FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

I just scored an overhead kick with drogba in the 90th minute, scoring a goal never felt better, the way the keeper gave up on it made it look ultra realistic too!!!

this is the greatest football game ever, and i am only playing the 2 minute a half demo lol
I posted this up on another board...anyone else notice this?

I think most people who are saying they blow shots way over the bar when shooting just dont have the right technique. I found that if you hold the sprint button and shoot that the shot will almost always fly way over. However if you let go of the sprint button just before you shoot, you will let off a cracker - which is very realistic in my opinion. How often do you see a player slow down just a little before he lets rip?

Try this technique out in the arena and I gurantee your shooting will improve.

Thanks Matk! That helped me quite a lot. Maybe it was obvious to most people around here but I didn't know this so thanks for the heads-up. Think it is realistic too so that made the game even better. I have made some nice goals from outside the penalty area now. :EASY:
played the demo with my mate a sec ago, it's now a must buy for him. He's a huge pro evo fan too.

we played with both on the same team like we normally do. it's so good. the midfield battle and then finally you pop a worked through ball through and you're giggling like a little girl. :)
sometimes, players would raise thier hands up for an offisde decision but you get to play on. pretty cool, but i definately think i was marginally offiside lool

i've seen cannavaro gesturing another player(s) to drop back.
it was subtle, but I was like "holy shit" nice!
I was just thinking and only 15 days to go! it feels like 15 weeks though, time is really dragging, the more i play the demo, the more i like it and the more I wish it could be longer than two minutes, I have a few minor gripes about the demo, but i'm sure these will be ironed out in the final version.
2 mins you b*$turds !! And then to rub it in forcing us to pens. Apart from that I am now a Fifa Fan, and they deserve it, all their effort has finally paid off, this is now the best footy game.

I hope they fix the replays though, the frame rate is a bit shite, anyone heard any news on this. I know Fifa 08 was vastly tweaked from the demo, so heres hoping.
The collision system is so impressive. I mean it could as well just clipped through the hand but no, it's so good it just had to be perfect.
And let me just say, the nets are so impressive, i've never enjoyed nets like this since Football Kingdom. One thing I hated about PES 2008 was the small net area and that the nets just flopped down at the back, it was terrible and I hate the Hexagon nets. The big square ones in FIFA are so much nicer
The collision system is impressive, but there is still a lot of limbs through limbs, I hope this is ironed out in the full version.

Whilst i have also seen a few limbs through limbs and even 1 head through torso i do think that the collison system is indeed immpressive - what i liked in particular about the above video was the reaction from Cech when the ball hits him - he seems genuinely surprised which is i think the first time i have ever seen that in a footy game.
Limbs going through each other can't be helped, (and to date there aren't any game that offer that kind of solid polygonal collision detection ) because of the nature of each contextual animation...say for example a player in jockeying mode will have his arms spread out at a fixed length and they won't auto-adjust according to how close his opponent is.

They could implement the Euphoria animation engine into the game and in this case, program it such that how far a player's arm extend depends on the hands that make contact with the opponent's body. (EA already has implement this sort of inverse kinematics system since fifa 07 to determine how far a footballer's legs should extend with relation to the ball's position) But that would take a significant portion of computing power which I'm sure EA would have used for decision-making, tactics, etc...

And to their credit, EA has done great strides in the game's animation system, particularly with blending between different motion-captured animations.... something which PES has never focused on since... well since Goal Storm '97 really...
Do people know the teams in the demo have preset tactics?

i only found out a few days ago

you go to custom tactics, and press on the top text (forgot what it says) and you get a list of 4/5 preset tactics
Could someone please help me out?

1) How do you take free-kicks in the arena ?
2) Is there a way to increase your chances of a bicycle kick/volley kick when the ball is in the air ? My players take way to often the weak header option instead of the volley.
press up on the dpad to take a free kick or peno

and its all about positioning for a overhead kick, just get your player under the ball and if he has good agility he will attempt it
Could someone please help me out?

1) How do you take free-kicks in the arena ?
2) Is there a way to increase your chances of a bicycle kick/volley kick when the ball is in the air ? My players take way to often the weak header option instead of the volley.

free kick press the d pad when outside the penny box

as for a volley it helps on the position of the player, but i find when a ball is at a volley height i just start tapping shoot for a quick shot
Could someone please help me out?

1) How do you take free-kicks in the arena ?
2) Is there a way to increase your chances of a bicycle kick/volley kick when the ball is in the air ? My players take way to often the weak header option instead of the volley.

Press the D-pad at any moment in any direction, and the freekick will be taken where the ball was positioned at the moment you press the D-pad.

As for the volley question I've not played it enough to be of any help. :)
Does anyone know how to use the second player when you call him in for a free kick? I have tried various things but I cant get the second guy to knock the ball out for kicker one to hit.
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