Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

lol @ LJ well he has played the game.. so who better to ask? its better than "FIFAGGOT, and FIFA = Arcade and PES = The Nuts" CW will tell us how it is.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)


I agree with some points but as I have said before if you compare FIFA & PES like for like then its always going to leave an unbalnced veiw towards your game of choice.

two different games sharing the same sport is what I feel, with both needing improvements in various area's.I enjoyed 07 even with all its problems, but I hated PES6 with all its problems, so I perceive FIFA to have made more improvements than PES.

That said I loved PES for years and I am 100% +ve that this game will be thoroughly enjoyable, but for me, not as enjoyable as the offline experience in FIFA (i spend alot of time playing offline too)due to its overall depth.

Looking forward to both fella:applause:

I understand what your saying fella, but i dont think its complicated. For years its just been a case that pes has the gameplay and fifa has the gloss, its not a case of me favouring one over the other its just one provides over the other. if it were the other way around i'd be inclined to say so.

Im glad though that ea SEEM to be taking things a little more seriously. I think they wasted YEARS before next gen faffing about and could have done so much better. I bought every version since Fifa Soccer on Megadrive, have enjoyed certain titles but they have never been as fulfilling as pes's gameplay.

But gain i really hope both provide - they dont have to be identical, but they do have to provide good deep gameplay.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I understand what your saying fella, but i dont think its complicated. For years its just been a case that pes has the gameplay and fifa has the gloss, its not a case of me favouring one over the other its just one provides over the other. if it were the other way around i'd be inclined to say so.

Im glad though that ea SEEM to be taking things a little more seriously. I think they wasted YEARS before next gen faffing about and could have done so much better. I bought every version since Fifa Soccer on Megadrive, have enjoyed certain titles but they have never been as fulfilling as pes's gameplay.
But gain i really hope both provide - they dont have to be identical, but they do have to provide good deep gameplay.

Agreed on all points matey especially that one, FIFA 07 was great but not as fullfilling as PES5 for me (apples and oranges).

But EA have cast the line and the hooks embeeded into my cheek,PES should never have given anyone the opportunity which they did last time around.

Aaah well its going to be great fun this autumn and winter.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Good to see the speed option confirmed, i actually never saw it in the UCL game. Although i only had it for a day and brought it back due to the response time.

So to those who played it for quite some time, Jack/CW/The Force?/etc. Did you use it, and does it decrease the response time from controller to player movement? Or does it just "feel" the same as everything is relatively speeded up? Its probably a difficult question to anwser as you are likly to be used to it int he speed setting you choose early on.

Im still wondering how ill feel about it, because its very much to do with controller to movement speed rather then the actual speed of the game. It has a decent pace in the standard speed. Although i wouldnt mind speeding it up a bit actually. I hope the fifa08 demo will allow this, as the UCL really doesnt give much power to find out anything, you cant change speed/controller setting/passing assistence/etc.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I don't actually remember seeing a speed option in UEFA CL to be honest (if it was there I'm sure I would have spent ages fiddling with it, so I'm almost sure it wasn't) - CW, can you confirm it's definitely in there on UEFA? I remember seeing it on the PS2 version but not on next-gen.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Re: Speed option - I didn't see it on UEFA either and like JB, I defo would have it it had been there.

I doubt I will be messing with it on 08 as the vids look perfect tempo wise to me.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

me too..ive been playing UCL for a while now..and never seen this speed option...
although i admit i would never increse the speed of the game...the default pace is spot on IMHO. and the reaction delay u guys talk about so much, doesnt bother me...everything except GK and shoots animations, look and feel fluid for me.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I've seen the speed option in UEFA, not in the main game, but you can choose from slow, normal or fast when you create an online game. Haven't actually tried changing it though (it's on "slow" by default).
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

That's not quite how to spell what he's become, but close ;)

Cheeky bastard :)

If anyone wants me to copy and paste the 5 pages of posts and replies from over on the FIFA Forums I will do it later on
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Is this game going to be 60 fps? has it been "officially" confirmed? Most if not all EA sports games are to run at 60...

I believe CW confirmed this on the FIFA site.

It's also set for 1080i resolution too which will look nice on my HD 40 incher :-)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

What a fuck up by EA then. Apparently last year:

Marketplace demo: 5th October
Game release: 29th October

This year its looking like the demo will come around the same time as the game's released.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

According to the EA admin, it's 2 to 3 fucking weeks from today before the next gen demos will be released :(

wow now, thats disapointing...
i m like u guys, cant wait to test it...
i wish they come up with a big surprize and throw the demo out this thursday(6th)..
that would be reaaallly nice!

in the mean time COD4beta is doing its job.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

EA Admin
Did you attend the Leipzig Games Convention 2007? Were you lucky enough to get your hands on the Next-Generation version of FIFA 08? If so, we'd love to hear your thoughts, feedback and reaction to FIFA 08 and kindly ask that you post them in this thread!
Please note, this is only for those who were in attendance and played FIFA 08.

Dr forse
i am also a member at EVO WEB in the FIFA thread the moderator, Chris, AKA CW played the game plenty.
He was also filmed on stage doing the tricks in a mini comp with two other contestants.
his thoughts were that it played a lot like UCL, but the tricks were absolutely stunning in motion, there was a bit of a Q & A with him for a while, am I allowed to put in the link so peeps can get a hands on view and also see the vid he was involved in?????
just trying to be helpful, if not then capiiish

EA Admin
Providing what you link to doesn't break forum rules it would be great. It would be cool if he wouldn't mind registering here and posting his views too (preferably asap). Smile

Dr forse
Adroit, I will PM him to see if he will kindly come across to register and update the thread, I am not sure about forum rules and I do not want to traul through them lol to find out.If he is online i will see if I can get him across.

EA Admin
Thanks, much appreciated! You can PM me the link if you are unsure as we really would like to hear from anyone who had the chance to play FIFA 08.

Dr forse
Ok I have sent a PM to him, but just in case he tells me to sling my hook I will PM you the link, which you may like to cut and paste (editing any swearing) and repeat here Cool

Dr forse
i have not had a Pm back from CW yet so i dont think he is online, however even if its sometime tommorow he may well come on and add some value for members. I cannot promise anything because I do not know the guy but its worth a try

this is just a quote from someone who played it. i thought it was a good read.
Hi fellas, just got back from Germany to my homeland Australia and wanted to post my impressions of both games.

If people remember, I posted one of the first impressions last year for FIFA 07 on 360 and subsequently for UEFA CL 06/07.

I was lucky enough to have had the opportunity to see FIFA 08 and PES 2008 in action in Leipzig, and have a proper hands on on both, and here are my impressions:

Since this is a FIFA forum, I'll keep PES comments to a minimum, so why not start with just a quick summary of PES.

PES fans will be happy with this installment as it definitely is what PES6 on 360 was suppose to be. It is sharp, full of incredible animations, excellent ball physics, some impressive faces and player models and what's most important it really plays well.
At first it seems like same ol' same ol', but as with any PES it grows on you after a while.
- It is less robotic than before, and I was most impressed with the animation. It really has to be seen, such an attention to detail.
- The game is a bit fast for my liking and for that very reason it seems more arcadey than the game actually is.
- Animation wise, like I already said, the game is incredible experience.
- Load times are minimal, no "black screens" after fouls, corners etc... get's you back in the action right away.
- I'm not a huge fan of the default ball (purple one) but ball physics are great. It bounces off like a real thing, and player reaction when hit by the ball is awesome.
- Net physics are impressive if not a tad too "springy".
- Shooting has been improved, it is more realistic than PES6, which had some ridiculous shots from 5 yards away (balooned in the sky for example)
- Flow of the game is very FLUID, it is as fluid as it gets...

At first 360 version looked to have an edge over PS3, which was quite surprising to me, however I realised that old Sharp screens used to demo PES on PS3 were to blame. Once I saw the game up and running on X series bravia's it looks pretty much identical as 360 version... Again, it may be slightly disappointing to hear that, as there were rumours that PS3 is a platform PES is built on and then ported on other platforms so seeing that it is the same thing as 360 might disappoing some PS fanboys.

The only concern I had graphics wise is some slowdowns during cut scenes, so let's hope Konai irons this out before game goes gold.

More importantly, the impressions of the FIFA 8 are very very positive. We all loved 07, at least the direction it was suppose to take the series. It was surely flawed, but definitely a move in the right direction. Well, it seems like EA finally arrived to that "right direction" with 08.
It is one incredibly impressive looking game, at FULL 1080p HD resolution and 60 fps for both PS3 and 360.
The game looks identical on both platforms which is great.

Details in 08 are stunning, I think even after months and months of playing it will keep people impressed. Animation is crazy. My wife thought it was a real match on Tele we were watching, even though she knew it was a game. So at times it really tricks.

Colours are much better than 07 washed out look, game is vibrant, with impressive lighting. Player models look better than ever, with kits that fold and become dirty/sweaty.

The menu looks pretty much the same as 07 and CL 06/07 which is not bad at all. The arena is now in the daylight, as opposed to a night arena that was in 07 and here I had a chance to check out the new tricks system and just play around with Ronaldhino.

The new tricks system is in a word GREAT.
I can't imagine better implementation of tricks in a football game than this. It is "logical", and it takes some getting used to. What is important is that you can't execute all the tricks with all players, there are some tricks like elastico, which only ronaldhino (and suppose a few other players) can do, at least I was able to pull off only with ronaldhino. Basic tricks are easy to execute and some more advanced naturally flow from here, but some of the really technical tricks are quite tricky to do and it is great to see that there is a balance in the actual execution of the tricks, and not just tapping the button or spinning the trick stick. So it will take time to master some of the more advanced tricks.
In a summary, tricks are back, better than ever and the look of these, feel and usability is absolutely spot on. It will make the game completely different to last year's installment.

Gameplay wise, it plays extremely well. Game is much much more responsive, and you feel more in control. It doesn't feel like players are on a rail and it is well done how players translate one animation into another. So controls are much better, which will be the first thing you notice when you play for the first time.

Shooting, crossing and passing is significantly improved and feels different than last year's game. Feels very natural and unscripted.

The pace is football perfect (as opposed to PES which is much faster than real football), and attention to detail is incredible.
For the sake, in PES for example when you are executing a free throw, and you start moving a player left or right, the player spins over his axis (i.e. it slides)... In Fifa 08, the player actually twists his upper body towards the player you want to throw the ball to with feet perfectly planted in the ground, then takes a couple of steps back and throws the ball. It looks amazing, and very realistic. This attention to detail will knock you off the ground. There is no sliding/treading in Fifa at all...

The ball feels more free than in 07, and it flows naturally from one player to another. Passing looks amazing, especially first touch passing. Manual passing has been improved from 07. Ball feels heavy enough and is convincing.

Shooting has been much improved, and shots off the ground finally look like they should, no more "funny" looking shots or jump shots like in 07. These are still in the game, but happen in the appropriate occasion.
The ball bounces off very realistically when you hit other players, so there is a definite distinction when the ball hits another human being and a post for example.
Sounds is as crazy as it always has been in Fifa.

A few problems that I found a bit disappoing were AI related, especially GK AI, as I scored a few cheap goals, AI players not responding to a ball that was just a meter away from them, and occasionally players not running towards the ball when you pass them, however an EA guy was quick to point out that the version we were playing is older than the one team is working on and that AI was one of the top on the list things to be balanced out before the game ships.
Let's hope they improve it.
On a more positive note, I haven't noticed ridiculous GK saves like when you shoot full power and GK just catches it like it was a cheap shot, instead GK punches the ball or just deflects it in the other way. This made close shots more interesting. Also, the GK l doesn't just magically deflect the ball to the opposition forward, which was case in 07 and some really cheap goals scored. Sliding tackes look incredible and animations when you knock a player will blow you away.

Another disappointment is net physics which are identical to last year's game. I don't know what's wrong with EA and net physics, last gen game had better net physics than next-gen game. It is quite funny to see a ball almost getting "sticky" to a net like it is a spider web not goal net. Oh well, we'll have to live with it I guess. But it does hurt overall slick presentation and spot on attention to details.
Fifa is definitelly not just tweaked version of 07. It certainly uses the same engine as a basis, but game feels, looks and plays like a completely different game, which is good of course.

I had just one match of be a pro and it looks like a great addition to a game. It is definitely something I will give a proper shot once the game ships. I was worried that it would be boring and not properly presented, but I was wrong, the camera is awesome and it you really get a feeling you are "in the game".

All in all, we will have 2 proper next-gen, and I dare to say, first next-gen football games worth it's next-gen name.

Both PS3 and 360 receive same treatment graphics, sound, gameplay wise so no fanboyism by the system.

Between PES and Fifa, both are incredibly enjoyable and you would be MAD not to get both. At least I will... And even if historically only played one or the other, you'll be happy with sticking to your choice, as both are an improvement to games before.

Football games are definitely stellar this year.

Here in Australia we usually get FIFA a week before EU release, so I'll come back mid-late September to post the impressions of a final game.

Till then, happy reading, and hopefully you get something out of this post.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have and I'll try to answer them.

P.S. Just a note to guys that I played Fifa 07 online last year, I had a bad experience with my 360 (6 consoles died on me) so I changed camps and you can find me on PSN...

does the ball feel less floaty and unresponsive like fifa 07
can you say there will be a more variety of goals u can score like pes?

Hi there.
I am the aforementioned CW and I was filmed making a fool of myself while playing FIFA08 on stage in Leipzig.
I also played a few games on the show floor and was impressed with how the game looked and flowed. The new trick stick moves will add a lot to the game and look superb.
Any more you guys want to know please dont hesitate to ask. I also got to play a couple of games on the full version while talking to one of the game producers before we played that on stage competition

Interesting to hear about what you have been up to, i have a few questions really, don't worry i'm not to bothered if you don't know the answers as you had limited time on the game itself.
1. Did you notice how many teams there were in the ROTW section (Rest Of The World) for club sides?
2. How did you find the trick stick, easy to master or difficult?
3. How many stadiums are on the actual game?
I think three questions is enough as i'm sure everybody else has questions too. Look forward to hearing your reply and thanks for taking the time out to speak to us Smile

1. Sorry mate I didnt get to look that much in depth at the team selections as we were kind of on a tight time line. There were a lot of leagues though as I scrolled through making my choice.
2. The trick stick is easy to get to grips with but could take a while to make the most of.
3. Roughly 30 stadiums in the final version I think...

Thanks very much for your reply and don't worry about question 1 i totally understand you were on a tight time-line. it's nice to have somebody answer our questions, for now i'l let you get on with answering the other members questions

Ok sorry, one last question, I'm asking on behalf of a few people when i say:
Are there any night matches on 08?? it seems strange if there won't be because they were included on the 07 version of the game, surely EA are not going backwards are they??
Yes there are night matches
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

1.What is the biggest improvement over 07/UCL?
2.How much improved are the tricks over past games?
3.How much has the AI improved and can you give any examples?
4.Biggest dissapointment from your games?
5.Is it a major contender to PES this year?
6. Please give an indication of improved ball physics.

1. The biggest change for me is the addition of the trick stick. Its now possible to do all sorts of tricks....with the right player that is.
2. I cant comment on how much improved the tricks are as I have ignored FIFA til I got my hands on Champions League a few months ago.
3. I cant really comment on the AI as I played the game against a human opponent in all the games, sorry.
4. Hard to comment on any disappointments in the space of time we got to play...I will come back to that later.
5. Its definately a contender yes. They both play a different type of game so its really a case of which you enjoy more.
6. The ball now moves a lot more fluidly and realistically. It does what a football should

With regards to question 3, how did your own player AI react, ie did they make space for you, make intelligent runs, close down space etc.
Net Physics out of 10? and do you think they will have improved on the final version?
Graphical improvement over 07/UCL out of 10?

My players did seem to move into space a lot more frequently than they did on CL.
I am not a big fan of net physics but from what I saw they moved very nicely when the ball hit the back of it.
Not much has changed graphically really but I didnt expect it to in the relatively short space of time between CL and 08

EAUK_Adroit wrote:
Hi, I just want to say thanks for you taking the time to register on the forums to help us with some feedback!
If you have anything else to add on top of your quoted post regarding the playing experience (atmosphere, gameplay and so on) it would be great if you could either PM your thoughts to myself and VancouverBlade and or post them in the Leipzig thread so we can forward as much information as possible.

Any particualr animations, excluding tricks, that really caught your eye.
Has tackling been improved?
Is the Ref a little more forgiving?
Has defensive jostling for heading been improved?
Are Corners stll "floaty" and based on luck?

The game just looks right. The animations flow so well its hard to pick up on anything that really stood out.
Tackling has been improved and from what I saw the ref lets a lot more go and cautions people when he should. This is a far cry from CL where a lot went unpunished.
Defensive jostling seemed pretty much the same to me.
You now have more control on corners thankfully. Its easier to hit one it at mid height and cause problems
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

That Pages 1-3 on that thread covered, I cant be arsed doing the rest :)
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