FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Thanks a lot for checking for me Joe, you're a lovely bunny. :PINKS:

Tried it on two consoles here though and it does the same thing, it's going to be one of those fucking awkward bugs isn't it, like "it only happens if you have a HDMI cable connected" or "you have to have family settings enabled" or something equally stupid.

Do you both have it installed to the HDD? That might be the problem if Chris does and Joe doesn't.
Good thinking, tried reinstalling it (which didn't work) but haven't tried running it from the disc.

You've got your FIFA installed though haven't you Joe? EDIT: Yes, answered in chatbox.

BIG FINAL EDIT: Got it working now, had to delete all save data from all profiles though, and make sure the second pad has someone signed into it. Only took me three hours to delete everything and restore everything...
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Guys I need some help so please, please help me. I am really terrible at this game, I don't know why honestly. I don't want to blame the game, and say it sucks because it doesn't. It's very fun to play, but I am seriously losing interest because I'm getting my ass raped on Professional level. I'm getting a little better but I need a few tips or some advice how to play better. All my life I've been playing PES/WE and was really really good so this is all new for me. I need the help with the following:

Wireless Controller set up (PS3)

- Passing (Semi-Assist, Manual or Assisted) I tried to use Manual and it's extremely hard to make plays, and get accurate passes to my team mates, almost impossible.

- Shooting ( Again, I'm not sure what to put here ) Right now I use MANUAL, but man it's very hard to score, as many of my shots are off target. It feels a lot rewarding scoring a goal like this but it's hard to find the target on manual. Should I leave it on manual and practice more or what ?

And the other two:

- Through pass (I also have this on MANUAL)

And the last one I think is LOB pass or something - this is also on MANUAL...

now the most important question of all is the QUICK TACTICS...WHICH I have hard time understanding.

During a game, if I press a dpad I will have these arrows so for example: ^ for counter attack < for possession > for team pressure, do I have to use these every time I am in the possession or how do you use these.

Thanks for all the help.
Does the CPU have more possession on Professional now? I moved upto WC because they CPU just let you have the ball but it was difficult to break them down.

I think so, they seemed to knock the ball around a bit more.

Definately seems harder to get chances now as well.

Nineties, don't bother with Manual controls until you really understand the game. Stick with Semi, it'll still give you a good game.
Guys I need some help so please, please help me. I am really terrible at this game, I don't know why honestly.

A very good way to start playing this game, I think is:

Passing: Semi
Through pass: Auto
Shooting: Semi
Crossing & Long pass: Manual
Lob / hight through pass: Manual

Difficulty: Professional (Personally, I don't like the level of cheats involved in World Class, I prefer to play a lower team to have a challenge, and since the patch, the AI is still better it seems).

The through pass on manual requires a high level of skill, first get the mechanics of the game right and learn your style of play, and begin going more manual IF FEEL TO. For instance, I only play manual everything with a friend, and only occasional. Most of the times we have passing on SEMI because going full manual is bloody hard.

About the tactics, I think it's really well explained in the game itself. Go to advanced tactics and for each slider you'll see an example of the effect it will make on your team (the formation has an animation explainign what your team will do in you current value). Change the values to see how things change and simply experiment. It's great, the best addition to the game in my opinion, it makes the game deeper than ever!
A very good way to start playing this game, I think is:

Passing: Semi
Through pass: Auto
Shooting: Semi
Crossing & Long pass: Manual
Lob / hight through pass: Manual

Difficulty: Professional (Personally, I don't like the level of cheats involved in World Class, I prefer to play a lower team to have a challenge, and since the patch, the AI is still better it seems).

The through pass on manual requires a high level of skill, first get the mechanics of the game right and learn your style of play, and begin going more manual IF FEEL TO. For instance, I only play manual everything with a friend, and only occasional. Most of the times we have passing on SEMI because going full manual is bloody hard.

About the tactics, I think it's really well explained in the game itself. Go to advanced tactics and for each slider you'll see an example of the effect it will make on your team (the formation has an animation explainign what your team will do in you current value). Change the values to see how things change and simply experiment. It's great, the best addition to the game in my opinion, it makes the game deeper than ever!

Thanks bro
anyone having problems with be a pro online?

this patch seems to have actually made the game worse online if totally honest..

I hate this game online, everyone plays as ManU or Barca, same tactic all the time, use the first touch get the other side and then go 200 miles per hour onto goal on auto shooting .....

Anyone know any good tactics to stop this happening as I am getting trashed by Manu players every game,
Adding to the raised difficulty theory I mentioned earlier, I now definitely think that they have adjusted how offensively the AI play against you. AI now retains possession much more effectively and pass much better also, and playing more offensively in general. There's been a side effect to this "offensive adjustment", though, as I've noticed that once I get a early goal and set my settings to counter, I'd win by unrealistic margins that I couldn't win by before. I've already had four or five 6-0, 7-0 wins so far this season where the opposition just falls apart after conceding an early goal and going all out offense (this is on World Class with all semi or manual). I don't think I've magically become better at this game during that short span either, so I definitely think it's something with the patch where they've made the AI a little too offensive. I think I'll have to play some games without the hard drive attached (therefore, without the patch) to confirm if these things are true.
@stumpy_uk:- try practise against harder teams on high difficulty
or if you want can add me as i go smaller teams :)
Just noticed last night that here are 2 commentry downloads, one is free and that has the usual Tyler/Gray (is this different to commentry that comes on the disc) and the other is Tyldesly/Townsend (is this any good)?

I hate this game online, everyone plays as ManU or Barca, same tactic all the time, use the first touch get the other side and then go 200 miles per hour onto goal on auto shooting .....

Anyone know any good tactics to stop this happening as I am getting trashed by Manu players every game,

Stumpy i feel your pain. Pinball at 100mph. I tend to set tactic slide bar to defend then custom tactics i slide the bar to the left on defence pressure so the back line stays deep. This takes away the space for the Henry's to run into behind your defence. Only problem with this is that you sacrifice attacking prowess. Feel free to add me for a game or two as i like to knock the ball around and play the game its meant to be played. (PS3)
Just noticed last night that here are 2 commentry downloads, one is free and that has the usual Tyler/Gray (is this different to commentry that comes on the disc)

This is simply the English commentary from Fifa09 that you already have if your version has English commentary.

and the other is Tyldesly/Townsend (is this any good)?

Apparently it has been pulled out of Euro and implemented quite haphazardly into Fifa, like saying it's an international match before the league game kicks off etc. etc.
@ Iluvnineties;

Do you play with d-pad or analog? Ive gone back to d-pad (could never fully get to grips with analog) but have had to go pretty much assisted throughout as longballs, passes, etc just aren't accurate enough with the d-pad. However the upturn is that it makes it very PES-esque to control. For some horrible but I like it. Means I can focus on my teams movement and tactics as opposed to focusing on passing to a teammate :D

As for tips; don't run too much, only when clean through or on the wing. Ive also noticed you really need to watch out for the momentum of your own player but even moreso the opposition player. Im now pretty good at dribbling past defenders. I look which direction they are running in, slow down - use the modifyer for extra sharp close control to turn the opposite way to what the cpu is running - and then tap the sprint to get away from him. Ive even managed to get between two defenders from the wing cutting inside this way, all fully in control and meaning to do it. A somewhat CRonaldo esque move which was great to do. I would use the modifyer as much as possible, I use it all the time, keeps the ball closer when recieving a pass, makes the turns sharper. Just makes it that bit easier to keep possesion when in close quarters. And don't be looking to attack all the time, often it's better to pass the ball back to keep possesion and work another angle or to draw their players out a bit more to create some more final 3rd space for the attackers. Get to know your team, I play as Liverpool and any time Gerrard has some space around the area I shoot, whereas if Im controling Masch I'll look for the pass instead. For the top teams it makes quite a difference which player you control and what you can do with him.

Ive also noticed the increased difficulty since the patch, havent noticed the easier 1-goal up countering though. They seem to be stronger at keeping possesion and can put some real pressure on you now. Playing on WC. Before the patch I could comfortably keep possesion but now they push up more and pressure leading me to lose possesion quicker. I like it.
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Man Tik5 back to the d-pad, my mate who was a d-pad only boy has now converted to stick, though he's wearing the second one through at a rate of knots, they need to do a metal shafted stick...
It may be me but I have noticed the AI scores less since the update, missing far too many chances...
Man Tik5 back to the d-pad, my mate who was a d-pad only boy has now converted to stick, though he's wearing the second one through at a rate of knots, they need to do a metal shafted stick...

I'm so old skool........I got used to it for 08 and found it fine in the end, but now with the faster reaction times I noticed that I prefer the d-pad for the sharper movements. However it does come at a price as your passing range is very limited. Its a bit of a pain for longball passes as the assisted setting is a bit crap.
Right, I've tried reading in here, but all I read is 'crabwalking' and 'Man City 3rd strips'.

Is there anywhere on here that mentions about not being able to create your own pro? It only gives me a cancel or continue option (the continue option just returns to edit mode).

Hope I've explained that clearly.


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