FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

You both would have to explain me better what it means:

"gameplay too heavy, not sharp"

Because I simply don't understand it. Please elaborate what you're saying: it's the pace? the animations? the passing? Shooting? Positional and tactical things? It's the off the ball movements? Physics?

Because this demo played in manual (passing in semi) gives the closest thing to reality human race has achieved in the terms of simulation. You can say you don't like simulation, but no one can't deny that's the closest to reality human race has gone in football videogaming.

Yes the freekick curve is overdone and some details could be better, but GAMEPLAY-wise there's nothing I've seen done better before.

Someone has found the SPEED slider in the PS3 demo? I'm playing on normal and would like to test the other speeds. I will surely play on slow, so if the game is already brilliant on normal, I can imagine I would like it even more!

ill try to explain simply

i think the animations are too big so it makes u fell players are too slow to do things, some people call this reaction times...
when u use the drible button(the one of tricks) this is problem is cut down..
but without this, everything feels heavy, specially if u are used to play PES...
im not saying which one is right, becasue for me those are 2 diferent games, and i like both.. but i can definatly understand what thomas is saying, and i agree with him

BTW i was using the FAST speed.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Can anyone give me a few hints on how to do various tricks? I've seen the YouTube juggling video but the chances of me pulling that stuff off mid-match are pretty slim, so what kinda stuff can you do while running?

I'll be honest, I'm not much of a football fan, I don't even support a team. I buy about one football game every 5 years and that's fine for me, any more often than that and they just seem too similar to the previous game in the series. Despite all that, the game itself can be pretty fun, but considering I know nothing about the technical side of the game, I find importance in other aspects like tricks, pitch/stadium variety, weather etc and I'm pleased to say that so far I'm impressed. FIFA 08 didn't win me over and neither did PES 2008 but this year... I think it's a buy.

I don't see why the guys on the official forum are so annoyed at the speed, obviously I'm no pro but it seemed fine to me, though perhaps it's because I'd just come from playing the NHL 09 demo. They were also moaning the graphics were too cartoon-like, wtf? I thought the yellow Chelsea kit was too bright so I knocked the contrast down one notch in the options screen and now it's beautiful. I suppose being the official site they just wanted perfection, so they're always gonna find something to moan about. I remember playing FIFA 95 on the Mega Drive and thinking it was the best thing ever, and then again with World Cup 98 on the N64... I can't help but wonder if those same people were as anal about such minute details back then too.

...quite a long first post for a game I'm not really all that obsessed about. Hello by the way!
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

So after playing one hour of the demo i can say wow that game gonna rock really its make me feel like am watching a real life football match but the peace was too fast so maybe EA can fix that thing or can i change the game speed ? ( i tried to but did`nt know how ) also EA this is a demo so there is time to fix the kits and numbers looks thats all its wonderful

P,s: i get used to Xbox 360 pad and am playing the demo with PS3 pad it change alot of controll 360 pad much better then the ps3 one :/
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Can anyone give me a few hints on how to do various tricks? I've seen the YouTube juggling video but the chances of me pulling that stuff off mid-match are pretty slim, so what kinda stuff can you do while running?

I'll be honest, I'm not much of a football fan, I don't even support a team. I buy about one football game every 5 years and that's fine for me, any more often than that and they just seem too similar to the previous game in the series. Despite all that, the game itself can be pretty fun, but considering I know nothing about the technical side of the game, I find importance in other aspects like tricks, pitch/stadium variety, weather etc and I'm pleased to say that so far I'm impressed. FIFA 08 didn't win me over and neither did PES 2008 but this year... I think it's a buy.

I don't see why the guys on the official forum are so annoyed at the speed, obviously I'm no pro but it seemed fine to me, though perhaps it's because I'd just come from playing the NHL 09 demo. They were also moaning the graphics were too cartoon-like, wtf? I thought the yellow Chelsea kit was too bright so I knocked the contrast down one notch in the options screen and now it's beautiful. I suppose being the official site they just wanted perfection, so they're always gonna find something to moan about. I remember playing FIFA 95 on the Mega Drive and thinking it was the best thing ever, and then again with World Cup 98 on the N64... I can't help but wonder if those same people were as anal about such minute details back then too.

...quite a long first post for a game I'm not really all that obsessed about. Hello by the way!

look for me i keep holding the tricks button while running and when am faceing a player and think about past him i release my finger from the sprint button and do any trick after passing him i`ll press the sprint button again :) hope that will help u
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

o dear. ps3 impressions. can anybody confirm this?

to be honest i cant see any difference in speed from slow-normal -fast.

They all seem really fast!!! none of the speed settings feel like 08, which is a shame as i thought the 08 speed was perfect.

Even on the slow speed, the players seem to be able to sprint really unnaturally fast!!

Also it doesnt look as crisp and realistic (graphically) whilest playing. Character models are really good, but it just doesnt look as crisp and realisitic in gameplay as 08.

Great game though, and the improvements on player movements is a big enough winner for me
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Are there graphical differents between the PS3 demo and the XBOX360?

Since i only have a Playstation i can't see it by mine self.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Come On ThomasGoal you and Lami like u dont wanna face the truth !! Seabass really disappoint us with his same old school PES Fifa doing great and its wonderful game if u really love Football and love PES so u have to admit that FIFA way better now so konami must listen to the fans and do what we like not what do they !! since PES6 and konami forget about the fans and go backward not forward with removing things from the game - no real nextgen - online problems - licensing problems and much more my heart will hearts me if i want to think about them plus that we keep give konami our trust and buy the game so plz stop complain about fifa and give it a life

Eh? :SS

I've been playing it non stop and enjoying every bit apart from the issues I already mentioned; 2 minute halves because I can barely string a few passes together and the half is over, and the sluggishness when turning.

Now I have no idea why turning with the ball feels sluggish to me, or maybe call it button/input lag. Am I doing something wrong?

Playing on 720p with component cable. Does that make any difference?
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Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

ill try to explain simply

i think the animations are too big so it makes u fell players are too slow to do things, some people call this reaction times...
when u use the drible button(the one of tricks) this is problem is cut down..
but without this, everything feels heavy, specially if u are used to play PES...
im not saying which one is right, becasue for me those are 2 diferent games, and i like both.. but i can definatly understand what thomas is saying, and i agree with him

BTW i was using the FAST speed.

I think we have the same problem.

Btw, how do I change game speed?
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

o dear. ps3 impressions. can anybody confirm this?

o dear. ps3 impressions. can anybody confirm this?

to be honest i cant see any difference in speed from slow-normal -fast.

They all seem really fast!!! none of the speed settings feel like 08, which is a shame as i thought the 08 speed was perfect.

Even on the slow speed, the players seem to be able to sprint really unnaturally fast!!

Also it doesnt look as crisp and realistic (graphically) whilest playing. Character models are really good, but it just doesnt look as crisp and realisitic in gameplay as 08.

Great game though, and the improvements on player movements is a big enough winner for me

No, I've found quite the opposite. The speed settings have a very noticeable effect... especially from fast to slow and vice-versa. Fast speed is similar to PES style up-and-down with lots of long through balls and sprinting, while Slow speed is more akin to FIFA 08 (and normal like EURO 08) which is what I prefer.

I found the speed change to be drastic.

Also, for those still looking how to change the speed it is on the 2nd page (press right trigger) of the game settings menu on the last menu screen before you begin a game. (So after you have selected your teams... in the same menu where you can first fiddle faddle with the tactics). It is also on the very bottom of the page and you have to scroll down to see it. (also, it is not available in the initial screen menu or the in-game screen menu.)

I think the trick for most people is noticing there is a second page of game settings AND that you have to scroll to the bottom of that page for the setting.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

It feels like your kicking a beach ball sometimes. Even the sound of it sounds like a plastic ball.Players just seem floaty and the ball on their feet doesn't feel heavy when dribbling, running or shooting.Long balls still seem floaty on shots and I still don't feel that players have their own weights in terms of attributes as they do in PES.

Played about 4-5 games now and I have to agree with the above points. The players don't feel heavy at all, nor does the ball. It feels like I'm controlling feathers, everything just floats around and it's almost like skating.

Where 08 was sluggish, it felt like the players were heavy because of this, I think 09 has gone too far towards the opposite and now it just feels a tad too light.

Other than that, I have to say I'm REALLY impressed :DD The shot power feels much better overall, the AI is much better, graphics look tidier, and it just plays better than Euro did (even with the floatiness). Goalies are FAR improved too, I don't think I've seen a GK punch the ball away before the 09 demo, that was pretty neat.

I'm still trying to get used to which button is slide and which is press, so I've commited a few fouls by accident and got straight reds :LOL:

Have to say I've also been really impressed with misplaced passes! The CPU is hitting long balls and they're not going DIRECT to their player anymore :DD Same with goalkicks, seen many times where neither player wins the ball. Great job :DD

I've tried the normal speed and slow speed too, for some reason they seemed the same. Maybe what Jonney posted is right about the PS3 version?
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Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

i actually like the broadcast camera with the angle all the way down, with a little bit of zoom in.
this game is definitely better than FIFA08, and i had been playing FIFA08 regularly up to this day!
i might keep playing it, only because this 09 demo is too short!
and to think, i used to hate FIFA08 the first month i had it.
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Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Quite like it so far - but the ball is far too floaty - if you shoot (by accident) from the half way line, the ball just keeps on rising past the end of the pitch! Thats a let down...

Other than that, it feels pretty good.

Oh and dags, I know what you mean about slides, but did you know you can change the controller config for attacking and defending independantly? So I mapped the exact same controls I use for PES and its much better...
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Quite like it so far - but the ball is far too floaty - if you shoot (by accident) from the half way line, the ball just keeps on rising past the end of the pitch! Thats a let down...

Other than that, it feels pretty good.

Oh and dags, I know what you mean about slides, but did you know you can change the controller config for attacking and defending independantly? So I mapped the exact same controls I use for PES and its much better...

Yep, I haven't played a footy game for months and I just get confused between the two buttons :LOL: I'll be fine again after a few games. Looking forward to getting home and giving it a few more games :w00t:
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

This demo is brilliant. Physics in this game are a full generation over PES, as are the animations and control depth.

Anyone can criticize the game, because it has (and we will discover more in thime) its own flaws.

Played a few games in the early morning and was also really impressed. As someone else said, this is what PES should have been by now.

Physics - when I first played it, it still has that FIFA "not quite 100% right", but once I'd played a match or two, it felt absolutely fine. I can see why that first impression will affect some people's views, and my view is that it's still not 100%, but you quickly get used to it and it is certainly hugely superior to PES, which seems to be getting less realistic.

Manual passing seems better to use that FIFA08. 2 problems with manual passing I've noticed already:

1) the pass-guage, even if you just tap it as soft as you can, the ball often scritps at normal speed to the nearest team-mate...especially if playing around the back-4, I just couldn't get it to under hit a pass.

2) your team-mates still have this occassional "blindness" to manual passes towards them. I've already had 3 separate occassions where I broke into the box at an angle, teased the keeper out towards me and them played the perfect ball across in front of an open goal to my team-mate, but the ball just goes right past/through him, which brings me to another unfixed problem...played swtiching (incidentally, I've also scored plenty of goals in the above situation, so it's not a problem all the time).

They said they'd improved player-switiching but for me, it is exactly the same hit and miss stuff as in 08. I play on full manual and sometimes, I have to click through 3 or 4 players before I get control of the guy you want (yes, I'm using the analogue stick as well and it is no better).

I also already see cpu cheats so I don't see me playing against cpu very often, although be-a-pro career mode might have me playing.

Defending is thankfully back in the game. I find I win many defensive headers (even from corners!!) and I can actually get in close and jostle/tackle cpu players. This is a critical improvement over Euro08.

AI team plays some nice stuff. I see variety in styles, I see them makes mistakes, mis-judge bounces of ball, misplace passes, overhit passes, get caught out of position, show signs of defensive uncertainty, etc. I've yet to see them mis-kick a single clearance from around their own box...every kick , even if they are facing their own goal, is perfect, instantaneous 180 spin and clean kick right up the park. Still, best AI I've seen.

Tactical options are now superb. The extra options for assigning custom tactics to the d-pad is exactly what was required. Great stuff! I tries setting it to long-ball and I'm sure it resulted in guys clustering around my big striker, looking for flick-ons. Will try this out more today. Can't wait to try out the full set of sliders in the full version.

Shooting now feels nice and firm, much improved over the loopy, floaty shots of 08. The nets move beautifully and scoring is a joy. However, still sometimes get that annoying thing where if you break into the box, the game scripts is that you cannot break the animations and shoot, which allows the keeper to dive out and claim the ball. It happens endlessly in 08 5v5, and it;s still there. Too bad.

Skills now lovely to perform in-game. They certainly don't always come off but it looks so slick when they do. Took Ronaldinho on an amazing run past about 5 before the final defender got in a last gasp slide.

Still a lack of individual feel for most players. OK, some are distinctive (eg Drogba clearly more powerful and good in air), but most jsut seem like generic players. I hope they work on this for FIFA10. All AI players seem to have identical abilities.

At least the player faces now look slightly more human, less like they're made of clay by a bad artist.

The game does so many things right. Manual cameras, great replay options, great tactics, great gameplay, so many options, teams, fantastic on-line modes.

Real progress has been made. Best footy game to date. Let's hope they keep it up for FIFA2010.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I may get the Wii version instead if the controls work out. This game just cries out for the Wiimote pointer. Good shit on the 360 though, but not quite sure if it's a buy from me.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Well I'll add my thoughts as a lifelong PES player...

I have been playing PES for about 9 years now, and even though I tried Fifa a few times over that period, it never felt 'right'.

I stuck with PES with it's crappy online and non existent licenses purely because the gameplay was just spot on. Now this year before the two games came out I thought I would give Fifa another go, and glad I did.

I bought Fifa 08 a month ago and have to say it is a vast improvement over my other ones I have played before. It did still feel heavy compared to PES and a bit sluggish, but on the whole is pretty good, especially online which compared to PES is brilliant.

Now after playing the 09 demo, I think FIFA have got it right in terms of gameplay. Graphics are crisp and look realistic, the ball physics feel very real, response of the players is just right and I really feel like I am watching a prem game whilst playing, which for me is what I am looking for.

It has taken all the best bits of both PES and FIFA into one game and balanced it out nicely - I'm definately converted and will be pre ordering today.

As for PES, I will wait until after release (which is a first for me)
and see what peoples opinions are...cause I will bet anyone a million quid that even though the gameplay will be great, the online will be absolute laggy crap, which in this day and age is unforgivable.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I've barely had any FK's where I can shoot anyway :LOL:

Good to see the CPU fouls though :TU:
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Don't forget it is a DEMO!!!!!!

At least EA give us a chance to get hands on with the game before release, unlike the fishy one.

It may not be the finished product.

If this was PES all the fanboys would be saying "It's an early build, wait for the real thing."
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

you can practise freekicks on the arena. just press right or left on the D-PAD.

Anyway, those DS screens are so unimpressive... rubbish console indeed.

FIFA09 plays nice. Already pre-ordered.
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