FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

I would just like to say I really like this now. Didnt realise most of the options were enabled, and so after turning on manual passing, zooming in the camera a touch and turning the game speed to slow, it is a much better game. So I will be buying. Just a quick question, how do you curl the ball when crossing the ball or from corners?
just been reading some comments on wenb and man is fifa09 demo getting a hammering. Is this just fanboyism at its highest eschelon or is my view of the game so wrong. Im not a fanboy, actually change that. I am a fanboy - of football, so i have no particular alliegance to developer/game. But i did feel so let down by Konami last year. I cant agree with the vast majority of the criticisms this demo is getting. I really am loving it. Reaction times still getting a mention but again i cant understand this. I think it responds very well. Even the graphics getting slated. I spent some time on the replays last night zooming in on all the player faces and they look fantastic. No waxy like skin textures. Far better than the pro evo scrennies i have seen to date. One guy said how the players all look fat and short. Well that to me says he hasnt even played the demo or maybe the 08 one instead. Why cant people just give an honest account of what they see and play. Everybody will have different opinions on whats good and whats not in a footie game but a lot of stuff i am reading is just so far of to what is true its a joke. And thats not just limited to forums. Some of the proffesional reviewers journalistic qualities really do need to be questioned. That 'maxdrive' review i read was incredible. They should seriously think about another career or past-time. Come on guys, lets just be honest!

I gave up reading there some of comments were shocking but oh well each to there own not much surprise really being Pro Pes forum.

To be fair a few have praised it there and some Mods but most of it just straight fanboy crap.
Have you read this thread at all? 99% of people who've played the demo have commented that freekick curl is buggy. It's commented here, it's commented in the EA forums, hopefully will be fixed.

Woah, easy now... I just found it interesting because I hadn't seen it in action. I thought the whole thing was about to much curl and not that you can curl the ball after a while. I mean it goes in a straight line to the goal and then starts to bend.

Sorry to offend you mate but I thought people that hadn't played the demo might be interested.
3- Goalkeepers I found them very very good. Punching the ball is impressive. My only concern is that on 1 vs 1 they are almost impossible to dribble. They catch you up too quickly and that kills a lot of the finishing play said:
i was going to write the same thing about the goalkeepers,
good to know i am not the only one on this.
gk don't rush fast enough, out of the box to clear important balls, or miss tackle the player and get a red card. this kind of atmosphere, is missing in the game badly.
it is so annoying, when u are 1 on 1 with the gk,
u can't dribble them, especialy with the amount of the tricks we have, none of them work against the keeper:DOH: i would have espected, the fake shot to be useful, like it is in real life, but no:( gk will react the same no matter what skill u are using:ROLL:
that's something pes have it right for years and always was a big part of the game.
i know that was always a problem in the past fifa games, but seeing all this improvments, on fifa09, i thought that would have been fixed, as ea said they improved the goalkeepers,
which i think they did, but not in 1 on 1 situations, which is a shame really as that would give more scoring varieties, and would simulate todays football, as players now days, would try to beat the keeper 70% of the time, if he (gk) rush out to get the ball.

other then that still loving the demo:))
Woah, easy now... I just found it interesting because I hadn't seen it in action. I thought the whole thing was about to much curl and not that you can curl the ball after a while. I mean it goes in a straight line to the goal and then starts to bend.

Yes the curl's buggy, that's what we've all been saying ;) I keep likening it to one of those cheap 50p plastic footballs that curl in very strange ways once they slow down and the wind start to affect them :)

Sorry to offend you mate but I thought people that hadn't played the demo might be interested.

Grrrr ;)
I just had some crappy moments.

1 - The AI hoofed the ball from the halfway line into my box. In the box was my keeper, just ahead of him on the edge of the box were 2 of my defenders and 1 ai attacker. I held Triangle to bring my keeper out to grab the ball as my DF were a tad too slow at running and i knew the attacker would get there first. The keeper runs forwards... runs past the X where the ball is about to land and then steps backwards, jumped and punches the ball... it ended up going BEHIND HIM and the ai player ran on and scored in an open goal.

2 - The AI did the, run down the wing - cut inside - run up the goal line... the keeper moves OUT OF HIS GOALS leaving the front post open - the ai slam the ball home. Happened twice in 1 game without me pressing Triangle to bring the keeper out.


The cpu played a long diagonal ball which landed out of the edge of my penalty box, rolling towards the goal-line. I press triangle and the keeper doesn't move. I keep holding triangle. An AI attacker runs into view and gets to the ball. Finally, my keeper starts moving towards the ball. Stinks of PES style cheats.

I've lost count of the number of times I'm in the oppostion box and play a perfect low pass across the face of goal, perfectly weighted for my striker, and the ball just rolls right through him and I cannot even sitch selection to him until such time as the ball has rolled about 3 yards past him, by which time a cpu defender has moved in to challenge.

I blast a shot from about 20 yards. It goes straight towards a cpu defender, who has about 0.000001 milliseconds to react, but his instantaneous reaction consists of swinging his leg and plasying a pixel pefect 50 yard pass straight a cpu attacker over the half-way line.

Why do so many of my manual passes go straight to a cpu player? Script, anyone?

AI instantaneous reactions and pixel-perfect one-touch passing is really getting tiresome. The super-fast way the cpu goalies dive at you feet is ridiculous. It's like the they move at 1000 mph. The more I play against the cpu, the worse this games seems. I need 10v10....soon!!

Think I'll go play some FIFA08 5v5 to restore my faith.
Where do you control the game speed? I cant seem to find it...any quick help?

From CB

Go into the settings before the game, press R2 to access the "advanced" settings, and the game-speed option is the last option (you have to scroll to the very bottom).
Where do you control the game speed? I cant seem to find it...any quick help?

when your about to play the match go to game settings press R2/RT

then scroll all the way down it allows you to select the speed I set it on fast when I am playing on world class and slow on the other difficulties :)
Why do so many of my manual passes go straight to a cpu player? Script, anyone?

I had the same feeling today. In FIFA 08 when I was doing manual through balls it went exactly where I wanted it to. In the demo, the ball sometimes goes in a straight line, or at least not where I aimed. I hope I'm wrong here, but it feels like there are fewer directions in which the ball can go.

But then again, maybe I'm wrong and I'm just less accurate that in FIFA 08.

camera height and zoom make this game LOOK great now it's just like past gen fifas etc!

The overall gameplay feels tweaked from what we saw in Euro 2008 but like many have said the ball curl is sometimes very buggy and absolutely game breaking.

graphically it's better but the grass still looks the same and hasn't had any major change to it since 07:(

Goalies are better passing is good BUt the occasional and frustratingly first step moves look off and animate poorly this year for some reason.

improvement overall seems to be about 20 percent. i want to see weather effects and different stadiums now
Not true, and a pointless thing to say because it isn't true.

It is true, the EA forums are full of kids that want to dribble and score goals galore. It is worrying that EA will listen to these guys in the future and make changes to the game that aren't necessary for the best interests of the series.

I have only switched to FIFA in the past 4 months and absolutely love it, FIFA 09 has built on 08 and more.

I love the simulation side of FIFA as it resembles real football.

I like this thread/forum as I guess the guys are the same age as me and not the 12/16 year old EA forums.

ps I would like to thank Placebo for the mirror videos he has produced recently. Cheers mate, much appreciated.
hey guys does anybody know if theres a way to get the game here in the US before the oct 14th release date??(i know you can for the ps3 but this is for the 360)cause 11 days is long time..
one tiny thing that grates me...a few times iv'e played a perfect chipped through pass...and the forward seems a little reluctant to take it on and i end up getting the ball taken off me when it seems easier to take the ball on and get a shot away...not sure if this is me or the game

this happened to anyone else?
Placebo, Chris Bauer and Jay D are you guys going to contribute towards the future podcasts on FSB?

I appreciate the efforts of Suff but would like to see one of you guys contributing to the podcast series instead of Adam who constantly contradicts Suff at the slightest opportunity. I would like to see FIFA guys speaking about the series instead of a PES fan.

Can you confirm
ps I would like to thank Placebo for the mirror videos he has produced recently. Cheers mate, much appreciated.

You're too kind :)

hey guys does anybody know if theres a way to get the game here in the US before the oct 14th release date??(i know you can for the ps3 but this is for the 360)cause 11 days is long time..

Well the question is whether or not Fifa09 will be region free on the 360, Tiger Woods 09 and Madde 09 for the first time were region free, so if Fifa is also region free you could just order it from the UK and get it before the US release.

Placebo, Chris Bauer and Jay D are you guys going to contribute towards the future podcasts on FSB?

I appreciate the efforts of Suff but would like to see one of you guys contributing to the podcast series instead of Adam who constantly contradicts Suff at the slightest opportunity. I would like to see FIFA guys speaking about the series instead of a PES fan.

Can you confirm

Yeah we do plan to contribute to the podcasts, we're currently planning a demo roundtable discussion but just need to get organised on that one :)
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