FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I always used controller setting New Alternate on 08, but a couple of the buttons are different in New Alternate on 09. the LT & LB buttons seem to be switched. I always used to hold down LB for trick moves but now its LT.

Just noticed something else I love. You can actually get the keeper to get up off his fat arse and run with the ball in his hands and throw it out quickly. Dunno how many times in 08 i was losing near the end and the keeper was lying back smoking his pipe, soaking up the rays as I battered the pass button continuously
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

:lol: yeh, the keepers have been improved so much. my keeper save a shot going top hand with finger tips. the ball barely cleared the bar. i even said "ooo". heh

the throw outs are insane. so quick and some are thrown off the floor to get too you. brilliant.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

No as in for example when I am on a break way for example I just feel far less unable to gain that extra yard on the defender or fool them with 1-2's etc they are just not prone to error I know I am playing on world class and the other difficulties would be easier but thats no fun when its too easy either.

Yes I am not getting my own way but my point is vs some of the best players in fifa 08 I could get my own way and win 3-1 etc but when I play the cpu I get hugely frustrated at how the game works so differently

instead of picking expert when the demo starts pick the middle one, makes the difficulty may enjoy that more

had some cracking matches (well....for a 4 minute match :| ) on professional
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

i have a question, on the PS3 version the nets seem ALOT better (it is on a different stadum)

am i right in thinking that every stadium has different net physics? in which case the 360 version should have stadiums with those net physics

because the PS3 demo's net physics are magnificent
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I'm pretty sure I've read that they have tweaked the nets a little bit different depending on what stadium your in.

Edit: to late.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

nice one :)

i dont know why they didnt just use the net physics from the PS3 demo on every stadium because those are near perfect. the nets in Wembley isnt that great
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I tell you now if you aint got Fifa on semi everything then your missing out on a cracking game of footy

Played alot of game tonight with mates and i have seen the best football played and best goals scored ever in a football game

In one Cisse right of goal 12 yards out you think hes gonna square it for a possible tap-in and he hits the sweetest outside of the right foot shot i have ever seen

another time my mate beats the keeper and is ready to pull the trigger and out of nowhere a defender comes across and takes the man and the ball and prevents a certain goal

What a game, oh yeah the headers as well stunning, no longer scripted and you have to fight for everyone at times even missing them or them skimming off the top of your head

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

same here. but as i say the game plays faster on PS3. plays more like how you'd imagine a FIFA'd Pro Evo if that makes sense. Lightening controls etc. I kinda like it. I't definitely not the same game/build as 360. i find it way easier scoring in the PS3 demo.

just changing to 720p now. hope that sorts everything out.

it worked for me...
i had on 1080p(false, upscaled) and the game was all blurry...
now on 720p everything is crisp again!!
thank good!
looks great!

EA evan gave the ps3 version 3d grass this time
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I tell you now if you aint got Fifa on semi everything then your missing out on a cracking game of footy

Played alot of game tonight with mates and i have seen the best football played and best goals scored ever in a football game

In one Cisse right of goal 12 yards out you think hes gonna square it for a possible tap-in and he hits the sweetest outside of the right foot shot i have ever seen

another time my mate beats the keeper and is ready to pull the trigger and out of nowhere a defender comes across and takes the man and the ball and prevents a certain goal

What a game, oh yeah the headers as well stunning, no longer scripted and you have to fight for everyone at times even missing them or them skimming off the top of your head


My friend has the demo and I'm trying to convince him that he has to play at least with semi on to see the real quality with this. His playing with full assist but his an original pro evo guy. He likes the demo though and is well impressed.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Trust me the game comes into its own when the pin point passes and shots are not on

Like i said before with auto every on every 1 on 1 i scored now im struggling to hit the target and when i do its awesome same for passed no more pin point and and alot more stray and awesome passes when you get it right
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Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Trust me the game comes into its own when the pin point passes and shots are not on

Like i said before with auto every on every 1 on 1 i scored now im struggling to hit the target and when i do its awesome same for pass no more pin point and and alot more stay and awesome passes when you get it right
try manual and your fucked lol plus you cant have everything on semi ie the throw ball
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Just did a "without looking pass" with J.Cole
I don't know if it was random or if it was because I pressed LT and B at the same time xD ( I was trying to do the fake rabona )
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

try manual and your fucked lol plus you cant have everything on semi ie the throw ball

but through balls on manual works just fine, so you dont need semi here. but shooting on manual is really a pain in the ass, so damn hard :D
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Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

try manual and your fucked lol plus you cant have everything on semi ie the throw ball
It's not "throw ball", you can't change the settings of the throw-ins, it's THROUGH BALL. THROUGH BALL. I've only just realised what the hell you've been talking about for the past few days. Start spelling it right or I'm banning you.


but throw balls on manual works just fine, so you dont need semi here. but shooting on manual is really a pain in the ass, so damn hart :D
It's THROUGH BALL!!!!!!!

(But I forgive you because English isn't your native language and Jonney is setting a bad example)
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

something so real about the physics. it really is scaring away newcomers to the game though lol.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I've just read through Suff's latest entry on FSB. It sounds very promising that we will get an even better retail version.

Any news on upcoming podcasts over at FSB?
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Hey sweetkilla just to ask you is this build different to the one you played at Leipzig, im shocked at the difference between the demo and the one I played in early Augest.

Also lads try shooting from the goalkick to see if there are any Goaly fuck ups, just thought of it but as i said in my first review a month back so far there the best keepers in a footie game to date :))

EDIT: Cheers for that CB :LOL: I was wondering what "Throw Ball" meant, maybe they gave us totaly control of throw ins.
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Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I am now going to start scoring own goals to avoid shootouts :)) That is a good idea which I didn't even give a thought to before. Thanks Placebo :TU:.

Also, that one song from the demo is starting to get on my nerves now.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I just found a trick in the arena, hold LT, then press the left analog the opposite way the player is facing, then quickly in another direction - it does a dragback to turn, and it looks really good and can create you some space.

The crossing and heading on this game is the best on any game I have played, I love it.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Apparently all you people who like this demo are wrong:

"It is just the same crap as FIFA has always been...I totaly agree with you Yashot.People who know what real football is play PES... Only kids, people who dont understand football and americans play FIFA!The last version of FIFA that I enjoyed playing was the 99... then I found out about Winning Eleven (PES)! FIFA hasnt changed a thing, same animations, same crappy gameplay... oh, sorry FIFA does change... it changes the soundtrack now and then and the team licenses...It doesnt matter what people and EA say, every year is the same thing, FIFA sucks!One day in the future if FIFA has a gameplay that gets close even to Winning Eleven 4 (of 10 years ago) then I may try taking it serious.words of a brazilian who is crazy about the real football..." - comment on
He's a disgrace to real Brazilian football fans like me.

Fifa 09 sounds amazing from the comments here, and looks amazing from the videos as well. Fifa 08 already surpassed PES so I'm sure 09 is incredible. Unfortunately my 360 is on the repair shop right now so I can't play, I'm getting it back tomorrow.

My hands are itching to play the game, I've been reading every post on this thread and seeing every vid.

I really need to try out the new improved shooting and the goalkeepers(my biggest complaints with 08) to see if they were really improved like you guys are saying.
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