FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

As Tranmere on world class, just played Walsall - they were down to nine men by half time, and they still beat me 2-0. Because of the huge amount of pressing that they do, it was as if they had 19 men, never mind 9.

Got to admit that playing against the CPU is really fucked up, as a lower-league team at least. I find no fun in sticking it on professional and winning every game 3-0, I find no fun in sticking it on world class and getting shafted by an evenly-matched team week in week out. So playing as the team I support I have no fun, great...

Playing as an average Premier League team (on any difficulty) it's a totally different game, much more realistic and much more enjoyable. But I don't want to start at the top, that defeats the purpose of the mode; after nearly completing a season I think I'm giving manager mode a rest now. BAP Seasons next.
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I find no fun in sticking it on professional and winning every game 3-0, I find no fun in sticking it on world class and getting shafted by an evenly-matched team week in week out. So playing as the team I support I have no fun, great...

You're either a better gamer than me or you don't do what I do and combine Professional with all manual controls for the best Fifa offline experience :)
I'd agree with that yep. I really don't see the point in assisted controls. I'm SURE you slated assisted controls during FIFA 08 too, Tim. In fact I'm positive you did.
Which just goes to show how much they've buggered it up this time. They've given the whole shooting a revamp, and for me, it's now no fun to play and create chances, then just have them baloon over the bar or go miles wide.
But that's football Tim, watch a match of even Prem quality and you'll see plenty of great chances created only to be hit high or wide or mishit and trickle into the keeper's arms. And TBH as mentioned since discovering the "double tap" method I seldom miss the goal by more than a yard or so.
There are also a good number of shots that are on target and produce good saves ;)).

Depending on what time I get home tonight I will put my shooting back to semi and give it another go then.
I'm not sure if this is a discovery of sorts but I found and pretty much confirmed yesterday that holding the "steady" (LT/L2) button before shooting on semi makes a massive difference to accuracy, in any situation but especially one on ones. In fact some of the shooting you can do with it is so accurate it actually appears assisted, although in an actual game situation it's incredibly hard to get the button combinations and aim properly at the same time.
Which just goes to show how much they've buggered it up this time. They've given the whole shooting a revamp, and for me, it's now no fun to play and create chances, then just have them baloon over the bar or go miles wide.

You're just crap at shooting mate ;))

Nah, that's fair enough I suppose. I do notice that balls tend to balloon over the bar LOADS while I'm in the arena especially.
I'm not sure if this is a discovery of sorts but I found and pretty much confirmed yesterday that holding the "steady" (LT/L2) button before shooting on semi makes a massive difference to accuracy, in any situation but especially one on ones. In fact some of the shooting you can do with it is so accurate it actually appears assisted, although in an actual game situation it's incredibly hard to get the button combinations and aim properly at the same time.

Yeah that's pretty common knowledge, gets mentioned from time to time in here, but good to have it mentioned again every few days as there's a steady trickle of PES refugees wandering in here looking for a good football game ;))

I could have missed it, but what precisely is the "double tap method"?

Basically when you want to shoot double tap the shoot button to ensure a short press of shoot, especially good for using lesser players (for example I'm playing with Grimsby and have no players with an overall above 70). We were talking about it yesterday from here down :))
I think it's spot on. Placebo was right regarding real life's similarities, however I've not yet experienced this double tap shiznit. I have around 15-25 shots every match offline and I'm a waster of many, however for every 10 shots from outside the box I sky or hit wide, I'll get one or two hit the woodwork, get tipped round the post or even go in.

It's good enough for me. When I get frustrated with it I just prepare a better shooting stance next time, the shot is then better and I'm reminded I must have lowered my quality earlier on.
Got to say I'm starting to feel FIFA is getting repetative now. Maybe I've just hammered the game too much in such a short space of time though ...
Basically when you want to shoot double tap the shoot button to ensure a short press of shoot, especially good for using lesser players (for example I'm playing with Grimsby and have no players with an overall above 70). We were talking about it yesterday from here down :))

Ah, cheers for that, I'll give it a whirl next time then :)
New update from David Rutter:


So I've been out of the office in Sunny Mexico meeting some of the press and fans there in advance of launch and I see things have hotted up here too!

Same message as before at the moment...

We're looking at stuff and will get back to you when we know what we might or might not be able to do.

At the moment the 'stuff' we're looking at is...

Bad defending/attacking where the guy turns sideways.
MM re-numbering.
Spanish league Live Seasons problems.
Problem in polish stadia breaking frame rate.
8 players in tournament mode.
Advantage rule.

NOTE - we're not necessarily going to be able to release a 'patch' for all of these things - but we're looking into it at the moment.

Again - please be patient...I'll let you know whats going on when I get the nod myself.



I'll be very disappointed if that's all they fix to be honest, there's a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge amount of bugs/glitches in Fifa09, it's a good game but too many issues are stopping it from being a great game IMHO.
Advantage rule obviously is an annoying thing that needs fixing, not sure why it only says Polish stadia, there's lag/slowdown in a number of other stadia as far as I'm aware, seen it for myself in the "Town Park" one when the GK throws/kicks the ball to the centre circle.
Played with a friend yesterday not a bad game certainly better than 08 but one thing kept pissing me off was that everytime my friend would foul me the advantage icon would come up and i move about 10 yards the ref would bring it back for a free kick.
Glad to see problems 1 & 6 on the list there, they are what annoy me the most at the moment about the general AI. Two other things are what annoy me but probably can't be fixed bar some miracle.

Playing against online accumulations of cockbroth. And the lag, also online obviously.
Been playing it since release day and I am very impressed.

It is the football game I thought PES would eventually turn into next-gen, if they release a patch for the sideways turn problem then I cant really find any other faults with it apart from the fact they took out the multi-player BAP season like you could do in Euro 2008 (i.e. have more than one player being tracked at once competing for captaincy).

Heading is great, shooting is realistic, tackling is good and I feel I have lots of control over defending unlike many old FIFA games.

Had some great 0-0 draws which became increasingly rare in recent PES games.
i don't like the rating system in the BAP. they deduct it so quickly,especially for the position. it makes me press the sprint all the time to go to a safe place where the rating wont be deducted. sucks..
Advantage rule obviously is an annoying thing that needs fixing, not sure why it only says Polish stadia, there's lag/slowdown in a number of other stadia as far as I'm aware, seen it for myself in the "Town Park" one when the GK throws/kicks the ball to the centre circle.

paul, i think he means the issue in that maj23 stadium that i told u about on the ps3...its just UNPLAYABLE....
i know there are other stadiums with little framerate drops, but that one is unplayable...100%
In World Class you have to literally charge the CPU agian and again to dispossess them, playing deffensive, pack your team and play quick counters and long balls, a very straight forward way to play. It makes for some ping pong in the midfield and it's not as nice to play as the more relaxed and slow build up, because you will have less chances.

The cheats are too obvious: CPU can dribble you to no end with any player, they will win body checks no matter the strength of the players involved, they will win a lot more of headers even if you were in position, they will make impossible long passes accurately, etc... Sometimes it's more obvious and sometimes you play a team that seems a little weaker, but all of this cheats, in some way, persist and flaw the game to me. I want FAIRNESS in games, something developers forgot time ago.

thanks for pointing that out to me

i am at the moment playing on professional with shooting, cross and passing on semi, rest is manual

i go with placebo, and if that will be too easy for me in the future i will go back to all manual
really a great experience

unfortunately you have to adapt for playing online :((
The list is pretty good, The only thing which for me is missing is when you cross with a winger or in a crossing position and you get a "-Pass", Other people have had issues where they get random -'s aswell. Other than that if they fix all that then im happy.
Hey thanks Placebo, your double tap method is pretty good for one on ones. I was playing with PSG against United and won 3 - 2. I took all the chances I had using this (playing in semi).
What about the through ball bug? That is more important than 8 players in tournament mode, disappointing.
No worries, it's almost too good IMO it feels a bit like an exploit, I try not to use it too much. I might try changing to manual shooting instead of semi, then no matter if I use double tap or not I'm responsible for the direction 100% :)
You know, I never really cared if my opponents used assisted passes. I do think people using manual or semi controls have an advantage over them, especially when using through balls.

Assisted shots however really annoy me, simply because it's almost an automatic goal when you're in a one on one situation (except if the opponent shoots right in the middle where the keeper can catch it easily). It just forces me to not miss my chances, which is not always easy on semi.
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