FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Didn't you save a couple of copies of your edited data? If you played Fifa08 you'd have learned very quickly to save at least two copies because when you quit certain modes like manager mode it resets your rosters to default and then overwrites them!

Yes, i did that in Fifa 08 but i didn't know that the adidas live thing would overwrite your data. Having to make 2 or 3 copies of the data is ridiculous in my opinion, they have to come up with a more practical method.

In Fifa08 I never liked to upgrade the fitness coach to more than around 5 or 6 because I like being "forced" to rotate my squad, anything 7 and a above and you can pretty much play the same 11 for every match, even midweek ones. That said in my League2 manager mode I'm having really bad fitness problems, I've already upgraded the fitness coach to 4 (he starts at 1) and for the following match my most fit players are on about 70% and have yellow fitness bars and some are on red (10% fit or something), challenging in the lower leagues!

Thanks for the tip ;)
sorry i've not taken any invite yet for games online btw guys. only just got to play proper the other night cause i had a long weekend of drink and debauchery... and its only sunday. :lol

getting to grips with the game.

it's sick. the team tactics info alone just shows how detailed the AI is. so many specifics.

i just beat someone online using who was using barca (:rolleyes) with liverpool by putting on fast wingers and increasing the width and putting on high pressure. :lol he got two people sent off trying to stop babel and riera. ahahahaha

so good.

i have both versions (PS3 & 360) and will be on all day today. so if the BAP players are missing anyone, drop me a pm on the forum or even reply to this!

the game is great. there are niggles everywhere (urgh, players stopping on throughballs, 360's criminally short replays, ps3's slightly blurred graphics "on my tele anyways" etc, rain glitch where you can't see the rain etc etc), but even with all of them, it is the best footy game i've played since PES5.
I never played BAP on FIFA08, only once. So I tried it out, and it was okay, pretty fun. So I played online, Man Utd vs Madrid, won 7-2 or something like that :applaud: And I even scored!

Loving it so far, I've decided to play manual through balls which is hard, but I hope I get used to it.
You can see snow during gameplay but you can't see rain.

That's not too bad then. It's still a bug I'd like to see fixed but it's not that unrealistic. I watched the Man Utd game yesterday and the rain was lashing down. I couldn't see it at all on the main camera angles but could see it on close ups etc.
Playing Be a Pro seasons with a created player (CMF) in Benfica, played some good games in the reserves (scored twice in about 5 games) and I get called up to the First team against FC Porto no less. I scored twice and we won 3-0. Oh how sweet it was. :)
the ps3 graphics issue is pissing me off aswell, playing fifa on a 40" hd sony bravia and the blurred picture is getting on my tits...i'm always fiddling with the picture to get it right but i just can't

when i previously owned a 360, i used the vga cable and the graphics were fucking pin sharp but the ps3 version is a big let down graphics wise for me, and it really shouldn't be the case
I just started a Manager Mode with Luton Town for the first time in a decade. I was going to start with a big club like Liverpool, FC Porto or Napoli but I decided to use a low league team at the beginning. Anyway I have a couple of questions:

1. How do I arrange free transfers? Since Luton Town's budget is only £300k I need to spend wisely or better yet for free!

2. I remember Placebo and Nick saying that there is no weather or night matches in Manager Mode. Can I cause a night match by starting a friendly (at night), quiting and then starting my MM game?

3. Any MM tips for me? I play on Professional but I lost my first match against Lincoln City 1-0. Any transfer targets etc.

Thank You.
If I'm correct I think the only way to put someone as a free agent is not to renew their contract when it comes to an end. As for the other two questions I can't help you there, apologies!

Just started my first BAP offline mode, playing as a custom made striker player in Bradford City [I'm from there originally so I thought it was only right!] and I love it! Just been promoted to captain of the Reserve Team after 8 games I think which I was quite proud of! Got my stats up to 61 overall so far. What I love about BAP is the challenge of getting yourself up there and known and trying to aim for your national team and there's a lot of targets to achieve to earn more EXP and I like how they change depending on your level of experience and your position in the team. God I love this game, I just wish BAP Seasons was 15 like MM.

My target is to get to a Premier League team and injure Ronaldo, the greasy muppet.
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I just started a Manager Mode with Luton Town for the first time in a decade. I was going to start with a big club like Liverpool, FC Porto or Napoli but I decided to use a low league team at the beginning. Anyway I have a couple of questions:

1. How do I arrange free transfers? Since Luton Town's budget is only £300k I need to spend wisely or better yet for free!

2. I remember Placebo and Nick saying that there is no weather or night matches in Manager Mode. Can I cause a night match by starting a friendly (at night), quiting and then starting my MM game?

3. Any MM tips for me? I play on Professional but I lost my first match against Lincoln City 1-0. Any transfer targets etc.

Thank You.
1. search for Free agents in the TF menu

2. I have not tried doing that yet but will have a go tonight BillyBoy, someone posted saying they had a night game in MM in between normal day matches without setting anything...

3. Your budget is tight so look for free Agents, work your tactics to your players, it's a lot of tweaking but it really does help and getting the right player in the right position works wonders...

Good luck... :TU:
1. search for Free agents in the TF menu

Ahhh he meant get a free player, ah well at least he can do both now! :LOL:

I for one really like the menus, I agree they aren't really user friendly but I do like them, they give the game a fresh modern feel in my opinion.
I just started a Manager Mode with Luton Town for the first time in a decade. I was going to start with a big club like Liverpool, FC Porto or Napoli but I decided to use a low league team at the beginning. Anyway I have a couple of questions:

1. How do I arrange free transfers? Since Luton Town's budget is only £300k I need to spend wisely or better yet for free!

2. I remember Placebo and Nick saying that there is no weather or night matches in Manager Mode. Can I cause a night match by starting a friendly (at night), quiting and then starting my MM game?

3. Any MM tips for me? I play on Professional but I lost my first match against Lincoln City 1-0. Any transfer targets etc.

Thank You.

1. search for Free agents in the TF menu

2. I have not tried doing that yet but will have a go tonight BillyBoy, someone posted saying they had a night game in MM in between normal day matches without setting anything...

3. Your budget is tight so look for free Agents, work your tactics to your players, it's a lot of tweaking but it really does help and getting the right player in the right position works wonders...

Good luck... :TU:

There are no free agents at all in the first season of manager mode.

I also started a League2 MM with Grimsby and already I've signed a bunch of decent (ie around 60-67) players for about 50k-150k each, We started off with around 400k to spend but then I get sponsorship of 260k per match (yes very silly for L2) so after each match I could sign one or two more players (it annoyingly only let me sign 2 players per week anyway :(() by the time the transfer window had closed I'd signed 4 defenders, 2 midfielders, 1 forward and 1 goalkeeper, combined with the default Grimsby team that should be enough to get promoted I think, will sign a couple more in January as well :)

Because of the vastly improved physicality aspect try to sign players over 6ft and strong, especially up front, you're going to be facing defenders who lack balance, strength, agility, pace, if you have a couple of big strong forwards you can utilise the long ball game to get yourself out of defensive holes as well as creating chances, one tip is to deliberately time your head wrong (either too early or too late) and you can really put the defender off and force him into a mistake :))
You have to jostle and battle in the area for a good position, this is more important than the shooting bar i think.

does the jostle button still have an effect like in 08?
i didn't notice any differnce when pushing it and when not
Is that the shit where your player suddenly starts side stepping across the pitch avoiding the ball as you press towards it?

That pisses me off

From the EA forums

I have found the FUNNIEST glitch on FIFA 09.

Some of you may be aware that in the pre match menu, you can put an outfield player in goal, however you cannot put an outfield player in goal during the match, i.e swapping positions with the goalkeeper.

BUT......... (bear with me...its great!)

if you put an outfield player in goal in the main menu, (e.g. Wayne Rooney) and play the goalie up front (e.g. Van der Saar)

During the game, Sub off Rooney, and put the Reserve Goalie from the bench in goal (e.g Kuszack), then put your outfield player (Ronney) back up front for the original goalie who was playing up front (Van Der Saar.)

Then.....swap the new goalie, back with your original goalie whop was up front....(Kuszack off and put Van der Saar back on...IN GOAL)

Go back into the Game...

Then the outfield player (Van der Saar) and goalie (Rooney) will swap places during the game, and your goalie will play in an OUTFIELD KIT and your striker plays up front in the GOALIE KIT!!!!

THEN,.......(it gets better!!!!....)

swap your outfield player (Rooney - wearing a goalie kit) for another sub (Giggs?) and then watch Giggs come on in an outfield kit....and you will NOT have a player wearing a GOALIE KIT! ...(but dont worry....your "goalie will still catch the ball and not give away a penalty!!!!)


instead of taking off your outfield player who is wearing the goalie kit, take off the goalie who is wearing the outfield kit (Van der saar), put on someone else to play in goal (Kuszack) and have TWO PLAYERS IN GOALIE KITS!!!!! in goal and one outfield..

...sadly.....only one of them will handle the ball legally!!!!!!
I can not believe the morons over there are petitioning about player numbers in manager mode and not the flawed advantage system.

This is by far and away the biggest problem with FIFA 09. It's very nearly a showstopper in my view as it completely ruins the flow of the game time after time, robbing you of breakaways. Today I actually SCORED only for the ref to award a penalty instead.

The whole thing is a mess and I simply can't believe it got past testing.

They MUST have tested it because the commentators often refer to the referee when he does play advantage correctly, so there must be hooks in it which would have needed testing, how they didn't spot while doing it that the ref gets it wrong about 10+ times a game.
Big bug on the Be a pro seasons

First game gerrard is sent off for a foul on 16 mins.

Yet he is still on the pitch and the game continues like nothing happend?!

EDIT: Checked match facts and no cards are on there either wtf?!
Big bug on the Be a pro seasons

First game gerrard is sent off for a foul on 16 mins.

Yet he is still on the pitch and the game continues like nothing happend?!

EDIT: Checked match facts and no cards are on there either wtf?!

Yeah I've heard about that one and seen it in the demo myself.

Thank you Sarah, Nick and Placebo. Your input has been extremely valuable. :)

We live to serve :)
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