FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

^ Agreed. In real life the ref would see that it's a block, rather than a tackle and it wouldn't be a foul/penalty. But as it's a video game all they see is a late tackle and give the foul :((.
I didn't see it to be honest. Ah yes I did. And no that was nothing like it, the Hull attacker cut back and wasn't shooting, the Newcastle defender (Butt?), slid and missed the ball and hit the man. Penalty.
been reading whatever info they've released on Fifa 09 Clubs...if someone would be so kind as to see if I'm getting this right:

Creating a club
  • You form your own club (name of our own choosing?) and assign a manager (assuming the manager isn't auto-assigned to the one who created the club?)
  • Recruit up to 50 members to your club (throughout the course of the season)

Starting a match
  • Field a group of no less than three members to play a game
  • There can be multiple games at any one time (so if there are 15 members online in that club, 7 can play one game and the remaining 8 in another?)
  • CPU controls remaining positions unless you choose the ability to switch between positions on the pitch
  • Group chooses a real-life club to use in the game
  • Players pick a position that they wish to play on the pitch
  • Each team has one captain (duh) that handles tactics and stuff

Playing a match
  • Every player will have an standardize performance rating of 85
  • It doesn't matter which virtual footballer you're controlling? So Crouch despite his lanky stature will have the same header reach as say, Neville? Wat??
  • If you stray away from the position you're playing, that performance rating drops (eg: defenders won't be able to steal headers up field from opposing attackers as efficiently as he would if he stayed back?)
  • Substitutions can be made in the sense that a human player will just have his virtual footballer swapped with another.
  • Red-carded human players get to only sit and watch the game
  • Disconnected players gets controlled by CPU and won't be able to join back into the game

Match outcome
  • Points awarded to/deducted from Club's total according to wins/loss/performance of each individual in the team
  • More games a Club plays, faster it goes up the ranks (if I've got everything else right, it would be interesting to see a Club that fields only 5 members for any game, even though there may be more members online in that Club, just to increase the chances of playing more...although whether a 5-man team is better than that which has more members is another thing altogether)
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I think thats right adelante.

I just hope you dont get penalized as much as you did in the Captain your country mode in Euro for coming out of position, or misplacing a cross.
Yeah, the rating system was a mess in Euro. I hated getting penalised for putting in a great cross but the forward didn't get onto it.
Of yeah i saw quite a bit of outside of the foot passing last night and it looks awesome

it was mostly passing from left to right and angling your player so it forces him to use his weaker foot but he dosnt and hits it outside of the stronger one
I just want to play this game with Arsenal :(( and more than fricking 2 minute halves!!!

October 3rd seems to far away :((

I keep playing the demo over and over and over and over.

I keep forgetting to quit before the shoot out - and the penalty shoot outs are getting on my NERVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I've noticed that, looks like they've got rid of the annoying bug where the CPU GK won't release the ball while there is an attacker in the penalty area. This could lead to quick CPU counter attacks :)).

I have seen the other bug that was on Euro 4 times now where have to move a player down pitch before opposition goalkeeper kicks ball ie say bring forward closer.
In my mind they should reward teams with 10 players with more points. Because it's probably harder to play with 10 different people than 4 (with someone on "Any"). I get the feeling that it will be 5 vs 5 mostly again otherwise, because it might be easier to collect points faster.
I have done one backheel, a nice simple one.

The other backheel I did was this, not so much a backheel but made me happy anyway...

YouTube - Lampard backheel fifa 09

Absolutely breathtaking mate.

[*] Every player will have an standardize performance rating of 85
[*] It doesn't matter which virtual footballer you're controlling? So Crouch despite his lanky stature will have the same header reach as say, Neville? Wat??
[*] If you stray away from the position you're playing, that performance rating drops (eg: defenders won't be able to steal headers up field from opposing attackers as efficiently as he would if he stayed back?)

I don't think that is correct. The "standardized performance rating" is probably not talking about their overall stat rating.

Also, the performance rating dropping if you stray out of position doesn't mean that he will head worse if he is not where he is supposed to be, it probably just means that his match rating (like the one newspapers give players after a game, scoring them based on their performance) will be worse if a defender suddenly starts leaving holes in the defence and going on his own little missions elsewhere. Basically you need to play like Captain Your Country in Euro08, and not stray away from your designated position too much.
Does anyone know if there is a weaker foot rating?

I can't find anything like that.

but players like Ballack who has a very good shot with his left leg should be better with the weak foot and also use it more often
I keep forgetting - I lose track of time.

Then score an OG from kick off and play from there. Thats what I sometimes do, I find it hard to score so I let them take the lead from the start. That way I can forget about it and they will win 1-0. Its not like you care weather you win or lose in the demo, its the taking part that counts!
Then score an OG from kick off and play from there. Thats what I sometimes do, I find it hard to score so I let them take the lead from the start. That way I can forget about it and they will win 1-0. Its not like you care weather you win or lose in the demo, its the taking part that counts!

If you do that though the team you're playing will sit back more and decrease your chances of scoring even more ;)
I'm not trying to start a war here but I just wanted to say it, and I didn't want to resurrect the FIFA v PES thread (if it still exists) because then you really are encouraging flame wars.

I'm so desperate to get hold of FIFA 09 that I tried to play FIFA 08 and Euro 08; as I said in here after a few matches (along with the Terry screenshot comparison to show the difference in the faces now), it's unbearable. You constantly press the button to do things that are impossible in those games, like when you pass the ball forward to a marked striker but you press shoot anyway because the marker might make a mistake, or your striker might get away from him, or the ball might bobble. Obviously in the old games it never does, it's clockwork.

But I also play PES2008 on the PSP, which I've been playing for a couple of months now, and I've been enjoying it. Last night, I put it on, and I was so close to smashing the PSP against the wall (that's the thing with consoles, you can throw the pad around the room, but you can't do that with a PSP).

I was shocked; the reaction times are actually better in FIFA than in PES for the first time ever. It makes a huge difference. And against the CPU in PES, your player will constantly...

  • "Trip" in a comical, flailing fashion, in a random direction far away from the ball allowing the CPU to collect it
  • Knock the ball ahead a huge amount just as you're reaching the box, so that the goalkeeper can collect it
  • Delay the response times when you're around opposition defenders, to ensure they get the ball or to give them chance to block the path of your pass
  • Rebound the ball into the perfect path of an oncoming opposition player
  • Rebound the ball out for an opposition throw if you're anywhere near the touchline
  • Pass directly to the opposition when the only player you could possibly be aiming towards is at a totally different angle
I know people will play both games, and I understand that the "automatic" nature of passing which allows fast exciting build-up play is why a lot of people play PES. But half the time your passing response time is impeded to give the AI a chance, and I also noticed your AI teammates give you no help whatsoever! I put wingers on the sides of the pitch with forward arrows and they would stay MOTIONLESS while I'm waiting for them to leg it up the wing!

I don't think I can play PES again, I really don't. All of the above annoy me so much, I thought I was going to have a stroke last night. It's not football IMO, it's too automatic, and the CPU cheating... Well, if I ever met Seabass, I would punch him in the face, honestly.

The more that you play FIFA 09 the more you realise just how far it has come. I can't play any other football game now, apart from SWOS (because it's too simple to "go wrong") and Football Manager (because it's a totally different genre, but I can't even play that now because of the "tactic cracking").

The wait for FIFA 09 seems to be getting longer, not shorter.
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I've been playing more of this Demo and am trying to nail the headers. There are various heading animations I've seen that are pleasing to the eye. Also, I noticed that you can normally head the ball by simply tapping the corresponding button, or better yet, you can sprint with RT to get in front of your opponent for a more powerful timed header with some nice elevation. However I have also noticed that you can use the Jockey button to position yourself which seems more effective to me at times.

Which button execution do you guys use and feel it's more responsive and successful for scoring with headers from a cross?
Using the "classic" configuration I hold LT to move myself into position, then I wait until the ball is closing in and press the shoot button (circle on PS3, B on 360).

Sometimes I will run up to the box first though, and then press LT as the ball is getting closer - or I will just run and head if it's a quick cross and the guy running in isn't in the box yet.
yes put on all out attack by pressing right on the dpad twice :)
thanks, so if you wanted to have the defenders attack but not always be in ultra offensive you would just press the d-pad twice before the corner is taken and the defence wilL join the attack?, would all the defenders attack?

also what about the keeper, can he get invovled in the action?

You've got the right idea andythom77; if you press left or right on the D-PAD you'll see the "defence/attack bar" come up above the player name bar on the bottom left or right of the screen (depending on which team you are). Pressing left sets the bar over to the defensive side, pressing right puts it over to the attacking side. You can fiddle with it throughout the game.

The CPU decides when to bring the goalkeeper up, but I'm presuming if there's ten minutes or less to go and you have the defence/attack bar on full attack, he will come up.
You've got the right idea andythom77; if you press left or right on the D-PAD you'll see the "defence/attack bar" come up above the player name bar on the bottom left or right of the screen (depending on which team you are). Pressing left sets the bar over to the defensive side, pressing right puts it over to the attacking side. You can fiddle with it throughout the game.

The CPU decides when to bring the goalkeeper up, but I'm presuming if there's ten minutes or less to go and you have the defence/attack bar on full attack, he will come up.
ta lad,

i'm a pes fan converted to fifa by an amazing demo and the 10 vs 10 capability, so just learning the ropes. i've tried fifa every year, but this is the first time it looks like i might stick with it.

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