FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

have played the demo about 10 times and can safely say i have no's perfect

can't wait for commentary and chants
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I have been a big pesfan since ISS 98. Now i tested fifa09 demo (ps3) and I must say it felt really good, althougt I have a bit of complaining about how the game choose a player I want to control. There are a lot of situation where I can´t get the control to the player I want or it takes too much time. It might be that I´m doing something wrong, but it is just very annoying. I`m using full manual player change, because that´s how I have used to play PES.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I've just moved all the off-topic posts into the appropriate threads. Jonney (and others), can you keep this PC crap out of here now? There is a specific thread for it. You've been warned.

Also, please don't resort to flaming when you disagree with someone. If you're going to call someone a "dumb clueless muppet" like jonney has done in aforementioned posts, be prepared to receive a warning.

Back on-topic now (I hope)...
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Changing my teams mentality from balanced (or more defensive) to attacking (or ultra) REALLY opens up a lot more space for passes. Balanced just means I tend to struggle to find space.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

it says on the podcast that animations have been left out of the demo..didnt think they would do this..I know you leave sounds out to keep the file size down as much as possible but didnt think they'd leave an essential part of the gameplay out..

From what WENB states they didn't take anything out, it was an earlier build - you can't just take the latest code you were working on this past Wednesday and create a demo overnight to be posted Thursday. The demo is a production itself and seemingly took 2 to 3 weeks to prepare (as there was 3 weeks of code between that and the final Gold according to WENB).
The demo is frustrating me now. The more I play it, the more I enjoy it ... only to get cut off because 2 mins just isn't enough :brick:

I'm going to sleep for three weeks.
I wonder what Adam thinks of the demo, I played the same build as him in the first place but the game has been improved so much since its amazing. I thought that was amazing and i only had 2 gripes which were response times and AI but they've literally changed everything in the core gameplay since. To be fair i can now see how people who play Beta versions can look like idiots when the full versions come out.
Apologies if already posted, but taken from the WENB Podcast (I've limited it to FIFA info only) :

FIFA 09 Demo
- Suffs played the final code a few days ago, both agree that the demo is not as good as the full game. Suff thinks the demo is an unfair representation, alot of the animations have been cut out. Its like they have given you half the animations. With regards to how it plays it plays how you would expect it to, it gives a taster. The arena mode is 100% accurate to the real game. He agrees with us here, 2 minutes is just not enough time to get any sort of feeling for the game. Graphically its almost on par, suffs been focusing on the ps3 version this year as its easier for him to play. In the final version the graphics are slightly advanced.

- Adam thinks graphically the ps3 demo is shocking
- Some of the moves, skills and animations have been pulled out of the demo, suff was told by Ea that there is 3 weeks of work between the code he played and the gold code.
- There are alot of people on the forums talking about the ball physics, like pro evo this year, in fifa you have to be careful where you shoot and when, taking into account foot strength and who your controlling.
- The demo is still good though
Dags I've noticed that, it seems the tactics make a real difference like you experience in FM for example, when I go to offensive players make more runs and quite a few times I've managed to make quick direct counter attacks to exploit space. I haven't experimented with the difference between organised/free form in the custom tactics as well.

I just found out by accident you can tap right analog in the direction you are running to do further distance sprint like (R1+R2) in Pro Evo, it's very useful. Also if you tap right analog you can do a heavier first touch to play the ball into space.
Dags I've noticed that, it seems the tactics make a real difference like you experience in FM for example, when I go to offensive players make more runs and quite a few times I've managed to make quick direct counter attacks to exploit space. I haven't experimented with the difference between organised/free form in the custom tactics as well.

I just found out by accident you can tap right analog in the direction you are running to do further distance sprint like (R1+R2) in Pro Evo, it's very useful. Also if you tap right analog you can do a heavier first touch to play the ball into space.

Nice post...
That kind of details we'd like to hear who have not played the demo....
does anyone know if its possible to do the move in pro evo where you let the ball run across your body? i think on pro you just hold R1 in the direction the ball is running. It's a bit annoying when I don't WANT to take a first touch the player does it.
does anyone know if its possible to do the move in pro evo where you let the ball run across your body? i think on pro you just hold R1 in the direction the ball is running. It's a bit annoying when I don't WANT to take a first touch the player does it.

I wonder too because it seemed to be on the official trailer but it'd be nice to have confirmation
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Playing it again though (couldn't help myself, even though I'm making the wait to October worse) it looks and feels like the perfect football simulation to me. I can't see anything like "you can't control your players" - I can control mine perfectly. Do these guys not understand momentum? They've played PES too much and got used to what Trance_Allstar describes earlier in the thread (i.e. players could turn "on a dime", or as my dad says, "on a sixpence").

The thing is, and I did it myself, when you play a game non-stop and all the magazines tell you it's a near-perfect simulation, you start to believe it. But players don't turn like they do in PES, you have to shift your weight and think ahead. You have to turn one way knowing that when you're facing that way you can easily knock the ball in a certain direction, where the opposition player can't imagine you knocking the ball to, and where he can't get you. Players aren't balls, they can't just roll in a new direction. Even the fastest and the most agile know they have to go one way to "set themselves up" to move to the spot they want to get to. You can't run backwards and flip around like you're magnetic to face a new direction.

The only criticism I could make is that it's a tad too fast for my liking, and yet at the same time shots could be harder. But you have to remember, we're playing Chelsea v Real Madrid, AC Milan v Marseille; I bet it's not fast when I play as Tranmere against bloody Huddersfield!! And I've still managed to score some screamers.

Very good post and should be read by all those who still don't understand "the beautiful game"!

Play the demo (on slow with semi passing and semi shooting) and then look at Match of the Day for example, it's exactly the same!!

Btw I found something new (don't shoot me if it was in Fifa 08)
When playing with a friend on the same team, the one who doesn't have the ball can ask for it! Triangle to ask a through ball and X to ask a pass.
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I wonder too because it seemed to be on the official trailer but it'd be nice to have confirmation

i wasnt aware of that. ive tried a few different buttons and timings and i havent been able to do it. surely if its in the game it must be easy enough to pull off. i hope its just missing from the demo or something
does anyone know if its possible to do the move in pro evo where you let the ball run across your body? i think on pro you just hold R1 in the direction the ball is running. It's a bit annoying when I don't WANT to take a first touch the player does it.

I think it's the same as the dummy button (RB/R1) using the alternate control layout.

Also, I'm loving the shielding in this demo. It's great how you can hold off a player and spin with the ball at the same time, rather than just standing still on the spot with the ball while shielding like Fifa08.
Just scored another beautiful goal - With Ronaldinho I beat 2 defenders with perfectly timed tricks and then lashed it in. It wouldn't have been possible on FIFA 08 because of the responses and it wouldn't have been as satisfying when scored on PES because it's too easy to skin defenders.

The full version is going to be incredible, I think with the 2 min halves we are rushing everything to try and get goals, it will be even more enjoyable when we can play proper football with longer halves.
I hope the AI is the same in the final game, they seem to be less 'perfect'. Like in FIFA 08 I would sometimes find playing the AI less fun and more of a struggle, but in this they seem to make mistakes more, they certainly foul you more. I can't wait to get a season mode going.
admittedly the ps3 demo isn't as sharp graphically as i thought it would be

thought i would add to anyone who's interested, earlier in this thread somebody mentioned camera angle to try is tele and zoom it right out....looks and plays amazing....simular to the pro evo wide angle cam
I think with the 2 min halves we are rushing everything to try and get goals, it will be even more enjoyable when we can play proper football with longer halves.

This is the main issue with the demo and hence why doubters shouldn't form too much of an opinion from it. It's natural to want to score a goal and therefore rush your play, but the whole beauty of this game is the build up play and flowing passing moves from defence to attack. Two minute halves don't allow for great build-up play.

As Trance Allstar and TikTik said earlier, it's best to try and enjoy the passing and knock it about and maybe only concentrate on one or two attacks per half. EA haven't done themselves any favours with a 2+2 minutes demo. It really doesn't give those who are new to Fifa much time to get a feel for what it's really about.
i think what i still can't do is do a fancy footwork in the middle of the field and score a screamers goal. even i just tapped the shoot button , the ball not scream towards the goal. just flying up and away. even in manual (which is more worst for me cuz i'm not good with manual shooting) the ball is very hard to be keep down. maybe,anyone could tell me the proper way.and.. the speed doesn't seem to change even i change the slider. feels the same normal or slow. fast i haven't try though
Something I've just remembered I wanted to mention...

When that EA SPORTS logo came up between cut-scenes/replays (in gameplay videos and in the demo), I was a bit worried about it - I was thinking, does it not say EA SPORTS in enough places? On the scoreboard, on the adboards, on the radar, all through the menus...

But it's actually a really, really good thing. If you want to skip a replay and you press a button during the time that the logo appears, it seamlessly skips back to the game, whereas before you'd have to wait for the replay to start, then press a button, then wait a second for the game to skip it and return to the game.

I know it's a little thing, but it makes things flow that little bit more nicely.
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