FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

I've now gotten used to World Class difficulty, and having a blast right now. As you all know (and has been mentioned a few times already), professional is a bit too easy and World Class can seem a little unforgiving sometimes, but I've now found the right tactics to compete with the higher level teams with a lower level team. I have pass and shooting on semi and everything else on manual.

To test it out with a lower level team, I used Korea Republic (who are three stars, not great, not terrible), and faced various higher ranked teams like Turkey, Poland, Italy, Germany, etc. With standard tactics where defense is put to "cover", these teams absolutely demolished me as they would get behind my defense line with ease and time their runs perfectly. And I could not dispossess them no matter how hard I tried. So I fiddled around with a few tactics and found a perfect match; playing high pressure with offside trap as the defensive tactic. This made the CPU forwards more hesistant in making their runs forward and give them little time on the ball. Their defense would also not press forward as much, giving more midfield action in general. Of course, CPU will time their runs right once in a while and hit you in a counterattack but now the game is much more even. With cover or man marking tactic, they just run circles around you at will and time their runs with ease, so don't bother. Playing these tactics, I once held out Germany to no shots at halftime, so it seems to click in frustrating the CPU offense.

And for anyone that is struggling on headers, try to hold RT, RB, and A (I guess R1+R2+X on PS3) at the same time as you time your jump. I'm pretty sure RB doesn't do anything, and that it is just hold RT, but with that combination I'm winning a lot more headers in the midfield and defense now.

There are still problems at the World Class level, such as the CPU having WAY too many shots on target (and scoring lot of unrealistic cheap goals in the process) and through ball glitch seemingly happening more often. But if you are having at World Class difficulty right now, give my tactics a try and see if it works out better for you.
I'm not sure if anyone can remember but many years ago I ran a fantasy Pro Evo league on here, involving me playing out the games on my own PS2 and sharing the highlights and stats in text form back on here. Transfers could take place between teams via the "managers" sending PMs to each other and notifying me, who kinda played God.. heh.

Hearing you can use edited teams gives me the idea of a FIFA league, but with obvious changes.
  • Online league. Home & away system. Would need at least 4 players, I still think a mini league would be fun.
  • Transfers available in windows, via managers doing deals with each other, and changing the players themselves offline, in ready for the next league match.
  • Adidas Live Season compatibility perhaps
  • Currency possible via real life levels of imaginary cash to begin with.
  • Teams earning money for a win, only a slight bit for a draw and losing cash after losing a match
The thing I would have problems working out would be how to value the players. Perhaps working the currency to be on par with in-game MM values. Brainstorming over. If anyone's interested in doing something like this or helping with the formula feel free, it's just an idea at the moment.
Nice games Rob, can't believe that free kick in the last minute lol. Off the bar and about an inch over the line and out again. That move in the Turkey/Russia game I did was beautiful. Very lucky in that last game!

Today I've not been able to get many good games because people are offline, and it just reiterates how bad it is playing against fully assisted noobs who haven't got the first fucking clue how to play proper football. If I'm losing against these people now I will just quit when I feel like it, DNF rating doesn't bother me at all and it's worth it to annoy those morons after their precious win percentages.

Next year we seriously have to make a petition or something to get forced semi controls in.
I think Live Season only works for Ranked matches, that's pretty crap really as I rarely play them at all :(.

Great games vglntv95 who I just played from here (can never remember username! :PP) It's great playing as teams from different countries/divisions, getting different types of matches each time as well as playing with semi/manual controls and playing proper football.
That free kick you scored was incredible, especially with the ball going just over the line and bouncing back out again! You put together a few very nice moves, was that Turkey/Russia one the move where you passed it around a bit, played a cross-field ball to the winger, put a deep cross in, headed it back across goal and slotted it in? That one was very cool and looked realistic too :).
That volley in the last game I hit would have been a great goal, I thought it was in but it went just wide.

You can't save online replays :( It's a shame, I seem to do most of my best moves/goals online where they can't be uploaded, yet when I play offline I can't score a half-decent goal at all!!! Pretty annoying.
Yeh I guess you can't save them but still, would be nice if they did something where it uploads silently in the background or something.

Rob that was the one, it was pretty slick, probably the best team goal I've scored. I like our games because of the contrasting styles, you play it around more whilst I'm far more direct and just pump it forward at every opportunity. I thought that volley was in too, I actually jumped out of my seat lol.

It's so much more realistic playing like that, which is why it's so shocking that no one uses it. I think in the last thirty random people I've played online, maybe one or two (max) have been using any kind of semi controls and *always* assisted through balls. I'm really enjoying manual through balls now and have done a couple of pearlers today.
online play for ps3 version is pissing me off.....quite laggy and hardly finish a game due to losing connection

my internet is decent......starting to grate now
Anyone know how to set up a custom league with more than 4 human players controlling the teams? I want to set up a proper (non-online) league but when you try and set up a custom league it only gives you a max of 4 human controlled players.

Those are my controls mate. I've got through balls on assisted cos they are frustratingly slow on manual. As for my diving header that somehow was a diving header, (he'll understand), I admit was a touch weird but don't go tagging me with hate without knowing the facts :))
LOL someone from here called StuartCulli added me.

Try playing as well as that on semi/manual mate.
As Stu posted, he does use semi/manual apart from through balls. He is very good though, so sometimes it would seem he is using assisted for passing too :PP.
Ah ok fair enough, sorry about that but you didn't misplace a single pass in the entire match. I've played some very good semi/manual players and even they drop the odd clanger. It was actually a tougher game for me than 95% of the fully assisted people I've played, so I was surprised to be drawing until the last minute penalty. Let's play again some time :)

Manual through balls might not be that great, but compared to how stupidly accurate assisted through balls are I think it's the more realistic option.
Ah ok fair enough, sorry about that but you didn't misplace a single pass in the entire match. I've played some very good semi/manual players and even they drop the odd clanger. It was actually a tougher game for me than 95% of the fully assisted people I've played, so I was surprised to be drawing until the last minute penalty. Let's play again some time :)

Manual through balls might not be that great, but compared to how stupidly accurate assisted through balls are I think it's the more realistic option.

I'll put the cutback down to you being pissed off about me on 'assisted' then ;)
anyone else think the manual passing was much more forgiving on euro2008, ive been playing it tonight still think its a great game feels a little softer to play than fifa09.
I think my cutback goal was cancelled out by your physically impossible neck breaking header! The pace of that game was frightening though, given that it was on slow, I was having to backtrack like a bitch just to keep you out. I really hate games like that, I prefer a more leisurely Italian style pace, but it will be interesting to see what happens next time.
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My header was bloody weird, I know. I'm sure you'll have the better of us two in other games I was just in the zone then ;)
I doubt it somehow, but I will at least know what I'm up against so will be able to set up accordingly, lol. How long have you been playing the game to get that good? I've not seen anyone shift the ball around that quickly, although I think the way Everton set up by default didn't help me, Marseille are pretty quick so you need to get in their face before they can turn and run at you.
How long have I been playing 09? A day before official release day. I played 08 on fully manual as well if that helped.
I doubt it somehow, but I will at least know what I'm up against so will be able to set up accordingly, lol. How long have you been playing the game to get that good? I've not seen anyone shift the ball around that quickly, although I think the way Everton set up by default didn't help me, Marseille are pretty quick so you need to get in their face before they can turn and run at you.

Everton setup as default is very realistic, no movement off the ball and cant string two passes together, with arteta doing fuck all. about right really.

If you change your arena player, then change him again, play BAP, exit back to arena, you can get that first player in the uniform of the second

I put Ashley Young as my arena player, then played some games, changed to Benzema, and when I play BAP, and exit back to arena, i get Young in the uniform of LYON. Kinda funny.
Everton setup as default is very realistic, no movement off the ball and cant string two passes together, with arteta doing fuck all. about right really.

thats totally precise!
Arsenal x Everton macth spoiler below:
just wacthed arsenal x everton...another frustating macth for out repertoar...
we just CANT pass the ball....its amazing...
how is the snow? the rain? weather effects? breathing in cold weather? adboards? pitches getting dirty?

I think it's about time that we saw good weather effects now after giving EA 2 years to make the gameplay solid with the new engine

4 fu&*ing pages and no one can comment on this?
how is the snow? the rain? weather effects? breathing in cold weather? adboards? pitches getting dirty?

I think it's about time that we saw good weather effects now after giving EA 2 years to make the gameplay solid with the new engine

4 fu&*ing pages and no one can comment on this?

tomba im gonna answer will be dissapointing... but ill

how is the snow?
Looks good, but its weird when u see players wearing short sleeves on it
I didnt feel so much diference on the physics

the rain?
Looks great, when u can see it...meaning, u can only see it on cut scenes and Be a pro cameras unfortnaly...i like how the physics change, seems realistic to me...

breathing in cold weather?

Some stadiums like old trafford have eletronic adborads...ull see reall advertisements for each specific league

pitches getting dirty?
NO, although there are stadiums or ramdom ocasion where ull see a poor pithc, and others where ull see a World cup quality far i think its random...
I think Live Season only works for Ranked matches, that's pretty crap really as I rarely play them at all :(.

Thats crazy.... what kind of sense does that make? It's such a great game if only there weren't these tiny mistakes which are just bizarre.

It's strange, I'm getting better at the game fast: I moved up to Legendary after beating Man U on world class with Sunderland, then drew man u with stoke city! Hope the AI isnt going to be too easy now...
tomba im gonna answer will be dissapointing... but ill

how is the snow?
Looks good, but its weird when u see players wearing short sleeves on it
I didnt feel so much diference on the physics

the rain?
Looks great, when u can see it...meaning, u can only see it on cut scenes and Be a pro cameras unfortnaly...i like how the physics change, seems realistic to me...

breathing in cold weather?

Some stadiums like old trafford have eletronic adborads...ull see reall advertisements for each specific league

pitches getting dirty?
NO, although there are stadiums or ramdom ocasion where ull see a poor pithc, and others where ull see a World cup quality far i think its random...

thank you brunnoce! sorry for being so "Big texted' about it lOL

so adboards have sponsors?
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