FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Can one of you guys who owns the game already tell me about the graphics on the PS3,is it better then the demo now or is it still the same.

Please answer!
Have the ball physics whilst taking FK's on goal improved?
I've slapped down my pre-oder having conceeded defeat with the difference in overall quality over my beloved PES. Will pick it up Friday morning from Blockbusters.

I'm only really interested in the online so would like to be involved in the leagues, however I hope we don't start and then start again like last year:((

Anyway, looking forward to having a few games with you peeps:TU:
my little girl goes in hospital for a minor op on thursday
Hope all goes well and she is ok mate :)).

Fernandez, could you write a short review on the final version compared to the demo?

Personally I've never understood people asking for pictures of people's faces or their teams kits, when they know what they look like!
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I've slapped down my pre-oder having conceeded defeat with the difference in overall quality over my beloved PES. Will pick it up Friday morning from Blockbusters.

I'm only really interested in the online so would like to be involved in the leagues, however I hope we don't start and then start again like last year:((

Anyway, looking forward to having a few games with you peeps:TU:


its truly stunning IMO.

the response and fluidity have been corrected:EASY:
Ok positives

-Response times 100x better than 08
-Animations a gazillion times better than 08
-Ball physics, far more weight and pace to my eyes
-Sound effects, slightly better than 08
-Shooting miles better than 08
-player models are slimmer and more life like
-crowd more animated
-facial models vastly improved

Ok now for the negatives

I cant see any stitching on the ball during replays:-pp


Animations are still behind but they dont make a great game, just make it look nicer.

FIFA loooks fantastic with those superb animations but it plays average to me.

I know hich one I would rather have;))
I think 83% for FIFA is about right having played the demo. i cannot comment on the PES score because I have not played it, however it seems all the scoring is aimed at the gameplay and once again it appears that PES is the more rewarding game in this department.
The more I play the more I can see the obvious repetitive goals, slow response (a tiny bit improved on 08) and the total frustration that has plagued the previous 2 efforts.

You first put the demo on and you think wow, its amazing, shooting is improved and the animations are brilliant, but the very heart of the engine is still FIFA08, its just slighty quicker and a bit better looking.

It's overall a better game than 08 but its not giving me the buzz it did when first playing the demo and the FIFA series has never given me the buzz that PES ever did.

I sold 08 because it frustrated me, i sold Euro because it did the same so I know having now played the demo that FIFA is probably not for me.

A great effort and will be enjoyed by so many, and I know for those that like it will adore it but not for me i am afraid:((


I think the leagues best wait two weeks before starting. We had enough messing about last year with flip-floppers.
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Not really the guy for the review business.

I have been playing ISS since the snes, and up unitl last years played every edition(usually the WE version.
For the last year i havent really touched a footy game pro being shit and Fifa, while good didnt really capture me.
No doubt it has faults to be discovered but its the closest resembelance to football that i've encountered in my gaming life

I havent seen the same goal twice, or even the same shot technique. I played Man U, couldnt get out of my half, played Bolton was 0-0 in the 75, against Arsenal we was goin end to end. If you want to play on the break, you can and its devastating, but so is the passing game done right. Gameplay seems varied, and quite deep.

I think the best thing i can say about this game is that today while playing it its made me get emotional, miss placed passes, fouls, misses, goals. This is what makes football special to me, both in a game and in real life. Fifa has never done this to me before.
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Well if you're new to FIFA remember to use the close control button often to get faster reaction times with the ball, and don't use the sprint button as much as in PES. I think those two points are very important for old PES people.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread




I think the leagues best wait two weeks before starting. We had enough messing about last year with flip-floppers.
Exactly, there's no point having loads of people join the league only to pull out a few weeks later because the game is "not for them".

I can imagine Dr Force being like that, that rapid change of opinion on the game from him is silly and he seems to have all the the signs of being one of those people who would pull out of the league. No offence.
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Thanks fernandez :)).

Does the CPU still do slide tackles and bad fouls against you? And are the ref's still good? Has the advantage being played been sorted? What's the shooting like?
Thanks fernandez :)).

Does the CPU still do slide tackles and bad fouls against you? And are the ref's still good? Has the advantage being played been sorted? What's the shooting like?

Think the tackling intensity has been toned down a bit, but the refs have been doing a good job so far. Havent managed to decide if the advantage has been sorted out, its been used properly and badly so far.

Shooting i like, Finesse shot's working well, but not immediatly if im sprinting which is realistic, cause of the body position. Havent really let any fly from far yet, but Modric did oass one into the net from 6 yards which looked stunning, just let it roll across him then opened up his foot casually.
@ chris

I think the top to the bottom quotes sum FIFA up perfectly.

It delivers the wow factor, it all seems amazing, you play it for a while and see the flaws and then finally realise it aint all that.

But ...........and its a big but.... I've been playing the rather crappy and very predictable CPU over a 4min half. So aslong as i'm playing people who want to play it like football then I do think its going to be fun online.

And it was'nt me that started the whole league again after i had played all my games............If its a problem just tell me to get fucked
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Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Exactly, there's no point having loads of people join the league only to pull out a few weeks later because the game is "not for them".

I can imagine Dr Force being like that, that rapid change of opinion on the game from him is silly and he seems to have all the the signs of being one of those people who would pull out of the league. No offence.

Ok I wont bother then.

Don't want to muscle in on the elite forum members.

I played all my games last year even though I did not really rate it and then they started the whole thing again.

Sorry for changing my mind a few times....I'll quietly drift off into the background if it makes you feel better.

Oh and offence taken
@ chris:-pp

I think the top to the bottom quotes sum FIFA up perfectly.

It delivers the wow factor, it all seems amazing, you play it for a while and see the flaws and then finally realise it aint all that.

But ...........and its a big but.... I've been playing the rather crappy and very predictable CPU over a 4min half. So aslong as i'm playing people who want to play it like football then I do think its going to be fun online.
List a few of these flaws then, i'm interested in what you think is wrong with the game.

The only problems I see with the demo are:

Backspin shots
Free kick curl
Corners being a bit too difficult (may just be me, i've only scored from one)
Opposition attacking AI can be weird sometimes
Through ball bar powers up too slowly

Apart from that, it's a brilliant representation of real football and the only simulation football game available, so I don't understand the negativity.

I don't see the repetitive goals you talk of, that is the biggest improvement from 08 for me.

If you don't even know whether you even like the game or not, why even ask to be part of the online league? These leagues need people who will play stay with the league until it's completion, not people who might say "this isn't for me, I am pulling out..."
Hi guys,

german gaming site has posted a review of Fifa 09. The final score they gave is 9 out of 10.

- best controls ever in a Fifa game
- best possible mix out of responsiveness and realistic player physics
- tricks require good timing, so that even really skilled players such as Kaka cannot pass defenders "automatically"
- great ball physics and collisions make the game even more realistic
- the collisions look breathtaking and each one of them is unique
- if the pitch is wet, the ball will decelerate when rolling on the pitch but will accelerate when the ball bounces of the ground
- the be a pro mode is really exciting and motivating

- first touch control is not really good, the ball bounces of the players' foot way too often

Closing comments:

No doubt about it, this is the best Fifa ever!

P.S.: Sorry, if this was posted earlier.
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List a few of these flaws then, i'm interested in what you think is wrong with the game.

The only problems I see with the demo are:

Backspin shots
Free kick curl
Corners being a bit too difficult (may just be me, i've only scored from one)
Opposition attacking AI can be weird sometimes
Through ball bar powers up too slowly

Apart from that, it's a brilliant representation of real football and the only simulation football game available, so I don't understand the negativity.

I don't see the repetitive goals you talk of, that is the biggest improvement from 08 for me.

-response is still average
-Animation cycle still makes it feel clunky
-headers still lack power
-ball still feels floaty and light with passing and crossing
-shooting is improved but just never gives me the same satisfaction as any PES ever......still feels weightless
hey fernandez or any other guy who has the game. can you answer the following questions:

- ist there any graphical difference in the final game to demo on ps3?
- manager mode: can you see the real table or is it like last year where all other matches were calculated and only you and your oponnent do not have their points calculated following to the situation that you are not able to see the "real" table situation (hope u know what I mean) but having you always beeing one game behind
-are you still limited to 8 players or can I play with a mate a whole season or cup. I select a team and he will control all my oponents.

If its a problem just tell me to get fucked
I wasn't trying to be an arse, I'm just pointing out what happened last year with a lot of people and that's what was ruining it. It's no offence to you, any game gets worse when you play it so often that you start seeing the same things. I played FIFA non-stop, I played it longer than I've played PES for since I was in college (which was a long old time ago), but a couple of months before Euro 2008 was released it was starting to grate, and by the time Euro 2008 was released I'd had enough.

I was just putting it there more as a reminder to myself really, so that when people start saying this time next week "LET'S START THE LEAGUE NOW YOU MISERABLE BASTARD!", I can point to that and say "let's just play around with it for a while first and enjoy it". :)
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