FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I havent been able to read through every page yet, but is anyone seeing what I'm seeing, that it doesn't matter who you are or what team you're playing against, that the game is just as hard? I played many games Real against Toronto and it was very tough-- i then proceeded to play a few games with ME being Toronto against Chelsea and I held my own just the same! I really am aching to try the game multiplayer because i think this will get rid of some of the issues- but one thing im very worried about is that i thought this year would be a big emphasis on attributes, and so far it doesn't necessarily seem that way... I'd like to hear what u guys think, esp the ones that have played some multiplayer

It depends on what difficulty level. If you clicked experienced then of course toronto will be hard - experienced players will be able to win. Thats how it works. The teams are separated much more on intermediate - Milan are definately the best (questionable - but its firmly down to their tactics), yet Chelsea are the hardest to breakdown and madrid are less good defensively because Pepe, im sorry, is not as good as JT. If I play toronto on intermediate with chelsea its a lot easier for me to dominate than if i was playing madrid. Not easy to win, though , but in my mind it should never be easy to win as long as there are professional footballers on the pitch. The attributes make much more of a difference in this iteration than in any previous FIFAs. I would even stretch as far to say that the attributes matter more in this than PES, where players only feel different via speed & agility & shot height. FIFA differentiates players on their positioning, their "typical" moves (similar to FM), as well as all their PES attributes. Teams are mainly different via the summation of each player being different, as WELL as their tactical implementation. Its Spot On.

Its Spot On.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Interesting, thanks guys. I should know better considering how much I played Euro and Fifa and knowing how much better multiplayer was- but for me then there was still an attribute problem. I've been playing on experienced so I guess on that difficulty they just make every team good- i mean toronto was beating me to headers and everything. Though it's weird that I chose Toronto and Chelsea couldn't beat me on experienced.

Wish I had someone around to try multiplayer! :(
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Interesting, thanks guys. I should know better considering how much I played Euro and Fifa and knowing how much better multiplayer was- but for me then there was still an attribute problem. I've been playing on experienced so I guess on that difficulty they just make every team good- i mean toronto was beating me to headers and everything. Though it's weird that I chose Toronto and Chelsea couldn't beat me on experienced.

Wish I had someone around to try multiplayer! :(

I agree with the headers. Finding it really difficult to win headers in this version. Well thats not entirely true. Offensive headers. I win most headers in defence, but have yet to have a shot on goal via a header. :SS Maybe im a crap crosser?
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

a question guys about the demo??
Whats your impression about formations and the way that can be utilized
strategicaly in the game?
I dont own a ps3 or xbox360 but i intent getting one ps3 along with fifa 09 this octomber....
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I've been playing the demo since it was released. Pre-ordered it already.
Just one question for you guys. Are the GKs a bit slow rushing out when you press the Y button or am I doing something wrong?

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I've been playing the demo since it was released. Pre-ordered it already.
Just one question for you guys. Are the GKs a bit slow rushing out when you press the Y button or am I doing something wrong?


No I noticed that one, thought it was just a fifa thing having been a PES man all the time..
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Can anyone tell me how to utilise the 2nd man on freekicks? Can you lay it off and then hit it with the second man? Thanks
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Haven't heard any feedback on the new standing tackle where you hold down LT/LB while holding down the standing tackle button to only run by the other players side. And then release LT/LB to have a go at the ball, anyone tried it out yet?

Also, is it easy to defend by just holding down the standing tackle button all the time? Or is it possible that you take the player down instead because there is no timing involved when just holding it down?

I wish I could test it out myself but they never seem to release this demo for Silver users.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

And, from what I've seen of 09 and also 08, the main thing the FIFA guys need to rework is the trapping. Even crap players can trap impossible balls, and they can do it at impossible angles. And they also do it seemingly perfectly composed aswell.
Once they get that reworked, the differences will be felt the moment you receive a ball with a lesser player, since he will trap it slower, be less precise in the direction he traps it, and not keep the ball as close to his body, meaning he will need more open space to be able to do it without fear of an opponent getting to the ball.

You should write this in the official forum, in the FIFA 08 feedback and 09 demo feedback. It's a very good point that I think they might have overlooked but will think is a very good idea.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Once they get that reworked, the differences will be felt the moment you receive a ball with a lesser player, since he will trap it slower, be less precise in the direction he traps it, and not keep the ball as close to his body, meaning he will need more open space to be able to do it without fear of an opponent getting to the ball

to the quote above, then people will start calling this unresposive and complain about response times ;))
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

You should write this in the official forum, in the FIFA 08 feedback and 09 demo feedback. It's a very good point that I think they might have overlooked but will think is a very good idea.

Well, I've no idea where those are (official EA forums?), but feel free to post it on my behalf if you'd like.

To be honest, I wouldn't be comfortable posting it before I play the game. videos can be deceiving of course, and seeing how the Demo is mainly big teams, that could have something to do about it.

After I try a few games passing around with all the teams and seeing how the game behaves, then I'd gladly spread that opinion if I feel it is true.

Might be able to play the game today (thanks to my dear brother). Hopefully. :)
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I'm sick and tired of penalty shootouts... :(

You can quit the match at the final whistle if you get in during the first or second of the ref's 3 toots on the whistle. Just keep an eye on the clock so you know it's coming. Saves the tedium of shoot-outs.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

After playing 09 i may have to buy the full Adidas live thing now, when i said i wasn't :LOL:

and how have i missed this news!!!!!!

EA SPORTS today revealed a new online mode called FIFA 09 Clubs, designed for PLAYSTATION 3 and XBOX 360, that enables gamers to form or join user-controlled ‘clubs’ anywhere in the world. Through FIFA 09 Clubs, gamers can form or join clubs of up to 50 friends and field their strongest team when competing in Be A Pro: 10 v 10 Online Team Play, a feature that enables 20 people on 20 different consoles anywhere in the world to connect online to play a single match of FIFA 09.

FIFA 09 Clubs will determine the best virtual team in the world. Clubs are ranked based on total points and placed in a division. Clubs are relegated and promoted to different divisions based on their performance during the season. In addition, FIFA 09 Clubs will enable Club Managers to scout rival players to identify a player that fits his or her squad, and then recruit them to join their club. Up to 10 players on a Club can participate in a single game and Clubs are able to play multiple games simultaneously if they wish.

EA are legends
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

One thing I wish they would to is to simulate manual controls on the AI. In 08 and Euro they pretty much always hit perfect crosses because they're on assisted.

If they would have those manual controls and add some sort of confidence attribute they might be able to simulate shitty players like Daniel Andersson in Sweden. You know, hitting those retarded passes that are not even close to his team mates because his under pressure and afraid of losing the ball. This never happens in computer games because every pass/cross always goes to a player.

They have panic defence where the defender gets scared and just clears the ball. They should add this to some midfielder too. Obviously Xavi and those players would never do this, but less confident players do in real life when under pressure. Most of the time they hit a long ball for the forward to run after and usually it's over hit. But sometimes they might try to do a normal pass but fail miserable because they're stressed out.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Sorry to ask a totally old question here but im trying to determine which version to go for (its the xbox 360 version so far!). Can anyone confirm what the PS3 exclusive mode is again please? Thank-you.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

to the quote above, then people will start calling this unresposive and complain about response times ;))

Haha, probably true. ;)

Though to be honest, PES5 had a good system, extremely well balanced, and people don't complain about that being unresponsive, as far as I know anyways.

In PES5, sometimes the player would receive the ball on the top of his boot, causing the ball to jump up in the air, and you'd have to wait for the ball to fall down before the player could touch it again with his boot, or you could trap the ball again and control it with the chest in the direction you wanted to go.

Also, in PES5, trapping forwards or 45 degrees to the sides was fairly easy, but trapping and moving 90 degrees to the side or backwards was much more prone to failure, you couldn't really predict the touch. This meant that, just like in real life, if you had anything but world class players, whenever you received a ball, your safest bet was to move into the ball for the player to get control, and then start moving. This because when trapping "towards" the ball, you have the whole leg and foot behind the ball. Trapping to the side and such usually means sticking out your leg and needing to contact the ball on the inside or outside of the foot, which means that if the ball skips off the ground at the moment you trap, it will hit high on the boot and possibly roll/jump over or at least not be trapped "down" into the ground, meaning it will start bouncing and make the next move harder. Or it might be bouncing, causing you to have your foot too high, meaning the ball could potentially roll completely under your foot.

And, I also really want them to include the PES "patented" "trap, stop and turn" move. Where when you receive the ball with a stationary or slow moving player, you can trap the ball and have the player turn in the direction you specify in a single motion (PES R2 + direction). It would allow for some tighter trapping in small spaces, assuming the player is stationary or moving slowly. It's not really feasible performing the move with any real speed, since the foot movement needed to perform the move in most cases makes it impossible to stop at the same time.

@ 0:32

YouTube - PES6 Tricks & Skills - Trap Ball Moves
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Well, I've no idea where those are (official EA forums?), but feel free to post it on my behalf if you'd like.

To be honest, I wouldn't be comfortable posting it before I play the game. videos can be deceiving of course, and seeing how the Demo is mainly big teams, that could have something to do about it.

After I try a few games passing around with all the teams and seeing how the game behaves, then I'd gladly spread that opinion if I feel it is true.

Might be able to play the game today (thanks to my dear brother). Hopefully. :)

Certainly, wait until after you've played the full game in order that comments are based on fact and will have credence, but given EA "appear" to be listening, I think it's important to post your ideas somewhere where they might actually read them (unless you just email them direct).

I think the whole overhaul of the control system is a revolution in footy gaming that needs to happen at some point. FIFA09 is good but there's still so much that could be done to make it hugely more satisfying. EA may not have even given any thought to rethinking the control system, so that seed needs to be sown in their minds.

I did post a lengthy thread there a few months ago about improvements to 5v5 and got a actually got a "thank you" reply from one of the mods, which most posts don't get, so I'll be interested to see if he then passed it onto the develeopment team and if any of the suggestions were implemented in 09. If not, I'll be less optimistic about that forum having much worth, but if so, then it would be proof that they do listen and act.
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Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

YouTube - FIFA 09 DEMO Goals

Demo goals by Rob aka Wepeeler, some of them are really nice, there is nothing to date closer to a real football match than watching Fifa09 IMO.

That is awesome. Finally FIFA has got some personality! You could clearly tell who is on the ball, not by his physique, but by his playing style. Especially those RVN goals, that was him alright!

I suspect they have not empathized this feeling of diversity and personality for the lesser known players yet, but by the time they will, then

How about the framerate guys? There has not been reported allot of stutter, other then the sporadic(I can live with that if it happens once every 3-5 mathces). But how is the basic framerate? I remember how the Arena was fluid in F08, but on the pitch, obvious perhaps, it struck down too harsh imo and thereby affecting the response time. I like a game to be smooth as butter in that respect. It has to have a really stable and solid framerate so that there is no distraction whatsoever between my input and the ingame effects(like in arena mode). Can anyone report on this please? Thanks!
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I played the Fifa 09 demo (PS3 version)and ı loved it.Player responsiveness is improved a lot, it has wonderful animations (i wish PES had this kind of animations), Artificial intelligence is improved it is hard to pass midfield especially while playing against big teams.Both aerial and ground play is well executed and most importantly it is very very fun to play.
I felt like the times ı played PES 10 years ago.Although PES demo was not released judging on the trailers of PES I am sure that this year Fifa is going to be better than PES.Anybody who loves football will certainly love Fifa.I recommemend to every one to play Fifa 09 demo.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I've just had Petr Cech let in an absolute howler! It looked so real though, I'm unsure if it's a glitch, or something proper.

Kaka had a shot from 25 yards, Cech dived on the floow as if to grab it, and he went under his body, and sort of bounced up into the roof of the net.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I agree with the headers. Finding it really difficult to win headers in this version. Well thats not entirely true. Offensive headers. I win most headers in defence, but have yet to have a shot on goal via a header. :SS Maybe im a crap crosser?

I've got the same problem, haven't scored any headers yet. And that's because my crosses are absolute crap. Any advice from the pro's would be appreciated.

I've fallen in love with a football game and it's been a long time coming...
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Imo there are too many goals scored from one on ones. The variety seems to be lacking and that it what separates it from PES. Plus there are not enough animations for the keeper and the ball still feels to light.

But apart from that Fifa 09 is a great game.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Imo there are too many goals scored from one on ones. The variety seems to be lacking and that it what separates it from PES. Plus there are not enough animations for the keeper and the ball still feels to light.

But apart from that Fifa 09 is a great game.

To me that i havent played fifa 08 (i intend to buy a ps3 just for fifa09) this sounds a very negative point. And from the videos i always see that kind of goals.Should i be worried??
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

To me that i havent played fifa 08 (i intend to buy a ps3 just for fifa09) this sounds a very negative point. And from the videos i always see that kind of goals.Should i be worried??

Weell I see it that way: Both games have their pros and cons. Fifa got the presantation, graphics, licences and a great build a play but PES has the more exciting goals and better ball physics.

The reason I sold Fifa 08 because after weeks of playing I just saw the same goals happening over and over again. I think that coukld easily be happening with 09 as well.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Weell I see it that way: Both games have their pros and cons. Fifa got the presantation, graphics, licences and a great build a play but PES has the more exciting goals and better ball physics.

The reason I sold Fifa 08 because after weeks of playing I just saw the same goals happening over and over again. I think that coukld easily be happening with 09 as well.

What do you mean by saying that?
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