FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

here is a thought aimed at ps3 users. now that we know more or less what ps3's Home is all about, what if we can actually use our "Home" avater/character in BE A PRO in fifa!!

create yourself in Home and use that same character playing online in be a pro. now that would be brillient! That could be the exclsuive feature for the ps3 version. it wouldnt piss off the 360 fans soo much but it will certainly make alot of ps3 users excited! Add to the fact that this exclsuive mode is likely to have somthing to do with Home rather then a full fledge online feature

You're right.

That wouldn't piss me off in the slightest.:))
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

The NHL Be A Pro MMO thing again I keep praying is in fifa 09!

EA Sports, specifically its Vancouver branch, is changing that classic paradigm by delivering what they're calling sports gaming's first Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) mode, branded as EA Sports Hockey League in NHL 09.

Such a feature would be great, but I hope EA first of all makes sure the 10v10 mode is working properly. After all, 5v5 had its issues
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

How is it a mistake?

i thought that was be obvious?

for a company to target a particular audience would indeed piss off alot of fans on a diff console, the same could be said if it was a mode on an xbox360 , the ps3 owners would have a grumble (i am talking a major mode, as we are discussing here, not a small diff feature)
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

didnt 360 owners get exclusive content for grand theft? Its all swings and roundabouts.
this guy does have a point though but like bitter says, he and otehr 360 fans would be asking the same question as rad about gta4 and rad would say the same thing that bitter just said.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

didnt 360 owners get exclusive content for grand theft? Its all swings and roundabouts.

yea it is, but like i said in my posts i have not mentioned which console etc, only one or the other , so my point and your point is very valid

other than that again, content means nothing to me tbh, again that is personal preference (swings and roundabouts) but with a mode as big as the create your own player and take him online to be a star is such a huge step in a football game, that is the magnitude i am talking NOTHING ELSE :))
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

maybe sony paid for it to be an exclusive or maybe the xbox live interface cant cope with that sort of load online? does the 360 version of that hockey game have that feature? umm even if it did, that hockey game is what? 6v6 online?

we'l see anyway. we dont even know if fifa09 will even have the feature though
Sony doesn't pay for exclusives, they spend their money on 1st party content
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Not sure how much they spent towards Haze as it was mutli console until a few months before launch - Lair seemed to be a strange one as well as both parties said they were helping each other and making a great game - then after it came out and was crappy to control Lair dev blamed sony for no support and sony blamed the lair devs for not coming to them for support.

Half an hour of footage here〈=nl
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

need to be a member, no worries, placebo is here to the rescue as he always rips and uploads them for us
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

yeah i noticed that as well :( - The thread i found the link on had people jumping for joy over the videos so i thought worth posting on the off chance someone could view it
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

id be gutted if i missed out on content as important, i agree. But fortunately i wont be as i have my lovely ps3. but maybe next time 360 will get exclusive content.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I can't see them offering the PS3 a game mode as big as that as an exclusive.

But... if sony are only just opening HOME for another closed beta which will last for a few months usually. And fifa is out what... september october time? That doesn't really leave them a chance to add HOME as a feature for the PS3 players when most of them won't be able to use home?

Unless it won't be on the disc content and it will be DLC to come at the end of 2008 when HOME becomes an public beta.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I can't see them offering the PS3 a game mode as big as that as an exclusive.

But... if sony are only just opening HOME for another closed beta which will last for a few months usually. And fifa is out what... september october time? That doesn't really leave them a chance to add HOME as a feature for the PS3 players when most of them won't be able to use home?

Unless it won't be on the disc content and it will be DLC to come at the end of 2008 when HOME becomes an public beta.
yea read my comment about using your Home avater in be a pro. that could be the exclusive feature
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

on the podcast Suff said he was gonna post some pics he had taken of improved faces on fifa09 but so far i have not seen them anwhere. Anybody know if he has or not?
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

lots of contrast between the 2 guys on the podcasts. Suff seemed to be a lot keener on the game then Adam. Adam played only for an afternoon where as Suff had 3 days, but adam had the newer build. Just goes to show how everybody has different opinions and really we should all wait until release to judge for ourselves.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I'd be worried if Adam was keener than Suff anyways, IMO Adam was still very positive about the game, whilst being very honest about his opinion, as he said a number of times he perhaps had expected some kind of revolution as with UCL - Fifa08 rather than a further movement in evolution as from Fifa08 - EURO*

*obviously I include that example despite me personally thinking Euro is crap and not a step forward from Fifa08.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

they were both positive i feel. wasnt expecting a faultless game. Nobody should ever expect that. Im very excited about the game. cant wait to see the graphics on my tv
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I was surprised Adam expected some form of revolution in Fifa 09. It's quite clear that the foundations of the new game engine were put in place in Fifa 07, and really expanded on in Fifa 08. A steady evolution of the game is what most of us expected over the next few years, much the same as PES in it's heyday.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Like i have been saying for years it takes 3 years to set the foundations for any sports game when it comes to next gen so ppl expecting much from pes 2009 are going to be so dissapointed
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

well this is fifa's 3rd year so i expect it to be great.

Fifa10 will be epic. :o
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