FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Has anyone had a problem doing a League Cup mode on FIFA?

I tried twice, first time I was playing Watford and I paused it to watch the first half of the Utd game, when I returned the player indicators, scoreboard and commentary had turned off. Then one of my players got injured and it went to the screen to make a sub, but there were no names to choose from and I couldn't press any button.

I then retried it, beat Watford and was drawn against Southampton, then midway through the first half the same thing happened. I then scored a goal and went to review the replay but once I got into the manual replay mode I couldn't leave it.
If the opponent gets a corner, is it possible to put a second defender to the far post?

I have used the search function, but could not find the answer.
Against the AI they usually hit the first man or go beyond the first post so I always choose a tall player and cover the first man......

I always pull a striker in from the edge of the box and make sure your guys get in front, but at the far post its hard to win defensive headers as my guy usually won't jump...
I'm still unsure if I should wait till the last min or press as soon as I can for heading, it's still hit and miss for me...
My big gripe is still player switching on 2vAI often you just can't select an attacking player until your teammate has hit pass or shoot.
Loads of times he will be bombing down the wing and I just can't select an attacker... :RANT:

Its as if the CPU is in control of when you can and can't change the cursor, it happens in every game for me and it pisses me off.
I always pull a striker in from the edge of the box and make sure your guys get in front, but at the far post its hard to win defensive headers as my guy usually won't jump...
I'm still unsure if I should wait till the last min or press as soon as I can for heading, it's still hit and miss for me...

I've learned in my management mode that the key to good defensive headers is high aggression (my 2 CB's now have 99 aggression to help test this theory), combine that with jumping early, so you press the shoot button maybe half a second before the ball would meet your CB's head, then he meets it in the air (in theory above any opponent), sometimes if you time it wrong your CB will head it on the way down so the ball loops up rather than clearing far out, but this still gives you time to move your defender into a recovery blocking position with super cancel (yes, yes I know SC is not 2xAI friendly ;)))
I've learned in my management mode that the key to good defensive headers is high aggression (my 2 CB's now have 99 aggression to help test this theory), combine that with jumping early, so you press the shoot button maybe half a second before the ball would meet your CB's head, then he meets it in the air (in theory above any opponent), sometimes if you time it wrong your CB will head it on the way down so the ball loops up rather than clearing far out, but this still gives you time to move your defender into a recovery blocking position with super cancel (yes, yes I know SC is not 2xAI friendly ;)))
I'll try that, that will mean spending XP's but as long as I just do aggression (I would have thought strength would count too) I can live with that...
I was playing online and this guy kept scoring against me in corners. He made it 4-0, and I got determined and made it 4-3, but then he scored again from a corner making it 5-3. I had no idea how to defend. He would just pull defenders back and cross it in. He would run on to the cross and score every time. I couldn't do anything.
has any one had problems with created players? i created my player and transfer him from an club to my club and the back of the jersey looked messed up....why?
Does he have squad number 128 by any chance? I've seen players in MM with the number 128 and it corrupts the numbers on the back of their shirt in-game.
errr...i got the number bug,which i don't know if anyone faced this,well maybe you already do. where my newly transferred player in,and he was given a 128 number. and in game the back number look like a stamp,where i can only see the number 8,and besides is the purple color thingy.dunno wats that actually. nice present EA :|
just started second season in MM won F.A.cup and EPL and after second game it just pauses at ticker screen at " simulating " which is stuck at 12%,fucking doing my nut in,anyone had this??
How can you setup an online game to play 2 vs 2? Me and my friend want to meet online and play together against other people in 2 vs 2. I tried to setup a club but it seems 3 people are needed minimum to play a club match. I hadn't explored this yet and I can't figure how it works.

I gave up single player a month ago and only play online with my friend (very difficult to find good people to play against now and then, specially at the hours I use to play, which is past midnight).
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