FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Is it me or are proper stepovers (think PES R2 button) not in the game?
I've tried with several appropriate players with no success.

I don't think I've seen anyone do them in any of my games.
ok ok i love when im wrong about a game. BUT ONCE YOU MASTER MANUAL CONTROLS, this game is bliss. I was so pissed off for so long, but now i get it. What i do is use manual thru pass ALOT, especially for quick passes between players close togetehr and especially at ANGLES. normal passing is tough with angles so i usually do those only horizontally or vertically on the pitch. The game really is great once you learn how to manually pass. My next mission is to learn how to manual cross. Here are my settings

passing manual
thru ball manual
shooting semi
crossing assist
lobbed thru ball assist
I'm glad you're enjoying it and have got more used to manual passing, only do you see the full greatness of this game when you go manual :).

I'd just say though, if you can use manual passing then you should be able to use manual long passes too, they are very good for playing defence-splitting passes. Semi crossing isn't that hard either and leads to more variety and gives you a bit more control.
ok ok i love when im wrong about a game. BUT ONCE YOU MASTER MANUAL CONTROLS, this game is bliss. I was so pissed off for so long, but now i get it. What i do is use manual thru pass ALOT, especially for quick passes between players close togetehr and especially at ANGLES. normal passing is tough with angles so i usually do those only horizontally or vertically on the pitch. The game really is great once you learn how to manually pass. My next mission is to learn how to manual cross. Here are my settings

passing manual
thru ball manual
shooting semi
crossing assist
lobbed thru ball assist

That has been my main gripe when I have been attempting to go full manual, the damn angles which is way too precise (especially on 360). Whether it is manual shooting or manual passing, the game is a little too unforgiving when it comes to aiming in diagonal angles on manual. This is why I find semi setting perfect, as it is more forgiving in that respect (and you can still screw up in semi if you are mindless about it). But the game has become slightly too easy on semi also, so I'm thinking of giving it more time on manual and try to master it. I'll try using through pass more on angles, thanks for the tip.

Semi or manual crossing I find easy, that tip earlier about making a quarter circle motion towards your target really makes the difference.
I've got manual crossing down really nice. Manual shooting is damn near impossible to master though. This what I appreciate about EA, the fact that they gave us this options to suit our style and raise it to the next level if we'd like. Thanks EA!
I really don't think that thing about tilting the stick on crosses works, maybe it's just me.
Could you explain in detail what you do to make it work?

Where do I aim initially, how much to I rotate the stick, when do I rotate it etc.

Manual double tap crosses are quality :) Firing them across the face of goal causes a lot of trouble and even some own goals.
the CPU cheat almost every time in world class and above. I'm getting sick with this game now. sigh. it's a nice game if you're against Liverpool or Man U, but against Wolves, i had no chance,2-0 before half time. with both header goal,with a perfect, i mean FUCKING PERFECT crosses,that land on their striker forehead EVERY SINGLE TIME! and it went in the goal like 8/10. that's bullshit. this game similar with pes in this department,Cheating CPU!
oh well,i guess no footie game for me this year. :(
the CPU cheat almost every time in world class and above. I'm getting sick with this game now. sigh. it's a nice game if you're against Liverpool or Man U, but against Wolves, i had no chance,2-0 before half time. with both header goal,with a perfect, i mean FUCKING PERFECT crosses,that land on their striker forehead EVERY SINGLE TIME! and it went in the goal like 8/10. that's bullshit. this game similar with pes in this department,Cheating CPU!
oh well,i guess no footie game for me this year. :(

With proper defense and proper personnel, the cross -> headers are easy enough to prevent. The problem with defending headers on World Class and above is that it depends so much on the players' height, strength, balance and headers stats, and the tendency for the AI to find the matchup that is favourable to them, like matching up their tall forwards with your smallest wingbacks in the box. Back when I was still using Neville and Evra as wingbacks the AI would ALWAYS expose them since they were small and of low strength, and they'd NEVER win aerial balls. After I acquired Chimbonda and Riise (who aren't exactly top class wingbacks but bigger, stronger ones adept in the air) they scored a lot less on headers. So my best advice on the personnel front would be to get the strongest, tallest wingbacks that you can. And of course the centerbacks too, but they should already be strong/tall enough.

Also, are you defending it properly in regards to the control scheme? When you defend the crosses from the wings, make sure you running jockey them to close off the space as much as possible, preventing the cross in the first place. When they do get a cross in, you need to be tapping the clearance button AS SOON AS THE BALL LEAVES THEIR FEET. Any later and AI will beat you to the header every time. Timing is very precise, so play around with it a bit, you'll eventually find it. This is for headers anywhere in the field; start tapping the button as soon as the ball leaves their feet, whether its a long ball up the field, cross, or whatever. After that, it will all come down to how the height and strength/header stats match up... the one with the higher stat in those categories will win almost 95% of the balls.

I almost never allow header goals by the AI anymore. With my tall, strong defensive line and the control method above, my defenders always beat them to the cross or at least challenge them enough so that the header goes harmlessly high/wide or into the keeper.
I really don't think that thing about tilting the stick on crosses works, maybe it's just me.
Could you explain in detail what you do to make it work?

Where do I aim initially, how much to I rotate the stick, when do I rotate it etc.

Manual double tap crosses are quality :) Firing them across the face of goal causes a lot of trouble and even some own goals.

What I do, let's say I'm going from left to right, is to have the stick pointing to the right as I'm charging the cross bar. As the bar is charging, I'd do a quick quarter circle to up then keep it held at up until the cross is released. This makes a nice, curvy cross which can evade the defenders better and give you a better chance at putting the header onto the net, provided that the power is right. On semi it is slightly more consistent as it is designed to be guided into the back or front post, but it works well enough on manual too I find.

Edit: I know it's not the video thread, but here's my latest goal for the sake of an example... coming from a quality cross.

Note the manual through pass to start it all off (How can I live without thee!), then Berbatov sending in a quality swerving cross using the method I mentioned above then Rooney heading it into the top right corner. On manual crossing, actually on Legendary difficulty (which I moved onto recently)
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Would you guys be up for some games vs. me? I use these settings:

Passing: Semi
Shooting: Semi
Through balls: Manual
Crosses: Semi
Lobs: Manual

Gamertag is StayingPower
well,what i mean is their early crosses are too perfect. my last game in few minutes ago is against Newcastle. Gutierrez cross the ball and Owen out of nowhere,head the ball even I've put Micah Richards to man mark him tightly. i even jostle towards the ball,and i do think i time the header well,but he still,can head the ball and match the strength of Richards,easily like he is mark Viduka or Carew. this is so not real. :(
I'm still struggling with manual crossing, I score about 1 in 20 but I only get onto the end of about 1 in 8... :CONF:

That actually sounds pretty realistic though. In 08/Euro pretty much every cross went to the right player. Scored pretty much every time, very unrealistic. I think crosses in 09 are awesome, I play manual and even the computer misses crosses and headers most of the time. Realistic to me.
That actually sounds pretty realistic though. In 08/Euro pretty much every cross went to the right player. Scored pretty much every time, very unrealistic. I think crosses in 09 are awesome, I play manual and even the computer misses crosses and headers most of the time. Realistic to me.
With the stats I mean I score around 8 goals a season from crossed headed balls... :SHOCK:
Any word on when LIVE season will be working again, for people that have bought all the leagues?

Mine doesn't work and hasn't done so for a few weeks which is atrocious considering how much I and many others paid for such a feature
Any word on when LIVE season will be working again, for people that have bought all the leagues?

Mine doesn't work and hasn't done so for a few weeks which is atrocious considering how much I and many others paid for such a feature

Mine began working again on Tuesday, the same time as the last weekly squad update was available.
Hi Lads. I am wanting to play games online against others and am having problems even after the update. BAP online works fine, but when I want to play 1 v 1 against others I very rarely get a game. I'll explain. When I invite a friend, we get to the screen where you choose teams and we cannot choose. It just sticks and we have to end the session. Is there a fix to this as it really is a pain.
That has been my main gripe when I have been attempting to go full manual, the damn angles which is way too precise (especially on 360). Whether it is manual shooting or manual passing, the game is a little too unforgiving when it comes to aiming in diagonal angles on manual. This is why I find semi setting perfect, as it is more forgiving in that respect (and you can still screw up in semi if you are mindless about it). But the game has become slightly too easy on semi also, so I'm thinking of giving it more time on manual and try to master it. I'll try using through pass more on angles, thanks for the tip.

Semi or manual crossing I find easy, that tip earlier about making a quarter circle motion towards your target really makes the difference.

I play with manual passing and crossing, I have through ball on assisted and shooting. But I only use through ball for the difficult angle passes, not for actual through balls because once you get good with manual passing you dont need a through ball as manual passing into space is much more effective.

ps Haven't been on here for a while, has the patch been released, and if so any noticeable changes/improvements?
i was playing manual last night and i SUCKED. i got good then shitty again.... i guess it doesnt help that i was drunk and buzzed
I'm like that too without drinking :PP I have games where i'll be playing the ball around comfortably and playing pinpoint through balls and others i'll be struggling to string two or three passes together.

On another note, I played FIFA 09 PS3 today, the first time i've played it since the patch, and I have to say that the game is much improved without the crab-walking and it seems as good as the 360 version now.

I don't know if it's just me, but long range shots seem to have a bit more venom on them on the PS3 version, maybe we were just lucky that a goals from distance went in, there were two we uploaded (shooting on semi, both in the same match):

This is one my mate scored against me, it looks like the keeper should have saved it, but the camera angle probably doesn't do it justice - in the game the camera couldn't keep up with it with the power on it! - Beasley goal

I scored this one :). - Gomez goal
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Played this against the CPU with TT tonight, I'd forgotten how good the game was. I've made a Champions League with all the real groups and teams (where possible, obviously there's a few missing in the game so I've chosen a few random teams e.g. Rosenborg).

We played 15 games in total before stopping for Match of the Day and every game was different, from losing 4-1 to drawing 0-0 to winning 4-0. We haven't made it out of the group stages yet but we've saved it now at a point where we've got 6pts out of 9pts available. Itching to get back on it.

Atletico Madrid beat us on both occasions first time round, they were a nightmare - pass pass pass and they had an opportunity, it was like playing the elite bastards online. Then we played them twice again and drew one lost one. Finally we played them once, just before we saved it, and after fiddling with the defensive line a bit we hammered them 4-0. Next game we kept with it and narrowly squeezed past PSV 2-1, before losing to Marseille 2-0 (both goals coming in the last five minutes, one of them due to his love of bringing the goalkeeper out).

The AI on professional has definitely had a bit of a tweak in the latest patch, it seems a lot more varied than before.

The only thing that really annoys me about the game (apart from not being able to restrict people to picking a 3/4 star team online instead of having to play Man Utd every game) is that it seems impossible to score from a cross and/or a header. On manual crossing they go anywhere, on semi they get headed away time and time again and on assisted (I was desperate) they literally go to the totally wrong man nine times out of ten, which proves (as far as I'm concerned) that the logic is definitely a bit off - it doesn't understand which guy is in the better position to head the ball.

Which is again proved by the fact that I've repeatedly moved a player into a great position to head towards the far post and as soon as the ball is crossed in the CPU switches players for you and starts moving your original player away from the opportunity.
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Played this against the CPU with TT tonight, I'd forgotten how good the game was. I've made a Champions League with all the real groups and teams (where possible, obviously there's a few missing in the game so I've chosen a few random teams e.g. Rosenborg).

We played 15 games in total before stopping for Match of the Day and every game was different, from losing 4-1 to drawing 0-0 to winning 4-0. We haven't made it out of the group stages yet but we've saved it now at a point where we've got 6pts out of 9pts available. Itching to get back on it.

Atletico Madrid beat us on both occasions first time round, they were a nightmare - pass pass pass and they had an opportunity, it was like playing the elite bastards online. Then we played them twice again and drew one lost one. Finally we played them once, just before we saved it, and after fiddling with the defensive line a bit we hammered them 4-0. Next game we kept with it and narrowly squeezed past PSV 2-1, before losing to Marseille 2-0 (both goals coming in the last five minutes, one of them due to his love of bringing the goalkeeper out).

The AI on professional has definitely had a bit of a tweak in the latest patch, it seems a lot more varied than before.

The only thing that really annoys me about the game (apart from not being able to restrict people to picking a 3/4 star team online instead of having to play Man Utd every game) is that it seems impossible to score from a cross and/or a header. On manual crossing they go anywhere, on semi they get headed away time and time again and on assisted (I was desperate) they literally go to the totally wrong man nine times out of ten, which proves (as far as I'm concerned) that the logic is definitely a bit off - it doesn't understand which guy is in the better position to head the ball.

Which is again proved by the fact that I've repeatedly moved a player into a great position to head towards the far post and as soon as the ball is crossed in the CPU switches players for you and starts moving your original player away from the opportunity.

thats very odd - crossing and heading is the easiest part of this game for sure. If on semi crossing, when you get into the 'crossing zone', press cross and let go of all direction. Give it a fair bit of power too. Will go EXACTLY to one of your players in the box. When it comes to him, dont press header until it is literally on his head, and ull score every time.
I agree with the angles being extremely sensitive when shooting/crossing is on manual. But I've found it really depends on who you're working with. I can get Joe Cole to curl a beautiful cross in 90% of the time. It's getting someone in the box to get on the end of it that proves to be the challenge. Switch that over to the other side with Malouda dumping in the crosses and the accuracy is far less.

As for shooting, even on semi it proves to be a challenge. I've just now gotten to the point where I can place a shot, but that doesn't mean it's successful every time.

The biggest gripe I have is when it comes to Cup and Tournament games in Manager Mode. Seems that EA thinks every game needs to result in an upset and a 3-star team will play like a 5-star team no matter what just because it's a cup game. And this is just on Professional level. I appreciate upping the ante on these types of games and know that these types of games can result in upsets in the real world, but it's a bit over the top this year. You practically know you're going to lose if you're playing an ECC game. The same problem existed last year and I really hope it's something they look at in '10.
Wtf. Just played some guy online, he chose some norwegian team against my Hammarby, so I thought, oh, a decent guy for once. But then, in the second half, still 0-0, he paused the game. Nothing wrong with that. But - when the game was back on, his right winger was invisible! I thought it was a bug..until he paused two more times and two more players became invisible!

Also, he very rarely passed anyone else than the invisible players. What kind of bullshit is this? I almost managed to get the game to penalties simply by hacking down his invisible players, but he scored on a rebound in the 115th minute. How the fuck is this possible?
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