FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

As far as animation goes FIFA 09 is miles ahead. And when it comes to the first two thirds of the pitch it plays the closest thing to real football ever witnessed outside of an actual match.

HOWEVER - in the final third i still think the game lacks incision. It all feels too fluffy with a lack of control in tight areas. I agree that in real life it takes a certain amount of time for players to change direction etc but watch any good (not even great) player and they can move the ball around swiftly without cumbersome movement cycles.

My other issue is the offensive AI. It's great in terms of making forward runs but rarely makes lateral movement - watch any FIFA08/EURO/09 video and most goals are either cross/header routines or horizontal breaks, rarely anything else - for instance anyone remember the valencia goal at the mestalla versus Liverpool a few years ago - lateral movement exemplified. I've played 08 and EURO to death and tried to play such football but the Ai movement simply doesn't allow it - it's too often passing triangles down each flank as the Ai sets off on another endless straight run to goal. This is one area where PES is still ahead (the only area probably but important) i.e. offensive AI - to test i went back to pes5 after about 20 hours on 09 demo - i can play like arsenal do in real life with the whole variety of goals.

If this is just down to my own limitations fine and if more complex moves can be put together i genuinely want to know how because i have no allegiance to any game (daftness!).

I would also agree with the comment posted by others that the game is too one paced in the final third so that there is very little urgency - maybe reduced or shorter animations are required but it means that when goals go in they go in at the same pace and tempo as the buld-up which led to it - this removes the euphoria assciated with a goal instead giving rise to smiling admiration for the game engine.

I'm not posting this for the sake of controversy - EA are doing what the fans want and that should be praised highly indeed. BUT - i can't help feel that FIFA plays wire frame football with all the dynamic incisive bits often missing - once it acquires that - probably by FIFA 2011 realistically - well then PES will be dead.

i agree 1000 % with you
i agree 1000 % with you

I have such a love hate relationship with FIFA and contantly find myself questioning how realistic it is or isn't...!

The bottom line for me is that when we watch football we all crave high paced, dynamic intricate football, therefore why we would want anything else in a football game is beyond me...

I actually think that the motion capture technology can be hindrance with FIFA (especially as all players end up moving, shooting etc like the motion capture subject) as it creates this one-paced element - i wonder if hand-drawn (or whatever the technical name is for it) animation is still the way to go with a football game until motion capture can be truly exploited (done better than konami of course!)
HOWEVER - in the final third i still think the game lacks incision. It all feels too fluffy with a lack of control in tight areas. I agree that in real life it takes a certain amount of time for players to change direction etc but watch any good (not even great) player and they can move the ball around swiftly without cumbersome movement cycles.

For fast control in tight areas you just take your finger off sprint and press the pace control/skill button......
For fast control in tight areas you just take your finger off sprint and press the pace control/skill button......

That's the problem i think - even then players don't move with precision or keep the ball close enough - it's too bumbling - perhaps we have different expectations
They really do if you keep hold of pace control....

I love how you can slow a defender down then sprint or knock it on even further. The possibilities are endless. Check the video thread I am uploading some more nice videos :)
Yeah I agree, I'm actually learning this myself afresh as I used to have it as LB pace/skills and LT change player, I've now switched that around and it's so much easier to use pace control and pull skills off all the time, already in the demo I'm using pace control loads more to get AI defenders booked, you can really tease them into lunging in at you, even in Fifa08 it's far more effective, I gotta re-learn not to press LT to switch players but I'm improving that :)
let's talk about re-mapping the controls ;)

As I'm planning to give PES another chance, I've re-mapped FIFA/PS3 to:

[] -> shooting
O -> crossing
X -> passing
/\ -> passing into space

R1 -> speed
R2 -> pace/skills
L1 -> switch player
L2 -> shooting with inside


same layout, but:

RT -> speed
RB -> pace/skills
LT -> switch player
LB -> shooting with inside


L1(LB) -> pace/skills and R1(RB) -> speed is probably working even better, but I'm still too PESified (PESimistic ???)
Ditto, I don't think us PES veterans will ever be able to shake that off. Another thing to thank Uncle Seabass for.
Surprisingly it is only due to go gold within the next few days. Bearing in mind that the demo code was three weeks old as it was, I'm hoping to see even more improvements. As long as they don't listen to the kids on the EA UK forums and make it ten times easier, with no shots going over the bar ever and referees letting people get away with murder...

that is my only fear Chris. i'm the poster "it's anthonyOA" over there trying to keep them grounded. heh

the more you play the demo, the more your realise how much more time you need in a game to build up moves etc. it's realistic that not every shot flies in. it's also realistic that the ref let play carry on whenever possible problem is it leads to a frustrating demo if condensed into 2minutes.

my first match will be 10minutes :lol:

Man utd vs Man City. :TWIST:
Whats made you change your mind?

I take it your have had mates round for some multiplayer :))

actually nah , i watched marseille pool cl game, then went andplayed and tried to play like marseille did in that match with the same second half lienup and its seemend very realistic. I tried to get valbuena and cheryou involed as much as possible, it was great fun

those vids are amazing and show just how far animations have come in games. wow.

the reaction of even the ball in the net is so realistic. i'm so happy the sorted the nets.

people worried that the headers will be too easy also need to remember they've been given Drogba, ballack etc to control ;))

the header require some skill to execute. and timing. just like real life. hehe
Two weeks to release now (if you order from ShopTo or Gameplay and get it a day early)! :)

I can't play the demo any longer, it's so short, it just makes you want more. Roll on two weeks.
Dad said it before but just got Aston Villa game on he looked and said is this live i said yeah he goes cant tell if its game you play at times. :DD

Testiment to Fifa 09 brilliance i say. :))
Two weeks to release now (if you order from ShopTo or Gameplay and get it a day early)! :)

I can't play the demo any longer, it's so short, it just makes you want more. Roll on two weeks.

Have to say I'm starting to be swayed by watching allot of these goals, and if the full version is said to be more responsive then great.

Being a PC gamer for most my years my only realistic option was PES but as the Wife is letting me get a 1080p tv and PS3 (Swayed her with the Blu Ray option)i'm looking forward to seeing how it pans out on release.

Only draw back is she said I can have the TV now and PS3 at christmas.

I did play fifa 08 on the 360 but far to sluggish for me, so how much has it changed since then?
Have to say I'm starting to be swayed by watching allot of these goals, and if the full version is said to be more responsive then great.

Being a PC gamer for most my years my only realistic option was PES but as the Wife is letting me get a 1080p tv and PS3 (Swayed her with the Blu Ray option)i'm looking forward to seeing how it pans out on release.

Only draw back is she said I can have the TV now and PS3 at christmas.

I did play fifa 08 on the 360 but far to sluggish for me, so how much has it changed since then?

To sum it up quite alot of change and ouch rather cruel with PS3. :LOL:
Does anyone know if EA have the history of letting the shops sel Fifa as soon as they have it? Or do they want them to wait till the 3rd of october like Rockstar did for GTAIV?
He's talking about getting them before Friday Nick.

I've not been able to get a game before Friday for a while now; there is one shop around here that does it, did it with FIFA 08, but he charges £50 (the RRP of £40 is expensive enough)... But I don't think EA will be as strict as Rockstar were with GTA IV, certainly.
wow @ the animations in that vid.

i still reckon i have the best goal ever, but it's stuck on my phone and my PC crashes everytime i try to upload.
He's talking about getting them before Friday Nick.

I've not been able to get a game before Friday for a while now; there is one shop around here that does it, did it with FIFA 08, but he charges £50 (the RRP of £40 is expensive enough)... But I don't think EA will be as strict as Rockstar were with GTA IV, certainly.

I got them Thursday last thing last time I'm sure but as I say full price, wait a day or two and could have saved quite a few quid...
Thx for the quick reply guys, now I know I'll be taking leave from work a few days early. I already feel the virus in my body, I think it will give me the flu in about two weeks... :D
He's talking about getting them before Friday Nick.

I've not been able to get a game before Friday for a while now; there is one shop around here that does it, did it with FIFA 08, but he charges £50 (the RRP of £40 is expensive enough)... But I don't think EA will be as strict as Rockstar were with GTA IV, certainly.

I've noticed that in Belgium and Holland games seems to hit the stores sooner than in England.
I work in Brussels and i usually have the games earlier. Last years FIFA i had a couple of days earlier.

Try the Free Record Shop scorpio (as a music freak i hate that shop, but they are good and soon for games).
I've noticed that in Belgium and Holland games seems to hit the stores sooner than in England.
I work in Brussels and i usually have the games earlier. Last years FIFA i had a couple of days earlier.

Try the Free Record Shop scorpio (as a music freak i hate that shop, but they are good and soon for games).

Aha, merci voor de info Gerd! Van PES wist ik het maar voor Fifa had ik geen idee. Heb jij een PS3? Anders voeg ik je wel toe... ;)

(Sorry for the dutch talk, couldn't resist)
Just playing now. If you hold sprint a lot the gameplay overall is faster. the CPU increases the intensity in the midfield battle. that's crazy ai.
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