FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Just played the demo since I playtested it in early Augest and bloody hell! They've improved it so much since then! The responsiveness of the game when I first tried it was similar to Euro but now its pretty much perfect (If anything maybe its to responsive)

It seems easier to pull of tricks but what I liked was when I couldnt pull the same tricks I could with Ronaldinho as i could with Lampard for example who would more just do fancy turns etc which gave each player a more authentic feel.

The shooting was great when I played it initially and to be fair its got even better, great job by EA, the only slight gripe I have with it that when you press shoot its a bit to sensitive.

The Passing felt good but not much different to what I thought before, The Collisions in this game are extremely good on the eye and also give the game a total new feel. Me being poor at slide tackling i found myself chasing shadows most of the time due to me preffering the standing tackle which has now been improved a lot since 08.

I think the default speed has been increased slightly from what I played before I thought it felt a tad fast so I'll give "Slow" a try out tommorow but will probably stick to "Normal" as this can be caused by the small time given to us so we without thinking rush our play.

The best thing to come out of this Demo for me so far is the AI, Bloody hell!, ok its not perfect, its not even great but I'll go as far as say its "Good" which for a football game is huge step forward since all the others ive played have been script after script. I hope I feel this way once I have the full game. In in all as I said when i playtested initially is the best football available. :))
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

The custom tactics is confusing. How do I set it the team mentality to All Out Attack?
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Actually, a couple of games more, I'm getting that "one more match" feeling I never got from FIFA...

Let's see.

I just noticed some sweet animations - one player jumping over a sliding tackle from a player of the same team :)

By the way, is it just me, or in the PK cutscenes, the kicker ALWAYS goes in the cutscene to the opposite side to where he's going to take the PK from?

Example: right-footed player, runs to the ball from the ball's LEFT, in the cutscene he went to the opposite direction, and when the camera switches - voila, there he is on the other side :P

Minor niggle, though, it will surely be ironed out.

Best regards,

Paulo Tavares
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Few things I noticed:
- passing has been cahnged, it is a lot better now. If you put sufficent power, no more of these crap slow passes
- you now get yellow cards a lot more after play ons, when the ball goes out of play next (bad for me, I love sliding around)
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I have to admit that I'm not feeling the Demo. The ball physics just don't seem right sometimes. It feels like your kicking a beach ball sometimes. Even the sound of it sounds like a plastic ball. The response times are practically the same as Euro08, I expected a tad quicker response times. Players just seem floaty and the ball on their feet doesn't feel heavy when dribbling, running or shooting. There is still some negative fifaish things from the past that haunt this game. There is just some things that this game does right and others that still leave much to be desired of. Long balls still seem floaty on shots and I still don't feel that players have their own weights in terms of attributes as they do in PES. I have to agree with Gomito on this one. Also, the numbers on players jerseys(especially when you are in PK mode)are so small you practically need microscopes to see them. Rediculous in my oponion..Some of the animations look like slow motion and sluggish, especially goalies. Not very impressed at all.

It's a decent game, and I appreciate EA for listening to the community, especially in fixing the nets..however nice net animations just won't be enough for me to buy the game this time. There is still much more to fix in this game. Hope no one gets offended but this is my view.
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Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

By the way, is it just me, or in the PK cutscenes, the kicker ALWAYS goes in the cutscene to the opposite side to where he's going to take the PK from?

Example: right-footed player, runs to the ball from the ball's LEFT, in the cutscene he went to the opposite direction, and when the camera switches - voila, there he is on the other side :P

FIFA's transitioning from main screen to cut scene and vice-versa has always been shocking. I really don't know why this is. Pro Evo calculates the position of every player for both situations (and has done so since the beginning) so don't understand why this is such a problem for EA.

I also don't like the cut scene with the referees checking the nets. Why add this if the nets don't actually move? They fiddle around with the nets as if they're window panes.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

i have just been playing this round a mates house and it does feel very good. 1 thing im not sure of is the shooting system. i was using semi automatic shots and i couldnt seem to score outside of the 18 yard area. can anyone give me any tips on this? i was playing the demo on the intermediate setting.


Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I have to admit that I'm not feeling the Demo. The ball physics just don't seem right sometimes. It feels like your kicking a beach ball sometimes. Even the sound of it sounds like a plastic ball. The response times are practically the same as Euro08, I expected a tad quicker response times. Players just seem floaty and the ball on their feet doesn't feel heavy when dribbling, running or shooting. There is still some negative fifaish things from the past that haunt this game. There is just some things that this game does right and others that still leave much to be desired of. Long balls still seem floaty on shots and I still don't feel that players have their own weights in terms of attributes as they do in PES. I have to agree with Gomito on this one. Also, the numbers on players jerseys(especially when you are in PK mode)are so small you practically need microscopes to see them. Rediculous in my oponion..Some of the animations look like slow motion and sluggish, especially goalies. Not very impressed at all.

It's a decent game, and I appreciate EA for listening to the community, especially in fixing the nets..however nice net animations just won't be enough for me to buy the game this time. There is still much more to fix in this game. Hope no one gets offended but this is my view.

Wow , it's amazing how people can see the same thing totally different, I really disagree with every gameplay aspect you mentioned, to me it just gets better and better, my only gripe is damn 2 minute halves. Bring on the full game I say.And this is coming from a footy game fan not a FIFA one.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Ok... I'm off for the night.

Having had a surprisingly good time with the demo - more than I would've had expected from the videos - there's still a couple of things that trouble me.

Does the AI know how to handle balls near the sidelines? Because every time there's a loose ball near the sidelines, they just go there and when trying to control it, always go over the sideline... Is it just me? I mean, I don't mind getting free throw-ins, but hey... I'm not expecting this to happen when I chose the setting "I play football games for a living" :|

Asides from it - and the fact that every time I do a sliding tackle a bit away form a player - trying to intercept a pass - the CPU always does a 270º loop dribble (turns right, turns right, turns right) and passes the ball...

Well, I'll have to sleep over it.

Best regards,

Paulo Tavares
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Love the demo, it's great fun and I shall be buying the full game. Arena is now even more addictive, I love the new animations, better passing, shooting and the much improved collisions. Really enjoying it.

However, if it had Pro Evo's editing features for kits, players and sounds, I would no longer seek anything at all in my life to come.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I still don't like the style of this game...

+ good IA
+ good positions
+ 1080 natif

- Aliasing on 1080 natif game (first time i see that)
- gameplay to heavy, no sharp (80% why i don't like this game)
- ball physic is joke on freekick, make curve like with wind at 150m/h
- no respect for shirt, number and names on the back
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

wow thomas

i am no fanboy but people like you makes me want to defend FIFA :? i wont but it MAKES me want to :DOH:
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I still don't like the style of this game...

+ good IA
+ good positions
+ 1080 natif

- Aliasing on 1080 natif game (first time i see that)
- gameplay to heavy, no sharp (80% why i don't like this game)
- ball physic is joke on freekick, make curve like with wind at 150m/h
- no respect for shirt, number and names on the back

i those 3 are very reasonable points thomas brought up...i agree with him..i felt the same way about those things.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

This demo is brilliant. Physics in this game are a full generation over PES, as are the animations and control depth.

Anyone can criticize the game, because it has (and we will discover more in thime) its own flaws.

Comparing pes to this is like comparing a pig to a rose. Really, anyone defending PES physics in front of this is simply inmature fanboyism. Shooting is better than ever, passing is excellent, and you can play it full manual. After some time thinking about, the only thing PES could do better is the editing, but gameplay wise there's an abysm right now between the two.

I feel sad for the fanboys who still find pes 2008 better than fifa 09. I can't understand it but given that there's someone like Bush ruling a country in the world, anything is possibe.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

wow thomas

i am no fanboy but people like you makes me want to defend FIFA :? i wont but it MAKES me want to :DOH:

He actually made positive and negative points, which are seemingly valid and not overexaggerations. He's not shitting on the game for no reason.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

He actually made positive and negative points, which are seemingly valid and not overexaggerations. He's not shitting on the game for no reason.

sorry but this was just........WTF

- gameplay to heavy, no sharp (80% why i don't like this game)

:SS It is anything but heavy, FIFA 08 was heavy....this game is free, the ball doesnt stick to anything

its hard to respect a guys opinion on a game he would never like even if it played the same as PES, i dont understand why PES fans comment on FIFA and FIFA fans comment on PES :? neither can have a valid opinion because they havent played the previous game enough.

I buy both every year and until 08 games i always sold FIFA and kept PES but this time i sold PES08 and kept FIFA 08, and going by the FIFA 09 demo and PES09 videos and such FIFA may be kept again

unless konami finally releases the good version of the game, like they were supposed to last year :LOL:
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Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

i those 3 are very reasonable points thomas brought up...i agree with him..i felt the same way about those things.

You both would have to explain me better what it means:

"gameplay too heavy, not sharp"

Because I simply don't understand it. Please elaborate what you're saying: it's the pace? the animations? the passing? Shooting? Positional and tactical things? It's the off the ball movements? Physics?

Because this demo played in manual (passing in semi) gives the closest thing to reality human race has achieved in the terms of simulation. You can say you don't like simulation, but no one can't deny that's the closest to reality human race has gone in football videogaming.

Yes the freekick curve is overdone and some details could be better, but GAMEPLAY-wise there's nothing I've seen done better before.

Someone has found the SPEED slider in the PS3 demo? I'm playing on normal and would like to test the other speeds. I will surely play on slow, so if the game is already brilliant on normal, I can imagine I would like it even more!
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I still don't like the style of this game...

+ good IA
+ good positions
+ 1080 natif

- Aliasing on 1080 natif game (first time i see that)
- gameplay to heavy, no sharp (80% why i don't like this game)
- ball physic is joke on freekick, make curve like with wind at 150m/h
- no respect for shirt, number and names on the back

Come On ThomasGoal you and Lami like u dont wanna face the truth !! Seabass really disappoint us with his same old school PES Fifa doing great and its wonderful game if u really love Football and love PES so u have to admit that FIFA way better now so konami must listen to the fans and do what we like not what do they !! since PES6 and konami forget about the fans and go backward not forward with removing things from the game - no real nextgen - online problems - licensing problems and much more my heart will hearts me if i want to think about them plus that we keep give konami our trust and buy the game so plz stop complain about fifa and give it a life
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Initial impressions for me are, am really liking the demo but wish i could play someone rather than the AI- biggest problem so far seems to be that again no matter what the level of the team you're playing, if ur on the highest difficulty the worst teams are still as tough as the others! tried playing toronto FC with Real and have gotten beaten a couple of times... could be getting used to the game but i wasnt losing when i was playing chelsea, AC etc. But I'll be playing online so it doesnt matter. I find it astounding as well that that bogus review I read said that its similar to Euro, it's so different from Euro its crazy. Anyone who could say that has never played the games. Am liking it so far but need to play against someone before i can make final conclusions :)
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Just played the demo on the ps3 for 4 hours - really like the game. Better response times (can till be improved for 10), better shooting (again has room for improvement, maybe my biggest gripe is the shooting still), excellent animations, for the first time with fifa I can feel player individuality - kaka and pato are awesome.

The nets!!!! absolutely brilliant.....

The skill moves are awesome, Robinho for madrid lit the stadium up more than once...

Keepers are almost faultless from what Ive seen.

The best football games I've ever played, cant wait for the full game.

This is coming from a former pro almost fanboy...I have been fully converted.

The nets did it ;-)
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

FIFA's transitioning from main screen to cut scene and vice-versa has always been shocking. I really don't know why this is. Pro Evo calculates the position of every player for both situations (and has done so since the beginning) so don't understand why this is such a problem for EA.
I think there's a simple explaination behind that (well its my theory anyway)...the players in FIFA's cutscenes don't seem contextual because the game predetermines who gets to appear in them so as to avoid having weird collision detection when they're say, group hugging in a celebration. In PES its common to see a player's hand not making any contact at all when he's giving a pat on the back to a teammate or when he's pulling someone up on his feet...and that's because each player have different stature, height, limb length, etc and it wouldn't be resourceful to motion-capture one animation with different people...
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

So the demo is great, nice gameplay and completely different to Fifa 08 which is a very good thing.. The heading animations are superb, scored a cracker against R Madrid with Marseille only to be ruled out for offside..
The only things im abit concerned with are:
- World Class doesnt seem to much of a challenge.. Played 3 games mixing it up with the good and bad teams and won two 1-0 and the other went to penalties.. I hope Legendary really steps it up..
- The curve you can now put on FK's is just ridiculous.. I thought it was alright on 08, maybe make it a little bit better but now they have gone way to far.. It seriously needs to be toned down..
- Chelsea kits looks like turd but hopefully this should be ironed out..
Other than that, looking forward to picking this bad boy up..

PS- Does anyone know how to shield the ball on the PS3?
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