FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

great post Trance_Allstar...
i would like to hear your thoughts on how the players attributes influence the semi-assisted shooting...
for ex: if i aim and power it exact the same with Nistelrooy and some 3rd div player, what will be the diferences in the result of the shoot, i knwo the power will be diferent, but will the direction also be diferent?
if u fell like writing about it please do :)

thanx! ;)

Thanks mate. ;)

TO be completely honest, I have not gotten my head completely around FIFA09 yet.

I don't own a 360 myself, which means I can't spend as much time with it as I'd like.
But, the more problematic issue is that, due to a lack of any visual indications on the screen as to where you are aiming your stick, you can rarely be very consistent with the stick aiming. This is even more true if you have a worn out analog stick on an old controller, since the stick is usually a bit loose and when making fine adjustments you can sort of end up changing the aim in large increments or "notches", rather than a smooth almost completely continuous movement as with new fresh pads.

Though, It does seem that less skilled players have worse accuracy than star players.
In my experience, there seems to be a bit of a tendency towards a "hit or miss" mentality. That is, the differnce of accuracy between differently skilled players seem pretty similar, until you reach the point of each player where a strike is deemed "inaccurate". At this point, it seems like worse players suffer alot more in terms of loss in power and precision. Also the less skilled players tend to get alot more height on the shot than better players. Even under mild inaccuracy conditions, worse players usually send the ball over the bar (where a star player still could've managed to control the shot better and impart more power and control on the shot).

For future games, I feel they could try and balance it out a bit more, so that there is a more sliding, natural scale between "accurate" and "inaccurate" shots, so that you don't need to "mishit" per se for a shot to stray noticeably. Also they could implement more serious penalties for bad mishits, such as completely botched shots or such (as opposed to the quite tolerant levels of inaccuracy currently in place for wild hard shots that are taken when pressured or imbalanced). Just for realism's sake.

Though overall these complaints aren't at all big for me. The more I play the game, I realize that the balance they have now is really quite spectacular, and I've yet to find anything sticking out obnoxiously (then again, haven't played it overly much so... :)).
Just out of interest, what difficulty level are you guys playing the CPU on?

I've been playing on world class and while I find it challenging it's also extremely frustrating too. It feels like all the CPU players have become physically stronger than all my players (even my so called strong players) and I get pushed off the ball too easily at every attempt. Am I doing something wrong? Also, every CPU team plays like they have the double pressure button clamped down the whole game.

Maybe I should go back to Professional level. I feel a bit too comfortable on that difficulty, but at least I can play some decent football and the games feel less of a scrappy chore. If only there was a difficulty level in between the two.

After playing mainly on semi (through balls and lobs manual) ive tonight changed it to all manual.

Great freedom but fucking hard- been trying to score my first goal never mind win my first match for the achievement.

Conceded a late goal then with literally the last kick of the game I do this to equalise:

Beat that for your first ever goaL on all manual!!!

Love this game
Just saw a cool animation,Scotland v Russia International Tourny, and Mcfadden claches with Shirokov and Shirokov stumbles hand on his face.A little blood would have been a nice touch.:P
I've been playing on world class and while I find it challenging it's also extremely frustrating too. It feels like all the CPU players have become physically stronger than all my players (even my so called strong players) and I get pushed off the ball too easily at every attempt. Am I doing something wrong? Also, every CPU team plays like they have the double pressure button clamped down the whole game.
See my post on FSB today entitled "FIFA 09; what needs improving"... It's nothing you're doing wrong, it's the way the game is.

If you play on professional you'll win every game. So either you stick with it or you choose a better team, which eliminates the problem (playing as a Premier League team on world class, it's a different game, honestly - because all of the players are of a higher skill level, every game is great and completely realistic, but with the really crap lower-league teams it's a nightmare).

It's a lot more fun playing as a Premier League team but I want to make a career for myself and get Tranmere promoted first (without winning every game 3-0 on professional). So my advice - this will go down like a lead balloon but I'm amazed at the difference it's made - is to go on... Assisted everything.

Yeah, I said it, assisted everything. :SHOCK:

I got so pissed off with it, with them intercepting every pass I made and scoring in the 90th minute all the time, I thought "screw this, I'm going to put it on assisted passing to see if it makes a difference" - big difference. Won my first game in eight matches, as Tranmere on world class. Passed it around, got a cross in, header, 1-0. And I managed to hold onto it, just. It's still hard as hell, way too hard than it should be being in League One, but you'll find yourself making a lot more chances. And with assisted shooting on as well it means they won't constantly hit shots weak as piss and as wide as Vanessa Feltz.

Having a lot more fun now. You can still miss the target on assisted shooting so I don't think it hurts the gameplay too much at all, at least not against the CPU. I won't use assisted anything online.
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I upped the game level to World Class for 2 games but I've put it back down to Professional for now. In both World Class games the speed of the game suddenly became very fast, I lost both games 1 nil and conceded in the first 2/3 mins of both games.

The only mode I'm playing right now is a standard La Liga season, all the games have had a slow pace to them just like the actual La Liga but when I upped the level its as if the opposition transformed into EPL teams and where not thinking about their passes. At first I thought maybe it was the oppositions tactics but I played them again on Professional and they behaved normally.
stuartdunlop, are you playing ps3 or 360??
I play with all on manual, but cant find others, with that setup on ps3.

I've got both but to be honest I prefer the Xbox version. I don't play on all manual though, just manual through ball and manual lob passes, the rest on semi

After playing mainly on semi (through balls and lobs manual) ive tonight changed it to all manual.

Great freedom but fucking hard- been trying to score my first goal never mind win my first match for the achievement.

Conceded a late goal then with literally the last kick of the game I do this to equalise:

Beat that for your first ever goaL on all manual!!!

Love this game
That's a brilliant goal mate, especially on manual! I still havn't scored from long range yet :(.
That's disgusting Chris, you should be ashamed. Lol jokes.

Just had three more games against Rob, I was robbed blind in the last game I'm telling you. A tackle on the edge of the area, barely any contact whatsoever yet somehow it's a free kick AND a red card which he then curls round the wall on the blind side of the keeper a la Roberto Carlos into the corner an impossible goal in the 120th minute of extra time then I lose on penalties. I was fuming lol. That was frantic attacking football though. Oh and I scored a wonder goal in the last minute of normal time that hit the underside of the bar and I'm sure it went in but the corrupt, biased wanker of a ref didn't award it.

I can't take any more tonight, it's incredibly frustrating when you aren't winning!
So my advice - this will go down like a lead balloon but I'm amazed at the difference it's made - is to go on... Assisted everything.

Yeah, I said it, assisted everything. :SHOCK:.

Well I never! Chris Bauer in full assists shocker!:SHOCK:

Hmmm....maybe I'll give it a try. At the moment I use manual through ball and lob passes and the rest on semi. I never play with anything fully assisted and to be honest I'm quite reluctant to switch to full auto just because I enjoy the human input of manual controls too much. I see your point, though. Thanks for the advice.

I'm quite happy to play on professional as I don't destroy the computer at this level (far from it) but I am very comfortable and win my fair share. On world class everything becomes rushed and scrappy whereas the CPU plays more patient and considered football on Pro, in my opinion. The most important thing is that I enjoy the game, but I'm tearing my hair out on world class. If only there was a level in between!

tobi said:
I upped the game level to World Class for 2 games but I've put it back down to Professional for now. In both World Class games the speed of the game suddenly became very fast, I lost both games 1 nil and conceded in the first 2/3 mins of both games.

The only mode I'm playing right now is a standard La Liga season, all the games have had a slow pace to them just like the actual La Liga but when I upped the level its as if the opposition transformed into EPL teams and where not thinking about their passes. At first I thought maybe it was the oppositions tactics but I played them again on Professional and they behaved normally.

Yep, that's pretty much how I'm seeing it.
That's disgusting Chris, you should be ashamed. Lol jokes.

Just had three more games against Rob, I was robbed blind in the last game I'm telling you. A tackle on the edge of the area, barely any contact whatsoever yet somehow it's a free kick AND a red card which he then curls round the wall on the blind side of the keeper a la Roberto Carlos into the corner an impossible goal in the 120th minute of extra time then I lose on penalties. I was fuming lol. That was frantic attacking football though. Oh and I scored a wonder goal in the last minute of normal time that hit the underside of the bar and I'm sure it went in but the corrupt, biased wanker of a ref didn't award it.

I can't take any more tonight, it's incredibly frustrating when you aren't winning!
Yeah you were robbed - the other two red cards you got in the other game were not really deserved either.

That was a great strike in the 90th minute, I thought it was in as well, nothing was going for you that game it seemed. I was very lucky to get to penalties let alone win it.

I did enjoy those games with you a lot, such a breath of fresh air after just playing people on assisted. A lot of people don't realise how good the game is with manual/semi controls, as they either don't try them or give up before they get the hang of them. As you said before - it transforms the game from something that would be a 6 or 7/10 game into a 9 or 10/10 game.
The system you refer to, with having to time the direction movements of the analog stick, seems to be similar to Top Spin 3.

First let me say I love the way you are a thinker about the game - this and many other games, I'm sure - and second let me say that if you have never read any Nicholson Baker, then you should. He is your brother.

I was indeed suggesting that FIFA09's semi-manual shooting is similar to Topspin3's. After another day today spent with it, I still suspect this to be the case. Considerations about whether this 'should' be the case are a separate matter.

But I am coming over to what I think is your suggestion that FIFA09's targeting system is exactly what it should be: wholly analogue. I.e. to aim just inside the right post you need to press the stick a proportionate amount in that direction. Not all the way over to the right. Just half, or two-thirds, of the way over. The duration of the press doesn't come into it.

This targeting system could be visualised as a circle divided into 'zones of accuracy' - like an archery target, with the outer rings corresponding to an all-the-way press (and a miss), and the inner rings being more and more on-target. The bullseye would be a straight shot, or minutely to either side of centre if the stick was tweaked ever so slightly.

This would be a fiendishly tough system to master, at least to begin with. A lifetime of football gaming goes against it. You would have to be disciplined enough in the midst of a high-pressure moment - in perhaps a fraction of a second's window of opportunity - whilst probably holding that stick all-the-way-over in order to run/sprint a player towards goal, to then move the same analogue stick to a position midway between its neutral point of rest and that outer point, in order to strike the corner of the net, say.

I think that's what you are saying, and it does kind of make sense. It would explain inconsistencies with the system I had in mind. I'll have to test it out on the pitch in the morning.
Thanks mate. ;)

TO be completely honest, I have not gotten my head completely around FIFA09 yet.

I don't own a 360 myself, which means I can't spend as much time with it as I'd like.
But, the more problematic issue is that, due to a lack of any visual indications on the screen as to where you are aiming your stick, you can rarely be very consistent with the stick aiming. This is even more true if you have a worn out analog stick on an old controller, since the stick is usually a bit loose and when making fine adjustments you can sort of end up changing the aim in large increments or "notches", rather than a smooth almost completely continuous movement as with new fresh pads.

Though, It does seem that less skilled players have worse accuracy than star players.
In my experience, there seems to be a bit of a tendency towards a "hit or miss" mentality. That is, the differnce of accuracy between differently skilled players seem pretty similar, until you reach the point of each player where a strike is deemed "inaccurate". At this point, it seems like worse players suffer alot more in terms of loss in power and precision. Also the less skilled players tend to get alot more height on the shot than better players. Even under mild inaccuracy conditions, worse players usually send the ball over the bar (where a star player still could've managed to control the shot better and impart more power and control on the shot).

For future games, I feel they could try and balance it out a bit more, so that there is a more sliding, natural scale between "accurate" and "inaccurate" shots, so that you don't need to "mishit" per se for a shot to stray noticeably. Also they could implement more serious penalties for bad mishits, such as completely botched shots or such (as opposed to the quite tolerant levels of inaccuracy currently in place for wild hard shots that are taken when pressured or imbalanced). Just for realism's sake.

Though overall these complaints aren't at all big for me. The more I play the game, I realize that the balance they have now is really quite spectacular, and I've yet to find anything sticking out obnoxiously (then again, haven't played it overly much so... :)).

very good insight as aways m8...
ill give semi shooting a serious try...i hope i can feel the diference between shooting with guiza and puyol for instance...

ill leave my thoughts soon
Pretty much the final straw for me in relation to online ranked games. It's a farce, again.

Super teams are unbeatable. Assists are common place. Game biases incredibly to through ball tactics. Game seems, quite literally, to have different refereeing depending on which team you are. I've been taken down from behind numerous times today, and they got away with it. I could, slightly touch the player whilst tackling the ball, and it would be a foul

Final straw came, beating someone 4-0, when EA disconnected me and it got recorded as a loss.

Sigh. FIFA 09 is so much better in x number of ways, but online, it's almost as flawed as 08.
First let me say I love the way you are a thinker about the game - this and many other games, I'm sure - and second let me say that if you have never read any Nicholson Baker, then you should. He is your brother.

I was indeed suggesting that FIFA09's semi-manual shooting is similar to Topspin3's. After another day today spent with it, I still suspect this to be the case. Considerations about whether this 'should' be the case are a separate matter.

But I am coming over to what I think is your suggestion that FIFA09's targeting system is exactly what it should be: wholly analogue. I.e. to aim just inside the right post you need to press the stick a proportionate amount in that direction. Not all the way over to the right. Just half, or two-thirds, of the way over. The duration of the press doesn't come into it.

This targeting system could be visualised as a circle divided into 'zones of accuracy' - like an archery target, with the outer rings corresponding to an all-the-way press (and a miss), and the inner rings being more and more on-target. The bullseye would be a straight shot, or minutely to either side of centre if the stick was tweaked ever so slightly.

This would be a fiendishly tough system to master, at least to begin with. A lifetime of football gaming goes against it. You would have to be disciplined enough in the midst of a high-pressure moment - in perhaps a fraction of a second's window of opportunity - whilst probably holding that stick all-the-way-over in order to run/sprint a player towards goal, to then move the same analogue stick to a position midway between its neutral point of rest and that outer point, in order to strike the corner of the net, say.

I think that's what you are saying, and it does kind of make sense. It would explain inconsistencies with the system I had in mind. I'll have to test it out on the pitch in the morning.

Well, I'm not entirely sure what you refer to with using the archery target analogy. My understanding of how FIFA's targeting works is really quite basic.

L33T paint illustration (For "SEMI" shooting):

Since this is "Semi", the range of the analog stick is limited to a bit outside the post when tilting the stick 90 degrees to the side of the goal. Changes happen when you move off-center from goal, but the principles seem the same.

With this system you can aim anywhere you want on goal. This is also why I prefer Semi shooting, if I press the shot button I don't need to be able to aim at the corner flag, since my intention most of the times when pressing shot is to hit goal, and thus I don't need to waste analog stick range by having the aiming follow the analog stick precisely.

Also I have played FIFA09 and 08 alot, and I've never seem any deviation from this way of aiming.
Even if they supposedly had some type of support for determining how far off-center to aim by how long you hold the analog stick to the side (a sort of inertia-system, holding for too long will push the aiming to far out and you will miss), why would you even use that method, when you can simply press the stick in the angle you want the ball to go, and then shoot? Doesn't get much easier, and this sytem allows for last-second complete changes in aiming direction, while the inertia system would be impossible to get back the other way in time, sicne you might need to hold the stick for 0.5 seconds for the aiming to stray a certain distance from "center".

I hope I make sense. :)

very good insight as aways m8...
ill give semi shooting a serious try...i hope i can feel the diference between shooting with guiza and puyol for instance...

ill leave my thoughts soon

Do that, I'll be interested to hear what others find. :)
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Hey guys, are there celebrations for winning leagues in Fifa 09? I never finished any leagues in Fifa 08 so I don't know if it had it.

If there is, do they look good?

I certainly hope so, and I'd like to know as well. In 08, all you would see is the generic celebrations with your teammates then a team picture. For god sakes, would it hurt to at least show the trophy? In this regard WE/PES has always trumped it... where you can actually see players receiving the medals, confetties, trophy lifting, victory lap, etc.

It's not like I want a 10 minute celebration clip or anything (actually, it wouldn't be bad if there was... you played through the whole season and won it after all, and it would be a nice reward), but at least include something decent. I know gameplay takes precedence, but I think this would be worthy to at least bring up to developer's attention for 2010.
Whenever i upload a video to EASportsWorld, it says the upload has been successful, but doesn't appear on my Profile page.

The video appears in-game on the "upload list", but nowhere to be found on EA's website.

Can someone help me out please. Thanks.
I had the same problem. I am guessing you have the wrong persona selected on your page.

When you logon click on the profile tab - you should see your details somewhere. Click 'edit'. That will take you to a new page. From there you can select the persona that is associated with your PS3 or XBOX360 account. You should then be able to see your vids.

Hope this helps.
Started a MM on World Class with Las Palmas. Won my first game 3-1 but have since drew two games 0-0. The CPU really closes down the angles and makes it difficult for me to create chances.

Can't say I've noticed any cheating though, no stronger players, no excessive pressure, no faster players. Seems fine to me, and a very good challenge :))
Online is a joke I agree, complete disaster. The only way I've managed to mitigate that disaster is by playing people like Rob/Bobby and anyone else I know who plays on semi/manual as that will ensure you always get a good game.

Is there anyway we can lobby EA to ensure they give better online options next year? So we aren't forced yet again to play vs. assisted/top team whores? I've posted about it on the forum but didn't get much response.

Oh and Rodelero, if you want to counteract the predominance of people using through balls/aerial through balls custom tactics in conjunction with a defensive formation can work wonders. I've really managed to frustrate some good players by playing a containment 4-5-1 formation with customatic tactics set up for very low pressing/aggression which means I usually have the whole team defending on the edge of the area, but I can still score some goals on the counter.
To keep each additional league up-to-date with adidas Live Season will cost £4.99 (around €7/$7 USD), or you can choose to keep all leagues updated for £12.99 (around €20/$20 USD).

After playing mainly on semi (through balls and lobs manual) ive tonight changed it to all manual.

Great freedom but fucking hard- been trying to score my first goal never mind win my first match for the achievement.

Conceded a late goal then with literally the last kick of the game I do this to equalise:

Beat that for your first ever goaL on all manual!!!

Love this game

love how the keeper just lays on the ground with his arms
I am playing 2 manager mode's. First with Galatasaray on Legandary and ended first. Second with Arsenal on Worldclass. I've played 12 games and won all of them (some with 7-1, 6-0, 5-1) so I think I go switch to Legandary.
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IMO the best option is to change to all manual controls instead of upping to legendary, game is harder due to your ability with a controller that way rather than by means of AI cheating....
I find the trouble with manual controls is that it takes away the ability to do the early cross.

And also it makes the game too hard in my opinion.
completely agree with all manual, it feels more organic. response time seems better, more deflections, more precision etc and you can try extravagant goals.

I love crossing from one wing to the other so the winger runs on and trys to volley it first time outside of the foot, edge of the box. It will come off one day.
I find the trouble with manual controls is that it takes away the ability to do the early cross.

And also it makes the game too hard in my opinion.

I have no problem doing the early cross with manual crossing, just takes some practice really. I guess it's all down to personal choice but for me battling the underdog AI routines on Legendary with assisted settings is more tedious than battling my controller dexterity on Professional/World Class :)
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