FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

OMG this game is amazing! This truly is the best footy title ive played to date! I can't wait to show my mates!
Well having played this all evening (PS3 version) my initial thoughts are :-

Wow - this really is the most impressive attempt at football i have ever seen in a video game.

Played a few games against the com - very good - initial feeling is that there is a real ebb and flow to the game. Was playing as Chelsea against Arsenal on World class. Some games i was totally dominating (although rarely scoring) and others i was outplayed but in every match both teams had chances and it felt very natural.

Then moved on to a couple of unranked online games - won the first 3-2 in a match that again flowed very well and felt quite different. Can't rem what teams we were but felt quite different to games against the com - not sure how much that was to do with it being against another person and how much was to do with being different teams.

Delighted to see that the option now exists for a rematch - choose quit to the arena and then you get the choice for a rematch - used it to play the same guy twice in a row - lost both 1-0 and thoroughly enjoyed both matches - very tight and could have gone either way - honest!!

Then played 1 10 v 10 match. It started as 10 v 10 although 1 guy left mid way through the 2nd half but it was totally lag free. Amazing - much of it was a bit school playground like with everyone chasing the ball. We were Spain playing against France and clearly a few guys were trying to maintain position etc - glad to say that worked well and we won 5-2 in a 20 min match.

Then played 2 ranked matches - won 1 lost one. Was very surprised to see the rematch option in for ranked matches too - guess we are going to see some serious cheating on the leaderboards but then i guess it was always that way.

Overall i am pretty much blown away by how well this plays. Will flaws show the more you play? Of course. Will that put me off it? Doubt it. Will i be laying this until this time next year? I certainly think so.:DD:DD:DD

Any specific questions i'll try and answer but i guess the wait is pretty much over for all of us now. Enjoy.
Well having played this all evening (PS3 version) my initial thoughts are :-

Wow - this really is the most impressive attempt at football i have ever seen in a video game.

Played a few games against the com - very good - initial feeling is that there is a real ebb and flow to the game. Was playing as Chelsea against Arsenal on World class. Some games i was totally dominating (although rarely scoring) and others i was outplayed but in every match both teams had chances and it felt very natural.

Then moved on to a couple of unranked online games - won the first 3-2 in a match that again flowed very well and felt quite different. Can't rem what teams we were but felt quite different to games against the com - not sure how much that was to do with it being against another person and how much was to do with being different teams.

Delighted to see that the option now exists for a rematch - choose quit to the arena and then you get the choice for a rematch - used it to play the same guy twice in a row - lost both 1-0 and thoroughly enjoyed both matches - very tight and could have gone either way - honest!!

Then played 1 10 v 10 match. It started as 10 v 10 although 1 guy left mid way through the 2nd half but it was totally lag free. Amazing - much of it was a bit school playground like with everyone chasing the ball. We were Spain playing against France and clearly a few guys were trying to maintain position etc - glad to say that worked well and we won 5-2 in a 20 min match.

Then played 2 ranked matches - won 1 lost one. Was very surprised to see the rematch option in for ranked matches too - guess we are going to see some serious cheating on the leaderboards but then i guess it was always that way.

Overall i am pretty much blown away by how well this plays. Will flaws show the more you play? Of course. Will that put me off it? Doubt it. Will i be laying this until this time next year? I certainly think so.:DD:DD:DD

Any specific questions i'll try and answer but i guess the wait is pretty much over for all of us now. Enjoy.

Can you:

1) Designate who can play ANY on the team so that instead of last year when 2 people would choose ANY when you only wanted the captain to, we won't have 5 people doing it this year.

2) Can you limit your team to a certain number of user-controlled players. If you don't want all 10 be user-controlled, can you, if you're the host, set it to 6 people on your team only. Or make only YOUR team private or something.

3) Can you boot people out of the room if you're the host.

Really I just want a rundown of the 10 v 10 BAP mode as NOBODY has talked about it at all. I don't get the game for another 2 weeks and I know a good number of Aussies have it now. Surely enough to get some of these 10 v 10 matches going.
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Just played two BAP matches with a serie B team (well their reserves) and in both matches players from the other team and also my team just take the ball and run around with it for over 20 in game minutes without passing the ball. I had to get out of position several times to get closer to the ball and press the pass button for my players to stop do this. It even happened when I was winning 2-0 and one cpu player (other team) just walked around with the ball until the game was over. This never happened to me in Euro's CYC. I play on world class so there should be decent AI, this is like the annoying thing in 08 when they run around in circles and you can't take the ball... ugh, if this is in every game I can't see myself play this mode at all. The AI in CYC was so amazing and the first impression of this is just shit.

And the +/- ratings in game are still bad. If a winger cross balls that an attacker just miss you get minus. Even if it is a good cross. You should only get minus if you miss your team mate by much or hit it out the field. So playing as a REAL winger is useless once again.

Gonna try MM tomorrow, hopefully it leaves better impressions. I mean the game is good, the gameplay, but it's just so much annoyances around it.
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Anyone with the 360 version of the game like me
- can you please start an overcast match at any stadium in exhibition mode and confirm that despite rain/snow appearing in the cutscenes, replays, and free kicks, its not there during play.

Want to know if my copy is retarded or not??
I have one word for this game .. Amazing.

You can play fluid football and the animations looks so natural. I can also confirm that the shooting feels different in the full version. Sometimes it feels like the balls heavier. The ball can get air under it, and sometimes it have some dive to it. Its very random. Played 6 ranked matches online. Won 5 and lost 1.

The first game I played I won 2 - 1 with Fiorentina against Barcelona. I could easily break up he's attacking because of the new collision system. It feels so awesome playing the ball around with 1 - 2 passes, and see him chase the ball like a crazy monkey. And then put that deadly through ball, and finish it off with a finesse shot in the bottom corner. :applaud:

The second game, the guy I played choose Chelsea and then I picked United. Just for fun. I won 7 - 2. He couldn't do anything. I just ended up conceeding those 2 goals because the miss'es just kept on yapping about clothes .. :SS

But overall. I like the online more than the MM. Nothing new to MM as already stated, and that is very dissapointing. But overall the AI is a pretty good challenge and plays great football. Sometimes they make some stupid mistakes, that could have happened in the little leagues.

I'll give it 9.5/10. :DANCE:
You can play fluid football and the animations looks so natural. I can also confirm that the shooting feels different in the full version. Sometimes it feels like the balls heavier. The ball can get air under it, and sometimes it have some dive to it. Its very random.
i hope its not random, i want to be able to control the shots - in the demo i felt like you couldnt hit the type of shot you wanted to
Someone JUST posted something about playing the 10 v 10 BAP. Is it at all possible that that same person could just try and create match and answer these questions for me?

Can you:

1) Designate who can play ANY on the team so that instead of last year when 2 people would choose ANY when you only wanted the captain to, we won't have 5 people doing it this year.

2) Can you limit your team to a certain number of user-controlled players. If you don't want all 10 be user-controlled, can you, if you're the host, set it to 6 people on your team only. Or make only YOUR team private or something.

3) Can you boot people out of the room if you're the host.

Really I just want a rundown of the 10 v 10 BAP mode as NOBODY has talked about it at all. I don't get the game for another 2 weeks and I know a good number of Aussies have it now. Surely enough to get some of these 10 v 10 matches going.
Anyone with the 360 version of the game like me
- can you please start an overcast match at any stadium in exhibition mode and confirm that despite rain/snow appearing in the cutscenes, replays, and free kicks, its not there during play.

Want to know if my copy is retarded or not??

i saw some posts about this, saying its a bug with the 360 version when u change the dificul level..dunno anymore info though
fuck EA

I am so pissed. the game is awesome BUT

- you are limited to 4 human players now max. I hoped they would expand the amount from 8 players in 08 to xx. but they even reduced it to 4. WTF
- in managermode you still are not able to see the real league table. every team has one more game than you
- no kit number editing
- fucked up signal iduna park. the dortmund supporters are located at the wrong side of the stadium
- AND no english commentery in the german version

could live with all because of the gameplay but not with the german commentary. gonna sell it tomorrow and order now from the uk version
Can you:

1) Designate who can play ANY on the team so that instead of last year when 2 people would choose ANY when you only wanted the captain to, we won't have 5 people doing it this year.

2) Can you limit your team to a certain number of user-controlled players. If you don't want all 10 be user-controlled, can you, if you're the host, set it to 6 people on your team only. Or make only YOUR team private or something.

3) Can you boot people out of the room if you're the host.

Really I just want a rundown of the 10 v 10 BAP mode as NOBODY has talked about it at all. I don't get the game for another 2 weeks and I know a good number of Aussies have it now. Surely enough to get some of these 10 v 10 matches going.
In Fifa 09 'slow' game speed setting, could somebody tell me whether Fifa 09 game speed is like Fifa 08 game speed? Is it slower than demo?
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Can someone please ban the guy who's asked the same question 3 times within 1 hour? Good grief.

Can someone please answer my question? Does the guy who said he's played 10 v 10 work for EA and not want to answer for fear that we might get angry if the answers are no. It's like as soon as someone says they've played the 10 v 10, ask away, and I make that post, they disappear. I'm sorry if i haven't been here long enough to build enough of a fake relationship with guys on the board to actually get people to at least acknowledge my question.

I've been seriously asking around on various boards for the past 2 days now. Everytime someone makes a thread saying "I've got the game," or "here's how the 10 v 10 is" and I ask these relatively simple questions, I get no answer. I just thought that maybe people didn't see my post, or don't answer cuz they don't know who I am as I'm new to the boards.
i saw some posts about this, saying its a bug with the 360 version when u change the dificul level..dunno anymore info though

well - do you have the 360 version? Can you check for me?


It is difficult for us aussies to try 10v10 - we have a crap telecommunications network and it was only officially released TODAY. (its currently 12:00am here)
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Ok to points 1/2/3 its a No. There really arent any host options at all other than set stadium etc.

Its a shithouse mode - Lag fest, people doing dumb things, people yelling over mic the whole time and goals caused by nothing else but lag (press tackle, but then you get the ball so it passes). Everyone plays on assisted and just shoots from anywhere and gets it top corner. Lame.

Will be good for you guys around europe because you should play it alright but random aussies really arent fun to play with.
I knew online 10v10 would be full of glory-seeking idiots who have no concept of how to play football. I guess any online mode is only as good as the people playing it. Think I'll stick with the AI and my mates thanks.
Ok to points 1/2/3 its a No. There really arent any host options at all other than set stadium etc.

Its a shithouse mode - Lag fest, people doing dumb things, people yelling over mic the whole time and goals caused by nothing else but lag (press tackle, but then you get the ball so it passes). Everyone plays on assisted and just shoots from anywhere and gets it top corner. Lame.

Will be good for you guys around europe because you should play it alright but random aussies really arent fun to play with.

Thanks for the answer. And that's pretty lame on EA's part. I remember reading this interview with David Rutter on OperationSports where he said:

I knew online 10v10 would be full of glory-seeking idiots who have no concept of how to play football. I guess any online mode is only as good as the people playing it. Think I'll stick with the AI and my mates thanks.

Shame because if played right, it can be beautiful and amazing. People holding position, passing (even passing back), using the entire field as oppose to all running to the corner to get the ball, and having fun being dm's, rb's, etc. Could be awesome. Unfortunately there are idiots who believe football is all about running at 3 defenders, doing a rainbow flick and scoring. This mode will test my patience. I think the key will be to pay attention to players and send friend requests (360) to those who play well and unselfishly and then build your own team.
best review yet. :applaud:

Great review. I also prefer to see rain, snow, sun icons with the number next to it when I watch the weather as oppose to hearing about how clouds and cold fronts originate and how they travel at what speed........To hear youre at a loss for words tells me how good it is. Can't wait
Has anyone had problems with players stopping their run after then ball (like turning around even) then going again.

Completely loses momentum of the run and makes defending and attacking harder because the player wont get to the ball as fast.
what really very annoying in FIFA 09 while playing online is
- advantage system ( its so bad EA must Fix it with a patch )
- the referee so stupid ( i played a lot of Online ranked match when i got the ball in good running situation try to score of what every the other team player slide tackle me from behind and the referee just give me a foul with out booking and sometime dont even give me foul EA fix this )

if these two things fixed the game will be PERFECT !!

i played a BAP online game Brazil Vs Argentina :P i was a CAM Ronaldinho and i scored 2 goals :P and we won 2-0 aND awarded man of the match that was cool :P

PSN ID: NshNsh
Has anyone had problems with players stopping their run after then ball (like turning around even) then going again.

Completely loses momentum of the run and makes defending and attacking harder because the player wont get to the ball as fast.
I had that problem in the demo..was a little frustrating. I just bought my copy from JB Hi-Fi. $79 Aussie dollars. Can't wait to get home and play it!!
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