FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Spot on Erik! No weather is just a joke. They must have left it out on purpose to create anticipation for next year when they market Fifa with an all new upgraded manager mode featuring dynamic weather and all new AI coaches that rotate their rosters according to fatigue levels and injury...

Its the little things that define the difference between an excellent sports game and a truly superb game. Fifa falls over in regards to the little things. Big time.
i agree with u guys, i got tired of quiting my MM and loading up again everytime i wanted a diferent weather..i know it sounds like a small thing, but it really gets in your nerves after a while...
now im playing custom tornament, that has weather, just like the BAP mode..
just cant understand why MM doesnt.
Spot on Erik! No weather is just a joke. They must have left it out on purpose to create anticipation for next year when they market Fifa with an all new upgraded manager mode featuring dynamic weather and all new AI coaches that rotate their rosters according to fatigue levels and injury...

Its the little things that define the difference between an excellent sports game and a truly superb game. Fifa falls over in regards to the little things. Big time.

Seriously, as far as a business move goes, you are absolutely correct. This year they marketed online and BAPS and Adidas Live season or whatever. Online IS where everything is going so it makes sense for them dollars wise. They have tweaked some things in MM though - like teams picking up free transfers and more all around transfers it seems. They also added all of the stadiums that they did. Those were GOOD things that should be pointed out. And obviously, the gameplay is light years better than '08.

However... and I bet you are right - next year will be the "new" and "improved" Manager Mode. Remember when it first came out years ago? Has anything even really changed to it?
Mine just done an update when I loaded the game up about 18.30, but not sure if this is THE update as not played on it for about 3 wks, so not sure if this was an update from then, anyone know ?

What are we expecting anyway, have EA confirmed anything ??
Probably was, didnt read what it said , pressed button too quickly.
What has been confirmed ? (if anything)

Placebo posted this earlier from our friend Mr Rutter at EA, it's all we have had so far...

At the moment the 'stuff' we're looking at is...

Bad defending/attacking where the guy turns sideways.
MM re-numbering.
Spanish league Live Seasons problems.
Problem in polish stadia breaking frame rate.
8 players in tournament mode.
Advantage rule.

NOTE - we're not necessarily going to be able to release a 'patch' for all of these things - but we're looking into it at the moment.

Again - please be patient...I'll let you know whats going on when I get the nod myself.


It's obvious that they're not going to, for a start all the kids would ask why there are so many injuries and they'd demand a counter-patch to put them back how they were...
From Rutter

Before this gets out of hand...

I'm English.

Whilst I'd love to visit Australia at some point - I'm yet to do so

My boss - Mr Andrew Wilson - is definitely Australian...

I'm off on holiday I'm afraid. I've asked the forum mods, marketing and PR to get some clear messaging together for when the update is going to come out. It's currently in the final stages of QA testing - and once they give it the nod it'll be going live.

The wait is 'almost' over.

Crab-walking will die

Amongst other fixes too. To be confirmed soon - but if you look back in the thread you'll see most of them I've already confirmed.


PS -- back early December. Have a good un.

It sounds like he is saying there are some other fixes that haven't been confirmed yet...
The best way to incorporate injuries would be to have an adjustable slider for it. As a matter of fact there are many things that would be best taken care of with the sliders, such as game speed, foul frequency, etc. There can be one injury frequency and another one for injury duration.

I've always wondered why out of all sports games, football/soccer is the ONLY sports game never to get any sort of sliders (besides speed... I think a few earlier FIFA/WE games have had those and FIFA right now has it to an extent)... doesn't make any sense, as it is such an easy thing to include and it would definitely cut down on a lot of complaints (offline anyway).
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God yes! I'm a huge fan of 95% of 2K sports games and they all have sliders. If you feel a particular part of the game is unbalanced then you just adjust it. They literally have a slider for just about anything. MLB 2K8 was an absolute dog of a game turned into a rather nice sim with some great sliders. For me at least.
God yes! I'm a huge fan of 95% of 2K sports games and they all have sliders. If you feel a particular part of the game is unbalanced then you just adjust it. They literally have a slider for just about anything. MLB 2K8 was an absolute dog of a game turned into a rather nice sim with some great sliders. For me at least.

I agree, I have always felt ALL sports games should have sliders for every facet of it, do you think 2K would ever make a football game....HMM SOCCER 2K10, lol

Could someone explain this 'crab walking' thing to me, I have a 360.
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i like some 2k games, but the mlb series are a joke imo...
mlb the show series is miles ahead(thats the game that made me buy a ps3)

2k6 was a total faliure, 2k7 seemed to be heading in the right direction but 2k8 was a totally disaster imho...
The best way to incorporate injuries would be to have an adjustable slider for it. As a matter of fact there are many things that would be best taken care of with the sliders, such as game speed, foul frequency, etc. There can be one injury frequency and another one for injury duration.

I've always wondered why out of all sports games, football/soccer is the ONLY sports game never to get any sort of sliders (besides speed... I think a few earlier FIFA/WE games have had those and FIFA right now has it to an extent)... doesn't make any sense, as it is such an easy thing to include and it would definitely cut down on a lot of complaints (offline anyway).
I'd go for an injury slider, anything to get some realism into the game, in my third season Had four injuries that's all, and all lasted a week... :RANT:
From Rutter

Before this gets out of hand...

I'm English.

Whilst I'd love to visit Australia at some point - I'm yet to do so

My boss - Mr Andrew Wilson - is definitely Australian...

I'm off on holiday I'm afraid. I've asked the forum mods, marketing and PR to get some clear messaging together for when the update is going to come out. It's currently in the final stages of QA testing - and once they give it the nod it'll be going live.

The wait is 'almost' over.

Crab-walking will die

Amongst other fixes too. To be confirmed soon - but if you look back in the thread you'll see most of them I've already confirmed.


PS -- back early December. Have a good un.

It sounds like he is saying there are some other fixes that haven't been confirmed yet...
I fear we'll get nothing but the things they stated earlier, anything else will be FIFA10 fodder...
I'd go for an injury slider, anything to get some realism into the game, in my third season Had four injuries that's all, and all lasted a week... :RANT:

I have had quite a few injuries lately. It tends to happen to me when my players are completely out of energy. I had a 3 week injury once...
I like the analogue pitching/batting controls of MLB 2k8, much better than pressing buttons to hit/pitch IMO, more immersive and rewarding.

Thats definatly an acceptable argument, but the gameplay on mlb 2k as an overall is all full of little bugs, fielding is horrible, not to mention the wacky animations as a hole. Also, baseball, diferently from football is a game of stats, and to get realistic stats on 2k u would have to spend 4 months tweaking sliders lmao
i would suggest any Wii baseball game for a person that like to mimic the actions of pitch and hit.

said that, im not implyng the show is a perfect game by no means...for a start it doenst have real colisions effects(although thats not completly necessary in a baseball game) , the hitting window is so huge that after a while u start getting over 12 hits every game without concetrating a bit...and the sliders on the show dont work properly so u cant fix that, which will blow your stats on the long run.
But i love that game, i think mainly cause everything is so smooth specially animations(the transition animations are a piece of art alone)and grafics..on the sound aspect the game is amazing too, they have a incredible play by play that makes u really feel the comentators are wacthing you play.

as far as i know the best baseball game as a hole is that jaanese game that players dont evan have arms, in america they released it as MLB power pros(only Wii and PS2) i have never played it, but ive heard on operation sports it has definatly the most complete engine to produce real stats sheets and that after a while u evan start loving that kind of gfx and animations.

sorry about the huge huge offtopic, but i think this might fit the ocasion since someone brought up an idea of a 2k football game.

also to sum up, i think sliders are good, but they need to be one or two...
if u get to the point where baseball games are with sliders(over 40 sliders!!!), u really start tweaking too much and dont enjoy the game... *im guilty in charge of beeing a slider addicted!* LOL i lost 3 months this year tweaking the show trying to find the all mighty and hole perfect slider set just to give up casue in the end, it was impossible to fix my issue with simple sliders, the problem was down bellow the game engine.
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Anyone else having problems with their Live Season stuff?

Keeps forgetting that I've inputted my code, so I have to do it again, and again, and again.

Plus the fact, PSN appears to have forgotten my card details, and won't let me input new ones.

Oh and FIFA's just gone straight from a game to the home screen without warning, without quitting the game from a controller or my bluetooth remote.

Several little things keep suggesting my PS3 is about to say bye-bye to working properly, though these concerns tonight might just be my FIFA acting up.
Could someone explain this 'crab walking' thing to me, I have a 360.

If it's what I think it is, it's when you're running straight (especially if in a race with the last defender) after a long ball or something has been aimed at you, and then the player will inexplicably start walking sideways for no reason.

It's fucking annoying and I would've thought they'd have fixed it in 08 with a patch, so to have it in 09 is really bad.
I've been playing with manual passing recently on ALL modes, (yes, even online, and on Clubs) and have been getting much better at it I think.

I have been winning the majority of my matches online (only unranked, ranked = cunt fest) and I have been playing some really nice football and scoring some great goals.
I am going to keep using manual all the time now, I enjoy the game much more with it.

Tonight I scored one of my best goals online with Leverkusen - I passed it round the defence and midfield neatly, then spotted Barnetta making a run into space on the wing, I then picked him out with a perfectly weighted manual long ball, played a one-two with to get past the full back and then played a deep cross to Kießling who knocks it down right into the path of the on-rushing Helmes who smacks the volley into the near top corner from about 10 yards.

Awesome goal, awesome game.
FIFA 09 > Any other football game, ever.
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