FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Also player switching is taking a bit of getting used to.

I really love the player switching in Fifa, it is so great. With the right analog stick you can switch to every player you want, anytime. you really have full control. it can't be better than this.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

coopz, everytime i see your avatar and see chuck getting knocked silly a little bit of me dies :( sorry for being off topic but it's the end of an era :(
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I'm noticing a lot of FPS lag on replays and in arena. (Xbox360 @ 720p) Not a game ruiner but it certainly detracts from the experience. Would be good if they sort it out for the final release or perhaps people know some tips for improving it.

Gawd, have they still not sorted out the framerate in replays? That always put me off buying the full game. I find it really distracting when the game plays so smooth and then it turns into a slideshow during the replays and cut scenes
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Can someone from FIFA Soccer blog maybe, be able to tell us how old the build used for the demo is?

Reading Suffwan's article, it sounds as if he was playing a much newer build than that we are all playing at the minute?
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Can someone from FIFA Soccer blog maybe, be able to tell us how old the build used for the demo is?

Reading Suffwan's article, it sounds as if he was playing a much newer build than that we are all playing at the minute?

i would like to know this aswell..

would be nice if this was only a 70% product
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

It's definetley older than the end of August that's for sure due to Robinho still being active at Real Madrid etc.

And im sure that demo has to have a month's approval from Microsoft and Sony, before its allowed to be published on the marketplace and PSN, so my guess is the build is from around July time.

However if someone can confirm that would be smashing.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

All we can say is that both the demo and the build Suff played were not the final version. So you can imagine tweaks being in the retail product.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

- the shoting is to easy and to accucary. Yes i can choose manual shoting settings,but where is the advantage? It is only more difficult...
- the passing to easy and to accucary.

Not sure i understand this. On the one hand you are saying it is a negative thing that the shooting is too accurate and easy. You also identify that you could change to manual.
If you are really saying that the shooting (presumably on auto) is too accurate and easy and that is a bad thing then the "advantage" of putting it on manual (or semi) is that the shooting becomes harder and less accurate.
I don't see how you can criticise the game for this - if you want the challenge play on manual or semi and if you don't play on auto.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

coopz, everytime i see your avatar and see chuck getting knocked silly a little bit of me dies :( sorry for being off topic but it's the end of an era :(

Yeah same here but its a awesome KO

Liddel aint been the same man since the fame went to his head after he Beat Couture and Ortiz
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

All we can say is that both the demo and the build Suff played were not the final version. So you can imagine tweaks being in the retail product.

Hopefully that include the bend on free kicks and err i cant think of anything else
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

had chuck thrown that uppercut a split second earlier we might me looking at a completely different result. his torn hammy didn't help in the build up either.

Back on topic, Fifa 09 demo fantastic
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Just scored an absolutely unbelievable goal, I hit the ball with venom after running a bit in midfield (just to relieve the pressure to be honest) and it went in. Reminds me of Di Matteo's goal in the FA Cup years ago:

YouTube - Robert DiMatteo

I'm still loving the demo, I've only seen two "issues" so far - the speed (which I have to admit is just a bit too fast), and I've seen the CPU score a scissor-kick directly from my defender chesting the ball a couple of inches forward (would never happen).

Can't wait to take this baby online though, October is too far away.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Not sure i understand this. On the one hand you are saying it is a negative thing that the shooting is too accurate and easy. You also identify that you could change to manual.
If you are really saying that the shooting (presumably on auto) is too accurate and easy and that is a bad thing then the "advantage" of putting it on manual (or semi) is that the shooting becomes harder and less accurate.
I don't see how you can criticise the game for this - if you want the challenge play on manual or semi and if you don't play on auto.

Basically, what I think he is saying is that the shooting might be too accurate at hitting exactly where your aim was.

Basically, the reason I don't find "Manual" shooting to be worth using is that in real life, if I "shoot", I aim to hit the goal, which is sort of obvious. So "Semi" allows me to use the full range of the analog stick to aim anywhere on the goal, and a small distance outside the posts to perhaps compensate for possible curl.
So the "aim" isn't where the challenge to shooting should come from (since, if I am shooting for goal, I would in most cases be aiming somewhere on goal, thus I don't need to be able to aim for the corner flag or extremem distances from the goal). Instead the challenge of shooting, as in real life, simply comes from the task of translating where you want to aim, to where the ball ends up.

When you see a player in real life who, from the penalty spot, misses a shot by 5 meters from the post, you can sort of guess that he was aiming at goal. So the aim, and the direction the ball ended up going, were very different. These types of misshits and differences between aim and shot might be underrepresented in FIFA09, leading to unrealistic amounts of shots that find just the spot you were aiming for. Very few players in real life can pick out the top corner from a distance. Depending on the skill of the player, they will have a "natural" shot dispersion that will make a ball differ from the intended trajectory by a certain number of degrees. Also depending on stats, the player will also have a certain degree of natural "mishits", where the ball hits even wider than his natural dispersion degree.

So the problem that the poster might have is that if you aim for the top corner from 25 meters (with semi shooting):

1. 8 out of 10 shots will hit almost exactly where you were aiming, with a dispersion radius of, say, 20cm from that aim point.

2. The remaining 2/10 shots will perhaps have a dispersion degree of perhaps 50cm radius from the aim point.

Whereas in real life:

1. 1 or 2 balls out of 10 might find the top corner

2. 6 balls land within the natural dispersion area for the player, which from the distance might be 1.5 meters from the aim point (top corner)

3. 2-3 balls are what might be called "mishits", landing outside the players natural dispersion area, with more unpredictable dispersion degrees, depending on the severity of the mishit (meaning 1 ball might've hit 3 meters from the top corner, and 1 might've simply rolled on the ground to the side from a complete mishit, not even making it to the goal.

This disconnect from reality, which has nothing to with intention (where you are aiming with the analog stick), and everything to do with execution (the physical task of kicking the ball and the skill of the player to perform what he intends), was what I took from the original post.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

It's on EU now and still pretty quick download, are you at work now Dan?

yes mate in work at the moment

tried to setup a US account late last night but couldn't remember my psn logs me on automatically normally and now i can't remember it haha

anyways i'll download it later when i get home....itching to play it now fella
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

It is but im not searching for someone else to find out when they can do i there self

its in the options before you start a match somewhere
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Changing game speed is in the demo.

Go to game settings after you've chosen your teams, press R1 (i think), then R2 and it's at the bottom.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Got the Pal PSN still has blockyness for me in arena same as NTSC. (Not sure 1080 bug on PS3 or something wouldnt be first time with game not visible on 360 version at all)

And i had the feeling last night but wanted to test all out to see if not going loopy. But for me Slow and Normal on PS3 play a more speedy game compared to Xbox 360 version they are not same settings feels different.

360 1080 over VGA and PS3 1080 over HDMI and last night i had them on both same time and was flicking over playing each one and PS3 seems tad bit quicker on each setting strange i cant work out if speed or response it seems abit of both.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

WOW! I have just scored an absolutley awesome volley! Never have I seen so much pace, power and bend on ball physics as I have just witnessed.

Crossed in from the left and my striker struck from about 25 yards out, so cleanly it absolutley riffled above the keepers head and dipped under the cross bar.

The bend on the ball was unbelivable.

In fact it is the best goal I have ever scored on any football game.

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

WOW! I have just scored an absolutley awesome volley! Never have I seen so much pace, power and bend on ball physics as I have just witnessed.

Crossed in from the left and my striker struck from about 25 yards out, so cleanly it absolutley riffled above the keepers head and dipped under the cross bar.

The bend on the ball was unbelivable.

In fact it is the best goal I have ever scored on any football game.


And you didn't record a video of it? :LOL:
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