FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

I find Manual shooting too hard. I have mine on Semi and I think it is extremely realistic. I don't play too often and learning fully manual takes time.

Sometimes I have my passing on Manual sometimes on Semi.

The thing is Manual will always be alot harder than assisted. Because you have to concentrate alot more on what you are doing.

The fact is, Manual/Semi makes the chances on goal alot more harder and success rate of scoring or putting together nice moves less. Which I think makes it more like real life.

The fact is - We are not forced to play people on Assisted. But we are forced to play people on assisted or not play online. Because it doesn't have the option of choosing Semi/Manual opponent.

I can play people on my friends list - but then they are not on all the time I am on.

Most of the time I just want to load up and play someone online and now I can't because they don't have this option.

I am not saying anything about people using assisted - They can go off and enjoy themselves. But the options to people who don't want to play these people are extremely limited.

This should be rectified!!!
You shouldn't be too hard on people using assisted. Some are playing FIFA every once in a while and they probably don't want to waste time learning how to use manual controls. I bet a lot of them don't even know there are different control settings. And don't forget kids play as well.

The only thing that annoys me are the ones that dominate the top 10,000 and use assisted controls. Assisted shootings give them too much of an advantage. That's why I don't feel guilty when using United, which is the team I support, not because they're (extremely) good in the game. If the opponent chooses a lesser team, then I pick Paris St-Germain.

I'm using manual/semi by the way.
I think ill use manual passes when I get home. Is anyone else having difficulty with Manual Crosses? e.g. it never seems to go exactly where you want it to and it ends up being a rubbish cross? Maybe im not directing the stick well enough.
what do u mean?
that u see more stats influencing more on manual than assisted?
cause this is just an oposite thinking
dunno if u understood what i meant, but what i want is my passes and shots to be determined more for my players atributes than my skill.

I just played a Wigan match on assisted shooting, Mario Melchiot hit a 25 yard left footed drive that he nearly scored from in the top right corner if it hadn't been for a good save, if I'd been using semi/manual a left footed shot by him from distance would have gone high and wide 99% of the time, so it says to me that assisted isn't "using stats for a more sim experience".
I just played a Wigan match on assisted shooting, Mario Melchiot hit a 25 yard left footed drive that he nearly scored from in the top right corner if it hadn't been for a good save, if I'd been using semi/manual a left footed shot by him from distance would have gone high and wide 99% of the time, so it says to me that assisted isn't "using stats for a more sim experience".

Placebo, The only problem with my manual shooting is the stats don't even come into play, corner flags do though... :LOL:

I don't think I've ever played on assisted shooting, gonna have a go tonight...
Placebo, The only problem with my manual shooting is the stats don't even come into play, corner flags do though... :LOL:

I don't think I've ever played on assisted shooting, gonna have a go tonight...

Yeah manual shooting is for masochists I flit between semi/manual shooting but mostly semi, semi shooting is far and away the most balanced choice of gamer skill and player stats IMO.
what do u mean?
that u see more stats influencing more on manual than assisted?
cause this is just an oposite thinking
dunno if u understood what i meant, but what i want is my passes and shots to be determined more for my players atributes than my skill. i see no fun in pulling amazing passes or shoots with players that cant/wouldnt do that in real life, and with manual or semi, depending on your skill level u can definatly make amazing stuff evan with low rated players since the AI wont affect as much in your actions.

on assisted every player is the same.... see placebos post about the 25 yard cracker with melchiot. You cant pull off amazing shots in manual with players with shitty stats... stats still come into play somewhat, but the GAME OVERALL is lacking in this, even with assisted. However on assisted phil neville is kaka with his passing... i dont see how you dont get that... on assisted every player seems to be able to play any pass you want. Now in WE this wasnt the case.. I think WE did a better job of simming player attributes... In manual i think you will see that kaka is better at playing certain passes then neville
I just played a Wigan match on assisted shooting, Mario Melchiot hit a 25 yard left footed drive that he nearly scored from in the top right corner if it hadn't been for a good save, if I'd been using semi/manual a left footed shot by him from distance would have gone high and wide 99% of the time, so it says to me that assisted isn't "using stats for a more sim experience".

I just played a Wigan match on assisted shooting, Mario Melchiot hit a 25 yard left footed drive that he nearly scored from in the top right corner if it hadn't been for a good save, if I'd been using semi/manual a left footed shot by him from distance would have gone high and wide 99% of the time, so it says to me that assisted isn't "using stats for a more sim experience".

but he didnt score right?
thats where im seeing a lot of diference..when i try long range shoots with non-shooting players usually i can hit the goal, but the keeper will save it 99% of the time, where when i give a go with shooters like gerrard or schweinsteiger i can beat them a lot more frequent, seems although the keepers are improved a lot from 08 and euro, they still are a bit super human, they can get to any long range shoots if that ball aint hit as a torpedo or right in the top corner...
there is evan a midle high animation where the keeper jumps/flies so fast that he actually saves the ball with his neck/chest, its really ugly when u see in the replay.
i just think the keepers still save a bit more than they should. i know that if this was toned down, withe the way assisted shooting works now we would have 8x8 games all of the time, but there are other ways to prevent this, such as making assisted shooting a bit less accurate or evan tuning the dificulty level up, so u dont get many clear chances in the macth.
now, u can cleary notice that the keepers still have this issue when u notice the amount of times the AI scores from long range(im talking about long range not just out of the box), i suer to god, ive only seen it once and it was in my first full macth agaisnt, when i saw it i was really happy, but never happened again...the few times they try it my keeper makes easy or super saves...starts to get annoying really.
on assisted every player is the same.... see placebos post about the 25 yard cracker with melchiot. You cant pull off amazing shots in manual with players with shitty stats... stats still come into play somewhat, but the GAME OVERALL is lacking in this, even with assisted. However on assisted phil neville is kaka with his passing... i dont see how you dont get that... on assisted every player seems to be able to play any pass you want. Now in WE this wasnt the case.. I think WE did a better job of simming player attributes... In manual i think you will see that kaka is better at playing certain passes then neville

maybe im too used to assisted and u arent, but i definatly see a lot of diference in players, evan passing... i play mostly with everton, and i can pull of a lot better passes with arteta(his passes are faster and beter aimed it seems), and long range shots with yakubu(hes stats are way overrated in this aspect)
but he didnt score right?
thats where im seeing a lot of diference..when i try long range shoots with non-shooting players usually i can hit the goal, but the keeper will save it 99% of the time, where when i give a go with shooters like gerrard or schweinsteiger i can beat them a lot more frequent, seems although the keepers are improved a lot from 08 and euro, they still are a bit super human, they can get to any long range shoots if that ball aint hit as a torpedo or right in the top corner...
there is evan a midle high animation where the keeper jumps/flies so fast that he actually saves the ball with his neck/chest, its really ugly when u see in the replay.
i just think the keepers still save a bit more than they should. i know that if this was toned down, withe the way assisted shooting works now we would have 8x8 games all of the time, but there are other ways to prevent this, such as making assisted shooting a bit less accurate or evan tuning the dificulty level up, so u dont get many clear chances in the macth.
now, u can cleary notice that the keepers still have this issue when u notice the amount of times the AI scores from long range(im talking about long range not just out of the box), i suer to god, ive only seen it once and it was in my first full macth agaisnt, when i saw it i was really happy, but never happened again...the few times they try it my keeper makes easy or super saves...starts to get annoying really.

I hope they work on the Keeper too, the super saves do get annoying but I can't see how they can adjust it without then getting the score lines you mentioned...
Well, I can safely say that I've gotten used to Manual passing now and I'll probably never go back. :) I've gone down to World Class again on almost full manual settings (except shooting, which I find way too erratic, not realistic at all and just limiting yourself in a silly way), and still winning consistently, though the games are much more challenging now and I have to be a lot more focused each time I have the ball. Several things I've noticed are:

- I use manual through pass a LOT. These seem to be more accurate than normal pass most of the time and it's better especially at an angle. Normal passing works well enough horizontally and vertically so that's when I use it, like another user suggested earlier.

- Because of increased margin of error, I now have to be a lot slower in building up attacks, which is enabling me to retain possession more and making the gameplay more realistic. I found this game too fast on slow settings in the first place anyway (when I was on semi passing), so this slows it down to the pace I like. This also makes me utilize the wings a lot more, whereas before I'd mainly attack through the center of the pitch, again making the gameplay a lot more realistic.

- It could just be me, but does playing manual also seem to effect defensive abilities somehow to any of you guys? I'm finding it harder to tackle and dispossess the ball from the AI now and it almost seems like the tackling is fully manual also. Of course I can still defend very well but now I feel that I have to be much more smarter about it. It could also be the fact that I am giving away the ball a lot more now, effectively giving them the ball in more dangerous areas...

- Another side effect seems to be that the number of fouls seems to have gone down. This probably has to do with the fact that I'm building up my attacks a lot slower, compared to before when I was probably building up attacks way too fast for the AI to keep up (resulting in them hacking me down a LOT). There's still enough fouls though, so it's alright.

Well, so count me in as another convert. I'll probably never go back to playing semi/assisted passing now.
if u tone up the game dificult ull get a lot less goal chances no?
specially clear goal chances...thats the solution imo.
Yes that's the way to go for sure but it's the hardest part of every football Sim, I'd love to have it on a sliding scale if it was possible.
Unfortunately upping the AI level seems to go hand in hand with implementing annoying little AI 'aids' for want of a better term...
Yeah manual shooting is for masochists I flit between semi/manual shooting but mostly semi, semi shooting is far and away the most balanced choice of gamer skill and player stats IMO.

I find it very hard to justify why anyone should use manual shooting at all, it's as unrealistic as assisted IMO. Only reason anyone should use it to be as a way to make the game more difficult for oneself, and even then it is not worth the frustration. Semi shooting is perfect and is probably the best shooting system I've ever used in a footie game (except for the ridiculous amount of times you hit the post).
i will admit that semi shooting would be the way to go for me if i had a 360...
it is necessary to use the analog for semi(and manual)
since i only play on the ps3 i cannot use the analog stick of the dualschock in a tense game like football...

this and the impression of many people here saying the 360 version is more polished and such keeps me wanting to get a 360 again :(
K-19 manual passing is the way to go, come back when you have mastered manual shooting and give us all a master class or ten... :APPLAUD:
I agree with the woodwork, I hit about three a game on average...

Haha, I'll probably never use manual shooting against the AI ever again, but if I ever play online again (without Xbox live gold membership ATM) then I wouldn't mind using it as part of full manual game in which case it'll be a fair match. Against the AI it's just way too frustrating to see them hit the target over and over again with ease whereas you have to labour through even a tap in. Not realistic at all. If EA keeps the semi shooting the way it is next year and tone down the number of times you hit the post (and maybe adjust it so that you score a long ranger just a tad more), then I'll be a very happy man.

As for the whole assisted passing debate, there is two points I want to bring up.

- Semi passing is as nearly as easy! And it at least gives the player some degree of mistake if you are not careful, so it's more fair that way. So why not use that instead of assisted?

- And my biggest gripe with assisted passing: HOW THE HECK DOES ANYONE FIND THAT KIND OF GAME SPEED ACCEPTABLE? Assisted passing makes every game go at a super speed, which results in pinball passing which I cannot stand speed wise. It's actually stressful for my eyes with the speed it's going at. In 08 it was acceptable to deal with since game speed was much slower, but with increased speed of 09 it's just plain unplayable IMO.

One final note random note... does anyone find overhead kicks a little TOO common with semi/manual crossing? I've already scored 6 overhead kicks in this game (check my latest one in the video thread :D ), which is more overhead kicks than I've had in my entire WE/PES career (and I've been playing every single one since WE3, folks). It looks absolutely wonderful and I still jump out of my seat when I score one, but it's honestly something you'll see once or twice amongst every team in the league during the whole season and I've had 3 already this season alone, with one team. I guess EA really focused on the flashiness with this one, that's my only explanation... (I scored 0 overheads with 08, actually...)
since i only play on the ps3 i cannot use the analog stick of the dualschock in a tense game like football...

It sounds like you find yourself accidentaly pressing the d pad when shooting, it happens to me too.
It sounds like you find yourself accidentaly pressing the d pad when shooting, it happens to me too.

that has happened yeh! :LOL:
but my biggest gripes are with the position of the analog(not meant to be the main controler) and with the sensitivty of it, i feel it has a lot less "directions" than the 360 one.
I think ill use manual passes when I get home. Is anyone else having difficulty with Manual Crosses? e.g. it never seems to go exactly where you want it to and it ends up being a rubbish cross? Maybe im not directing the stick well enough.

Hey I played against a guy called DJDOCPSX on the ps3 a few weeks ago and he quit on me when I was winning. Was that you?
If all he cares about is gameplay then why is he moaning then as if MANUAL is not included in it. its their, he can use it!

Its not otthers fault or problem that most like playing assist plus like i said in the chatbox, if i mastered manual and can play as good as in assist, i would not care weather my opponent plays on assis as i can easily pass and shoot just like him so again where is the cheating and the so called advantage that an assist has?

Read my last paragrath

So your saying everyone who plays on assist are 14 year old kids? thats generelizing talk right their

Again am i and any assisted players stopping u from playing on manual? the answer is a big fat NO mate

All this talk about how easy it is on assist is over the top mate. You and Tim make it sound as if assisted players DONT need to use the dpad/stick AT all when playing. you guys think that shooting and passing will magicaly direct itself all the time LOL without no direction or aim.

i wish you or any MANUAL player can come to my house and show me how to pass the ball to whoever i want without the need to aim and to also show me how to score a goal by just pressing the shoot button with no aim also. i would like to learn that technique hehe;)

I honestly dont feel a need to respond to this. You're blatantly clutching at straws and STILL dont get what we're on about. Stop talking about the advantage this advantage that...if you can't see that assisted DOES give an unfair advantage, in allowing the player to ping pong it down the field with no errors, then I dont know how to make you see what I and many others mean. The advantage lies in the fact that on manual, passes need to be powered up, whereas on assisted a simple button tap will suffice. And No, I didnt say that everyone on assisted are 14 year old kids - if you read my post properly, you'll see that i said that the majority either are, or are mature gamers unaware that a manual option exists.

And yes, it does magically direct. If I am trying to pass to a player North-East of me (on the screen), and I hold North-West (and no-one is around - hes on the wing by himself), it will ping right at him on assisted. On manual, you'll kick it out of bounds and curse yourself for not aiming where you want the ball to go. Realistic. No argument.
I honestly dont feel a need to respond to this. You're blatantly clutching at straws and STILL dont get what we're on about. Stop talking about the advantage this advantage that...if you can't see that assisted DOES give an unfair advantage, in allowing the player to ping pong it down the field with no errors, then I dont know how to make you see what I and many others mean. The advantage lies in the fact that on manual, passes need to be powered up, whereas on assisted a simple button tap will suffice. And No, I didnt say that everyone on assisted are 14 year old kids - if you read my post properly, you'll see that i said that the majority either are, or are mature gamers unaware that a manual option exists.

And yes, it does magically direct. If I am trying to pass to a player North-East of me (on the screen), and I hold North-West (and no-one is around - hes on the wing by himself), it will ping right at him on assisted. On manual, you'll kick it out of bounds and curse yourself for not aiming where you want the ball to go. Realistic. No argument.
You still dont understand what im on about. if you have mastered manual and play it like u can on assist then their is no advantage as you can ping pong the bal just like an assisted player.

it doesnt magical direct a pass when for example your facing north and wanna pass the ball south!

Also, given by your example, say if you have a player north east and north west with you being inbetween the two players at north position, pressing X randomly pics one of the players to pass to and most of the time it DOESNT pic the right option. you still need to give it a little direction ie face one of the players at least before you pass the ball.

im not denying that manual is not ralistic, nore am i saying assist is harder then manual. all im saying is that assist requires some skill to be good at it and to pass and shoot properly. yes you can shoot on target most of the time and yes your passes will go to a player directly most of the time BUT your shot doesnt always beat the goalie and go in AND your passes doesnt magicaly go to the intended player with no direction all the time.

You sir dont understand what im on about. read this post carefuly mate and stop moaning on people using assist because their is NOTHING wrong with it and its not cheating :LOL:

advantage? only if you suck at Manual and still learning it ;)
Skyl1ght, i understand perfecly your ideas...
but i think u must consider that some people like myself, want a diferent experience from the game...
like ive said here before, i want to see stats influencing my game as much as possible... thats SIM for me... if i want something thats all relied on my ability, i go out and play real football. thats why i love manager games so much, and why i loved PES so much too, i can make the same exact shoot with ronaldinho and hyypia for instance, but the outcome will be completely diferent becasue of their stats. and i think with manual or evan semi controls this diference is mostly evaned down, cause it all comes down to your skill, thats not what i play football games for.
bear in mind i dont play online for the same reasosn most here dont, i try to keep my game free from the manuuuu online twats. my multiplayer exeperience is 100% offline with my mates, its great...we feel like the old days playing PES.

I understand your arguments, and I also agree with you
for me stats should also have an important part in the game
it should feel different when playing differnt players
I am only not so sure, why this should count more for assisted than for manual
You shouldn't be too hard on people using assisted. Some are playing FIFA every once in a while and they probably don't want to waste time learning how to use manual controls. I bet a lot of them don't even know there are different control settings. And don't forget kids play as well.

The only thing that annoys me are the ones that dominate the top 10,000 and use assisted controls. Assisted shootings give them too much of an advantage. That's why I don't feel guilty when using United, which is the team I support, not because they're (extremely) good in the game. If the opponent chooses a lesser team, then I pick Paris St-Germain.

I'm using manual/semi by the way.

you're right, assisted is also a way to play, and I accept that there are people that like it that way, especially those who you mentioned
BUT I think what we are all p.... of is the fact, that online is being pushed towards fully assisted because it gives you an advantage

I have an suggestion that might set up a lot people: in ranked games semi is the maximum assist you can use
think about it: if you like to go really serious into FIFA and playing ranked games, then it should be expected that you learn and know the controls
there is nothing wrong about people the play once in a while, kids,... using assisted controls, but those playing 1000+ matches should show their skill
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