FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

whats the deal with playing in assist? its perfectly fine :)

Manual is god awful hard. i tried it a few weeks and just diddnt have fun playing on manual.assist FTW :APPLAUD::D

assisted is not fine, it's crap that should be taken out of the game completely, at least in online games

i agree that manual is hard, especially when it comes to shooting and crossing, so semi would be fine with me as well

but manual is a complete different game
it feels more realistic and opens way more situations

I am sick of those perfect assisted passes to Ronaldo and scoring goals without any skill, just pressing the shoot button

yesterday , I played against a guy from the thread i posted above, and it was the most enjoying online game ever
forget about randoms and also try to choose lower league teams

have you seriously played football in real life? where are your assisted controls there?
as you said: "not only do u have to place the pass/shot properly, u also have to take note of the power of the shot/pass too!"
that's how it works
assisted is not fine, it's crap that should be taken out of the game completely, at least in online games

i agree that manual is hard, especially when it comes to shooting and crossing, so semi would be fine with me as well

but manual is a complete different game
it feels more realistic and opens way more situations

I am sick of those perfect assisted passes to Ronaldo and scoring goals without any skill, just pressing the shoot button

yesterday , I played against a guy from the thread i posted above, and it was the most enjoying online game ever
forget about randoms and also try to choose lower league teams

have you seriously played football in real life? where are your assisted controls there?
as you said: "not only do u have to place the pass/shot properly, u also have to take note of the power of the shot/pass too!"
that's how it works

well that doesnt appeal to most people mate. manual is shit on a control pad. like i said, i tried it for 3 weeks straight and just diddnt have fun playing with manual. i couldnt pass for shit or shoot as well. absolute rubbish.

if you dont like people playing auto THEN DONT PLAY AGAINTS THEM. simple!!! their is a bloody option to force both players to play on manual for peets sakes.

i bet that most people in the x360 evo web league play on assist. learn how to deal with it mate and stop moaning about assist this and assist that. its not as if people who play on assist are forcing you to bloody play on assist too! its not cheating if thats what u think!

take forza and GT5P. people dont complain when people drive with aids on. infact, most of the manual drivers who play with no assist beat the people who play on assist.

The day i see a fifa game have just manual controls is the day me and MANY other users will stop playing fifa. its just NOT fun on manual in most peoples opinions.

in a nutshell, stop moaning and crying about people who play on assist, go play on assist so its an "even" game or go practise more on manual so it is like your playing on assist
No Jonney I have FIFA on the 360 mate. I had some issues with the PS3 version when I had it. 1 It looked rougher round the edges compared to the 360 version, 2 it seemed to have more slowdown which affected the gameplay a bit too much for my liking and 3 I tried to play it online, Lag + Slowdown = an awful experience. Played it on the 360 with some guys from here and silky smooth is the word I would use :)

Also I do partially agree with you on the comparison to FORZA and GT5.FIFA wouldnt be too much fun if everything was on manual and you spent most of your time trying to recover from mis placed passes all the time. However a HardCore Footy Sim player would love that ;)
well that doesnt appeal to most people mate. manual is shit on a control pad. like i said, i tried it for 3 weeks straight and just diddnt have fun playing with manual. i couldnt pass for shit or shoot as well. absolute rubbish.

if you dont like people playing auto THEN DONT PLAY AGAINTS THEM. simple!!! their is a bloody option to force both players to play on manual for peets sakes.

i bet that most people in the x360 evo web league play on assist. learn how to deal with it mate and stop moaning about assist this and assist that. its not as if people who play on assist are forcing you to bloody play on assist too! its not cheating if thats what u think!

take forza and GT5P. people dont complain when people drive with aids on. infact, most of the manual drivers who play with no assist beat the people who play on assist.

The day i see a fifa game have just manual controls is the day me and MANY other users will stop playing fifa. its just NOT fun on manual in most peoples opinions.

in a nutshell, stop moaning and crying about people who play on assist, go play on assist so its an "even" game or go practise more on manual so it is like your playing on assist

like I said, I can understand, if manual is too hard for most of the people, but semi shouldn't

what's the problem with passing on manual?

not playing against people with assisted controls is also the conclusion I came to, good that we agree on that
have you ever tried to find a game with forced manual setting?
well I rarely find one, and therefore I pointed to a thread where you can fill your friendlist with other people that want to play on manual
nothing wrong here, is it?

of course most of the people in leagues and in ranked games play with all assists, because they give you an advantage over your opponent

about your comparision of forza and gt5p: the situation there is completely contrary, because you get faster when turning of the assists
in FIFA the disadvantges because of more error potential are a lot higher than the advantages of more freedom in your play when trying to play competitive against a good player with all assists

I am not saying it is not possible to win with manual against assisted, because I did it, and it's very rewarding, but try to play consistently agains all assisted ManU players and tell me it's more fun

I wonder how you would know most peoples opinion, but even if they don't like manual, I don't like to compare myself to Top 100 ranked players with 1000+ games, ManU vs. Barcelona on all assists

I think most of them use assisted because it gives them a higher chance of winning
I use manual/semi because I care about enjoying the gameplay
Skyl1ght, i understand perfecly your ideas...
but i think u must consider that some people like myself, want a diferent experience from the game...
like ive said here before, i want to see stats influencing my game as much as possible... thats SIM for me... if i want something thats all relied on my ability, i go out and play real football. thats why i love manager games so much, and why i loved PES so much too, i can make the same exact shoot with ronaldinho and hyypia for instance, but the outcome will be completely diferent becasue of their stats. and i think with manual or evan semi controls this diference is mostly evaned down, cause it all comes down to your skill, thats not what i play football games for.
bear in mind i dont play online for the same reasosn most here dont, i try to keep my game free from the manuuuu online twats. my multiplayer exeperience is 100% offline with my mates, its great...we feel like the old days playing PES.
if you dont like people playing auto THEN DONT PLAY AGAINTS THEM. simple!!! their is a bloody option to force both players to play on manual for peets sakes.

This is the thing - it doesn't force people to be on Manual. It just looks for others on manual. Which you can never find, because most people have a mix of semi and manual if they do not use assisted.

So It is impossible to find a random to play - this is where the frustration is. If they just put in an option to find people that used just Manual and Semi together - then I would have no problem at all.

The way they have it now - you are forced to play with whoever comes up and 99% of the time they are on all assisted and choose the top teams.

manual is shit on a control pad. like i said, i tried it for 3 weeks straight and just diddnt have fun playing with manual. i couldnt pass for shit or shoot as well. absolute rubbish.
I think what you actually mean is that you are shit on manual. Manual is manual, so if you're misplacing passes or having shots off target, then it's you that's to blame, nothing else.

I don't buy any of this bullshit where people say "there's only 8/16 directions to pass in as that's the controller axis", it's complete rubbish. Passes go where you tell them to go, I always use manual passing in our Evo Web Clubs games and I play some awesome passes a through balls, ask my team-mates.
I think what you actually mean is that you are shit on manual. Manual is manual, so if you're misplacing passes or having shots off target, then it's you that's to blame, nothing else.

I don't buy any of this bullshit where people say "there's only 8/16 directions to pass in as that's the controller axis", it's complete rubbish. Passes go where you tell them to go, I always use manual passing in our Evo Web Clubs games and I play some awesome passes a through balls, ask my team-mates.

it is the case with the d-pad(PS3)...
which i use
Not being funny mate, but no wonder you can't pass properly on manual if you're using the d-pad!

yeh i know this...
thats why i play with assists...i like playing PES style, like i mentioned before, i want players stats to influence if ill miss or not passes and shots more than my own skill
i know this aint what the majority of players like, but thats how my "boat floats", it has aways been, since WE3 :LOL:
I think what you actually mean is that you are shit on manual. Manual is manual, so if you're misplacing passes or having shots off target, then it's you that's to blame, nothing else.

I don't buy any of this bullshit where people say "there's only 8/16 directions to pass in as that's the controller axis", it's complete rubbish. Passes go where you tell them to go, I always use manual passing in our Evo Web Clubs games and I play some awesome passes a through balls, ask my team-mates.

well i will echo what i said the chatbox. given by your assumption that passing on manual when mastered properly is better then assist gives me the impression that playing on manual is a ADVANTAGE over someone passing the ball on assist.

why? because from what you have said earlier on, you can pick the right pass easily(which i like) but in assist it sometimes doesnt pick the right pass.

Also in shooting, its actualy better to play on manual/semi because again, like many manual users have said, you can place your shots wherever you want it to go whilst in assist you cant, you just press either left or right and shoot and 9/10 from MY experience the keeper always saves it.

it a nutshell, a person who has mastered manual has an advanatage over someone who plays on assist.
Yeah, I agree (shockingly), with what you're saying there, and say it was a game between two Evo Webbers, one on manual v one on assisted, I would have some advantages being on manual, and you would have some being on assisted, i've always said they are good and bad in different ways.

BUT, when playing against random people online, i.e. quick ranked match, you just get complete dickheads who have no skill whatsoever, just picking Man Utd, Barca, Inter, etc, and all their controls are on assisted and all they do is 4 passes, and then shoot. Every attack that is all it consists of. And sadly they get rewarded for this, because 9/10 shots are on target, and 6/10 shots go in.
well that doesnt appeal to most people mate. manual is shit on a control pad. like i said, i tried it for 3 weeks straight and just diddnt have fun playing with manual. i couldnt pass for shit or shoot as well. absolute rubbish.

i bet that most people in the x360 evo web league play on assist. learn how to deal with it mate and stop moaning about assist this and assist that. its not as if people who play on assist are forcing you to bloody play on assist too! its not cheating if thats what u think!

take forza and GT5P. people dont complain when people drive with aids on. infact, most of the manual drivers who play with no assist beat the people who play on assist.

The day i see a fifa game have just manual controls is the day me and MANY other users will stop playing fifa. its just NOT fun on manual in most peoples opinions.

in a nutshell, stop moaning and crying about people who play on assist, go play on assist so its an "even" game or go practise more on manual so it is like your playing on assist


Skylight, you are completely 100% right, and jonney, you misunderstand what the argument is about. Skylight said that he doesn't care about having an even, close or competitive game - he only cares about the gameplay. And Honestly, mate - if you do play all assisted with manu (or anyone in fact) - how is this game ANY different to the entire PES series or our football gaming experiences so far? Real advances in football simulations simply cannot be made when the players controlling it are doing things inherently unrealistic - manual is obviously the way forward.

if you dont like people playing auto THEN DONT PLAY AGAINTS THEM. simple!!! their is a bloody option to force both players to play on manual for peets sakes.

Misses the point. Skylight is pissed because doing this results in finding no-one with all manual settings, and if he doesnt have fun playing against auto manu ppl, he is left with no online aspect of the game, like me. Effectively, we should be paying half price for our purchase.

It IS cheating. Its called an aimbot in an FPS game. Of course, the game doesnt shoot for you (well some do...), so it is still in your control. Assisted shooting, for example, is identical - it aims for you - it is your decision to shoot. Its like forza navigating the corners for you, and all you have to decide is when to brake and accelerate.

People dont find manual fun because gaming is so high-profile nowadays that the people who do are very much in the minority. Unfortunately, 14 year old kids dont have the attention span, intelligence or patience to play well on manual, and the majority of people you meet online fit this description to a T. They want a throw-away game where Ronaldo is god, the achievements are easy and they can trade it in next week for Viva Pinata.

The fact that you couldn't pass or shoot for shit shows that, really, you fall in this group. You might not be 14, and you may well be intelligent, but real football players who want to realistically emulate their actions in the game (and do NOT want to win necessarily) would make the effort you clearly have not. Honestly, wheres the fun in winning online if you know that all you did what hold speed burst and then power up a shot? I certainly dont see it. The people who play on assisted are, as I have found playing online, unaware that a manual option exists (and are quite often more than willing to switch if they are above the age of 16), or the type of people who fall asleep watching a real match but then have fits over the highlights.

Rant over.
I've only had a 360 for a little over a year now and i have to say, it's a bit tricky getting used to the sticks in a footy game. It's annoying you can't practice in the arena with the side camera (match style) ie not behind the player. My dribbling needs work too. I'll often be in a good attacking situation, then a flick of the right stick and i've knocked it off course and lost possession. :CURSE: I believe holding the LT helps control it a bit better when using the right stick.

Consequently my manual shooting is pretty dire, as it's such a fine angle you need to use on the left stick to get it on target. So i can often dominate play with loads of shots, but miss a lot. I feel like Florent Malouda.

Then the opposition have one shot and score, lol. :BRICK:

Oh and i use rubbish teams too, which probably doesn't help my cause :D
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Skylight, you are completely 100% right, and jonney, you misunderstand what the argument is about. Skylight said that he doesn't care about having an even, close or competitive game - he only cares about the gameplay. And Honestly, mate - if you do play all assisted with manu (or anyone in fact) - how is this game ANY different to the entire PES series or our football gaming experiences so far? Real advances in football simulations simply cannot be made when the players controlling it are doing things inherently unrealistic - manual is obviously the way forward.

If all he cares about is gameplay then why is he moaning then as if MANUAL is not included in it. its their, he can use it!

Misses the point. Skylight is pissed because doing this results in finding no-one with all manual settings, and if he doesnt have fun playing against auto manu ppl, he is left with no online aspect of the game, like me. Effectively, we should be paying half price for our purchase.

Its not otthers fault or problem that most like playing assist plus like i said in the chatbox, if i mastered manual and can play as good as in assist, i would not care weather my opponent plays on assis as i can easily pass and shoot just like him so again where is the cheating and the so called advantage that an assist has?

It IS cheating. Its called an aimbot in an FPS game. Of course, the game doesnt shoot for you (well some do...), so it is still in your control. Assisted shooting, for example, is identical - it aims for you - it is your decision to shoot. Its like forza navigating the corners for you, and all you have to decide is when to brake and accelerate.

Read my last paragrath

People dont find manual fun because gaming is so high-profile nowadays that the people who do are very much in the minority. Unfortunately, 14 year old kids dont have the attention span, intelligence or patience to play well on manual, and the majority of people you meet online fit this description to a T. They want a throw-away game where Ronaldo is god, the achievements are easy and they can trade it in next week for Viva Pinata.

So your saying everyone who plays on assist are 14 year old kids? thats generelizing talk right their

The fact that you couldn't pass or shoot for shit shows that, really, you fall in this group. You might not be 14, and you may well be intelligent, but real football players who want to realistically emulate their actions in the game (and do NOT want to win necessarily) would make the effort you clearly have not. Honestly, wheres the fun in winning online if you know that all you did what hold speed burst and then power up a shot? I certainly dont see it. The people who play on assisted are, as I have found playing online, unaware that a manual option exists (and are quite often more than willing to switch if they are above the age of 16), or the type of people who fall asleep watching a real match but then have fits over the highlights.

Again am i and any assisted players stopping u from playing on manual? the answer is a big fat NO mate

All this talk about how easy it is on assist is over the top mate. You and Tim make it sound as if assisted players DONT need to use the dpad/stick AT all when playing. you guys think that shooting and passing will magicaly direct itself all the time LOL without no direction or aim.

i wish you or any MANUAL player can come to my house and show me how to pass the ball to whoever i want without the need to aim and to also show me how to score a goal by just pressing the shoot button with no aim also. i would like to learn that technique hehe;)
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What we mean is that you don't need to be precise and aim the ball exactly where you want it. If I'm on manual and want to play a nice ball to my winger, I judge the situation and look at how much pace i need on the ball and what angle to play the ball at, then play it. All you do is aim in the general direction of the player and either tap A or hold A.
What we mean is that you don't need to be precise and aim the ball exactly where you want it. If I'm on manual and want to play a nice ball to my winger, I judge the situation and look at how much pace i need on the ball and what angle to play the ball at, then play it. All you do is aim in the general direction of the player and either tap A or hold A.
their is no denying that assist is easier then manual but you and others are making such a big fuss about assist players that any neutral will get the impression that they dont even need to direct the pass/shot on assist.

i just dont understand why u guys keep moaning about it as if you yourself are forced to play on assist. suck it up, play againts people who only play manual and respect people who play on assist and stop call them 14 year old kids with no inteligence of football
Because we are forced to play people on assisted! Do you not bother reading other people's posts jonney?! We've been saying to you for ages that the only option searchable is all manual v all manual, which is extremely rare and you're never going to find, if they add the semi to the searches and let you search by each category, so you could say you wanted to find someone who had semi or manual shooting and semi or manual passing then it wouldn't be such a problem. But hardly any players are on FULLY manual for EVERY setting.
Because we are forced to play people on assisted! Do you not bother reading other people's posts jonney?! We've been saying to you for ages that the only option searchable is all manual v all manual, which is extremely rare and you're never going to find, if they add the semi to the searches and let you search by each category, so you could say you wanted to find someone who had semi or manual shooting and semi or manual passing then it wouldn't be such a problem. But hardly any players are on FULLY manual for EVERY setting.

But playing someone on assisted is more or less like playing againts someone who is a master an manual plus this is the first time anyone has said about the search options too given by what i have read in the last few pages of this.

you are not forced to play againts an assisted player. go play againts your mate cw or any other player here who uses manual or make a list of people who play on manual and stop the crying and moaning about it. not the assisted players fault that their is no option to define the control difficulties in this game. its ea's fault. moan at them and stop making it look as if assisted is a piss easy affair that requires no skill and that a newborn baby can beat u on assisted.

you guys love to over exaturate things:APPLAUD:
Skyl1ght, i understand perfecly your ideas...
but i think u must consider that some people like myself, want a diferent experience from the game...
like ive said here before, i want to see stats influencing my game as much as possible... thats SIM for me... if i want something thats all relied on my ability, i go out and play real football. thats why i love manager games so much, and why i loved PES so much too, i can make the same exact shoot with ronaldinho and hyypia for instance, but the outcome will be completely diferent becasue of their stats. and i think with manual or evan semi controls this diference is mostly evaned down, cause it all comes down to your skill, thats not what i play football games for.
bear in mind i dont play online for the same reasosn most here dont, i try to keep my game free from the manuuuu online twats. my multiplayer exeperience is 100% offline with my mates, its great...we feel like the old days playing PES.
i disagree completley, the lesser players faults come out even more in manual
But playing someone on assisted is more or less like playing againts someone who is a master an manual plus this is the first time anyone has said about the search options too given by what i have read in the last few pages of this.

you are not forced to play againts an assisted player. go play againts your mate cw or any other player here who uses manual or make a list of people who play on manual and stop the crying and moaning about it. not the assisted players fault that their is no option to define the control difficulties in this game. its ea's fault. moan at them and stop making it look as if assisted is a piss easy affair that requires no skill and that a newborn baby can beat u on assisted.

you guys love to over exaturate things:APPLAUD:
assisted is way to easy, it takes no skill to ping around the ball and sprint with your forwards.. none
i gotta say that playing 1v1 online is starting to get to me now due to the fact that most use fully assists. I play a mixture of semi and assist. Semi passing/shooting/crossing/thru pass....ass lob. Games are like pinball and i get beat by players with half the ability i have. Every one on one with my keeper ends up a goal etc. Just not fun. We really do need a semi search to be included. Or a max star rating.
i disagree completley, the lesser players faults come out even more in manual

what do u mean?
that u see more stats influencing more on manual than assisted?
cause this is just an oposite thinking
dunno if u understood what i meant, but what i want is my passes and shots to be determined more for my players atributes than my skill. i see no fun in pulling amazing passes or shoots with players that cant/wouldnt do that in real life, and with manual or semi, depending on your skill level u can definatly make amazing stuff evan with low rated players since the AI wont affect as much in your actions.
assisted is way to easy, it takes no skill to ping around the ball and sprint with your forwards.. none

i gotta say that playing 1v1 online is starting to get to me now due to the fact that most use fully assists. I play a mixture of semi and assist. Semi passing/shooting/crossing/thru pass....ass lob. Games are like pinball and i get beat by players with half the ability i have. Every one on one with my keeper ends up a goal etc. Just not fun. We really do need a semi search to be included. Or a max star rating.
Welcome aboard guys :SAL:.

Jonney I used to play on assisted and it just takes the fucking piss with how easy it is. All it basically is, is a connect the dots puzzle :LOL:.

CB ---> CM ---> RM ---> CF ---> GOAL

Welcome aboard guys :SAL:.

Jonney I used to play on assisted and it just takes the fucking piss with how easy it is. All it basically is, is a connect the dots puzzle :LOL:.

CB ---> CM ---> RM ---> CF ---> GOAL

Time to try fully manual Passes then I reckon. Next question to put to you guys is Shooting. how do you find it? Also what setting do you use? I use Semi Assisted because I find Manual just too hard. I miss too many easy chances.
Welcome aboard guys :SAL:.

Jonney I used to play on assisted and it just takes the fucking piss with how easy it is. All it basically is, is a connect the dots puzzle :LOL:.

CB ---> CM ---> RM ---> CF ---> GOAL


just out of curiosity, is there any diference between playing assisted and playing PES in your opinion, i mean, did u also had this simplist "CB ---> CM ---> RM ---> CF ---> GOAL" judgement of PES too?
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