FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

What about the through ball bug? That is more important than 8 players in tournament mode, disappointing.

I'm guessing that's covered in "Bad defending/attacking where the guy turns sideways." I've never had the through ball bug myself, what settings do you use for your throughballs? I use manual and what I'm seeing a lot is manual = no through ball bug (or almost none).
oh to ask a cross? i've just press the :square: and i've been sent off for the challenge. i thought it's for the cross call button :(
They need to add support for online matches using semi-controls too.

Bit annoyed not to see that in Rutter's list. But I'm not really surprised as not enough people are moaning about it. Mainly because most people don't even seem to know it exists!
oh to ask a cross? i've just press the :square: and i've been sent off for the challenge. i thought it's for the cross call button :(
I think you just have to press the pass button, and hope the winger crosses it instead of trying a pass along the ground.

I've tackled the wrong guy a few times and got red cards for it - the slide tackles seem to "lock on" to a player, and if they lock onto the wrong one then you are fucked :PP.
oh that's a fuck...somemore it's hard to maintain the point when it keep deduct the position point everywhere. but the game is nice. i stuck onto my chair since the afternoon till now.
New update from David Rutter:

I'll be very disappointed if that's all they fix to be honest, there's a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge amount of bugs/glitches in Fifa09, it's a good game but too many issues are stopping it from being a great game IMHO.

What's funny is that they apparently might not even be able to fix everything that they've mentioned in that small bug list.
I finally picked up my copy in the US - too bad I work all day and cn't get to it until late tonight...

Will post my thoughts from a yank perspective when I get into the game.
From IGN:

9.0 Gameplay
The best pure soccer around. Pro Evolution Soccer is going to need to throw the kitchen sink at this one.
Finally got the game here in Canada, and I am loving it. I put it on all semi/manual controls right away (pass/shooting on semi and everything else on manual) and I am getting very realistic results in the World Class level. I'm not sure if it is just me, but the semi controls seemed to have become more accurate (in the demo, it almost felt like it was on manual at times)... I'm getting more shots on targets than I used to get in the demo, and I'm getting less errant passes. Semi seems about just right at the moment. Tried a game online and it's sickening how most people are playing on assisted controls... I guess I will try to search players on full manual (it'll be harder for me, but at least it'll be much better than full auto) and hope that I'll get a good game. Will try the be a pro later on but for now I'll stick to MM.
I'm guessing that's covered in "Bad defending/attacking where the guy turns sideways." I've never had the through ball bug myself, what settings do you use for your throughballs? I use manual and what I'm seeing a lot is manual = no through ball bug (or almost none).

i only see this bug on lobbed(high) throughballs, on regular ground through balls i have never seen it.
Got the game today and I have to say, either I'm crazy or both versions are a bit different from each other. PS3 version has nicer looking pitches than 360 such as Old Trafford pitch. Also, the game plays a bit different on PS3 than 360. Ball physics and gameplay on PS3 feels like thr 360 Demo version which I liked. 360's gameplay is not the same as the Demo I played for thousands of times, however it is still very realistic and fun.

Those are my takes on both versions. I would go with the PS3 version if it wasn't for the PS3 controller. I am so used to using the 360 controller and it just feels perfect in my hand for Fifa.
how is the snow? the rain? weather effects? breathing in cold weather? adboards? pitches getting dirty?

I think it's about time that we saw good weather effects now after giving EA 2 years to make the gameplay solid with the new engine
Got the game today also. Playing with everything on manual which is a challenge but once you get used to it at the lower difficulty levels it's amazing the total freedom you have. Offline, the game is as close to perfection as I've seen so far in a football game. Played 5 hours so far today and counting...

PES can go arrange a date with itself and try for it's own lovechild for all I care.
Finally got this game today and all I have to say at this point is "wow." There seems to be some marked improvement from where the demo build was at. Things definitely feel much smoother and more solid than the demo that was on the PSN.

What absolutely amazes me about this game is that you feel like you're watching a real match. The reactions of the players to the decisions you make, the calling for passes, applauding or getting upset with a cross into the box. It's all quite fantastic.

The reaction time of the controls seems to be right on the money as well. I love how there is no longer a delay when telling your goalkeeper what to do with the ball. The decision is just as immediate as if it were any other player on the pitch.

The refereeing so far has been pretty good too. No longer can I get away with the reckless tackles I could in 08. I found that out the hard way in my second MM match against Stoke when Drogba got sent off with a red card for a challenge from behind, something I just used to do for giggles in 08 because I knew I could get away with it. That's definitely refreshing.

The addition of the referee and linesmen just adds another layer of realism to the game. I dig that I can change the languages on the fly this year without having to set the global language of my PS3. Very cool.

The only complaint I have so far is a minor one. I love the soundtracks for FIFA every year, but this year it seems abnormally quiet in all the menus and in the arena. And when you get to hear music post-match it has arena reverb slapped all over it.

I've only spent a few hours with it so far but to this point it's the best sports game I've ever played. That honor was previously held by NHL 09 but FIFA 09 just barely surpasses it.

I don't have a lot of FIFA players on my PSN friends list, so if you're out there, shoot me a friend request. Machines is my PSN ID.
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played an unranked match yesterday witch the hope that i don't have to face a ManU kiddie.
opponent chose Bayern Munich, but when starting i noticed, that not the online rosters, but my local ones have been loaded (from MM?)
same happened to the other guy
he had no the regular Bayern Munich, but Ronaldo, Messi, Henry,...
what a great game :((
by the way:
after updating Live Season yesterday I noticed, that only the stats have been changed, rosters stayed the way i put them
can anybody confirm this?
I'm guessing that's covered in "Bad defending/attacking where the guy turns sideways." I've never had the through ball bug myself, what settings do you use for your throughballs? I use manual and what I'm seeing a lot is manual = no through ball bug (or almost none).

I use manual through balls also, its 50/50, sometimes the player reacts fine but other times he'll stop then turn around and the chance is gone.

In all my games whenever I get a FK from a cossing position the player that I've selected to take the FK is never the player who actually takes it.

If the FK is on the left then Moretti will take it, if its on the right then Miguel will take it. In the menu Baraja and Silva are taking the FK's but in the game my full backs are taking it. is this happening to anyone else?

Also my wingplay is really bad, I've Joaquin on the RW and Vicente on the bench yet I hardly get any joy with them, any tips?
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after starting a BAP season,can i change the player appearance?like change the glove cuz i choose it before but to only realize i will wear it permanently :D
crossing in assisted mode is so so so poor you cant cross the ball to your CFs mates when they are in the box the ball will curve most of time out the box even if i just tap the cross button ... so is there any help out there i tried the manual mode but its so hard from me .. also when the ball comes to my players from a cross or high ball i want him to use his leg to shoot but he always goes with the head and it will go weak to the keeper so any help too thanks alot
I use manual through balls also, its 50/50, sometimes the player reacts fine but other times he'll stop then turn around and the chance is gone.

In all my games whenever I get a FK from a cossing position the player that I've selected to take the FK is never the player who actually takes it.

If the FK is on the left then Moretti will take it, if its on the right then Miguel will take it. In the menu Baraja and Silva are taking the FK's but in the game my full backs are taking it. is this happening to anyone else?

Also my wingplay is really bad, I've Joaquin on the RW and Vicente on the bench yet I hardly get any joy with them, any tips?

sbout the through passes with manual control i really dont use manual control so i dont know and i dont face this bug with assisted .. also about the freekicks takers i dont face any bug too .. but about your wings i faced this problem before so i tried to use the costum tactics mode it help me alot .. try to edit wings postions and keep them low in covering back and high in attacking thats what work for me and keep the arrows in attack mode i hope that will help you
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