FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

It's the Euro 2008/FIFA 08 on last-gen console commentary remixed - there's a few weird sayings like "welcome to this international game" (when it's a club match), but it makes a change IMO. I like it.

I just hope that they release the Japanese commentary at some point, SHOOTO!
Shooopah save-u!!, Hai-ai--haaaai ai!!, piu-piu-piu Goal - Golden golden goal!

Ah, I do miss the buzzy WE6FE commentary from ol'Kabira I don't think there has every been commentary like it in any sports game, before or since.
Fifa is far better when played with the analogue sticks which excludes the PS3 controller and thus putting the 360 version ahead, based on anecdotal evidence at least :)

i co-sign this...
with the ps3 i could only play usng the d-pad, meaning everything had to be assisted...
now on the 360 i can play analog and manual! :)

not to mention there is a very noticable gfx diference imo, 360 looks a lot more polished...
i co-sign this...
with the ps3 i could only play usng the d-pad, meaning everything had to be assisted...
now on the 360 i can play analog and manual! :)

not to mention there is a very noticable gfx diference imo, 360 looks a lot more polished...

Yeah the anecdotal evidence I reference was from you ;)
So in short: The PS3 controller sucks? Or at least the analog sticks suck. Well I already have a 360 controller for PC so I think I have a pretty good idea what I'm going to do... I'm gettin GTA IV for PC! ;)
I feel good.I just played someone with Marseille against someone who was Roma. He had Kaka, Ronaldo, Ibrahimović, Evra, and Rio Ferdinand in his team. He went 1-0 up but I equalised. I missed a great chance in the last minute to win it but he quit at FT. His dream team couldnt beat my Marseille team and I know he must of been pissed. lol

I played one game online last week on manual and even though my passing was ok the shooting was way off. I was hitting the corner flags from short and long distance and every cross went out for a Goal Kick. Its hard!!!!
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Anyone support a League 1 team? I'm being assigned 12 league 1 teams to do the January update data for (as well as SWFC and SUFC), so far I'm only asking for Tranmere specifically, so if there's anyone who supports a League 1 team and wants a hand in the data for their own team let me know and I'll see what I can do :)
I remember saying in the review id like the Tele Cam back for the Arena mode, it was in FIFA 06 RTFWC on the 360 back in the day.

Ok when I get chance later ill look at some of these suggestions and post them over at FSB to see what people think :)

I've got 3 main suggestions:

1. Increase in movement directions- even to 16 would make a big difference for those who play on manual, but imagine 64?!

2. Make the dribbling movements more defined - i'm not talking pes style right-angle turns - but more that every movement of left stick should correspond more directly to a player movement so that dribbling is more pinpoint - most players can move the ball quicker in real life between feet/directions than they can in FIFA.

3. MY BIGGEST ONE - AI. the ai in FIFA is more efficient than in PES i.e. defeneders stay in place, and in midfield players generally make good angles for you to pass to them. BUT, where pes is still some distance ahead is the dynamic moevment of the AI in the attacking third. Put simply, in FIFA most AI runs are left to right as we look at the pitch which means that too many attacks involve a final straight throughball (when not crossing) and then in on goal. See for example wepeelers posts on fifasoccerblog - every goal is a direct, frontal attack on goal.

So if FIFA can advance its AI to the extent that there is more lateral moveemnt of players in attack, then it's on its way to being the definitive football title because this is the only area where it currently lags behind PES.
This game is so beautiful once you have mastered manual passing and custom tactics; recently I created a custom World Cup, using Korea Republic as my team and putting Norway, Argentina, and Ecuador in my group (On World Class, Semi shooting but manual all else). My first game was against Argentina, and I went into the game with a very defensive mindset (as any lower team would do against Argentina) and adjusted my custom tactics accordingly, and went in with a very defensive 4-5-1 with 2 DM's, mentality on full defense. I stopped them for about 50 minutes using this tactic, bringing down my DM's to the box to clog up the midfield and the box as much as I can. This frustrated Argentina enough down the middle for them to elect to go to the wings and cross instead (not typically their forte). Because of this tactic I barely attacked, and had only one shot on goal in the first half. But in about the 60th minute, I finally conceded a header to Aguero, going down 1.

Wanting to come back but still wanting to be careful (since it's a group stage goal differential mattered), I switched to a 4-2-3-1 with medium mentality, with pressure notched up to about 60. I started to press them hard in the midfield, and around the 78th minute, I dispossessed them from the wings, put a cross in which Park Chu Young (of AS Monaco) headed in. 1-1! I was overjoyed, and was satisfied with the tie, so I converted to a 5-4-1 with counter attacking on, full defense mentality. Then around 85th minute, with Argentina attacking fully, I put a lobbed through ball to Park Ji Sung, opening him up for a 1-on-1 which he finished! 2-1!! Argentina got desperate, putting 3 forwards up front, and I kept counter attacking, even drawing a red card out of Heinze on a breakaway I had in the extra time. Game finished 2-1 for me, and I could honestly say that I've never felt a more deserved for a win ever in a sport video game ever. I had pulled off an epic upset, on World class on nearly full manual. Final stats were very realistic: 6 shots with 4 on target for me, 11 shots and 6 on target for Argentina; 46% possession for me and 54% for Argentina; 68% passing completion for me and 84% for Argentina.

I just had to post this (even though this is not the MM thread, well technically it wasn't MM but a tourney) because I've never felt a win feel as epic as this. Greatest thing with manual is that it forces the teams to play realistic ball; if you use a lesser team, you must play like one and adjust your tactics accordingly, not like in WE/PES where you can beat Brazil with China 5-0 on Top Player if you master the game enough. And most of all, when you win on manual, you appreciate your wins a lot more!
No matter how good you get with Semi/Manual, on offline multiplayer with an opponent on Assisted you simply look shite! :((
Major gripe! No trophy celebration:R1 For a company that is known for presntation, how can this not be in? You even select a trophy for the comp but never see it afftaer you win! Why? It's so easy to render celebrations. Sloppy
Skyl1ght, i understand perfecly your ideas...
but i think u must consider that some people like myself, want a diferent experience from the game...
like ive said here before, i want to see stats influencing my game as much as possible... thats SIM for me... if i want something thats all relied on my ability, i go out and play real football. thats why i love manager games so much, and why i loved PES so much too, i can make the same exact shoot with ronaldinho and hyypia for instance, but the outcome will be completely diferent becasue of their stats. and i think with manual or evan semi controls this diference is mostly evaned down, cause it all comes down to your skill, thats not what i play football games for.
bear in mind i dont play online for the same reasosn most here dont, i try to keep my game free from the manuuuu online twats. my multiplayer exeperience is 100% offline with my mates, its great...we feel like the old days playing PES.

1 0n 1 offline is where this games goes from good to brilliant. Bruno, good point bout assists on. Im gonna set it to assist to see the difference.
Major gripe! No trophy celebration:R1 For a company that is known for presntation, how can this not be in? You even select a trophy for the comp but never see it afftaer you win! Why? It's so easy to render celebrations. Sloppy

yeah! it would've helped MM a lil' bit. experiencing this in two consecutive versions suck.
EA could've at least lifted it straight from Euro2008.
This game is so beautiful once you have mastered manual passing and custom tactics; recently I created a custom World Cup, using Korea Republic as my team and putting Norway, Argentina, and Ecuador in my group (On World Class, Semi shooting but manual all else). My first game was against Argentina, and I went into the game with a very defensive mindset (as any lower team would do against Argentina) and adjusted my custom tactics accordingly, and went in with a very defensive 4-5-1 with 2 DM's, mentality on full defense. I stopped them for about 50 minutes using this tactic, bringing down my DM's to the box to clog up the midfield and the box as much as I can. This frustrated Argentina enough down the middle for them to elect to go to the wings and cross instead (not typically their forte). Because of this tactic I barely attacked, and had only one shot on goal in the first half. But in about the 60th minute, I finally conceded a header to Aguero, going down 1.

Wanting to come back but still wanting to be careful (since it's a group stage goal differential mattered), I switched to a 4-2-3-1 with medium mentality, with pressure notched up to about 60. I started to press them hard in the midfield, and around the 78th minute, I dispossessed them from the wings, put a cross in which Park Chu Young (of AS Monaco) headed in. 1-1! I was overjoyed, and was satisfied with the tie, so I converted to a 5-4-1 with counter attacking on, full defense mentality. Then around 85th minute, with Argentina attacking fully, I put a lobbed through ball to Park Ji Sung, opening him up for a 1-on-1 which he finished! 2-1!! Argentina got desperate, putting 3 forwards up front, and I kept counter attacking, even drawing a red card out of Heinze on a breakaway I had in the extra time. Game finished 2-1 for me, and I could honestly say that I've never felt a more deserved for a win ever in a sport video game ever. I had pulled off an epic upset, on World class on nearly full manual. Final stats were very realistic: 6 shots with 4 on target for me, 11 shots and 6 on target for Argentina; 46% possession for me and 54% for Argentina; 68% passing completion for me and 84% for Argentina.

I just had to post this (even though this is not the MM thread, well technically it wasn't MM but a tourney) because I've never felt a win feel as epic as this. Greatest thing with manual is that it forces the teams to play realistic ball; if you use a lesser team, you must play like one and adjust your tactics accordingly, not like in WE/PES where you can beat Brazil with China 5-0 on Top Player if you master the game enough. And most of all, when you win on manual, you appreciate your wins a lot more!

Great post....this is why this game is so hard to put down. Its that "just one more game" factor. The hope that the next game will produce a moment of magic, or just leave you with that warm glow inside.

Maybe for January update Ea can include a trophy celebration.
To a certain extent we can be at a disadvantage but at the same time if none of the 3 players are ANY then that automatically puts them at a disadvantage so it evens itself out.
I'll be on after the football, I'll ask if anyone else will be on.
Major gripe! No trophy celebration:R1 For a company that is known for presntation, how can this not be in? You even select a trophy for the comp but never see it afftaer you win! Why? It's so easy to render celebrations. Sloppy

Totally agree about this. I was very shocked when I finally won a competition to find no celebration. It puts the icing on the cake. Sort it out EA as for the first time ever you have a good football game. :R1
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