FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

I Was playing on semi-manual,then tried manual everything.Really enjoyed this game but as far as i and manual shooting go,better giving stevie wonder a shotgun and asking him to shoot the moon!!:SHOCK:
yeah, i just gave manual shooting a test...jeez... im back to semi...

btw, manual passing is just brilliant, i can feel the diference between players passing atributes a lot more now... when i get a team like Brazil i can pass the ball around at will, but with lower teams or evan lower player like P.Neville or Hibbert i have to really work hard to make the pass go where i want.
OK after all the replies to my comments on the heading I thought I'd repost how i go about crossing and heading and scoring.

This is with crossing on semi.

Once you get within 'crossing zone' (ie the area in line with the edge of the 18 yard box to the touchline but on the wing), when you press cross, let go of all direction, and charge to 3/4 power. Depending on the positioning stats of your strikers and midfielders (although the lower stats in lower leagues are countered by the defenders having equally bad positioning stats), the ball should fly over all the idiots at the near post and find someone arriving late at the far. Obviously this means that near post headed goals are quite rare, but hey, if you want to score headed goals, this is definitely the way to do it. The key is to 1) give it enough power and 2) let go of all direction.

For early crosses prior to reaching the 'crossing zone', its a little different, as the game requires you to give a direction, although the power thing is the same. 3/4 to full power will usually result in the ball finding someone free at the far post (this is on pro, world class or legendary).

It is weird and its like a bug, but since I found this out I dont even need to outplay my opponent at all to win - I just do this 5 times a game and score 3. Of course the usual concept of pressing shoot very late still applies when it comes to the header, and obviously if you arent a good manual aimer you will have to practise heading on target.
I have to admit it has taken an element out of the game for me, not having to aim crosses has become automatic for me and its a shame I cant really do the crosses I want anymore, or that if I do, it usually results in nothing. That said, the power regulation is all me :D
btw, manual passing is just brilliant, i can feel the diference between players passing atributes a lot more now... when i get a team like Brazil i can pass the ball around at will, but with lower teams or evan lower player like P.Neville or Hibbert i have to really work hard to make the pass go where i want.

Told you so ;)
yeah, i just gave manual shooting a test...jeez... im back to semi....

Please try shooting on manual again. For better scoring from inside the box, I recommend using the finesse (button) shooting only, this does help. I just scored 5 with Vasco da Gama against AI on PRO, not sure how this translates to online matches against better opponnents :-)
I personally think that manual shooting was designed for use with Be a Pro mode camera ONLY, where you'd have more angles to play with with the camera view. When I play be a pro mode on BAP camera I can shoot just fine on manual. With regular Tele cam, I feel that since the net is too small in proportion to the camera, you have much less angle to work with, resulting in you blasting it to the corner flag often.

Semi is just perfect. Like I've said before, it is probably the best shooting system I've played with in any footie game. If you master it well you'll still get the easy 1-on-1's, but you'll still have instances where you miss a sitter if you don't focus. One thing I want them to improve on is long distance shooting, which should be going in just a tad more. But other than that I'd love for them to keep it the way it is.

And andish got it on the dot with crossing. Don't hold direction unless you are at the endline and want to curve it back or something, or if you want to curve it to the specific player arriving late. I find that I can cross it to the near post guy fine also, though it's harder to time since the forwards dash into the box very fast. Usually when I connect it to the near post guy, it ends up being a diving header.

Also, against the AI, I find crossing/heading works best against teams that are aggressive defenders and like to cut your passing lanes off to your forwards, since the defenders usually position themselves in front of your forwards in order to cut off any short passes. Since they like to stay ahead of your FW's, when you manage to cross the ball they're usually out of position in the air...
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Couple of gripes I'm having with this game recently....

My opponent gets a free kick, say, 30-40 yards out, and the game makes me have a two man wall in front of it. Who's in this wall? BOTH my centre-halves, leaving completely exposed if the ball is floated into the box.

Sometimes, the cut-scene for being booked just doesn't happen, I had a man sent off the other day, and didn't realise until half-time when Andy Gray mentioned it
Couple of gripes I'm having with this game recently....

My opponent gets a free kick, say, 30-40 yards out, and the game makes me have a two man wall in front of it. Who's in this wall? BOTH my centre-halves, leaving completely exposed if the ball is floated into the box.

Sometimes, the cut-scene for being booked just doesn't happen, I had a man sent off the other day, and didn't realise until half-time when Andy Gray mentioned it
Yep good calls, get them in here...
Haha this is awesome :D.

If you're fed up of playing cunts on assisted online, then here's a solution.
Go to the lobbies, and go on someone who wants a game and invite them to a game, but on the match settings then set the control setting to manual. They don't get told this on the invite, so they join the game and then think it's just as it normally is, until they try and pass the ball :LOL:.
Haha this is awesome :D.

If you're fed up of playing cunts on assisted online, then here's a solution.
Go to the lobbies, and go on someone who wants a game and invite them to a game, but on the match settings then set the control setting to manual. They don't get told this on the invite, so they join the game and then think it's just as it normally is, until they try and pass the ball :LOL:.

add me so we can play rob...
i use semi shooting and cross, rest is manual
I've ended up playing manual everything except passing, I can't get any friend to play against me on full manual so I haven't trained enough... I envy you!
Manual shooting is a step too far imo! :LOL: But manual passing and manual long balls are a joy to behold in the right hands :)). Look out for our Clubs highlights video hopefully later today to see some.

(Unless you are Placebo, and are "too busy", ahem...)
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