FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I used to think the same, I mean why care about the nets? Then I saw the nets in football kingdom and it looked so nice to score a goal in that. But it does sound silly.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Hey young gunz thanks for answering all these questions. Sounds good about the passing. Forgot I had one more question to ask which I have heard nothing about as of yet, have the menus has the overlays which display player attributes been improved or is it the same as last year? ie in pro evo you could instantly compare two players' stats complete with color coding (95 and up = red, 90 and up = orange etc) have they done anything like this? Thanks!
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

thought I would mention this as it will effect a few of us with US and Asian/Japanese 360's.

dunno if this has been mentioned before but I am thinking about buying Madden 09 for my Japanese 360 and noticed the Asian version is region free.. Thought this was strange as EA games are always region locked. Checked US version also and again region free..

So I guess FIFA maybe the same..
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

damn it if I knew this I could have downloaded Madden 09 for my 360 10 days ago lol! but cos it said NTSC I didn't bother
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

So they've confirmed that all the same old Fifa08 commentary we're hearing is placeholder? You read that somewhere or someone told you in person?

There wasnt any commentary in the build i played so i asked the EA guys there and they said that with the other things i mentionend will be added in the coming weeks.

Hey young gunz thanks for answering all these questions. Sounds good about the passing. Forgot I had one more question to ask which I have heard nothing about as of yet, have the menus has the overlays which display player attributes been improved or is it the same as last year? ie in pro evo you could instantly compare two players' stats complete with color coding (95 and up = red, 90 and up = orange etc) have they done anything like this? Thanks!

Nope there wasnt that, There menu's have some stuff added but they look the same as last year.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

thought I would mention this as it will effect a few of us with US and Asian/Japanese 360's.

dunno if this has been mentioned before but I am thinking about buying Madden 09 for my Japanese 360 and noticed the Asian version is region free.. Thought this was strange as EA games are always region locked. Checked US version also and again region free..

So I guess FIFA maybe the same..
i thought 360 games were all locked...
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I wonder how many of the 250 fixes that was already fixed in Euro 2008. The fixes they talk about is obviously from FIFA 08 to 09. Because it sounds like some things are kept from euro, like the response times as I understand it from people that played it.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I don't think there are many because IMO Euro2008 is a very poor game in comparison to Fifa08. Obviously I'm basing that solely on singleplayer because that's all I play, but many aspects of Euro2008 are simply broken. I played it again today for a couple of hours to see if I got any more out of it and again I just can't stand it, horrible experience compared to Fifa08. Passing, movement, tackling especially, all very flawed, manual passing is absolutely butchered compared to Fifa08 which has manual passing working really well. AI especially against underdog opponents is perhaps the worst AI I have witnessed in a football game for a long, long time, awfully implemented.

Think it's time I did an FSB podcast ;)
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Don't worry I was just joking, I do plan to contribute to the podcasts in the future :)

I wasn't joking though. Would really like to listen to someone other than suff and adam on a podcast. You being a PR guy should be quite a piece of cake.
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