FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

i can co-sign that...
i started playing fifa09 on the ps3...after i looked at it on the 360, i was impressed how much better it plays overal(gfx, smoothnes)
thats why im back to the 360 now...seems every multiplataform game has an edge for the 360.
i kept my ps3 too, cause its excluvise games are amazing too, specially mlb the show.

to be fair mate i don't really get the chance to play much so when i do, i play footie games and at the moment the 360 has the edge....once ps3 sorts itself out then i might buy again but it would only be gathering dust as i'm not fussed about blu-ray films for the time being
Anyone one had the game (360) freezing just as you kickoff. Had mates round last night and attempted 4 games of 2 player (tried different teams and stadiums) and everyone did the same, had to reset console as would not respond to anything.

Checked the disk and it was clean, never done it before so a bit weird ?????
I think that same thing was happening to me when my disc got scratched. I changed it for a new disc and it worked fine.
Anyone one had the game (360) freezing just as you kickoff. Had mates round last night and attempted 4 games of 2 player (tried different teams and stadiums) and everyone did the same, had to reset console as would not respond to anything.

Checked the disk and it was clean, never done it before so a bit weird ?????

I had this problem before, it has nothing to do with the disc. It's because of an old Adidas live update.

The only way to solve this is to delete everything related to FIFA 09 from the 360's hard drive. You'll be able to activate Adidas live again after that.
A story from online play...

I sign in to play BAP Online Team play or whatever it's called. I see that the teams are AFC Bournemouth against Real Madrid. I think, "cool, I will go for the lower league team and see how it pans out." It's even players in the buildup at 3 for Bournemouth and 4 for Real. All of the sudden, the game starts and it's just me as Bournemouth and 6 others as Real Madrid... Basically the captain who picked Bournemouth was trying to set up a demolition against one player and switched sides before going "Ready."

The moral of the story is this - and I am not a seriously good player, but decent. I played Real Madrid to a 1-1 draw against 6 others. You could hear them getting pissed over the mic and it had to be my most satisfying moment on FIFA since I got this game.

There is alot of stupid shite happening online... Also, I have most of my controls on Manual, but when I go online and back out again it seems to reset them... Does this happen to anyone else?
Last year I got myself a 360 with Fifa 08 for the holidays. I really enjoyed it. So this year I did the same, only this time I went for a PS3 because of Little Big Planet. Initially I was a bit disappointed by Fifa09. It was sluggish and there was noticeable slowdown. But I remembered having the same problem with Fifa08. Just like then, I changed the camera to dynamic. Fortunately I can zoom it out just a tiny bit with 09. With the camera up close the slowdown is allot less, and its a real thrill to play. Now I am really impressed with the game. Ideally though, I rather play a bit more zoomed out, but immediately the gameplay will suffer because of it.

Im gutted to hear the 360 has less issues in this department. I guess that on the box slowdowns must be non-existent on dynamic. Wile playing on the PS3 I still have a tiny bit of slowdown when shots are released. Cant believe the team did not give the framerate the highest priority. Playing a smooth game is so important, it makes or breaks a game. In tele cam on the ps3 there is no way you can really get into the flow of the game. Its like riding a Ferrari with a busted engine. I just wish the player had the ability to tone down the graphics to make the game run smoother. Because in reality, I think everyone who is talking about slow response times, are actually talking about lag. Unbelievable really, what a bold mistake by Rutter and co, a team that seems to be so on it. I am still going to enjoy this game in dynamic, but at the same time god smacked by so much stupidity. Instead of tuning down the graphs they chose to allow more then occasional slowdowns. I say fuck that, or at least let the player choose what he thinks has the highest priority. For the same amount of money, PS3 users deserve the same game experience.
Not a ex-pc gamer here. I guess we have a different idea of 'fine'. Go ahead and compare the amount of slowdown around the penalty area with tele cam zoomed out vs dynamic cam zoomed in. In a well polished console game there should not be a difference, whatsoever. Yet for me there is a very noticeable difference which determines if the game is a joy to play, or an annoyance. Let me know what you find, I am very curious. Also, I am not the only on who feels this, just go one page back and you see more people stating the PS3 version is inferior to the 360.
Not saying that the 360 is perfect, I would not know. But if it has the same issues in the framerate department as 08, then we are talking the same story here but in a slightly minor degree.

I am a 100% sure that the game's potential is undermined by the unstable and all around low framerate. Not Fifa 09, but Fifa 08 in arena mode..that is how the game should react during a match. Dynamic cam zoomed in comes close.
I must admit, since the update I get the missing/invisible players at kick-off bug in about 1 out of every 20 games online. Only happens for about 20 seconds but still a little annoying seeing a ball float around the pitch towards your goal area.

Have to say though, been playing this game a lot more lately and I absolutely adore it, especially playing against my mates online. Reminds me of when I used to stay up all night playing PES5 online.
Hey everyone,

I will be online tonight probably around 3:30 or 4 pm Eastern US time - so I guess 8:30 or 9 pm England/Euro time.

I would love to play some of you - my psn ID is:

sorry mate i know it's all about opinions but the 360 versions is much better than the ps3 my opinion of course :-)
funny that cause i prefer the ps3 version..had an xbox 360 for 2 yrs but sold it for a more reliable machine. I thought the xbox version had far more slow down compared to the ps3 even running off the xbox hard drive..maybe it was my machine..anyway i much prefer the ps3 version
i play it on the 360 and i havent noticed a problem at all. a few glitches, like every time i play a BAP game i have to change the camera even if i set it in the main menu. other than that though its fine.
Played it on 360 as well. there both identical apart from the controllers.

well i respect your opinion, but my experience and some friends also shown me theres quite some diference gfx wise.

it can also be the case of our and your Tv set ups...maybe u have a tv that works better with the ps3...

my tv will aways work better with the 360, since with the ps3 the max resolution i get is 720p(1280x720) , and with the 360 i can get my tv's full resolution which is 1360x768, both via HDMI, and this is simply becasue the ps3 doesnt have this setup..maybe they will in future firmware upadtes.
I wonder if anyone can help. I have asked this question before on here but no one has ever answered me. I am really having problems playing 1 v 1 online. BAP and 2 v 2 I have no problems. When I invite or get invited for a 1 v 1 game, I see my opponent enter the game room but I never seem to be able to change my team when I am the away opponent. I cant see them move there's and can never select ready to start game. Eventually the opponent leaves or the system times me out. Can anyone advise as im pulling my hair out. Many thanks.
This is a question for the FIFA researchers - Placebo and whoever else.

Who is responsible for updating the US national team? Is there someone who does the US team, or is it based on the clubs they play for and in the leagues they are in? I was playing some BAP, USA against Mexico and the ratings for the US are horrible even though we've dominated Mexico and the Concacaf region for 10 years now. I know our players aren't the most gifted on the planet, and I am not saying they should be in the mid 80's or 90's at all, but most are in the high 60's or low 70's. But when you play on BAP or even just a straight game against Mexico on FIFA, they run all over the US and score at will. Since 2000, the USA is unbeaten in 10 games against Mexico (17 goals for, 3 against) at home and have only lost to them when going to Mexico City 2 times (we beat them at the '02 world cup as well 2-0.)

Sorry about the rant and if it doesn't pertain to this thread. However, online is getting better. : )
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