FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Anyone know if the player "running" animation has changed in a newer build of the game?

They run like spastics on the demo. The running animation on 08 was much better.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I have been playing the game alot with friends and its just so much fun. I keep going back for more. The pace on Normal is good because I found 08's speed a bit to slow for my liking. In my opinion fast is just silly. The only problems I have noticed are the regular free kick ball physics which are a bit loopy. Penalties have become tiresome so I tend to quit the match before it ends. Overall though this is a definite day one purchase. Roll on October 3rd. :)
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

That guys goals look good but it seems like he's on mostly assisted and normal game speed so it's like woopedy-do.

After a day of FIFA I'm playing on mostly semi/manual with only through balls assisted at the moment so I think I'm doing fairly well. :p

I am noticing a few issues with the game in general, the squad selection menus are extremely cramped, the little player pic in the bio looks shit and it's impossible to see how good players are overall unless you drill down and view the stats which is also a pain in the ass, there is no player comparison tools and no overview square thing. I really hope this is just a demo thing and will be better in the final game. Some of the stats and features are really cool but from a usability point of view it's a nightmare.

Must have played a hundred matches now and I'm still constantly seeing new things. For example last night I hit a shot with Lampard, it richoched of a defender, took a HUGE deflection, looked like it was going towards row Z but dipped like mad, SMASHED against the crossbar and bounced out made all the more impressive by the thudding vibration on the controller. Absolutely amazing that was.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

That guys goals look good but it seems like he's on mostly assisted and normal game speed so it's like woopedy-do.

After a day of FIFA I'm playing on mostly semi/manual with only through balls assisted at the moment so I think I'm doing fairly well. :p

I am noticing a few issues with the game in general, the squad selection menus are extremely cramped, the little player pic in the bio looks shit and it's impossible to see how good players are overall unless you drill down and view the stats which is also a pain in the ass, there is no player comparison tools and no overview square thing. I really hope this is just a demo thing and will be better in the final game. Some of the stats and features are really cool but from a usability point of view it's a nightmare.

Don't count on it, the whole menu and off field system for FIFA has always been awkward at best, the comparison thing is a big fault IMO and will not be corrected in 09... :((
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

What do you mean by saying that?

Oh I meant build up play - like everything that happens between the edge of the penalty areas. I just dont like how the goals are being scored which has to do with the ball physics and the keeper animations I think.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

That kind of sucks, the gameplay is good enough to make up for it but that is certainly something from PES I would miss badly. I love being able to go through the squad list and have the stats on the right.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

The advanced skills are now up in the Video clip thread.

Some incredible moves are available, and I'm pretty sure there'll be plenty more to be found. Pulling them off during a game though, much more difficult.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Really liking the heading but I am trying not top play anymore as I want to keep playing 08 till release, and even after just a couple of plays going back to 08 is a big step backwards in places...
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

To be honest I'm more excited to play the game now that I've read some negative comments. I'm unsure as to where I will fall once I play the game.

Also I am looking forward to trying to do what no video has shown so far; playing it around the back 4, playing possession football, and seeing how the game responds to that sort of approach. I'll probably try and play possession for a full game, not even seeking to create chances, just seeing how well you can play "a la Barca".

Hoping my bro left his Xbox so I can take it for a whirl. :)
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I've seen some awesome passing moves put together, that is one of the things that really impresses me. I can play a very slow build up approach, interchanging between the midfield and defence until you spot an opportunity to launch an attack, or you can quite easily play a nice lofted direct pass to your front men or to the wings from one of your back four/keeper. I believe this will only be accentuated when you have full access to custom tactics.

Playing as Milan/Madrid you can really play neat passing triangles and the best thing is you can use through balls more comfortably than in PES as you have more control over it, so this allows you to utilise space in compact situations much more effectively. The first time passing seems very responsive to me and you can string passes together very well. I love the fact that when you hold L1 and pass the players make proper runs and scream for the ball, unlike PES where they invariably run a few paces then just lose interest.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I really can't understand the violent negativity towards it at some websites, although admittedly, if it's widespread (IGN, MaxConsole, the EA forums) then quite a few people must have issues with it.

Playing it again though (couldn't help myself, even though I'm making the wait to October worse) it looks and feels like the perfect football simulation to me. I can't see anything like "you can't control your players" - I can control mine perfectly. Do these guys not understand momentum? They've played PES too much and got used to what Trance_Allstar describes earlier in the thread (i.e. players could turn "on a dime", or as my dad says, "on a sixpence").

The thing is, and I did it myself, when you play a game non-stop and all the magazines tell you it's a near-perfect simulation, you start to believe it. But players don't turn like they do in PES, you have to shift your weight and think ahead. You have to turn one way knowing that when you're facing that way you can easily knock the ball in a certain direction, where the opposition player can't imagine you knocking the ball to, and where he can't get you. Players aren't balls, they can't just roll in a new direction. Even the fastest and the most agile know they have to go one way to "set themselves up" to move to the spot they want to get to. You can't run backwards and flip around like you're magnetic to face a new direction.

The only criticism I could make is that it's a tad too fast for my liking, and yet at the same time shots could be harder. But you have to remember, we're playing Chelsea v Real Madrid, AC Milan v Marseille; I bet it's not fast when I play as Tranmere against bloody Huddersfield!! And I've still managed to score some screamers.

I scored a goal against a friend last night that was like the Bobby Charlton shots of old, like the one in that bio-yoghurt advert running at the minute in the UK where the cheeky kid asks for the ball back and he hits a hard, rising shot into the net. Absolutely beautiful goal to watch, and something the keeper would have saved every time in FIFA 08. Something that either would have rocketed over the bar in PES despite you tapping the button like that thing is on fire, or the goalkeeper would have palmed into the net like an idiot.

I really don't understand the negativity that's around...
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

This demo is amazing. I've scored in many many many different ways, most of them very gratifying. Last night I scored a scissor kick and a rocket from 25 yards that went higher and higher until reaching the net. The goalkeeper stretched but couldn't touch the ball that went in in the corner. Very very impressive.

I also scored a volley (in Fifa it was very difficult, even in Euro) between a wood of legs in the area after a rebound.

I've scored many headers, most of them really really nice!

My only grip with the game right now is that all the teams do a lot of pressure to your back 4, when in the real world a weaker team would never do that kind of pressure all the time against a big one, but that can be treated and solved with the deep tactics.

I've been tweaking the customized tactics and they make big differences, I can't wait to have all the options enabled in the full game!

And finally, I clearly see big differences between big teams and weaker temas, and between the different kind of players. I find Madrid to suit better to my style (I'm a barça fan, so I try to think to myself I'm playing another team) maybe because they work better in 1-2s and triangles and through balls.

I LOVE this demo, I LOVE it a lot! Yesterday we tried with friends and were all of us very impressed. Some instant conversions from PES toi FIFA also, so I'm happy we finally have a unique and impressive game to play all of us.

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Getting very bored playing against the cpu. Still too much cpu interference so you don't have full control all the time. I hate that.

Long (lobbed) manual passing seems to be 8 directional and that is getting on my tits. Also, too often, I play a long diagonal ball towards a team-mate and the cpu just doesn't register that the ball's going to him. It refuses to switch selection to him, and when it finally does, you still don't really control him, and end up having to use super-cancel, which makes the control all weird, and then the ball just bounces off him because the cpu still doesn't recognise him as a player who should be receiving that long pass.

It's not free, there's still this sense that you're trapped in an AI model...which, of course, you are.

Player switching is crap. Can't wait for be-a-pro so I don't have to switch ever again.

Also can't wait for 10v10 so I never have to play against the cpu again.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

About people wanting tips on crosses - I think you are too used to FIFA 08's where you just need a slight tap to get a good cross and PES where you have no power bar.
It takes getting used to, but:

1) Put more power in them, underhit ones are useless
2) Be careful where you aim with the analog stick - they are very sensitive to your aiming even on semi. You can choose to aim it between the defenders and keeper for one of your strikers to run onto or try to loft it up towards your strikers head. Power them accordingly with which you decide to choose, whipping them in between the defence and keeper would need less height.
3) Players like Drogba will be better at headers, obviously.
4) If the cross is behind the striker, you will struggle to get good contacvt on it and it is most likely going to be easy for the keeper.
5) Look for late runs from midfielders - Ballack is great at these and has got me quite a few headed goals.
6) Try different angles - if crossing from the byline isn't working then try crossing from deeper, or cutting inside and hitting an inswinger.

I have scored quite a lot of goals from crosses, I love them. The way you can whip them in, the way you can power the headers in, the animations, the keepers reactions, everything about them is good.

About people complaining about player styles - I think they have done a good job this time. I just said it earlier in the post but Ballack making his late runs into the box shows that the positioning and runs of players are lifelike - I never saw Ballack make any such runs in PES.
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Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Hi guys.

I am playing Pes since the first game of the series, til Pes 2008 came out.
I was rather disappointed so i thought i will give Fifa a chance.
Now i played the Fifa 09 demo on the Pc but i think it's just crap but with huge potential.

Is Fifa 09 better on the console? I don't have a 360 or Ps3, but if Fifa is so much better on the console i might buy one?
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread


Thank you. I am really bad at crosses and i am going to try some of your tips for sure. But again, 2 Mins Half are killing me :-(
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

juhu00[2];1442058 said:
Hi guys.

I am playing Pes since the first game of the series, til Pes 2008 came out.
I was rather disappointed so i thought i will give Fifa a chance.
Now i played the Fifa 09 demo on the Pc but i think it's just crap but with huge potential.

Is Fifa 09 better on the console? I don't have a 360 or Ps3, but if Fifa is so much better on the console i might buy one?
the same here
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

juhu00[2];1442058 said:
Is Fifa 09 better on the console? I don't have a 360 or Ps3, but if Fifa is so much better on the console i might buy one?

It is a difference like day and night, really. You can't even compare both Games anymore (PC and Consoles). If you can get your hands on PS3 or Xbox360, do it - you will never ever regret it.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

juhu00[2];1442058 said:
Hi guys.

I am playing Pes since the first game of the series, til Pes 2008 came out.
I was rather disappointed so i thought i will give Fifa a chance.
Now i played the Fifa 09 demo on the Pc but i think it's just crap but with huge potential.

Is Fifa 09 better on the console? I don't have a 360 or Ps3, but if Fifa is so much better on the console i might buy one?

FIFA 09 on the PC is the old-gen console/previous PC gameplay engine, only with an overhaul of the graphics engine.Still plays a decent game of footy.

FIFA 09 on the PS3/360 is a totally different game engine. With the console price drops it is definately worth getting one just to play this years footy games.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Fifa 09 demo is the best football game out there. its so fluid, so real that sometimes i think im watching a real match. EA did a good job. The only negative point i can find with that demo is its 2min only!! wat the hell EA 2min!! I cant wait for the full game to come.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

In FIFA 08 / Euro, you could hold down LB and then when you pressed the long pass / cross button, it would put the ball into the box from any area on the pitch, allowing you to cross the ball into the box even if your not in the 'crossing' area, where it automatically does it regardless.

This doesn't seem to work on the FIFA 09 demo? Am I missing something?
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

In FIFA 08 / Euro, you could hold down LB and then when you pressed the long pass / cross button, it would put the ball into the box from any area on the pitch, allowing you to cross the ball into the box even if your not in the 'crossing' area, where it automatically does it regardless.

This doesn't seem to work on the FIFA 09 demo? Am I missing something?

this is very serious...
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I really don't understand the negativity that's around...

Totally agree. This is the most amazing football experience to date. No question about it. The more I play the demo the more I like it. I was expecting much from this game but this was even better than I thought it would be. :DD and this is just the demo with 2 minutes halves...:w00t:

One of the things that people find negative that I really like is that the referee shows more cards. I like that you get cards not only from sliding tackles. You should have to play a bit more cautious when you have got booked. That is realistic to me.

Overall, a lot of the things that people don't like, I find realistic. I just hope that EA don't get too much critique for creating a more realistic experience but I am afraid they do. People want arcade... :((

The midfield battles are just brilliant! Bring on october 3rd..
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