Re: FIFA 08 (All Formats)

original question.

What do you guys want from this game?

me? I just want 3 things

1)60 FPS. just smooth buttery branching animations that flow like the moves in NHL 08 and NCAA 08.
2)Better shooting at goal. Not so contextual, just more user controlled decision making. if it HAS TO BE contextual then at least make the shots we do try scoring more on target. i hate seeing every shot of mine just plop off target makes me feel like I am not playing the game.
3)easier difficulty on the lowest setting. i miss the times when i can just kick the ball around and just have fun instead of making every match a sweatfest or a nervous thing..
Re: FIFA 08 (All Formats)

Time to play passes around and looking for an opportunity to play the killer ball, as opposed to getting the ball and charging up front taking whatever chance shows itself as you get into the opposition half (PES springs to mind). I like the slower paced football (in video games, real life is the faster match for some reason).

Accurate shooting model so it shoots where I want the ball to go, NOT where the CPU wants the ball to go.

More relaxed referees letting more tackles go by, recognising bookings when a booking is deserved and not giving bookings for tackles that are blatantly not even a foul, let alone a card.

Headers :) None of the controlling on the chest business (unless it would really get controlled on the chest).
Re: FIFA 08 (All Formats)

Fifa 08 on Pc = Fifa 07 on PC updated. There's nothing new. Very disppointed. Waiting for the 360 version now :(.
Re: FIFA 08 (All Formats)

It sounds like you're only looking at the gfx tuta77, whilst the gameplay has changed on numerous places...
Re: FIFA 08 (All Formats)

agree...the "long balls" bug is also in the game. Every year the same shit. Open your eyes and dont believe this shit!
You "agree" with a question??

HAHA, seriously, if I started posting "PES2008 is PES6, open your eyes" every ten seconds in the PES thread, I would be banned, but you are free to keep posting how shit FIFA is over and over.

This is the first time I'm going to use the ignore feature.
Re: FIFA 08 (All Formats)

agree...the "long balls" bug is also in the game. Every year the same shit. Open your eyes and dont believe this shit!

According to you, next-gen is crap too, any FIFA is crap. So your opinion doesn't really hold much weight I'm afraid.
Re: FIFA 08 (All Formats)

I'm sorry but Current gen= Xbox360 and PS3? So we need to work on our terminology.
That's bugged me for ages, but the 360/PS3 is referred to as "next gen", so what do you call PC/Xbox/PS2? Last-gen? So where's current-gen? Current-gen can't be next-gen because everyone refers to it as next-gen...

*Head explodes, Heroes-style*
Re: FIFA 08 (All Formats)

according to EA the NG demos will be here sooner than 2 weeks highly likely next week on the 6th september
Re: FIFA 08 (All Formats)

That's bugged me for ages, but the 360/PS3 is referred to as "next gen", so what do you call PC/Xbox/PS2? Last-gen? *Head explodes, Heroes-style*

Yep. lol. the quicker the software companies start referring to old consoles as last gen, the quicker they will concentrate all their resources on kick-ass next gen action (Konami are particularly guilty of this by the sounds of things, whereas EA just have another team to make PS2 versions)
Re: FIFA 08 (All Formats)

Technically PS2/Xbox1 are last gen, PS3 and 360 are current gen (because they technically will not improve performance wise) and PC is next gen because its technology continually improves and advances, but of course MS/Sony couldn't stand for that ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (All Formats)

Disappointing demo.

Basically this is FIFA 07 with a few little extra touches, gameplay is similar to previous version, with a few very little enhancements and game looks horrible, DO not base your opinions of FIFA 08 (Next gen version) on this as it appears they are to completely different games. Very disappointing that EA have decided to "dump" PC owners, especially as PES2008 on the PC will use the next gen engine.
Re: FIFA 08 (All Formats)

It sounds like you're only looking at the gfx tuta77, whilst the gameplay has changed on numerous places...

I'm a keyboard player and for it's the same. I already scored a direct corner like I could do in 07. Where's the change ? Please tell me, I'll be glad to be corrected. The only change are the shots : no goal from outside box and better accuracy inside.

I noticed that CPU loves doing feints when he comes near the box. I took 3 goals like that.
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