FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Back the to manual controls discussion, I've been playing that way for 08 and Euro. Never knew the option even existed and when I found it it was like a brand new experience. Seems far more realistic to me. I still keep shooting on semi because manual shooting is a real beast. Can't wait for 09 to get here in the States!!!
For you manual control guys, have you tried finding your "brothers" online this way?

I convinced a Pro Evo fan at my work to get Fifa. His had it a week and he likes it but I have told him now to try and play with semi/manual controls and have said he needs to give it some time.

My other friend has fifa and loves it but his funny as he always tells me about the great goals from long distance his scoring and then I'm like "I've never scored 1 goal from 25 yards". I then go and tell him why I dont like Pro and how everything is assisted and his like "assisted, what the hell are you talking about"? He now understands why I have only scored once from long range in comparison to him scoring from distance every night.
same with my m8s...they have WE gameplay printed in their way to change it...

LOL! we all know that for this conversion to take place, it would require divine intervention to the fullest.

Some people hate change, it's a know fact, even if it's for the better.

In the end, people will play what their hearts desire, even if that heart has been hardened to better things.
My BAP Seasons has fucked up due to a fault/glitch in the game. Now i can't progress through the season properly.

I'm pissed off right now, I wish EA would do proper game testing to iron out glitches before releasing their titles. I seem to find a new bug every week.
Has anyone playing the PS3 version seen any rain because I haven't.

Its getting boring playing in daylight all the time.
LOL! we all know that for this conversion to take place, it would require divine intervention to the fullest.

Some people hate change, it's a know fact, even if it's for the better.

In the end, people will play what their hearts desire, even if that heart has been hardened to better things.

if hard changing people was only a problem in the video game scene, the world would be a much better place...much better!
if hard changing people was only a problem in the video game scene, the world would be a much better place...much better!

you are talking like if this game is a revolution.Is it really that good?I am asking because i havent played fifa (08, euro, 09) and i consider buying a console just for that.
you are talking like if this game is a revolution.Is it really that good?I am asking because i havent played fifa (08, euro, 09) and i consider buying a console just for that.

IMO if you're coming from PS2 gaming to Fifa08/Fifa09 on the 360/PS3 it truly is a revolution in football gaming, visually, aurally and especially gameplay wise.
you are talking like if this game is a revolution.Is it really that good?I am asking because i havent played fifa (08, euro, 09) and i consider buying a console just for that.

Placebo is right...
but im not gonna tell u ITS A REVOLUTION period...
i think u gotta play and see what u think..when i said that i was not tryinng to imply that people who dont play FIFA and still on PES are hard changing people...what i was saying is something like some people say they dont like fifa evan though they never tried it or given a proper chance for it, when i say proper chance i mean to play open minded, not play fifa "wanting" it to work like PES, its 2 difernt games, 2 diferent systems so u cant expect that...
Placebo is right...
but im not gonna tell u ITS A REVOLUTION period...
i think u gotta play and see what u think..when i said that i was not tryinng to imply that people who dont play FIFA and still on PES are hard changing people...what i was saying is something like some people say they dont like fifa evan though they never tried it or given a proper chance for it, when i say proper chance i mean to play open minded, not play fifa "wanting" it to work like PES, its 2 difernt games, 2 diferent systems so u cant expect that...

Pretty clear...
There is a lot of talk regarding manual vs semi vs assisted controls, I would like to put my 2 cents in, but can only comment on the 09 demo and 08 as I have yet to get my copy of 09 here in N.america.

Manual controls in my opinion provide an excellent gameplay experience when playing other human controlled opponents, however it gives you a major disadvantag against the CPU as they are usually spot on in their passing and ball movement across the pitch which you can only match by playing on semi/assisted (of course depending on your skill level and the difficulty level of the AI). I would hope that in future Fifa's, the game will recognize what level of controls you use and add a degree of error to the CPU controlled players....analogous to the various fitness levels that you can manually change for your opponents in the PES games, which would really make it a rewarding experience again on single player.
psychstigma, i c what u saying...but i think assisted shooting is an huge advanteage to the user...ull see that the CPU misses 70% of their shoots , 29% they shoot in a place where ur keeper will aways save..and 1% they score lol
maybe its just me, but almost every goal the AI scored on me were headers and rebounds other than that just a few 1 on 1 sitations... and only ONCE they scored from outside the box on me, thats from almost 2 weeks of a lot of macthes, including a full manager mode season...
Could you tell me more details about how yuo have to change the syle of play and what cheats are implemented?

In World Class you have to literally charge the CPU agian and again to dispossess them, playing deffensive, pack your team and play quick counters and long balls, a very straight forward way to play. It makes for some ping pong in the midfield and it's not as nice to play as the more relaxed and slow build up, because you will have less chances.

The cheats are too obvious: CPU can dribble you to no end with any player, they will win body checks no matter the strength of the players involved, they will win a lot more of headers even if you were in position, they will make impossible long passes accurately, etc... Sometimes it's more obvious and sometimes you play a team that seems a little weaker, but all of this cheats, in some way, persist and flaw the game to me. I want FAIRNESS in games, something developers forgot time ago.
The most critical problem I see in the game is the same as Cammey.

Professional difficulty is great and produces the most realistic simulation of footbal I've played. But it's a bit too easy to creat chances, specially on the counter.

World class: It produces a more fustrating experience. To win you have to change the style of play and loose a bit the simulation feeling. The cheats are absurdly implemented, as last year, and make for an irritating experience all the way.

As I see it, you have to play Professional with everything set to manual and try to enjoy the experience, because World Calss turns the game into the same scripted-oriented patterns we've played the last 5 years.

What do really shock me is how can they produce such a beauty and fail to adjust the difficulty levels (and cheat implementations) in such a blatant way. If professional is 3 and World Class is 4, we all would want to play in 3.5 difficulty. Can't understand how they don't see it specially after Fifa 08 having the exact same problem...

Chris, to enjoy the game, simply play Professional and put everything tyo manual and play slow build up as you want, that's the way I can really enjoy playing 1 hour every day, because World Class ends up infuriating me. Having the CPU modify your decisions in order to balance the game is something I expected to forget in next-gen. I was so naïf...

(Even NBA2K9 has the same problem, but at least they put in a slider that you can adjust to find your perfect balance. Learn about it EA).

drekkard said:
In World Class you have to literally charge the CPU agian and again to dispossess them, playing deffensive, pack your team and play quick counters and long balls, a very straight forward way to play. It makes for some ping pong in the midfield and it's not as nice to play as the more relaxed and slow build up, because you will have less chances.

The cheats are too obvious: CPU can dribble you to no end with any player, they will win body checks no matter the strength of the players involved, they will win a lot more of headers even if you were in position, they will make impossible long passes accurately, etc... Sometimes it's more obvious and sometimes you play a team that seems a little weaker, but all of this cheats, in some way, persist and flaw the game to me. I want FAIRNESS in games, something developers forgot time ago.

Couldn't agree more.:APPLAUD:
The cheats are too obvious: CPU can dribble you to no end with any player, they will win body checks no matter the strength of the players involved, they will win a lot more of headers even if you were in position, they will make impossible long passes accurately, etc...

Yes you are so right, CPU cheating is getting on my nerves now too. Playing defense is sometimes just impossible (CPU sometimes scores at will).

And i really cant stand any post shots any longer. Jesus, sometimes you got 4-5 post shots in one single Match. And the through ball Bug is killing me more an more.

And Shooting (SEMI) inside and outside the box is so different. Im in the box, just tap the shooting button and sometimes it goes way over the bar (clean shot, no one near me)- im outside the box tap the button and it is a flat shoot. come on, that is just shit. It is scripted, just like hitting the post all the time.

Im frustrated now. It seems playing the CPU is awful like ever - same old boring scripting and cheating. I need a break from Fifa09.
Can anyone give me PS3/360 comparison? Do they look identical graphics wise, lighting, textures etc..

I would like to see this comparison in the Fifasoccerblog site.

Some people say they both like the same, however the pics and movies I've seen show the PS3 version with crispier graphics. Or perhaps it's my eyes.
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I get this game tomorrow, so excited. And we're taking the PSAT tomorrow which means no homework. And I'm injured so I won't be going to soccer practice.

All this means an epic Fifa 09 session tomorrow.
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