FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

It sounds like the new shots are like in PES. This is very bad news if it's the case because in PES there are only one type of shots. You can't hit top spin shots unless you volley the ball. In real life you shot with top spin very often and I would say Euro 08 almost nailed the shooting.

I really hope it's not as bad as you guys make it sound. If it's anything like the unrealistic PES shots I'll be so disappointed.

Ogami: The radar was really bad in 08 and Euro too. It's a bit hard to adjust to for PES players because we (most of us) would look at the radar all the time to know where our teammates are. I find it a little bit easier when choosing the radar to be 3D, but it's still a mess. And when the ball is close to the radar and it fades away you can't use it at all.
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Yeh the radar is awful, the discs are just outlines they need to be completely filled in and brighter colours.

The ball physics aren't perfect, but they are vastly better than PES2008 and I have seen quite a lot of variations, more so than in PES. Trance how long did you play it for? How many matches, at four minutes per match I think you need to play at least 40 matches (a couple of hours) before you can guage this aspect of the game. I think the organic nature of the game is second to none so your appraisal is flawed because you aren't viewing the game in perspective.

It will be interesting to see though if PES2009 really nails the ball physics but even if it does, it will inevitably be let down by the predictable, scripted, robotic player physics.
After reading suffs comments i have mixed feelings

i really like the demo and it will be awesome to see double the animations we are now but im not keen on them changing the gameplay because i think they have it bang on as it is

i saw a fifa 08 style goalie error yesterday for the first time in... well i wouldn't like to guess how many matches i have played on the 09 demo because me and my mates have well and truly hammered it :LOL:
Arrgghh said I was not going to play the demo anymore as it would kill 08 for me and I could not resist having another bash... I had the defence AI turn to clear an over hit long ball, slip miss kick and fall on his arse, I snuck the ball hit a shot to the top corner it hit the bar keeper no chance and another defender lunged to head the ball safe... I was gob smacked... Roll on release and PES demo too, I feel the bar is actually moving up, not sideways this year... :DANCE:
Like I said previously there are some issues with FIFA 09 but compared to the huge improvements that have been made im extremely pleased and impressed.
I think the demo is very good but the game needs to be much faster when your close to the goal and the strikers should have better accelerations it seems like something is holding them back and maybe the game needs to be a little slower in midfield and defense . I also would like to have some more close control with the ball at some times.

But it looks like a great game with stunning animations.
Guys, about the poor radar. Change it from 2D to 3D in game settings, that was the first thing I did, the 3D radar is a lot clearer than 2D.
I just don't like the fact that is fades out at certain times and when it does the players on the pitch move into it so you cant see diddly squat

that's when i struggle to see it and i have a massive screen
I just don't like the fact that is fades out at certain times and when it does the players on the pitch move into it so you cant see diddly squat

that's when i struggle to see it and i have a massive screen

yea i have noticed that to, add the fact you have shade from the stadium sometimes..
always been a pro evo fan up until fifa 08, i honestly can't find a fault with the fifa 09 ticks every box for me...can't stop playing and it's soooooooo addictive
i wasnt sure when people were saying all the players feel the same, and i was starting to feel that way myself, and was getting a bit frustrated, i play on the medium difficulty, and 2 mins is not usally long enough for me to score or break them down, i do win occasionaly. so i decided to play as ac milan and played kaka and ronaldinho behind pato, and gave the ball to kaka who felt alot different to other players, his control was great, he burst through the defence before composing himself and finishing. it felt great, and i know i couldnt have done this with flamini or gattuso for example. i captured it if anyone wants a look.

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""> </param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>

ok, so that didn't work, so i have the clip, i just cant get it to work on here, lol.
i hope the radar fault i have with euro2008 has been fixed for fifa09. That is the selected colours. On euro sometimes when i am playing as england Vs portugal and portugal are in their black strip my colour icons on the radar are black. Very confusing. At the moment i find 09 demo radar OK. Could be better.
i wasnt sure when people were saying all the players feel the same, and i was starting to feel that way myself, and was getting a bit frustrated, i play on the medium difficulty, and 2 mins is not usally long enough for me to score or break them down, i do win occasionaly. so i decided to play as ac milan and played kaka and ronaldinho behind pato, and gave the ball to kaka who felt alot different to other players, his control was great, he burst through the defence before composing himself and finishing. it felt great, and i know i couldnt have done this with flamini or gattuso for example. i captured it if anyone wants a look.

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""> </param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>

ok, so that didn't work, so i have the clip, i just cant get it to work on here, lol.

Just paste the actual Youtube link/URL here and it works fine :))

YouTube - Fifa 09 Kaka Goal
After my first 2 days playing the demo human vs human, I've got the chance to play the CPU intensely. I play all on manual except shooting and passing (on semi) in my PS3. I expect to go full manual in the full release. Here my thoughts:

0- Pace
I find the gameplay a tad fast against CPU. Maybe because of the 2 mins. stretching of things, maybe because of the AI model. 10% slower would be perfect to me. Putting the demo on slow doesn't seem to make too much.

1- Through balls
No one is complaining about the slow fill up gauge for through balls? When you play manual through balls, it takes an eternity to make good passes, and it's really difficult to adjust the power, sometimes it goes 3 meters aways, sometimes 30 meters. I would like it to be faster, just like long balls and shooting are.

2- Single player cheats
It was something exepcted. At first it seemes far better than the Maradonas of Fifa 08 and the messed uop Euro, but when you put World Class difficulty it relies on cheats too much (we knew it would jhappen anyway) and slow players catch up your strikers and outmuscle your strongest players. I know that will irritate me the whole year. Said that, the AI is far better than last tear's, CPU does a lot of mistakes and makes funny plays sometimes.

3- Goalkeepers
I found them very very good. Punching the ball is impressive. My only concern is that on 1 vs 1 they are almost impossible to dribble. They catch you up too quickly and that kills a lot of the finishing play, because the game forces you to do finesse shots. They go in a lot, but in real football it's quite easy to score on 1 vs 1 if you are balanced and skillful. Maybe the keepers should rush out more (thus reducing angle and covering the possible finesse shot) but at the same time be more prone to be dribled.

4- Tactics
I find putting pressure up on the back 4 is far too effective. Even if you're Toronto, you can really add a lot of pressure, and there's little risk involved because the opponent midfielders also appear to be under pressure. That could be countered by other aspects, but as of now, I find a big big difference between having the team with high pressure up or not having it, and no risks involved. That also happens in human vs human.
Those and the fact that the goalkeepers are almost impossible to dribble are my only concerns with the gameplay.
To be honest drekkard I find it very easy to finish without the finess shots, I just aim to the corner put medium power and it slips right in the corner, However, I do agree with your point about the through balls which they seem to always go about 1 meter and hit the opponent which pisses me off.

And the pace of the game, is just to fast but I think I can bare with it to be honest, I hope they have adjusted it though for the final version.
I don't know if this was in fifa 08/euro 2008 but i just noticed you can control/fix a player to recieve the ball during throw-ins by pressing LB once.
Yeah that was in those versions too.

I wonder if you can still use the "cheat" to slide tackle with your forward a lot towards the keeper when he holds the ball. And then when he kicks it out he will hit you so you can take the ball and score. I could see this might be a problem in 10 vs 10 if someone can't control the keeper. If the team has someone playing "Any" it's ok, because that player could just move the keeper.
I just had some crappy moments.

1 - The AI hoofed the ball from the halfway line into my box. In the box was my keeper, just ahead of him on the edge of the box were 2 of my defenders and 1 ai attacker. I held Triangle to bring my keeper out to grab the ball as my DF were a tad too slow at running and i knew the attacker would get there first. The keeper runs forwards... runs past the X where the ball is about to land and then steps backwards, jumped and punches the ball... it ended up going BEHIND HIM and the ai player ran on and scored in an open goal.

2 - The AI did the, run down the wing - cut inside - run up the goal line... the keeper moves OUT OF HIS GOALS leaving the front post open - the ai slam the ball home. Happened twice in 1 game without me pressing Triangle to bring the keeper out.

Anyone know how to do the super cancel? The only way i can get it to work is by holding all 4 shoulder buttons. Is this right?
just been reading some comments on wenb and man is fifa09 demo getting a hammering. Is this just fanboyism at its highest eschelon or is my view of the game so wrong. Im not a fanboy, actually change that. I am a fanboy - of football, so i have no particular alliegance to developer/game. But i did feel so let down by Konami last year. I cant agree with the vast majority of the criticisms this demo is getting. I really am loving it. Reaction times still getting a mention but again i cant understand this. I think it responds very well. Even the graphics getting slated. I spent some time on the replays last night zooming in on all the player faces and they look fantastic. No waxy like skin textures. Far better than the pro evo scrennies i have seen to date. One guy said how the players all look fat and short. Well that to me says he hasnt even played the demo or maybe the 08 one instead. Why cant people just give an honest account of what they see and play. Everybody will have different opinions on whats good and whats not in a footie game but a lot of stuff i am reading is just so far of to what is true its a joke. And thats not just limited to forums. Some of the proffesional reviewers journalistic qualities really do need to be questioned. That 'maxdrive' review i read was incredible. They should seriously think about another career or past-time. Come on guys, lets just be honest!
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