FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

This game is terrible online when playing 99% of randoms.

Most people choose a team with a couple of fast strikers - these people also have everything on assisted. So basically it is a pass to the strikers they run as fast as they can past your old man defence, that has no chance of catching him up. Then 9 times out of ten it is a goal with assisted shooting when one on one.

Really - it makes the game unplayable. So much so I have seen alot of people choosing Aston Villa, because they have so much pace. Carew for some reason has super speed aswell.

Forget playing Man U aswell - because most people stick Ronaldo up front and jsut bomb around with him and score.

Really is it so hard to have a setting where you can play people on just Manual/Semi???!!!!!!!!!!!! It would make a huge difference to the game. Also being able to choose a maximum star rating for both teams. If the implemented this then it would be fantastic. Two things that would be so simple.

The best games I have had is from people on here that I know use Semi/manual settings and we play mediocre teams. It is fantastic and is the best game. But those matches are few and far between unfortunately.

I was playing a game today where I was on Semi/Manual and the other guy was on all assisted obviously. He was 4-0 up at half time. Just by hoofing it to Kanoute/Fabiano and running past my defence and then scoring every one on one with his assisted shooting.

So at half time I just put my shooting on assisted and within 10mins of the restart I had got two goals!!! It is just too easy and is no fun to play.

Even on Unranked games I am getting people choosing Man U all the time and Villa. I would at least hope for people on Unranked not to be hungry for the win and play shitty!!!

Really Really pissed off and disapointed!!!!
I know there was at one time a Evoweb league going on, but it filled up rather quickly. Any chance of starting up another one of those so more people can participate. I'd love to play online as well, but avoid it like the plague because of all the cheese. If I do go online, it's for the Interactive Leagues. At least you can avoid the team stacking that way.
I've basically given up on the online part of it.

I will just play the single player and against mates.

I will only play online if I am sure that the other person is not using assisted.

It is a sad sad day indeed! :((

It is a shock, I shocked myself.

I have reached breaking point. I will only play in leagues if they are all Semi/manual aswell - thats how bad it is.

It is just to ridiculously easy to score with assisted shooting and is not realistic to me. It is wierd because before I started playing on Semi/manual I didn't mind obviously - but now I just can't go back to assisted.

Also, I love playing Semi/Manual and playing against assisted players just leaves you at a severe disadvantage.

Its a shame aswell as I loved playing online. I never really played single player on the last Fifa or this, but I will get used to it. I played a couple today and it was good fun. So I might start a Manager game.
You know what Bobby, I feel your pain, but just persist wiht it, I haven't used asssited online since I 've had 09' and my win ratio is about 68%. The satisfaction you get when beating an assisted gimp makes the frustration worth while, also I'm currently running a Semi/manual FSB league I'll slot you into season 2 if you want.
You know what Bobby, I feel your pain, but just persist wiht it, I haven't used asssited online since I 've had 09' and my win ratio is about 68%. The satisfaction you get when beating an assisted gimp makes the frustration worth while, also I'm currently running a Semi/manual FSB league I'll slot you into season 2 if you want.

I've tried - but it is just soooo frustrating!! Really, I start self harming myself after a while or biting the controller!

I would love to join your league :)) when will season 2 start? I won't be able to join until after the 11th December because of exams though.

This is the thing - every game I play against people I know are on Semi/manual has been brilliant. So I know I will enjoy your league.
The last time I played ranked matches was release day, and that was only because there was no league and I didn't want to start a career mode game straight away. They were actually quite fun matches but you know that the following day the knobheads will be out in force trying to find all the exploits, and assisted everything is an exploit EA is happy to provide to everyone. It's worth noting that the default settings are assisted everything IIRC, and I'm the only gamer I know who goes through all of the options menus before actually playing the game, so I would bet a ton of non-serious gamers (bear in mind that's most of the audience) have no idea you can even change it, much less want to.

They're not catering for the serious guys like us, they're catering for the cheats and the kids - which is the best marketing strategy, and it is all about money after all. We all buy the game and we can play eachother on semi/manual settings, so we're not going to take it back to the shops when that possibility is there; and all of the 13-year-old achievement whores will be happy sticking everything on assisted and playing fast-forward magnetic football (I know at least three friends of my nephew who play the game having absolutely no idea of the rules of football or even who the players are, just to get the achievements and try the whole quit-and-get-the-win thing to boost their ranking).

Dad still plays rankers every day, he got beat 10-0 yesterday morning and believe it or not he only brought the keeper out twice. I sat and watched, they literally press pass twice and it's with Ronaldo, who outruns every player on the pitch and scores. Ten times. He's gone from playing about ten a day to two a day, even he is getting fed up of it now, and he doesn't have any other games.

I will only ever play a ranked game in FIFA (or PES for that matter) when they let you set a star limit for the match. Playing as two Championship teams (or even two poor Premier League teams) would change everything. As I found out playing an Interactive League match and beating someone playing as West Brom who tried to use the same tactics as all the Man Utd players - I beat him 2-0.
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Anyone who wants to play online using manual/semi (all manual but shooting), please shoot me a friend invite on the PS3. My PSN ID is Machines. Any teams welcome. I usually play as Chelsea, but have no problem playing with lower ranked teams as well.
The last time I played ranked matches was release day, and that was only because there was no league and I didn't want to start a career mode game straight away. They were actually quite fun matches but you know that the following day the knobheads will be out in force trying to find all the exploits, and assisted everything is an exploit EA is happy to provide to everyone. It's worth noting that the default settings are assisted everything IIRC, and I'm the only gamer I know who goes through all of the options menus before actually playing the game, so I would bet a ton of non-serious gamers (bear in mind that's most of the audience) have no idea you can even change it, much less want to.

They're not catering for the serious guys like us, they're catering for the cheats and the kids - which is the best marketing strategy, and it is all about money after all. We all buy the game and we can play eachother on semi/manual settings, so we're not going to take it back to the shops when that possibility is there; and all of the 13-year-old achievement whores will be happy sticking everything on assisted and playing fast-forward magnetic football (I know at least three friends of my nephew who play the game having absolutely no idea of the rules of football or even who the players are, just to get the achievements and try the whole quit-and-get-the-win thing to boost their ranking).

Dad still plays rankers every day, he got beat 10-0 yesterday morning and believe it or not he only brought the keeper out twice. I sat and watched, they literally press pass twice and it's with Ronaldo, who outruns every player on the pitch and scores. Ten times. He's gone from playing about ten a day to two a day, even he is getting fed up of it now, and he doesn't have any other games.

I will only ever play a ranked game in FIFA (or PES for that matter) when they let you set a star limit for the match. Playing as two Championship teams (or even two poor Premier League teams) would change everything. As I found out playing an Interactive League match and beating someone playing as West Brom who tried to use the same tactics as all the Man Utd players - I beat him 2-0.

Very true.

It happens on Unranked aswell - which just amazes me. But in saying that, you are more likely to get a person that chooses different teams - but rarely uses Semi/manual.

It just drives me crazy that they implemented the looking for people using manual or Assisted, but didn't add Semi into it?!!!!!

All they need to do is put in a Semi/Manual together and a Assisted seperately.

Also do the maximum star thing you mentioned. These two things would eradicate all of the shit and make it brilliant.

Two simple things that would make a great big, HUGE difference!!!!!

So frustrating!!!
i try and play my brother online , but we hardly get to finish a game as it logs one of us annoying

and when i invite him to a game or vice doesn't always load up

so fucking annoying it's not even funny anymore
Hey danhammer , that happens to me with a specific friend. And it happens a lot of times. And the reason is the shitty online of PS3. Someone told my friend that the reason of the log-outs where that psn network is not properly ready for high-bandwith connections (i.e. 20 MBs).

That kindof connections seem to have more variable ping reponse time, does being prone to have a very slow ping now and then which causes disconnection. Rumours of people downgrading its connection to 8 mbs and instantly having no problems have arised.

Now, I don't know if it's true, but I can play my other friends (who have no 20 mb connection) without this problem. Go figure. That only speaks badly of sony's online, and me and my friends are quite sure about changing to xbox on next generation, simply because of the online quality.
thats very odd - crossing and heading is the easiest part of this game for sure. If on semi crossing, when you get into the 'crossing zone', press cross and let go of all direction. Give it a fair bit of power too. Will go EXACTLY to one of your players in the box. When it comes to him, dont press header until it is literally on his head, and ull score every time.

I can't score on a header to save my life - my crosses go directly to the other team every single time.
Guy's I can feel your pain about online
I am also really p... off about the assisted ManU kiddies
may I bring this thread to your attention:


I am trying to go back to manual and find people to play serious games

add me if you're into it
whats the deal with playing in assist? its perfectly fine :)

Manual is god awful hard. i tried it a few weeks and just diddnt have fun playing on manual.assist FTW :APPLAUD::D
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thats very odd - crossing and heading is the easiest part of this game for sure. If on semi crossing, when you get into the 'crossing zone', press cross and let go of all direction. Give it a fair bit of power too. Will go EXACTLY to one of your players in the box. When it comes to him, dont press header until it is literally on his head, and ull score every time.

Do you play as the AI... :THINK:
Would you play Call of Duty with auto-aim?
nope but playing fps games on manual is piss easy to learn. infact, witha good mouse with high res its even easier then auto aim. well for me anyway ;)

Also its very difficult in playing manual on a footy game using a joypad. not only do u have to place the pass/shot properly, u also have to take note of the power of the shot/pass too!

in fps its just placing the crosshair properly and its dead easy on a keyboard/mouse.

o and btw, the Halo games and cod games on the console has some form of auto aim assist in it ;)

try again :SMUG:
i play with every assist on, except cross...
due to the pad, i have to play just like i did PES, with the d-pad...
so, its impossible to not use the assistance using the 8 direction scheme.

i have lots of fun with this game though...i did play 08 mostly manual, when i had a 360..but i must say im having a lot more fun this year, maybe its because i finnaly managed to "convert" some of my m8s on fifa.

Thats offcourse only because of this "PES way" we are playing fifa(all assist, d-pad, PS controler and offcourse PES button scheme)
This game is terrible online when playing 99% of randoms.

Most people choose a team with a couple of fast strikers - these people also have everything on assisted. So basically it is a pass to the strikers they run as fast as they can past your old man defence, that has no chance of catching him up. Then 9 times out of ten it is a goal with assisted shooting when one on one.

Really - it makes the game unplayable. So much so I have seen alot of people choosing Aston Villa, because they have so much pace. Carew for some reason has super speed aswell.

Forget playing Man U aswell - because most people stick Ronaldo up front and jsut bomb around with him and score.

Really is it so hard to have a setting where you can play people on just Manual/Semi???!!!!!!!!!!!! It would make a huge difference to the game. Also being able to choose a maximum star rating for both teams. If the implemented this then it would be fantastic. Two things that would be so simple.

The best games I have had is from people on here that I know use Semi/manual settings and we play mediocre teams. It is fantastic and is the best game. But those matches are few and far between unfortunately.

I was playing a game today where I was on Semi/Manual and the other guy was on all assisted obviously. He was 4-0 up at half time. Just by hoofing it to Kanoute/Fabiano and running past my defence and then scoring every one on one with his assisted shooting.

So at half time I just put my shooting on assisted and within 10mins of the restart I had got two goals!!! It is just too easy and is no fun to play.

Even on Unranked games I am getting people choosing Man U all the time and Villa. I would at least hope for people on Unranked not to be hungry for the win and play shitty!!!

Really Really pissed off and disapointed!!!!

I have noticed that Villa seem to be a a popular team to be. your right though people just knock the ball to fast striker and run forwards. I only play unranked games and still find plenty of players using assisted passing and shooting.

I have actually sent people messages at half time saying turn off the assists but I get no reply. :)

Played one idiot yesterday who thought it would be a good idea to play no offsides or bookings. All he did was leave van persie goal hanging and hoof a long ball.

beat him 5-1.. :)
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i play with every assist on, except cross...
due to the pad, i have to play just like i did PES, with the d-pad...
so, its impossible to not use the assistance using the 8 direction scheme.

i have lots of fun with this game though...i did play 08 mostly manual, when i had a 360..but i must say im having a lot more fun this year, maybe its because i finnaly managed to "convert" some of my m8s on fifa.

Thats offcourse only because of this "PES way" we are playing fifa(all assist, d-pad, PS controler and offcourse PES button scheme)

So the passes, shots and movement are 16 directions when playing with the analog? I much rather use the dpad but I don't like playing on assisted.
So the passes, shots and movement are 16 directions when playing with the analog? I much rather use the dpad but I don't like playing on assisted.

for us, its just like playing PES with alot better gfx, animatons, physics and atmosphere....
really feels like a next gen PES to sum it up :)
also i like the idea of assisted cause i like my shoots and passes to be more determined by my players stats than my own skill, thats just how we aways played.
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