FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Sorry to double post but:

Yesterday I learned how to do the Hocus Pocus, I can do it in the arena, but I can never do it in the match? Why is that! I'm using the same player I used in the arena (Del Piero).

Maybe because the camera angle in the match is different to in the arena and that means the directions you move the stick will be different.

If you have it on BAP camera and it doesnt work then I dont know sorry
just look up fifa09 trick guide on youtube. It doesn't look as spectacular as the one Taddei did.

I think tricks and shots are not as responsive and effective in the game as the arena. In the arena I can do the Ronaldo cut-in and the dribble thing where you hit the ball forward with the opposite heel without any trouble. And my shots almost always are on target. In game, it's another story.
its not an issue of responsiveness, its simply that the orientation of your player is always different in the game, including after youve done a chop and are at an angle, to do the heel to heel you would need to go up down or whatever it is on that angle.
I know they are effective, but just not responsive 100% of the time is what I meant. I mean there have been a lot of times where I ruined a good attack because I couldn't pull off a chop even though I was pretty sure I pulled back the stick the twice pretty strongly and quickly.
if you dont pull it back at the perfect angle though it wont work, its easier to do in the arena because you're looking at him from behind.

i dont bother with the tricks though myself, i should its just a lot of work figuring them out.
yep Double tap shoot, Triple :circle: :l2: works sometimes instead of :triangle: :l2: for little keeper chips for me. Or :r1: for placed shots...

Shot fake works if your quick, I've only managed to round the keeper and score twice in all 20 odd seasons of playing, most of the time you just get clipped, clipping is FIFA AI staple...
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Or you get round the goalie then the cunt takes you out and the wanker referee doesn't even give a penalty. Fucking shocking.
Yep, it's the same with the hack on the wings, that happens all the time and you know it's coming but you can't avoid it...

TBH I find that one pretty easy to avoid (as in I move the ball out of the way and get taken down for a freekick and almost certain booking for the AI opponent) got AI players sent off quite a lot of times for 2x wing hackings :)
TBH I find that one pretty easy to avoid (as in I move the ball out of the way and get taken down for a freekick and almost certain booking for the AI opponent) got AI players sent off quite a lot of times for 2x wing hackings :)

It's the fact I can't avoid the hack that bugs me, I can keep the ball away from them but just get hacked. I also find they only get booked every 1 out of four or five times TBH...
What about tips from entering from the wing. When entering into the box from the wing I can hardly create a threat even though I'm so close to the goal. Sometimes I can cross 3 players back to back to get into an angle, and then I'll just R1 shoot in to the opposite angle, but I can't pull off the 2-3 crosses usually. Sometimes I'll end up trying to pass it inside, but the defenders intercept it 99% of the time. A couple of times I triple tapped the cross, which sends a cross from the ground I think (I remember from PES) and scored like that a couple of times, but again not so effecient.
If you are playing online this is how I always score my headers: (this also works for short strikers, I used Kris Boyd from Rangers to score headers)

Make sure you are using SEMI-CROSSING if you are not using manual already, and when your on the wing make sure you are not sprinting unless you want to do a long curling cross which requires you to hold the R1 button, but when you are playing semi you can also cross from the edge of the box, and near the corner line and hold the R1 button with half meter power and usually a striker will come running in and heads it in.

This personally ALWAYS works for me, I suggest you try using Fiorentina to score many headers / crosses because Gilardino and Mutu always score their headers. I have found on the new FIFA or FIFA in general you cannot really score those triple tap cross button like you could in PES, therefore I have stopped doing those and now I try to cut in near the goal and have a whack at goal.
I really hope they add the option to play as a fixed player in manager mode. So you can play kind of like a playing manager but you can choose any player just like how you can play fixed in PES. This way I would actually look forward to MM because I don't really enjoy controlling every player, it feels a little more realistic to me when controlling one player like in baps.

But they wont do it :(
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