FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Anyone on the 360 wanna have a few games of fully manual with me?

i would yeah, im terrible though.

hey, im new to the forum. i have a question for you guys since you seem to know what you're talking about..

can i take the classic players like cantona and put them into other squads and play unranked games?

by the way i play this xbox 360 so its for that system i was wondering about.
this threads a little more popular so..anybody know? id figure it out myself but microsoft has my xbox and im not getting it back until the end of the month.
I've been playing all manual for the past month now..Love it! I'm down anytime for an all manual match. My GT is SocalibrPhenom

Did you guys know that you can force all manual controls for your opponent online? All you have to do is go to the lobbies, invite someone to a game and adjust the settings before sending the invitation. Cool thing is, the opponent won't know that the game's controller settings are locked in on manual until the match starts.

It's so funny when those assisted-loving bastards realize that something has changed within their controls :APPLAUD: Their passes are all over the place LOL
tried assisted too, just to make sure i wasnt doing anything wrong...
gks still save everything from outside the box.. makes me fell the goal post is just too small. :(

I agree. The GK's needed to be improved from Fifa 08. They were, but now it is a bit excessive. Bring it down a slight notch EA!
dont you guys fucking hate playing against little cunts who choose man utd all the time? I created a game session and soon there joins a player. I choose Reading and he fucking chose man utd! What kinda retardism is that?
Is he blind or just stupid, or maybe both. Cant he see that reading has two and a half star and plays in the coca cola championship and man utd are champions of England and Europe. I fucking hate playing against those little cuntheads who cant play for fun. Just for the win.
dont you guys fucking hate playing against little cunts who choose man utd all the time? I created a game session and soon there joins a player. I choose Reading and he fucking chose man utd! What kinda retardism is that?
Is he blind or just stupid, or maybe both. Cant he see that reading has two and a half star and plays in the coca cola championship and man utd are champions of England and Europe. I fucking hate playing against those little cuntheads who cant play for fun. Just for the win.

lol welcome to online only worth playing with friends online really to many Barcelona bums about.
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Yep same here, I hardly ever play Man Utd or Barca. I have to be in a really good mood to play them! If the oppo picks a team I don't wanna play I just quit and search again, easy really.

Played 7, Won 7 online rankers today! I know a complete mugging is around the corner somewhere...
Me too...I'm all for realism...I mean if Fifa is leaning towards realism with weekly updates...they should update the minor details too like boots,hairstyle and football designs.
now that really is asking a lot...

i dont think so...
we are talking about a multimillion dollar bussness...
i think they can attend those kind of requests if they wanted to, there are many diferent teams inside the EA team, and each team is responsable for one area of the game, so by doing boots it doesnt mean theyll take away any improvments or enhancements on gameplay area for instance..
Sure but on the other hand I still think most people want them to add/fix other things before extreme details like correct boots. They probably have to pay a bunch of license fees for boots too so I don't think EA think it's worth it in the end to have every player have correct boots.

I'm a little bit afraid that EA will take it more easy the next years because FIFA 09 has had so much more positive feedback than PES so they might feel they are already on safe ground. Would be absolutely crazy if the difference between 09 and 2010 will be the same as 08/09. They've done a pretty amazing job, I really hope they keep at it. Hopefully PES 2010 wont be a pile of poop to keep the motivation going.
got rid of my ps3 and recently went back to a 360..fifa 09 is much better on the 360, no slowdown, the game runs smoother, sharper/clearer graphics...excellent
I have read alot about this Xbox 360 lark. Is it true FIFA 09 is better on the xbox? I have a ps3 HD cable attached to my 42inch plasma and i must admit its not as sharp as Id like it to be. On other games tho its fine. Why is this?
i love different boots, of course the gameplay is great but little bits that add realism make it abit special for me

got a modded 360 and playing a pes 2009 patch.....real kits, boots, balls etc...takes me back to the ps2 patching days
360 > PS3 - Fact.


i can co-sign that...
i started playing fifa09 on the ps3...after i looked at it on the 360, i was impressed how much better it plays overal(gfx, smoothnes)
thats why im back to the 360 now...seems every multiplataform game has an edge for the 360.
i kept my ps3 too, cause its excluvise games are amazing too, specially mlb the show.
Why would you need to do that? World XI is made up of current players.

Unless you're talking about Classic XI, in which case I completely agree. Cantona back at United would be great.
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