FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

that is true, ive never seen the crabwalking on my 360 but had it twice in an hour on my cousins ps3
well theres something off than..cause ive heard from many credible users like placebo, CB , etc... that they have not seen the crabwalking on the 360 version...
yet i can confirm that i see it quite often on my ps3... fucking annoying
I hope the patch fixes the FK taker bug. It happens to me all the time when one of my players is fouled and the wrong person is lined up to take the FK. e.g. Gareth Bale and David Bentley take all my FK's and corners but on several occasions (depending on what side of the pitch the foul occurs ) Lennon, Jenas or Hutton are set to take the FK.
I hope they sort the fouling problem out on the PS3 that's really beginning to get to me now...:CURSE:
Do you 360'rs have any problem with AI free kicks in MM, just about every game on Pro and above I get hardly any fouls given against AI and almost zealous fouls given against me. The AI gets away with murder nearly every game...
I've also never seen it, along with the throughball bug on the 360. I get no weather effects though. :(
I've only seen it in videos but never in my own games. I only play BAPS and I have never had any crabwalking and I have never seen the cpu players done it either. And like I said I've seen videos of it so I know for a fact that it has never happened to me.

The more I play this game the more I hate 8 directions. Is it just me or when running towards the goal you want to change direction a little and the fucking player turns like 45 degrees while running, resulting in losing control of the ball because he's trying to change to much direction? Really pisses me of because often you might be a little to much at the side and the only way to make the player shoot with the "inner" foot is to do a little directional change. Sadly enough I don't think it will be any different in 2010. Just like they will keep the scripted only one player from each time can be locked on to the ball. This might kind of work for single player but it brakes the game in the BAP modes.

Also what I would like to see is a discussion about the controls. Is today's controls (Same as PES has) really the best we can have? NHL 09 completely changed their controls so that the right analogue stick controls the players stick (and body checks) and you skate with the left. So that the normal buttons is used way less often. This might seem natural because you can simulate the stick movement pretty good, but still, couldn't FIFA come up with a better control scheme? EA Skate to the same, they let the users use the sticks and not the buttons like you did in the other skate game.

I don't know what a new control scheme would look like but it would be interesting to see what people can come up with. Playing with the sticks and shoulder buttons make the controls so much more satisfying, because your right thumb don't have to change position very often, anyone who played the NHL series would probably agree. You could probably still have like sliding tackles on a button but somehow control the foot action with only the right stick in combo with shoulder buttons. I don't know I just don't think we are using the full potential of the controller.
I've just had a few hours at my mates house on his FIFA 09 PS3.

A few points about it:

The "crab-walking" (or moonwalking or through ball bug) was there EVERY match, absolute bollocks. Does my nut in and ruins spells of the game. You can put together a great move, craft the opportunity to play it through, and then your fucking striker turns around and fucking jogs backwards! It happens to defenders as well on chipped through balls, making that tactic too easy.

The full power long ball at goal from kick off results in a goal or very nearly a goal a lot of the time. The keeper walks backwards while the ball is in the air, and sometimes he walks too far back and when he gets the ball he's over the line. It looks funny and made us laugh but it's a terrible bug.

Closing down seems much more effective (too effective) in human v human matches.

The graphics don't seem as polished, and there are slowdowns in a crowded area and on goal kicks sometimes.

The menus are laggy and everything seems to take a long time to load and navigating the menus is slower.

The FIWC Stadium is nice, with the official adboards.

I didn't see any other big differences, but I am of the opinion that the Xbox 360 version is the superior version in the way it plays and performs.
You mean you guys dont crab walk in real life? You guys are square. Ive been crabwalking since before it was the in thing!

P.S - They messed up badly in not including more fouls in favor of the user. Ive been fouled like only 6-7 times in 40+ matches. Seriously! This isn't realistic. Yet I "foul" the cpu all the time!
I've just had a few hours at my mates house on his FIFA 09 PS3.

A few points about it:

The "crab-walking" (or moonwalking or through ball bug) was there EVERY match, absolute bollocks. Does my nut in and ruins spells of the game. You can put together a great move, craft the opportunity to play it through, and then your fucking striker turns around and fucking jogs backwards! It happens to defenders as well on chipped through balls, making that tactic too easy.

The full power long ball at goal from kick off results in a goal or very nearly a goal a lot of the time. The keeper walks backwards while the ball is in the air, and sometimes he walks too far back and when he gets the ball he's over the line. It looks funny and made us laugh but it's a terrible bug.

Closing down seems much more effective (too effective) in human v human matches.

The graphics don't seem as polished, and there are slowdowns in a crowded area and on goal kicks sometimes.

The menus are laggy and everything seems to take a long time to load and navigating the menus is slower.

The FIWC Stadium is nice, with the official adboards.

I didn't see any other big differences, but I am of the opinion that the Xbox 360 version is the superior version in the way it plays and performs.

Most, if not , all, cross platform games are better on the least according to reviews. I still believe the 360 is better suited for gaming than the PS3. And all these games are proving it. And yes, the PS3 has been around long enough. No more excuses or I'll :R1 you!
Well I'm well and truely fucked off with this game, but it's not the games fault lol. I've dropped an amazing 8500 places and am now out of teh rankings. Something is up with my internet connection. When I'm playing online now the response is even worse than a bad day on FIFA 08. I'm getting battered by shit players. It was fine when FIFA 09 first came out but now I can't do jack. It's so frustrating though and I aint got a clue whats up. I got a new modem from Virgin yesterday but its still as bad. I think I may leave Virgin and their 20 meg service. Has anyone else had similar problems and what was the solution.

Here are my current internet speeds which look fine but something is definitely up

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Hmm, that's an odd one Jay. I know that CW is with Virgin too and he doesn't even have speeds up to 20MB but his gaming online is fine...
Assisted should be done away with in all football games forever - you wouldn't have a first-person shooter online with auto-aim, you wouldn't play a flight simulator with auto-pilot etc. It's the same thing really, there's no football brain or anything required with assisted, it's a joke.
I have dug up this post specifically because I want to say that I have eaten humble pie, (tasted good), and now 100% agree with this statement.

Just played some cuntlord online who was clearly on assisted, all he did was pass, pass, pass, then pretty much wherever he was with Anelka he would just shoot, and 9/10 it's on target, and 7/10 it goes in. It's really pathetic.

Just imagine in Rainbow Six online if, as soon as you see an enemy your crosshairs automatically focus straight on their head, all you have to do it press the trigger and they're dead and you get a kill. This for me is the equivalent of assisted passing and shooting in FIFA.
i still play with assist. manual is too fucking hard mate and doesnt help when everyone else uses assist online. i played ones with jayD and we was both on manual and i must say it was fucking fun mate.
The main bug on my game is the crabwalking (PS3) other than that everything seems the same as the 360 version. The patch will sort out that issue anyway.
i still play with assist. manual is too fucking hard mate and doesnt help when everyone else uses assist online. i played ones with jayD and we was both on manual and i must say it was fucking fun mate.
If you find manual too hard then use semi, but don't play with assisted, it's for cunts.
P.S - They messed up badly in not including more fouls in favor of the user. Ive been fouled like only 6-7 times in 40+ matches. Seriously! This isn't realistic. Yet I "foul" the cpu all the time!

As already covered it's a PS3 exclusive, I get 6-7 fouls every match as minimum from the AI on the 360 version.
Yeah there's plenty of fouls and cards in this version, thank god. 08 and Euro was like BwA said, not 09. Maybe a tad to many cards, but the tackles do deserve it so it's more how all tackles are so aggressive that is the problem I think.
In Xbox 360 it is very realistic in fouls.

Yesterday I played a match, in manager mode, Everton 0-2 Tottenham.

Two red cards to Everton, min 56 direct red card, a ultimate player´s foul, and double yellow, min 75.

Everton with the first red card changed Yakubu by Lesscot. defensive change. I scored 0-1 Bent.

After second red card, they attack with manyy players, and Lennon scored in a great contra-attack.
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