FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

I don't know how you can find the game fun on Dynamic (V1 or V2), they seem way too close and show very little of the pitch, and when FIFA relies on passing more than dribbling, I think being able to see all your options is crucial.

I think you should switch to Tele cam ;)) It can now be tweaked remember. Maybe Dynamic could even be tweaked so that you don't get the problem...

I play on dynamic as well. I find it much easier to shoot on dynamic vs. tele which is too far out for my taste (at least the default setting). I also use the radar quite a bit to see what's going on. Maybe I'll spend some time tweaking the tele camera and see what I can come up with though. I used a custom cam in 07 that worked quite well and dynamic 1 in '08 was the closest option there was to it.

On a side note, anyone who does use the dynamic (v1) camera notice that it is actually pulled out a bit further by default as compared to last year?
Guys how will the actual release/final game compare with the demo?
How old is the actual demo compared to the final build ? I am hoping for a few more suprise improvements in the final release. However, I still can't believe that there has been absolutely NO GAMEPLAY footage of different WEATHER effects (snow, rain,..) at all and we only have 2 weeks to go till release.
First time I played the demo I changed to "Slow" but forgot about it the other times and never even noticed it, just realised it now. So I guess Normal isn't too fast for me... :blush:
my freind just pre-ordered fifa 09 on ps3 off amazon and he was just wondering as the release date is 3rd confirmed by ea and he received an email after pre ordering saying he will get it on the 26th September?????? any ideas

hope so plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz any clue ?
i was playing default with zoom all the way in, this felt more pes like to me so i was comfortable with it.

i really hope they make some tweaks based on the demo feedback, that would be fantastic, for example if they improve the frame rate issues on high def and sort out the shot curl, but obviously as chris has been harping on about constantly, nothing that panders to the noobs who want to run around the whole team with ronaldo.
Just noticed something really interesting.

I was playing against Madrid, Ramos got a red and instantly the CPU subed Raul off for Torres now they have 4 in defence again, in 08 the CPU would just leave that position vacant.

Nice job EA

CPU is even more clever:
midfielders/defenders will come in instead of an attacker, when in front. A defender/midfielder will be subbed by an attacker, when the CPU is behind.

Also the keeper comes up on corner in the last few minutes (as said in some previews already)


there's not much left on my wishlist for this year's FIFA. They've added/fixed more I ever could imagine.

"bugs" left (as mentioned in an earlier post):

- far too much curl on free kicks
- advantage rule is a mess
- no own goals (goal is credited to attacker

features to be implemented/fixed

- offline replays
- bring defenders up on corners/freekicks
- lettering, numbering, goalie kits
- disallowed offside goals

pretty impressive job, EA !!!(as far as I can say after playing the demo for about a week)
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does anybody know where I can purchase the uk version online for shipping to the US?

I was thinking about importing it as well but then i realized that i won't get it till probably around the 9 or 10th of October, seeing as they have to ship it overseas and by that time, it comes out in the US 4 days later.. Might aswell just wait i suppose..
Maybe this isn't news, but i haven't heard this.
In the Belgian Official Playstation Magazine they had a tiny litle news update about FIFA09.
It says that players' stats will be updated weekly for some leagues: Premiership, La Liga,Ligue 1, Bundesliga, Serie A and the Mexican premier division. The updates will be according to the way players do IRL. EA uses thousands of scouts to do that.
I think this is pretty impressive.
I don't know if these updated stats will have implications in an ongoing manager mode (for example) or if this will only be if you start a new game...
Maybe this isn't news, but i haven't heard this.
In the Belgian Official Playstation Magazine they had a tiny litle news update about FIFA09.
It says that players' stats will be updated weekly for some leagues: Premiership, La Liga,Ligue 1, Bundesliga, Serie A and the Mexican premier division. The updates will be according to the way players do IRL. EA uses thousands of scouts to do that.
I think this is pretty impressive.
I don't know if these updated stats will have implications in an ongoing manager mode (for example) or if this will only be if you start a new game...
Yep it's a feature you will have to pay for and by league, I can't see how it will work TBH as it has no reference to your games, your striker could score a hatrick and have the game of his life but in real life he has a mare, I'm sure the stats won't alter that much but they wont be relevant...

"EA has unveiled Adidas Live Season for FIFA 09, an online service that alters player attributes each week based on their real-life performances.

Scouts around the world will funnel data from the Premiership, La Liga (a newly-acquired licence), Ligue 1, Bundesliga, Serie A and the Mexican Premier Division into PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game each week.
Live Season will be a paid-for service, but a free trial restricted to one of the leagues will be offered and run from activation through to the end of the season. Otherwise, subscription costs are unknown."
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FSB, Nick. :)

Suff played a close-to-final-version of FIFA 09 courtesy of EA, and posted his impressions. When comparing it to the demo he said there are definite differences. He specifically said it's as if they've had to take a lot of animations out.
CPU is even more clever:
midfielders/defenders will come in instead of an attacker, when in front. A defender/midfielder will be subbed by an attacker, when the CPU is behind.

Also the keeper comes up on corner in the last few minutes (as said in some previews already)


there's not much left on my wishlist for this year's FIFA. They've added/fixed more I ever could imagine.

"bugs" left (as mentioned in an earlier post):

- far too much curl on free kicks
- advantage rule is a mess
- no own goals (goal is credited to attacker

features to be implemented/fixed

- offline replays
- bring defenders up on corners/freekicks
- lettering, numbering, goalie kits
- disallowed offside goals

pretty impressive job, EA !!!(as far as I can say after playing the demo for about a week)

Just one point on that if you adjust your tactics by using the Dpad you can switch to ulta offensive for freekicks and corners and people come up from the back. Well it appears that way when I do it

Also on the final version you'll be able to individually move players as you can in Euro and put defenders upfront.
@ Trance Allstar

Hi T

In response to your post over in the Pes thread, I would like to eloborate further.

I find the response to be an issue for me to enjoy the game. it is more responsive than 08 (which I found unplayable) but its still slugish when it comes to shooting and passing just after you receive the ball.

You are right when you mention that its too responsive when they trap the ball, which happens instantly, especially from very long balls, it then has to let the animation unfold before your commands are carried out.

In the arena, run at full pelt toward the goal and press the shoot button, i find the player takes a further 2-3 paces before releasing the shoot button. now thats fine in the vast open, non pressurising space there, but have that in a game and its the difference between getting a shot off and not, which is why it can frustrate some.

You just feel, its not doing what you want it to, when you want it done. I also struggle with the running animation which sometimes feels they are running against an 80mph wind, that feeling of running through treacle is till there for me yet its still an improvement on 08.

Animations are fantastic but I think this adds a mask to the core problems that remain from 08, it feels less clunky because they turn slightly quicker and adjust the balance better but its still not as fluid as it could be (Pes mentality I am afraid)and as a consequence it just frustrates me.Tricks are also almost impossible to pull off in a game situation at the right time.

Its interesting to read that they have left a load of animations out the demo, so I do beleive the final game will be improved, however I have the same feeling i had with 08 & euro and I sold them not long after playing.

I just know i may aswell throw the towel in on this one rather than spend £40, be dissapointed, sell it on and wish i'd never bothered.

I found PES5 to be the best game I have played on the 360 yet and for all Konami's clear arrogance and lack of next gen innovation, i beleive its taken a step toward to what it was and that is what I prefer.

I dont want anyone lambasting me because i don't like it because its my choice, but I hope you all enjoy it because clearly you all love it............that's great for you.

I still can't get the correct free-kicker that I want. What am I doing wrong here ??

I played as Chelsea, set Lampard as Left,Right corner taker, Direct and Long Direct Free kick taker and then I got a free kick just around the corner area and Ballack is on it. That is an obvious guy I want in my box but I can't change kickers here. Could someone tell me how to select a crossing free-kick taker....:blush:
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