FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

It depends on your prestige level at the end of the season. The higher the prestige, the higher class the team you can go for.
As far as I'm aware yes, although I'm telling you this from reading many other folks' statements on it mate, I've never strayed from my beloved Spurs in-game so wouldn't know first hand.
but one thing that is bugging me is if this will evan up all the players, making their attributs count for u feel easier to hit shots with nistelrooy than mikel with semi shooting?

It is a big difference. I play with a second Division Team and my Strikers are really, really poor. They miss a lot of shoots even in the Box and at 1on1 Situations.

If i play with Bayern it is completely different. I dont need a lot of chances to score with Toni/Klose or Podolski. In the Box there are deadly and at 1on1 Situation i can score a lot easier, although i am doing the same thing like i do with my second Division Strikers.

Player Attributs count on Semi mate, they count a lot without a doubt. Play with weak Players and you will see and feel the difference for sure.
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All this talk about semi's... you'll have to be careful or you'll have google referring people to this site with something else in mind.
Had a couple of catastrophic through-ball bugs during play today. There you are, playing the game 'the new FIFA way', passing it around, probing for openings, trying to exploit gaps. And you finally create a chance and play the final killer ball through to your striker - who prances about next to the ball until the defender catches up with him...

How did that thing ever get past Quality Testing? Could it be an unforeseen side-effect of a late tweak? That's got to be the only explanation. Otherwise, we'd have to assume that a big games company released a football game without a proper testing and bug-fixing process. We all know that could never happen...
Whenever i upload a video to EASportsWorld, it says the upload has been successful, but doesn't appear on my Profile page.

The video appears in-game on the "upload list", but nowhere to be found on EA's website.

Can someone help me out please. Thanks.
Had a couple of catastrophic through-ball bugs during play today. There you are, playing the game 'the new FIFA way', passing it around, probing for openings, trying to exploit gaps. And you finally create a chance and play the final killer ball through to your striker - who prances about next to the ball until the defender catches up with him...

How did that thing ever get past Quality Testing? Could it be an unforeseen side-effect of a late tweak? That's got to be the only explanation. Otherwise, we'd have to assume that a big games company released a football game without a proper testing and bug-fixing process. We all know that could never happen...

Bugs, bugs, bugs...
Everyday new ones offline ,online.
I consider not to buy a new console and stay with pro evo and pc? Would it be wise? Is fifa worth a chance anyway?Whats your advice after testing fifa for 2 week now?
Bugs, bugs, bugs...
Everyday new ones offline ,online.
I consider not to buy a new console and stay with pro evo and pc? Would it be wise? Is fifa worth a chance anyway?Whats your advice after testing fifa for 2 week now?

I still think FIFA09 is one of the best football games I've ever played - maybe even the best, I won't know for a few months yet. The 360 version doesn't seem to have the through-ball bug to the same extent as the PS3. I can't believe they shipped it with this through-ball thing in it at all, though. Shocking.
I still think FIFA09 is one of the best football games I've ever played - maybe even the best, I won't know for a few months yet. The 360 version doesn't seem to have the through-ball bug to the same extent as the PS3. I can't believe they shipped it with this through-ball thing in it at all, though. Shocking.

Thanks but you didnt try to answer my two final questions.Anyone else?
Thanks but you didnt try to answer my two final questions.Anyone else?

I deliberately chose not to answer them, but as long as you don't hold it against me if you hate it, I'd answer your last two questions with Yes and It's still well worth getting.

But the through-ball bug, even if it's patched out of the game, isn't something we should be very forgiving of IMO. I'm a console gamer for a reason. Allowing for patches just encourages sloppy practices from developers.
I think Keith is exactly right in everything he says, I've scored some goals that just weren't possible in FIFA 08, and when you score ones like the one I've just posted in the FIFA 09 video thread, you jump out of your seat. It's a fantastic game - but there are a lot of bugs and you can't just dismiss that, because they're there, and they will ruin the occasional match.

The thing bugging me the most at the minute is when you press "pressure" to try and win the ball, without realising the game has already decided you're going to win the ball, and so you end up "passing" it out of play instead. Really, really annoying me now. But when you can predict it's going to happen you just lay off the button. You shouldn't have to, because this means you'll miss out on possession sometimes, but it's the only solution.

Things like that grate, and in a few months they will be really, really grating. That's how gaming is, every game is "the best game ever" for a week, then you get used to it and you notice the patterns of bad things happening (before I'd say "they played well to win that ball" but then you realise it's a script in certain situations, for example). But it's still the most fun I remember having with a football game so far.
guys check this seabass interview out:

i quote this part:
If EA said 'we're going to dump FIFA and you can have our engine - would you take it? Or would you say 'no I'll continue to do my own stuff'.

Seabass: Well I would think about it really seriously because I still believe that EA's engine and animation is really superb, very good. The modelling of the characters is perhaps not really to my taste actually, so I might not take that part, but seriously I think their engine and their motion style is really great.

he kind of admits the engine is a step foward of his old old engine.
Bugs, bugs, bugs...
Everyday new ones offline ,online.
I consider not to buy a new console and stay with pro evo and pc? Would it be wise? Is fifa worth a chance anyway?Whats your advice after testing fifa for 2 week now?

I'll try to answer your question point by point, not necessarily in the same order as they were posed.

- Is fifa worth a chance anyway?

FIFA is worth a chance, yes. The extent to which the bugs will hamper your enjoyment doesn't mean that the game is not worth a chance, by any mean. Also, the bugs - at least the more serious ones - should be fixed by a patch, I cannot imagine it not happening. However, do not mistake bugs by design decisions or problems. The through ball thing is a bug that should be fixed. You should not, however, get your hopes up about them fixing the accuracy problems when playing with smaller teams, the online issues with selecting one control method or the other, the 10vs10 BAP mode not being like playing football on a playground unless you're playing with friends, no edit mode, etc. There's a distinction between what is undoubtedly a bug, and what is a limitation/design choice/area that needs improvement of the product.

- Would it be wise?

Wise is a word that definitely does not correlate with what we are talking here. Buying a console for the sole purpose of playing one game - even if you end up buying one or another, just to fill some free time - is never a wise decision. You are going to spend loads of money, and when the novelty wears out, you'll have a semi-empty feeling, mixed with resignation. You have just spent a bucketload of money for an experience that, even though it is good, it will not blow your socks off, and will not correspond to all the expectations that you have created with all the hype. You will spend some time forcing yourself to actually play the damn thing to justify the purchase. It is a very complicated decision to make, but it is definitely not a wise one. If, however, you have been tempted to buy the console for a while now, and FIFA is the tipping point, that's another thing. But do not buy it just for FIFA - nor should you fall for the trap of buying into others' arguments such as "oh, you should, because there are a lot more games worth playing in that console".

The fact is that each one has his own life and his own free time. In my case, I have a PS3. There are lots of games that I should have played - MGS4, GTA4, Drake's Fortune - that I simply do not have the time to. That's why I cannot advise anyone to buy a console because it has great games. It is not the great games that make your experience with the console worthwhile; it's the games and the time that you have to play them.

I bought the console for PES2008. I resented it after a while, because I would play more of the PS2 version than the PS3 one. Then I bought FIFA08. I forced myself into liking it, and nothing.

Right now I'm playing FIFA09. I just don't enjoy it that much. I can see why many people like it, but after falling into the hype of buying it because everyone was enjoying it, I have to force myself into going back and playing it. Playing with a smaller team - as I always do, because I do not enjoy playing with big teams, and my national championship doesn't have any either way - is a pain. BAP:Seasons, which I was terribly hyped for, is now a grind. I'll keep playing it, but I fell out of love for it pretty quickly, much to my sadness.

- Whats your advice after testing fifa for 2 week now?

I will not comment on it, since I don't play the online mode, and I don't feel compelled to play the MM mode, for lack of time, and being focusing on the BAP mode (both with locked and unlocked player). However, I don't think that 2 weeks of game - if any - should influence the advice that anyone can give you about the game. Every person's experience is a personal affair. No experience will be equal between two different persons.

- I consider not to buy a new console and stay with pro evo and pc?

I would recommend that, not because of recommending Pro Evo, but because not recommending buying a console just for FIFA.

Mind you, however, and I'm not trying to begin a flame-fest, that if you have played the PES2009 demo and are expecting the console FIFA09 version to completely blow you away for being miles ahead of PES... It won't, I'm sorry. It doesn't matter if FIFA is better or worth than PES, the difference between the games is not enough to justify the purchase of a console for it vs playing the other in the PC. You are just being pushed by the hype for a product that only exists in your dreams. You are just making an expensive purchase to trade one game with one set of problems for another game - which may or may not suit your taste better - with a different set of problems.

If I were you, I would go to a store and play FIFA there for a couple of times, on different days, so you get an idea of what to expect.

Then, if you still feel compelled to make the purchase, by all means, go for it. But do not label it as a "wise" decision :)

I hope I have helped.

Best regards,

Paulo Tavares

P.S. - Like JB said, "every game is the best game in the world for the first week". Remember that. Also, like Keith also said, this is my opinion, do not hold it against me.
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Has anyone here had a win after being quit on during onine play(1 vs 1)???

15 times now I've been quit on, all after the "grace" period, when I've been winning.

There are absolutely no fucking records of any of these games.

Seriously, I'm really getting pissed off with this game(the cons outweigh the pros,imo), I'm even considering pes 2009, it is really that bad.

Fifa 2008 was a much better game ffs.

That bloke that was in charge last year of fifa 2008,done a great job.

I feared things would get sloppy when he left...
Just want to add, if you are an offline gamer, then I'm sure you will have mucho enjoyment with this.

If you only play online,or try to play the guddle that is 10 v 10,don't waste your time.

The button lag is aw-fucking-ful,almost every cunt is assisted 100%,you will get nothing if anyone quits on you and it just seriously ends up stressing you out to the point you want to snap the disk.

And I'm normally very mild-mannered...
I disagree. When I press and hold the direction with semi-manual shooting, my shots skew wildly wide. When I 'feather' and release the direction whilst shooting, my shots are on target. (I use the analogue stick btw.)

If 'just aiming it in the right direction' were as unproblematic as you suggest, there'd be no real difference between semi-manual and full assisted aiming - and there's a world of difference.

Of course there are plenty of other factors in play, but I find the major one is the duration of directional pressing whilst shooting.

"If 'just aiming it in the right direction' were as unproblematic as you suggest, there'd be no real difference between semi-manual and full assisted aiming - and there's a world of difference."

I think you have the wrong impression as to how the system is supposed to work.
The manual aiming using Analog sticks aren't meant to be one more obstacle for the player to deal with. You are not supposed to be struggling with how and when to time the stick movements and such.
The analog sticks allows you to, much more precisely than the d-pad, signal to the game what your intent is. So instead of PES where you have a choice of 3 directions for the shot (middle of the goal, or either post), you can now aim anywhere you want. Meaning that if you have an opponent standing next to the post, perhaps right after a corner, in PES all you could do is tell the player to aim at the corner, and risk having the player aiming the shot right at the player standing by the post.
Since analog control gives you so much more precision, you can now chooce to try and aim the shot between the goalie and the defender by the post so as to avoid that the ball hits the defender.

The system itself should NOT be unpredictable. It should be very consinstent, because like I mentioned, it is there to allow you to precisely signal your INTENDED aim. The analog stick represents your aim like you would aim in real life. And in real life, you can aim to hit the top corner with every shot.

The challenge should not lie in the interface, (in other words, once you have learned to use the analog stick and how to move it to aim exactly where you want, the analog stick and aiming with it becomes completely transparent, and simply an extension of your brain into the game).
The challenge comes in the form of player stats. In real life, I can aim to hit the top corner every time (just like you should be able, when you've mastered it, to aim properly with the analog sticks all the time). But it is my physical skills and training and experience that dictates how well I can execute what I intend. meaning that things like Balance, being pressured by defenders, how much training you've had in the past, etc dictates how well the execution of, say, a shot, matches your intentions.

The aim of having Manual aim, as opposed to assisted, is not to add a challenge to the game. This is simply a byproduct if you are new to the game or crap with using analog sticks. The aim of having analog/manual control is to REMOVE the uncontrollable/unpredictable nature of using the d-pad with it's very limited directionality.

The system you refer to, with having to time the direction movements of the analog stick, seems to be similar to Top Spin 3. Admittedly I think that is a pretty good game, but the way they've added artificial limitations like the stick movement timings are really bizarre. It feels completely disjointed, and it doesn't try to mimic reality in any way, since releasing the analog stick several seconds before the player strikes the ball is hardly real-time, but more of an arcade gameplay element simply there to add difficulty. Not to mention that Top Spin has received a disproportionate amount of praise for its deep control scheme, when in fact my, and others, experience has been that the control scheme is lacking in depth and "natural" tendencies.
For example, when you mistime a serve so it hits net, it almost always hits the exact same spot, just under the edge of the net. You never see the player completely botch the serve. In other words, the game simply registers your input, decides that you have missed, and puts the ball in the net.
A properly designed system that focuses on realism and reality would not have such a control scheme. The game should be indifferent to your actions in this sense, and shouldn't compute "miss" or "hit". It should simply register the pad and button movements and possible timing events, and deliver a results that matches these inputs aswell as a randomized amount of error margin based on player stats.
i've moved from manual thru-pass to assisted, it takes too long to fill the bar when you need to pass quickly on the break, ended up with too many offsides.Also the first time thru-pass didn't work for me just done a weak pass most of the time. Anyone know what i was doing wrong?
I'll try to answer your question point by point, not necessarily in the same order as they were posed.

- Is fifa worth a chance anyway?

FIFA is worth a chance, yes. The extent to which the bugs will hamper your enjoyment doesn't mean that the game is not worth a chance, by any mean. Also, the bugs - at least the more serious ones - should be fixed by a patch, I cannot imagine it not happening. However, do not mistake bugs by design decisions or problems. The through ball thing is a bug that should be fixed. You should not, however, get your hopes up about them fixing the accuracy problems when playing with smaller teams, the online issues with selecting one control method or the other, the 10vs10 BAP mode not being like playing football on a playground unless you're playing with friends, no edit mode, etc. There's a distinction between what is undoubtedly a bug, and what is a limitation/design choice/area that needs improvement of the product.

- Would it be wise?

Wise is a word that definitely does not correlate with what we are talking here. Buying a console for the sole purpose of playing one game - even if you end up buying one or another, just to fill some free time - is never a wise decision. You are going to spend loads of money, and when the novelty wears out, you'll have a semi-empty feeling, mixed with resignation. You have just spent a bucketload of money for an experience that, even though it is good, it will not blow your socks off, and will not correspond to all the expectations that you have created with all the hype. You will spend some time forcing yourself to actually play the damn thing to justify the purchase. It is a very complicated decision to make, but it is definitely not a wise one. If, however, you have been tempted to buy the console for a while now, and FIFA is the tipping point, that's another thing. But do not buy it just for FIFA - nor should you fall for the trap of buying into others' arguments such as "oh, you should, because there are a lot more games worth playing in that console".

The fact is that each one has his own life and his own free time. In my case, I have a PS3. There are lots of games that I should have played - MGS4, GTA4, Drake's Fortune - that I simply do not have the time to. That's why I cannot advise anyone to buy a console because it has great games. It is not the great games that make your experience with the console worthwhile; it's the games and the time that you have to play them.

I bought the console for PES2008. I resented it after a while, because I would play more of the PS2 version than the PS3 one. Then I bought FIFA08. I forced myself into liking it, and nothing.

Right now I'm playing FIFA09. I just don't enjoy it that much. I can see why many people like it, but after falling into the hype of buying it because everyone was enjoying it, I have to force myself into going back and playing it. Playing with a smaller team - as I always do, because I do not enjoy playing with big teams, and my national championship doesn't have any either way - is a pain. BAP:Seasons, which I was terribly hyped for, is now a grind. I'll keep playing it, but I fell out of love for it pretty quickly, much to my sadness.

- Whats your advice after testing fifa for 2 week now?

I will not comment on it, since I don't play the online mode, and I don't feel compelled to play the MM mode, for lack of time, and being focusing on the BAP mode (both with locked and unlocked player). However, I don't think that 2 weeks of game - if any - should influence the advice that anyone can give you about the game. Every person's experience is a personal affair. No experience will be equal between two different persons.

- I consider not to buy a new console and stay with pro evo and pc?

I would recommend that, not because of recommending Pro Evo, but because not recommending buying a console just for FIFA.

Mind you, however, and I'm not trying to begin a flame-fest, that if you have played the PES2009 demo and are expecting the console FIFA09 version to completely blow you away for being miles ahead of PES... It won't, I'm sorry. It doesn't matter if FIFA is better or worth than PES, the difference between the games is not enough to justify the purchase of a console for it vs playing the other in the PC. You are just being pushed by the hype for a product that only exists in your dreams. You are just making an expensive purchase to trade one game with one set of problems for another game - which may or may not suit your taste better - with a different set of problems.

If I were you, I would go to a store and play FIFA there for a couple of times, on different days, so you get an idea of what to expect.

Then, if you still feel compelled to make the purchase, by all means, go for it. But do not label it as a "wise" decision :)

I hope I have helped.

Best regards,

Paulo Tavares

P.S. - Like JB said, "every game is the best game in the world for the first week". Remember that. Also, like Keith also said, this is my opinion, do not hold it against me.

you've been very helpfull.Thanks
Is anyone else experiencing this hit-the-woodwork-marathon that I am? I'm playing with the shooting on semi, and I can't even remember the amount of times I hit the post or the bar in every game. It's starting to piss me off a little bit! Either the keeper does one of those super saves or I'm hitting the woodwork...
I too am sick to death of playing against people online who have passing and shooting set to assisted. I'm not saying they shouldn't, that's their call, i'm just saying I shouldn't have to play them. the only real options we have at the moment are
1. play all manual controls (don't know anyone who does that)or
2. play with no restrictions.
What's wrong with this as options when setting up an online game:

Pass Assistance> Assisted/Semi/Manual or Any
Through Pass Assistance> Assisted/Semi/Manual or Any
Shot Assistance> Assisted/Semi/Manual or Any
Cross Assistance> Assisted/Semi/Manual or Any
Lob Pass Assistance> Assisted/Semi/Manual or Any

I would imagine that most people who play on semi would set a game up with shot assistance & pass assistance set to semi and the rest set to any.
It's not a matter of "forcing" someone to play with certain settings, it's just people with the same preferences want to be able to play against each other.
great post Trance_Allstar...
i would like to hear your thoughts on how the players attributes influence the semi-assisted shooting...
for ex: if i aim and power it exact the same with Nistelrooy and some 3rd div player, what will be the diferences in the result of the shoot, i knwo the power will be diferent, but will the direction also be diferent?
if u fell like writing about it please do :)

thanx! ;)
m8 i tried... semi shooting on the d-pad is impossible..the angles the d-pad offer u are just too there will be ocasions like running straing foward to the goal, that the d-pad wont offer u directions to aim at the far side of the goal...

so i suggest if u wanna use semi shooting , u must use the analog stick.

So glad I took your advice, had a really good few games tonight, you can see the result in the video thread!! :WORSHIP:
guys, when u set SEMIassisted to find an online macth, what happens to the options u dont have semi-assisted like through balls that u only have assisted or manual???

you can't set semi assisted to find an online match, only manual or assisted.
Great games vglntv95, some of the football played was very realistic. It's great to play someone who plays the game the way it's meant to be played :).

That would have been an awesome goal with Tabb when we played Coventry v Doncaster, hit the bar :((.
Yeh cracking games mate. Hull are pretty decent, Myhill I think it was made some ridiculous saves to keep me one up. There were a few goal mouth scrambles at my end in the Championship match. Playing the game like that is just pure enjoyment, the only gripe I can find with the game is the manual through balls which are quite useless I find. Sometimes I will fully power up and it will be a pathetic little pass that gets intercepted, other times I will seemingly tap it and it will go out for a goal kick. It also takes too long to power up but I suppose it's quite realistic in that you need thinking time to deliver a good through ball.

Back onto the shooting debate, I actually agree with Trance now. I think the timing factor is merely down to perception and in actual fact it's simply direction, the more you aim to the side the more wide it will go. I've been practising a lot in arena and I've come up with a decent system for improving shot accuracy.

Hold the analog dead center (this helps if you are used to holding the direction you want to shoot in) then at the last second tweak the direction slightly to the side depending on where you want to aim. I found I can get 90% of my shots on target if I get the power right as well, and also, if you do the direction too late, the worst that will happen is you will hit it down the middle and still have a good chance of scoring or getting a rebound.
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