FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

class goal, really highlights how much more realistic the game is on semi/manual, the way that aerial throughball goes slightly wrong and you have to run out to collect it etc.

Dawu, is there any chance we could make a thread where we can collate the gamer tags of people that play semi/manual controls?
How do you jockey tackle on world class, I can't get near them its pissing me off now

Your best bet is to not try to tackle much at all in central midfield. CPU on WC is ridiculous enough with dribbling that if they have space to work with in the midfield, you can't really do much. Best thing to do in central midfield is to keep a good distance between the ballhandler and block off the passing and dribbling lanes. DO NOT use tackle. Once the CPU gets to the edge of the field/wings, that is when you can use X (square in PS3) to call for pressure defense and try to dispossess them with a tackle, since they won't have room to work with. You can also try to tackle carefully in the final third (but NOT with the final defender, as it is too risky... do it with a midfielder), as they usually take a longer touch to create themselves some room for the shot. Also, take my earlier advice and set the defense line to offside trap, since it will bring the defense line up further and CPU will be more careful in how they time their runs (and naturally creating more pressure, giving you a better chance of dispossessing them). Set the defense line width to full as well, so that you can cover the wings.

With the above tactics, they will make more back passes and be more composed in their attacks. It might be annoying to give them all that possession, yes, but it also makes the game a lot more realistic build up wise. (If you try to tackle them all the time, since they can get around you effortlessly, they will be bombarding you with speedy attacks all the time).

Another key is to keep a good possession on offense. Obviously, more you have the ball, the less THEY will have time on the ball, and this way you can build more attacks and make it seem like more of a real life game. Set your tactic to possession and you can build up some good attacks and keep them from getting the ball.

With these tactics, I can win fairly often on WC even with a weaker team. They'll still get their share of ridiculous goals, but it's rare that I allow more than 10 shots to them per game now. I can get around 7 or 6. This is with passing/shooting on semi and everything else on manual, so I'd reckon if I played with assisted controls I'd be beating them by a few goals each time. :D
Your best bet is to not try to tackle much at all in central midfield. CPU on WC is ridiculous enough with dribbling that if they have space to work with in the midfield, you can't really do much. Best thing to do in central midfield is to keep a good distance between the ballhandler and block off the passing and dribbling lanes. DO NOT use tackle. Once the CPU gets to the edge of the field/wings, that is when you can use X (square in PS3) to call for pressure defense and try to dispossess them with a tackle, since they won't have room to work with. You can also try to tackle carefully in the final third (but NOT with the final defender, as it is too risky... do it with a midfielder), as they usually take a longer touch to create themselves some room for the shot. Also, take my earlier advice and set the defense line to offside trap, since it will bring the defense line up further and CPU will be more careful in how they time their runs (and naturally creating more pressure, giving you a better chance of dispossessing them). Set the defense line width to full as well, so that you can cover the wings.

With the above tactics, they will make more back passes and be more composed in their attacks. It might be annoying to give them all that possession, yes, but it also makes the game a lot more realistic build up wise. (If you try to tackle them all the time, since they can get around you effortlessly, they will be bombarding you with speedy attacks all the time).

Another key is to keep a good possession on offense. Obviously, more you have the ball, the less THEY will have time on the ball, and this way you can build more attacks and make it seem like more of a real life game. Set your tactic to possession and you can build up some good attacks and keep them from getting the ball.

With these tactics, I can win fairly often on WC even with a weaker team. They'll still get their share of ridiculous goals, but it's rare that I allow more than 10 shots to them per game now. I can get around 7 or 6. This is with passing/shooting on semi and everything else on manual, so I'd reckon if I played with assisted controls I'd be beating them by a few goals each time. :D

Thanks mate
It's too easy with assisted through balls, you can just pass forward a couple of times into the final third, press through ball and you are almost guaranteed to be in behind the defence, with manual, even though they suck a bit, you have to really think about the angle and strength you play it at, this is far more realistic and also more satisfying when you do get one right.

Lol at my last three games. Won against Stuart on penalties after a thrilling end to end match, then beat Rob 1-0 with a volley from the most impossible angle ever. To be fair Bulgaria vs Ecuador was a bit of a mismatch
I was on manual through balls for our game and I should have buried that Butt left-foot strike which hit the bar. Penalties don't count for shit :D
My approach to penalties is they count if you win them, but they don't count if you lose them.

That was unlucky, although I did hit the post with Defoe as well. It was that sort of game though, it had everything.
Does anyone know where I can find a "strategy guide" online for FIFA 09? I'm interested in all the essentially hidden controls in the game. posted one a while back but I can't find it for the life of me right now.

Dear EA Sports,

If you're going to force us into uploading replays we want to save, at least make the feature stable! (YOU CUNTS!)

5 times now I've got between 30-45% through the upload, only for the game to suddenly play a crowd sound, freeze the upload and then, when I attempt to quit the replay feature, crash on me.

Half the goals I score are only interesting for me and/or my mates as people online would watch and be like 'what's so special about that?'

Kind Regards,
Adolf Hitler

That's some good stuff there. I haven't seen that before. But I what I was looking for is a breakdown of all the controls that aren't listed in the manual. had a whole section that showed controls like lift passes and stuff like that. I'm going to keep hunting and if I find it I will post it here.

Thanks for those links, though. Good stuff in there, too.

EDIT: Here's an even more organized version of the info Placebo and Bobo linked to:

EDIT 2: Here is some of what I was talking about:
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Can someone please explain to me how to properly record the entire replay vids for EA Sports Football World. Do I need to hit the "Y" to save vid after it plays, or should I save it before it plays?

I usually get only the tail end of the vids instead of the whole sequence as it should do. What am I doing wrong?
Quick question guys:

I'm in the middle of Be A Pro Seasons playing as myself :) Just transfered from LA Galaxy to Leverkusen. My question is, is Champions League games included in this mode? Let's say we win the Bundesliga, will there be european games to play next season?
Dear EA Sports,

If you're going to force us into uploading replays we want to save, at least make the feature stable! (YOU CUNTS!)

5 times now I've got between 30-45% through the upload, only for the game to suddenly play a crowd sound, freeze the upload and then, when I attempt to quit the replay feature, crash on me.

Half the goals I score are only interesting for me and/or my mates as people online would watch and be like 'what's so special about that?'

Kind Regards,
Adolf Hitler

hitler? wtf?
Yes (not experienced it myself but I've heard a few people talk about it).

Ok cool!

Really loving this mode now. Playing as a striker you don't get those annoying "-DEFENCE" all the time as you get when playing as a winger. When playing on the wing it seems the game expects you to mark 3 players at the same time.
I would just like to expand on the art of teammate press defensive control, and how one can master it to absolutely own World Class difficulty against the CPU with the right teams (for those who are having trouble defending on World Class and higher).

Teammate press/double team defense has been in WE games a long time, but it has been in FIFA for the last several iterations also. I'm sure most people have used this quite often during their games, but most of the time, I see that they are not utilizing this feature as how they should. Most people mindlessly push the button for help defense, hoping that the opposing player would falter, and against a low skill human opponent or CPU in professional or lower difficulty, this works very easily. However, I'm sure a lot of you find that this does not help nearly as much in the World Class difficulty... as a matter of fact, at this level, CPU will still run circles around you effortlessly if you apply this improperly. Where most people go wrong in implementing this, is how the defensive players are positioned in regards to the man with the ball.

The main point of teammate press should be to restrict the passing lanes and dribbling lanes of the man with the ball in regards to going forward. The two players ALWAYS need to be positioned at a 45 degree angle in respect to the man with the ball in order to close out the space most efficiently. Here is my very amateur paint diagram to show you in pictures:

As you see in the picture, you can see that the options of the CPU man with the ball is basically the small gap between the two defenders or passing backwards/laterally, greatly restricting the man's options in regards to going forward. Basically, unless there is a man available to pass to in that hole, the man will be left with no options. Ideally, there are several ways around this for the man with the ball. One is to play long balls down the field over the defenders, and two is for the team to string one touch passes quickly enough so that the two defenders do not have the time to maintain that position (and I suppose if the player is really good, he can dribble through the two defenders, but that's pretty difficult). While those tactics work well when in hands of skilled human players, you'll see that the CPU usually do not get around to it. The CPU on world class has a thing for keeping possession, trying to find the perfect pass and trying to dribble around the defenders, and you'll see that longer you maintain this position, more hesitant the CPU gets. As CPU hesitates, that is your chance to close out the press and dispossess them of the ball. This works best in the sidelines or the corners, since you can restrict the CPU even more by taking away their backpass and lateral passing lanes (since behind them would be out of bounds). Doing this in midfield, while risky, works well too, and most of the time you will find the CPU making back or lateral passes instead.

A plus effect of this is that you will be able to sometimes dispossess the CPU in the midfield and at their defensive line, creating a lot more offensive opportunities. And since CPU in World Class seems to like push their players constantly up, you'll have a LOT of counter attacking opportunities.

There are two things that you should know in employing this tactic against the CPU:

- First, this is quite risky to do in the central midfield due to the fact that they have a lot more room to work with. With pressure defense, you are basically removing another player from his position to help, so if you do this improperly, you will pay dearly as one man will be left unmarked. If the ball still somehow gets to that man, you are screwed. This is why I STRONGLY recommend that the man you press with is NOT one of final line of defenders. You're better off doing it with a midfielder, a forward, or a winger instead, since you will still have covering if you screw up.

- Second, this works better with certain teams, particularly ones with superior strength and body balance (since pressuring with them will make it easier to dispossess the ball). If you are playing a team with weak players and facing a team with superior strength, their player might still find a way to muscle through both of your defenders.

- Third and final point is that if the CPU is a goal down or tied towards the end of the game, they WILL change up their tactic and become VERY, very aggressive. At this time, they will most likely play some perfect long balls, rely on dribble less and attempt more one-touch passing. To counter the long balls, I recommend that you employ a offside trap so that you can catch them aggressively going forward. With one touch passing, you'll just have to do your best to keep the defense shape and cut off the passing lane as much as you can. When CPU goes into this "cheap" mode, it would be in your best interest to set your mentality to ultra defensive, set your defense width as wide as you can (CPU likes lobbing long balls to their wingers) and try to keep as much possession as you can (you don't want them to have possession, trust me). You can also employ counter attack tactic and try to catch them off guard, finishing them off for good.

And there you go. Now you should have a much easier time dealing with the World Class CPU. More you dispossess them, the more you have the ball, and more chances there is for you to use it to attack, score, and win. (This tactic is actually also a fundamental tactic in real football, but it is mainly used by the defenders to close up the shooting room in the final third.) With these tactics, I can beat even the 5 star teams with relative ease, and even score some upsets using a weaker team, with semi/manual control scheme (semi for shooting/passing, manual for others). I've been using same tactics in WE/PES as well, and it works just as well. To a degree, you can also employ this tactic against human players and be successful with it. Hopefully some of you having trouble in WC difficulty will try this out, and be successful in doing so. :D Hope you can find this helpful.
Can someone please explain to me how to properly record the entire replay vids for EA Sports Football World. Do I need to hit the "Y" to save vid after it plays, or should I save it before it plays?

I usually get only the tail end of the vids instead of the whole sequence as it should do. What am I doing wrong?

When you score your goal, right after your celebration you'll have a replay, when that starts hit X on your Xbox 360, or SQUARE on your PS3 and click Y, choose a slot and it will upload it. Then you go to your EAfootball account, click MY VIDEOS and you'll have it there.

Hope that helped.
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