Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

dont like they mentioned the game was was too slow in CL and that was supposed to be improved. Players had no real pace especially chasing long balls!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

dont like they mentioned the game was was too slow in CL and that was supposed to be improved. Players had no real pace especially chasing long balls!

That is a fair point on the long balls and my God - that had better be sorted (it wasn't existent in 07).

General gameplay speed though was just about right for me, perhaps even a little quick at times so I'm not concerned by the latest opinion.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

For me the gameplay speed changed depending on what Camera View I used. If I used a Zoomed out TV style camera the action was slow. It appeared to be faster when using Dynamic V2.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Yea I loved the speed in UCL, exactly how I like it.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I thought UCL 07 played a bit too slow but that might be due to the floaty airflow ball physics which looked to have changed in FIFA 08. Hopefully the general speed will have increased slightly too.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

this was posted in the fifalatino forums:
Según lo anunciado oficialmente en el Foro de EA, se supone que el demo del Fifa 08 para Xbox 360 y PS3 sale este 6 de Septiembre, osea pasado mañana.

Nuestros colaboradores Atumishcua y Davisso tuvieron el privilegio de jugar la versión completa del Fifa08 para Xbox360 y les gustó bastante. Jugaron como enfermos 2 días enteros y se quedaron con ganas de jugar más.

En estos días vamos a publicar más material exclusivo sobre el Fifa08 de Xbox360 así que estén atentos.

so i guess the demo will come still trying to find the admins post, to say its oficial..but the guy who posted at the brazilian forum says its oficial.
until i find the link or the admin message, i wont belive...
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Ive read this somewhere else. but then the post was superseded by another one saying it will be next week....
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

this was posted in the fifalatino forums:
Según lo anunciado oficialmente en el Foro de EA, se supone que el demo del Fifa 08 para Xbox 360 y PS3 sale este 6 de Septiembre, osea pasado mañana.

Nuestros colaboradores Atumishcua y Davisso tuvieron el privilegio de jugar la versión completa del Fifa08 para Xbox360 y les gustó bastante. Jugaron como enfermos 2 días enteros y se quedaron con ganas de jugar más.

En estos días vamos a publicar más material exclusivo sobre el Fifa08 de Xbox360 así que estén atentos.

so i guess the demo will come still trying to find the admins post, to say its oficial..but the guy who posted at the brazilian forum says its oficial.
until i find the link or the admin message, i wont belive...

That's interesting. The above comments state that their colaborators played the complete version of FIFA08 for the 360 and they loved it! He goes on to say that they played the game like a bunch of sickos for 2 whole days and were still hungry for some more afterwards.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Doubt the demo is coming tomorrow. The EA admins would have had information about if by now.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Hopefully it will be tomorrow. But I'll be happy if it's out before (or on) the 10th. Otherwise... I won't be happy. Mainly because it'll be after my sister's wedding. I NEED FOOTBALLING STRESS RELIEF BEFORE THEN (and I can't afford to buy UEFA CL back again, unless anyone is selling their copy for a fiver).
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm going to make a guess. It's coming out on the 12th ladies and gentlemen. You heard it here first. If I'm right, you all give me 40 quid. Sorted
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

pfft were not falling for your mind games mr. fear!!

(but in this case.... I hope you are righT! )
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

EA admins dont know any better than us its in Microsofts hands

thats absolutly true.
they wont know till majornelson puts it up, and by than everyboy will know too.
but, they would have the info if the demo had already been sent to m$/Sony...and they never said anything about that.

they had the info for the pc version, for obvious reasons.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

How long does it usually take for a demo to get "published" after the developer has handed it over to MS?

Has it been confirmed that EA have actually handed over the demo yet?
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

How long does it usually take for a demo to get "published" after the developer has handed it over to MS?

Has it been confirmed that EA have actually handed over the demo yet?

i dont know how long for every game..but i do remember when mlb 2k7 demo was handled to MS a 2k producers poped in the operationsports forums and said that it usally took 2 week for MS to complete the verification.. long time i know...

also it has not been confirmed that EA sent the demo to maybe thats why the EA admin have no idea of when its coming out, unless EA canada hasnt told them that its been already handled to MS..

we gotta think that they r just forum admins ...they dont have that much status inside EA to know about everything happening inside it.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

This demo crap is becoming tiresome, the anticipation just seems to die a death after waiting just to hear something.

Its the same with the HD gameplay footage, a good video of a match highlighting the improvements is easy, but Ea will not release anything.

it seems the gamer is being dangled a consistant carrot, building anticipation to aid sales, "dont give too much away and by the time the games rteleased they will be gagging for it"

There are 3 weeks before launch and the FAQ's at EA's website has been updated once in almost 4 months, yet CW goes over and gives more info in 3 days than the official site has ever given.

Its marketing bullshit that just becomes very boring after a while,just like the talk of the demo that nobody knows when it will be released.just a simple line of communication between EA and MS and over to the public is obviously more taxing than doing the maths calculating 1000 decisions every feckin second.

It took well over 2 months for EA to tell us that there was no weather in the next edition despite tons of threads on the site.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ its sending me to sleep.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

they need to keep it for fifa 09 or 10 or 11 as a revolutionary new feature. ;)
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