would make it a certain buy for me.
2pm Update:

Thank you all for waiting, your patience is most appreciated.

We understand your frustrations and rest assured, we have been working very hard on getting the game back up.

The team has fixed and tested the critical fixes. The load on the server appears to be much more manageable, but we need you to fully prove this out.

We have brought the PS3 server back online first, it is now live.

Expect to hear from us again within the hour on whether we can then do the same for X360.

Happy gaming and thanks for your continued support

I can confirm it's working :)). Much faster and no lag changing cards about etc.

Is there a maximum number of cards you can have at a time?
I thought maybe there'd be some advantage to it so I did, it created at 64 so was better than all the other players I was given anyways (Sol Campbell excepted), scored the 3rd goal in a 3-1 on my debut :)
UT is down again! Not that it matters because XBL is screwed and you can't add any points to buy UT! Total shambles of a day.
People are now saying it's back but they've lost their teams :SHOCK:

EA have fucked today up good and proper.
I've started playing BAP again, and I find at a lot more fun when I turn off the points bar and the indicators. I no longer worry about doing things just to keep my rating high and I enjoy myself, but at the end of the game I still have a high rating. I recommend turning them off.:TU:
In Ultimate Team Mode is it possible to play a Online Match against somebody on my friends list? I could not find this option.
I am actually thinking of buying, I have never bought anything of xbox live before (came close to buying lost and the damned), so does anyone know where one would go to buy some cheap xbox live points, looking to buy 800 or 1000 points if that is possible.
I am actually thinking of buying, I have never bought anything of xbox live before (came close to buying lost and the damned), so does anyone know where one would go to buy some cheap xbox live points, looking to buy 800 or 1000 points if that is possible.

Dags pointed me towards this place yesterday and from other sites their feedback seems decent

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