Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I haven't played UCL, so surely FIFA 08 wil be a massive improvement on current gen Fifa07 and PES6?

I've read the reaction to UCL and on the whole is was very positive.

Fifa looks great, plays a very good game of football (maybe not perfect) has a very decent career mode, has teams from several leagues around the world, and also includes several lower leagues. That's good enough for me.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I don't know what to say? last year i said 07 was gonna be the one. If 08 is anything like what these impressions from people that were in germany is than OMGosh i can't wait!

I am only worried about the scoring...
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

CW is a big fan of UEFA CL and of FIFA 08, and he hasn't said the lag is any better - so I wouldn't trust that to be honest...

Well they both seem respectable reviewers so I'd say the trust was somewhere inbetween, I'll go with the lag's been reduced, but it's still noticeable to some players.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Interesting comments from the Aussie about both games, shame he's gonna be disappointed with those expected updates to PES' ML......
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Two footie games with major flaws sadly.

Fifa with the slow reaction times, floaty crosses, sucky nets.

PES with few leagues, sucky ML, no 2 vs 2 online, probably still the cheating gameplay.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

If FIFA series can finally get on the right track and be something enjoyable like PES I'll be very happy. Have never payed any FIFA game for more than 3 weeks since RTWC 98. Hope it changes this or next year.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Floaty crosses, sticky nets and a small lag time - If thats all we have to worry about then we are being picky. (Yes they do annoy me too!)

FIFA 09 - will be the evolution of next gen football, when they (according to reports) adapt the dynamic gameplay with conditions that could affect the fluid nature of the wonderful game of football.

Adapting weather is the next way forward, especially if they can apply wind direction, strenth and measurements. Little details like the nets/corner flags/players hair/shirts blowing in the wind would be brilliant, as would if raining and the ball hits the bar, rain drips falling off the underside of the bar.

FIFA is moving forward which is nice to see but we have to be patient and be greatful for the improvements we are gaining within 08.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Im a PES fan but also like FIFA. All the problems i find in FIFA 07 looks like will be solve in 08. I always love pes, but this time i confess that im more excited about fifa 08. I dont get the demo of fifa 07 last year, only the full game. My question is: Is the arena mode present in the demo last year? We will have the arena in the fifa´s 08 demo??? Sorry for my english :(
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I know that net physics are important a goal but I don't understand why people are really dissapointed with the ones in FIFA .I'm not saying they're great (in fact they're crap) but that's it ,I won't give it any more importance because after all it's just nets .Maybe someone would like to explain why are nets always to mentionned when (IMHO) it's not an important of the game such as control response,direction,shooting,dribbling,defending and AI.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I think it's so you feel like you've scored a proper goal. Saying that, I had no problems when I was playing with jumpers for goalposts and the net was no where to be seen. ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I know that net physics are important a goal but I don't understand why people are really dissapointed with the ones in FIFA .I'm not saying they're great (in fact they're crap) but that's it ,I won't give it any more importance because after all it's just nets .Maybe someone would like to explain why are nets always to mentionned when (IMHO) it's not an important of the game such as control response,direction,shooting,dribbling,defending and AI.

I don't understand this, either. The nets aren't great in FIFA but such a minor thing seems to disappoint so many people. As long as the game plays well then I dont really care about nets. PES has great nets but is so far behind FIFA in so many other ways that it makes the nets issue look insignificant.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Hehe well said JayM :) I'm one of the ones who aren't too bothered about nets/boots/hairstyles etc, I'd rather they got the gameplay and AI right before moving onto cosmetics.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The nets used in FIFA Road to world cup 2006, were perfect why the hell did they mess around with them!! haha
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

You thought the RTFWC ones were good? I thought they were pretty shitty to be honest but who cares so much about nets? as Snoop says the core Gameplay is what is most important. Everything else is just a bonus... with the exception of Konami's stupid Dog heads!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

well i just read this in the Q&A posted in the last page:
"Have any changes been made to the goal nets?
We've looked into the physics of the goal nets and made changes to make them look more life-like."

that means they did change something in the net it could be that the leipzig GC demo version didnt have those tweaks implemented yet?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

brunnoce I seriously do hope so as at the moment the brick wall nets look awful! also from the sounds of the commentary they have made it sound much more natural and proper..
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I know that net physics are important a goal but I don't understand why people are really dissapointed with the ones in FIFA .I'm not saying they're great (in fact they're crap) but that's it ,I won't give it any more importance because after all it's just nets .Maybe someone would like to explain why are nets always to mentionned when (IMHO) it's not an important of the game such as control response,direction,shooting,dribbling,defending and AI.

Because we want a perfect game. In they can replicate and place so much emphasis on ball physics in next gen technology then surely they could at least bring over that expertise to the net physcs. It's all part of the immersive experience that FIFA are well into.

There is no excuse really when they have adequate net physics in current gen and NOT in next gen.

Anyone who plays football seriously will tell you that watching the way the ball nestles into the back of the net is just as satisfying as putting the ball across the line! It's the same for Basketball players.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Because we want a perfect game. In they can replicate and place so much emphasis on ball physics in next gen technology then surely they could at least bring over that expertise to the net physcs. It's all part of the immersive experience that FIFA are well into.

There is no excuse really when they have adequate net physics in current gen and NOT in next gen.

I get your point perfectly but I still can't stop feeling amused to see that some players are adamant to have perfect nets.I'm not criticising anyone and I respect everyone's point of view .
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

But most players have turned away from the goal to celebrate as soon as the ball crosses the line?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Football Kingdom nets would be brilliant.

Also they should vary the net types not every goal in every stadium is the same.

Some have three stantions at the back, some have two stantions.

A bit of variety to give the game some originality would be brilliant.

Football nets are apart of football therefore they should be apart of the game and re-created properly.

But oh well, its not going to kill us.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Nets are for fishing and pulling off a womans legs.
End of.

I nearly managed to laugh then. :applause:

What is the point in having a football experience without the full football experience it doesnt make sense, however as i said there are enough improvements within the game to put up with steel caged sticky nets.
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