FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

You should have got an auto prompt when you booted up the game.
I'm thinking (but I could be wrong) that the pre-update update (if that makes sense) is something to do with the "glitch" people have been complaining about, where if you try to skip a replay by pressing the pass button like a madman your player (usually the goalkeeper) will do a piss-weak pass straight to one of the opposition players.

I say this because I've just played a couple of games and three times I pressed to kick the ball, the bar above my goalkeeper's head filled up, but nothing happened and I had to press the button again. Frustrating actually, because I'm not one of these guys who hammers the button and then cries "glitch" when the game tries to interpret what you're doing.

In other news, just how smooth is it now when you've installed it to your hard drive on the 360? Great stuff, it loads so much quicker, and there's a better framerate in a few of the stadia. All of the games had better response times as well but I'm putting that down to my router having a good day today, I don't think the install would affect that.
the online part of this game is PISSING ME OFF TOO!!! First off live season doesn not work, i paid over $20 for this and it doesnt fucking work. Second, be a pro online and online clubs is fucked. Whenever any of my mates and I try to do a online club with 3 or more people, the game never connects. Then when we went into do 2 v 2 private match be a pro online, it kicks my boy out. it was doing this a few weeks back with my brother and it still does it to him. But we can play COD fine together. THIS SUCKS. This fifa is overated. 2 v 2 local is its last saving grace. I even played jflrores in some 1 v 1 games last night. and quite honestly it really wasnt as fun when we used to play PRO evo 2007 on 360. If your a 4 star or below team, the pace is good, but your players touches suck so you cant get many scoring chances. Then if you play with 5 start teams, the pace is way too fast and it turns into a sprint fucking fest. The only goals being scored are mistakes and turnovers by your defenders. This game needs alot of work for FIFA10

Agreed my friend. Online just isn't as fun as PES6 once was on the 360. They still need to sort the player responsiveness. I remember how much fun you and I had playing PES6 online a few years back. Why can FIFA get there :-(
well i dunno why u guys talking about pre-pacth...
this is teh final pacth, i just tested at home now, and jezz for ps3 this is heaven now...the game is a lot more fluid without the crabwalking...finally i can play this fully!

also, they fixed the satium maj.23 framerate problems...its smooth now...
seems that with their tweaks to fix the crab walking they also fixed some dumb plays by the gks...

i played 5 games, feels so much better now i cant evan describe!

well done EA.
So what's in the patch I will be downloading later but I'm curious?...

i think for 360 users it wont be as important, since u guys didnt have the 2 biggest problems with this game(crabwalking and one stadium beeing unplayable due to framerate drops)

but there are other things fixed too, u can find the list here somewhere...
I played 3 exhibition matches this morning, before going to work, to try the patch.
the first 2 on my default setting, world class, with no evidence of "crab-walking"! :)
so I turned it down to professional, to get more thru-balls initiated, and still no crab-walking!
thanks, EA! finally...

will test that '23' stadium when I get home later tonight.

I was 30 minutes late for work, to say the least.
Have any of you guys encountered this before?

My line ups are completely fcuked.Players are in wrong positions.Missing names from the squad in the Team Management.Some numbers get scrambled.There was once,Wayne Rooney goes missing in the game,his name is there in the line up but I am playing with 10 men! So I decided to sub the missing Rooney but Ronaldo came off!

Playing with the new patch now.Absolutely superb games of football ever since.
I just noticed that players you create when playing BAPS stays in the original teams. I usually start in the same team every new BAPS and I just noticed that I had two more of myself running around on the pitch. Seems like you can just go to transfers and transfer everyone to free agents without braking the BAPS though.
The patch has definately changed the match engine for the better. No more crab runs! :DANCE:

The CPU just seems a lot more fluent now as well, the play looks a lot better with players no longer hesitating to run onto a ball.

Just seems MUCH better :D
i had a bad night online last night. 3 times i lost connection during games. Plus 2 game crashes, and 1 time during a 10v10 the screen went black and all i could see was the cursors moving about the screen, then it froze and the ps3 reset itself. Thats when i called it a day. I normally have a solid connection so i wonder if it was patch connected? anyone else have trouble.
But the patch has improved the gameplay. No crabwalk is great. Didnt think the 8 player update had worked as it still says you can only control 4 teams but it will let you select 8. Well done EA. Now please work on the next patch. I want to see semi control to be available on match search. Played too many pinball lovers last night and its so frustrating. One had the cheek to send me a message berating me after beating me 4-1. He was pinging the ball around and then just using Martins to sprint through my slow defence. Its when i play idiots like this that i just want to turn the game off. But its the rare time when i find a like minded player like me who plays proper footie that keeps me saying to myself "just one more game".
You should be able to take your HDD to someone else's 360 and get the patch that way though, I'm sure.
to be honest my 360 is banned from Xbox Live :(

You should still be able to put your HDD onto a friend's unbanned 360 and download the update that way, then take the HDD home and your Fifa will now have the latest update :) Doing this won't in any way harm your friend's status as it's consoles that get banned, not xbox live accounts.
You should still be able to put your HDD onto a friend's unbanned 360 and download the update that way, then take the HDD home and your Fifa will now have the latest update :) Doing this won't in any way harm your friend's status as it's consoles that get banned, not xbox live accounts.

ah thank you and Dags :)
What the do on the PS3? There's still no update for me...

Create yourself a uk account, go to store, update the game, it should update the game for your other accounts.

If you already have an account and the problem is the game not "finding" the update, you can always erase the game's data in the hdd and begin from start to see if then the game finds the patch.
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