FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Well the question is whether or not Fifa09 will be region free on the 360, Tiger Woods 09 and Madde 09 for the first time were region free, so if Fifa is also region free you could just order it from the UK and get it before the US release.

I see.. so does anyone know if it will be region free? and if so, is there a good site to order it from or will any do??
one tiny thing that grates me...a few times iv'e played a perfect chipped through pass...and the forward seems a little reluctant to take it on and i end up getting the ball taken off me when it seems easier to take the ball on and get a shot away...not sure if this is me or the game

this happened to anyone else?

it happened to me alot, with regular through passes.
the receiving player just sidepedals a few seconds before reacting properly.
I've got one, but i still don't think the radar is very good. Especially when it turns almost invisible when the ball is near the bottom of the screen.

well i can see it easily and i use the radar alot as i play on dynamic camera

are you playin on the PS3? i am on the 360, maybe the PS3 radar is poorer?
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No way of knowing until it comes out, I don't think I ever remember EA answering questions about regionality, I'll ask Suff to ask his EA contact, you never know :)

o ok i guess ill check it out on the 3rd see what happens..and yea thatd be great for him to ask but if he cant no biggie..thanks a lot man
Not true, and a pointless thing to say because it isn't true.

It is true, the EA forums are full of kids that want to dribble and score goals galore. It is worrying that EA will listen to these guys in the future and make changes to the game that aren't necessary for the best interests of the series.

Well, the reason I responded was that the poster claimed that "All" the people who criticised the demo were 12-year olds. I'm not 12 and I've criticised it. Generalizations like that are just lazy.

Also I seriously doubt that the majority of people on the EA forums are 12. Unless everyone of them have entered their birthdate and someone did a survey, or if there is a poll on the forums where the majority have answered that they are 12 years old. Feel free to direct me to your info. ;)

Obviously the post was just a post on a forum, but I don't like someone dismissing a whole forum because of some, to me, unverified claim that they are all 12 years old and thus their opinion should be ignored.
That doesn't even have anything to with their views. Why not just say, perhaps more truthfully and with a less dismissive tone, that the FIFA forum crowd tends to prefer a more arcade game experience, because those types of objections are the ones made towards the game over there. :)
everything is almost perfect with this demo, but for me i got problem with world class level. for me it doesn't feel that i'm facing a harder team, it just feel i'm facing a superhuman who take antibiotic and manage to get their speed increased by 10%! and this usually happen to lower side like Toronto. try to play 10+ match(which i rematch over and over again cause i can't win) and it's so annoying that the striker,no. 9 is more stronger than ricardo calvarlho. he even drag calvarlho all the way until reaching in front of the goal. and the other striker could jump so high, higher than terry and ballack and head the ball to the goal. and this Edu, i was more shock that he was even faster than essien! he just run from the back of essien and collect the ball pretty easily. that's the difference i feel between level. it's more reasonable in professional level though even the AI slightly stupid.
I love the game. But I hope the speed is toned down a notch, players have a bit more weight to them, and the throughball is tweaked so you can hit a hard one. They all currently stop dead too quick.

If they fix them things (and the FK bug), then we're onto a winner :)
Could someone ask EA to develop an easy tool so that the community can help them with kits and fonts?

If they asked for help (since they seem lazy to work on them), I bet the community would have the kits ready in no time, with pinpoint accuracy...

Maybe for FIFA10?
btw with freekicks you can't hold the curl down from the start. you have to star after the bar is charged. they changed it. otherwise you ge banana shots. i suppose you can score with them... but its very hard. i can get gentle curl on my free kicks from messing around in the arena now.

give it a shot.
Jesus Christ, just played a bit of FIFA08 for comparisions sake, and it sucks ass. I'm never playing it again. Whoever says that 09 is almost the same as 08 should have Materazzi kick him in the balls. :lol:
everything is almost perfect with this demo, but for me i got problem with world class level. for me it doesn't feel that i'm facing a harder team, it just feel i'm facing a superhuman who take antibiotic and manage to get their speed increased by 10%! and this usually happen to lower side like Toronto. try to play 10+ match(which i rematch over and over again cause i can't win) and it's so annoying that the striker,no. 9 is more stronger than ricardo calvarlho. he even drag calvarlho all the way until reaching in front of the goal. and the other striker could jump so high, higher than terry and ballack and head the ball to the goal. and this Edu, i was more shock that he was even faster than essien! he just run from the back of essien and collect the ball pretty easily. that's the difference i feel between level. it's more reasonable in professional level though even the AI slightly stupid.

I don't see the speed increase problems at all in World Class. I have many breakaways and get plenty of 1v1 chances in the short time allowed in the demo. I find the World Class level to be far too easy, I'm consistently winning with Toronto v Chelsea/Milan/R.Madrid either 1-0, or 2-0. I haven't managed to score 3 yet, but the CPU AI is pretty ineffective on offense. I'm hoping EA toned the difficulty down for the demo to make it easier for people trying the game to succeed and that the final version is much tougher.
I posted this up on another board...anyone else notice this?

I think most people who are saying they blow shots way over the bar when shooting just dont have the right technique. I found that if you hold the sprint button and shoot that the shot will almost always fly way over. However if you let go of the sprint button just before you shoot, you will let off a cracker - which is very realistic in my opinion. How often do you see a player slow down just a little before he lets rip?

Try this technique out in the arena and I gurantee your shooting will improve.
yeh, i knew this. PES players are used to holding run and then "wham".

really, in fifa09 you have to think like a real player would. when play is too fast you have to slow it down. there simply is no time to explore the possibilities of moves with this demo. i can see some goals coming from 10+ passes.
Topspin shots are in. Just did several in a row in the arena with the ball ON the ground. Unfortunately im not entirely sure how i was doing it. I know for sure i was holding up as i shot. btw these are normal, runnning shots on right foot. no outside of the boot/finesse stuff.

Anyway, i like the new shooting physics, but agree that with a bit less weight they could be brilliant.

Through balls take too long to power up, i agree.

What controller settings is everyone in here playing on? Ive currently got it all on manual and its quite good, but obviously im misplacing a few passes which is annoying in a 2min demo. I tried passing on semi but its just terrible. Dont even have to do anything, it was just PES style diagonal passes down the pitch. Pathetic.
Jesus Christ, just played a bit of FIFA08 for comparisions sake, and it sucks ass. I'm never playing it again. Whoever says that 09 is almost the same as 08 should have Materazzi kick him in the balls. :lol:

Indeed, i try it today too. Its really impossible, even uefa euro is so boring now. Dont know what to do.
I don't see the speed increase problems at all in World Class. I have many breakaways and get plenty of 1v1 chances in the short time allowed in the demo. I find the World Class level to be far too easy, I'm consistently winning with Toronto v Chelsea/Milan/R.Madrid either 1-0, or 2-0. I haven't managed to score 3 yet, but the CPU AI is pretty ineffective on offense. I'm hoping EA toned the difficulty down for the demo to make it easier for people trying the game to succeed and that the final version is much tougher.

well it's easy for you but not to me. it's moderate if you're against big club, but it's hard against toronto. :LOL: well i'm a newbie with FIFA nextgen, so maybe i find it's a new thing to learn. just play again for i don't know how many time, and win 2-0. sweet. :EASY:

well i think the cpu a bit cheater cuz they seems to know when i was about to pass, move, shoot etc. That's annoy me in PES. Hope it won't be too obvious.
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well it's easy for you but not to me. it's moderate if you're against big club, but it's hard against toronto. :LOL: well i'm a newbie with FIFA nextgen, so maybe i find it's a new thing to learn. just play again for i don't know how many time, and win 2-0. sweet. :EASY:

well i think the cpu a bit cheater cuz they seems to know when i was about to pass, move, shoot etc. That's annoy me in PES. Hope it won't be too obvious.

Trust me, you are the lucky one. I've cut back on playing sports games over the years because it got to the point where the CPU offered no challenge. Playing with friends was the only way to get any real enjoyment out of the game. You should enjoy the challenge that FIFA presents for you, I think it makes winning really satisfying when it takes some effort.

So far, I've really enjoyed FIFA 09... I'm definitely going to purchase it this year. I hope that my lack of familiarity with the FIFA games (coming from playing PES for years) will make it challenging for me as well. If not, at least EA seems to make multiplayer more than just a bit part in the experience so I can get a lot of play out of it as well.

... But I'm really hoping for a challenging manager mode. I'd absolutely love to not finish in first place every season as I have in the Master League for years. I hope it's as hard as Football Manager can be... although I don't want to see the CPU "cheat" as they do in some games.

But, I'm trying not to get my hopes too high.
Why not just say, perhaps more truthfully and with a less dismissive tone, that the FIFA forum crowd tends to prefer a more arcade game experience, because those types of objections are the ones made towards the game over there. :)

I am sorry you took my post as a dismissive tone towards the EA Forum, I expect there are many good posters on there. Yes, what I should have said was that IMO they prefer a more arcade game and not generalised the whole forum. No hard feelings :TU:
WTF....? :LOL:

Back on the demo, I am going to go back to assisted or semi shooting tonight. The shooting has been revamped in fifa09 and going manual from the start is not the best option for me imo. And after seeing the WEpeeler compilation it makes me want to score more goals! :DD
I don't see the speed increase problems at all in World Class. I have many breakaways and get plenty of 1v1 chances in the short time allowed in the demo. I find the World Class level to be far too easy, I'm consistently winning with Toronto v Chelsea/Milan/R.Madrid either 1-0, or 2-0. I haven't managed to score 3 yet, but the CPU AI is pretty ineffective on offense. I'm hoping EA toned the difficulty down for the demo to make it easier for people trying the game to succeed and that the final version is much tougher.

Are you playing with assisted controls? I mean it would be pretty unique if you're new to FIFA, playing manual controls on world class and win every match. The game gets pretty easy with assisted controls, so if you haven't changed it you should try out manual controls.

I can also say that MS won this time. Got myself some Live Gold and played a couple of matches. Not sure what to think of everything yet, because I haven't played normal singleplayer since the day Euro 08 was released and I only played like one game and the rest of the time CYC. Not used to controlling every player.
Some first expressions:
- Header system seems amazing
- The game plays nothing like 08 or Euro
- Pretty fast playing even on slow but it might be because of 2 min halves
- There is a big difference in ball control when jogging with the ball (no LT or Sprint). In Euro I could dribble without holding down a button but it feels impossible in 09. It seems that if you want to dribble past someone you have to hold down LT, perform some directional change and then release LT to get your speed up again. I can clearly see this being something PES players hate because if you're not aware that you have to press LT to quickly change direction you will think the game is very unresponsive.
- Corners and freekicks like people said they are weird. I held UP on a corner and the topspin on the ball looked really weird starting high and then super topspin kicking in shooting it straight down the ground.
- Finesse shots are pretty hard (as in powerful) without also holding down LT. This was needed because they were so amazingly slow in 08/Euro.

Well I only played 4-5 matches but the game seems good to me. I just have to get used to it because it plays nothing like Euro. And again the headers... nice one EA. Oh right, finally the CPU tackles! If they just add some skill tricks to the AI sometimes it would feel pretty realistic I would say.
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Yeah, I've noticed that, looks like they've got rid of the annoying bug where the CPU GK won't release the ball while there is an attacker in the penalty area. This could lead to quick CPU counter attacks :)).
Back on the demo, I am going to go back to assisted or semi shooting tonight. The shooting has been revamped in fifa09 and going manual from the start is not the best option for me imo. And after seeing the WEpeeler compilation it makes me want to score more goals! :DD
Tell me about it. I thought I'd whack everything to manual as I'm pretty hardcore (yeah right). 50 (I lost count, stupid length matches) penalty shoot-outs later and I think I should probably tone down some of the manualness.

I do remember once when I ran through with Van Nistelrooy, thought I'd try powering it into the top corner and did, just the top corner of the pitch as opposed to the goal.
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