FIFA 09 Discussion Thread (Old)

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Re: FIFA 09

Just got it.

Massive anti-climax. Doesn't really say anything hat the Gamesmaster preview doesn't. No screen shots, nothing to get excited about.

At all.
Re: FIFA 09

"Player's are more responsive too, with people positioning themselves more precisely for headers on goal and following up for rebounds more quickly. But the keepers are insanely good, pulling off unlikely saves as a matter of course.

We can only hope they're made less superhuman before the game's final release. This time around a keeper will also able to dive at feet, "anticipating where people are going to be. But if he gets it wrong, he'll be able to change his mind. We're really humanizing the system.""

Re: FIFA 09

doenst sound as enthusiastic as the title would suggest... i like the stronger shots though.
Re: FIFA 09

They are used to pes goalies so anything normal looks supergood for them.

Also giving 63% to fifa 08 is the sign they are biased. Not a bad preview though.
Re: FIFA 09

"Player's are more responsive too, with people positioning themselves more precisely for headers on goal and following up for rebounds more quickly. But the keepers are insanely good, pulling off unlikely saves as a matter of course.

Ooooh no, please tell me they are not keepping the goals scored 90% from headers and GK parries again!!!
Re: FIFA 09

From the C&VG preview the thing I like most is the new tactics. Seems you can tweak all tactics to your own taste using sliders... Sounds good.
All other things sound a bit like small improvement, but not so much.
Re: FIFA 09

Just got it.

Massive anti-climax. Doesn't really say anything hat the Gamesmaster preview doesn't. No screen shots, nothing to get excited about.

At all.

NickSCFC said:
Got the mag, looks really good, graphics improved ALOT!

Will scan it when I get home about 6!

...erm. Nick are you getting too excited?
Re: FIFA 09

"Player's are more responsive too, with people positioning themselves more precisely for headers on goal and following up for rebounds more quickly. But the keepers are insanely good, pulling off unlikely saves as a matter of course.

We can only hope they're made less superhuman before the game's final release. This time around a keeper will also able to dive at feet, "anticipating where people are going to be. But if he gets it wrong, he'll be able to change his mind. We're really humanizing the system.""

They've built it on Euro 2008 then.

Uh-oh. Not good.

Won't be getting excited about the game until I read that this has been fixed now, by someone other than EA.
Re: FIFA 09

Me too. I don't think it will be though. I am confident FIFA09 will be a great game.
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