Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I think the people saying they're looking forward to this game immensely (especially Coopz who says he's dying for it now) need to realise that its base is UEFA CL and the button-lag is still there. I agree with Gomito - well, 50%-ish, which I think is the most I will ever agree with him over anything ;) - that if you couldn't stand the lag in UEFA you won't be able to stand it in FIFA 08. Yes the physics are incredible, the AI is improved and the shots are "fixed", but the lag is still there and the crosses are still "floaty", so if you had a problem with either of those in UEFA CL you're going to have a problem with it in FIFA 08. In the same way that I will have a problem with PES2008, because the ML is the same and the videos show it has the same base gameplay, which I don't like any more unfortunately (and I regret that because I had so much fun with the game six or seven years ago).

Just don't get your hopes up too much, because then you're guaranteed to be disappointed (because the slightest little thing will send you crashing down to earth).

There was talk of a game-speed option a while ago (which is in current-gen but I doubt will be in next-gen to be honest, it wasn't before but apparently a "contact" - how reliable have they been lately - said it will be). That may "fix" everything, because if you increase the speed of the game then you increase the speed of the animation run and the speed of the reactions, plus the speed of the crosses (so the ball won't appear to float). But A) this is at the expense of realistic speed, and B) I really really doubt it will be in next-gen. But we'll see. Not long to go until the demo now... Hopefully...
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

New to the forums pes and fifa fan has anyone tested the game from leipzig as i got a few questions im a fifa addict
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I think the people saying they're looking forward to this game immensely (especially Coopz who says he's dying for it now) need to realise that its base is UEFA CL and the button-lag is still there. I agree with Gomito - well, 50%-ish, which I think is the most I will ever agree with him over anything ;) - that if you couldn't stand the lag in UEFA you won't be able to stand it in FIFA 08. Yes the physics are incredible, the AI is improved and the shots are "fixed", but the lag is still there and the crosses are still "floaty", so if you had a problem with either of those in UEFA CL you're going to have a problem with it in FIFA 08. In the same way that I will have a problem with PES2008, because the ML is the same and the videos show it has the same base gameplay, which I don't like any more unfortunately (and I regret that because I had so much fun with the game six or seven years ago).

Just don't get your hopes up too much, because then you're guaranteed to be disappointed (because the slightest little thing will send you crashing down to earth).

There was talk of a game-speed option a while ago (which is in current-gen but I doubt will be in next-gen to be honest, it wasn't before but apparently a "contact" - how reliable have they been lately - said it will be). That may "fix" everything, because if you increase the speed of the game then you increase the speed of the animation run and the speed of the reactions, plus the speed of the crosses (so the ball won't appear to float). But A) this is at the expense of realistic speed, and B) I really really doubt it will be in next-gen. But we'll see. Not long to go until the demo now... Hopefully...

Jack my mate told me the shots we very realistic, he said nothing about the crosses, but he felt the game was slow, I personally prefer a slower game
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

After putting the ole CL disc back in, heres a few things that NEED to be changed for 08.

1) The ridiculous computer AI beating ur whole team with ONE player. This happens FAR too often and is not realistic.

2) Because of the awkward control system, its very hard to tackle a player. The computer seems to have more control of their players than you do when you are dribbling. It feels clunky and needs to be tightend.

3)The goalkeepers. When they dive, it takes them a fucking age to get up. I hope in 08 they are able to do two saves in quick sucession.

If they fix them 3 major gripes, its going to be one hell of a game.

Agree with all of that. Popped it in today aswell and when Messi got the ball he would just dribble round all my players and wasn't passing it. And don't say "oh that cos Messi does that in real life" because loads of players in uefa do it.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

It plays like UEFA CL thats a bit of a shame I didnt like that game too much!

and that button lag was so frustrating but what was worse was the lack of control of the players and how long it took them to turn and control the ball has this been improved ?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I think the people saying they're looking forward to this game immensely (especially Coopz who says he's dying for it now) need to realise that its base is UEFA CL and the button-lag is still there. I agree with Gomito - well, 50%-ish, which I think is the most I will ever agree with him over anything ;) - that if you couldn't stand the lag in UEFA you won't be able to stand it in FIFA 08. Yes the physics are incredible, the AI is improved and the shots are "fixed", but the lag is still there and the crosses are still "floaty", so if you had a problem with either of those in UEFA CL you're going to have a problem with it in FIFA 08. In the same way that I will have a problem with PES2008, because the ML is the same and the videos show it has the same base gameplay, which I don't like any more unfortunately (and I regret that because I had so much fun with the game six or seven years ago).

Just don't get your hopes up too much, because then you're guaranteed to be disappointed (because the slightest little thing will send you crashing down to earth).

There was talk of a game-speed option a while ago (which is in current-gen but I doubt will be in next-gen to be honest, it wasn't before but apparently a "contact" - how reliable have they been lately - said it will be). That may "fix" everything, because if you increase the speed of the game then you increase the speed of the animation run and the speed of the reactions, plus the speed of the crosses (so the ball won't appear to float). But A) this is at the expense of realistic speed, and B) I really really doubt it will be in next-gen. But we'll see. Not long to go until the demo now... Hopefully...

agreed 100% jack..
basically its this way:
if u liked UCL u will problaby love fifa08
if u didnt like UCL u might like fifa08
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I gave in yesterday, sat down and did all the Prem transfers since UCL came out, took fucking ages, finally played a friendly as Portsmouth v Wigan, lost 2-0 :(

Helped ease the pain of waiting for Fifa08 a little though ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

lol I tried to do that in FIFA could only do 2 from man utd as nani and anderson aint even in the game, Hargreaves played well for me tho
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

You sold UCL but kept 07? You doofus ;)

I bought Fifa 07 $360 pre-owned for $30SG (about £10) and sold it last week for the same price :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Where abouts in Singapore do you live mate? I love it out there. Had the pleasure of staying at the shangri-la.. it's immense! Completely different life out there to what it is in the UK.

anyway back on topic. I cannot wait for this game now. I was playing UCL earlier and was thinking how good it would be to be pulling off skills and playing for these 30 leagues and having all the up to date players and kits. The Emirates looks great in the Arsenal-Bayern vid. They've got the grass and the general feel of the stadium spot on.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

this last bayer x arsenal video is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery impressed with the movement off player without the ball!!!!
it seems to be the most impressive AI ever made in a fotball game!!!
and the crosses are very good and realistic and not floaty like in the previous fifas...
the animations are :shock::shock::shock::shock:!!!
the passes really seems to be variety with speed passes and slower passes...
ball physics is fine to me...
i never been so excited with one fifa in all my life...
it really surprised me!!!
need to play now!!!:D:D
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I live in the centre to the North, right near Braddel MRT if you ever went to it :) Yes completely different way of life, better in almost every way imaginable, I even love the rainy season which is starting shortly again, get some amazing rainfalls/thunderstorms here :)

Attached some pics from the view of my apartment balcony during one of the rainstorms :)

There's a GCA here next week, my wife gets to go for free cos she's in the industry and all that, she's gonna visit the EA stand at my request so I'm sending her with a list of questions! If anyone has any to suggest let me know :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

well, i read this in the soccergaming foruns and i think very interesting!!!!!!
impressions one guy that has been in Leipzig and play both games!!!!!!

Hi fellas, just got back from Germany to my homeland Australia and wanted to post my impressions of both games.

If people remember, I posted one of the first impressions last year for FIFA 07 on 360 and subsequently for UEFA CL 06/07.

I was lucky enough to have had the opportunity to see FIFA 08 and PES 2008 in action in Leipzig, and have a proper hands on on both, and here are my impressions:

Since this is a FIFA forum, I'll keep PES comments to a minimum, so why not start with just a quick summary of PES.

PES fans will be happy with this installment as it definitely is what PES6 on 360 was suppose to be. It is sharp, full of incredible animations, excellent ball physics, some impressive faces and player models and what's most important it really plays well.
At first it seems like same ol' same ol', but as with any PES it grows on you after a while.
- It is less robotic than before, and I was most impressed with the animation. It really has to be seen, such an attention to detail.
- The game is a bit fast for my liking and for that very reason it seems more arcadey than the game actually is.
- Animation wise, like I already said, the game is incredible experience.
- Load times are minimal, no "black screens" after fouls, corners etc... get's you back in the action right away.
- I'm not a huge fan of the default ball (purple one) but ball physics are great. It bounces off like a real thing, and player reaction when hit by the ball is awesome.
- Net physics are impressive if not a tad too "springy".
- Shooting has been improved, it is more realistic than PES6, which had some ridiculous shots from 5 yards away (balooned in the sky for example)
- Flow of the game is very FLUID, it is as fluid as it gets...

At first 360 version looked to have an edge over PS3, which was quite surprising to me, however I realised that old Sharp screens used to demo PES on PS3 were to blame. Once I saw the game up and running on X series bravia's it looks pretty much identical as 360 version... Again, it may be slightly disappointing to hear that, as there were rumours that PS3 is a platform PES is built on and then ported on other platforms so seeing that it is the same thing as 360 might disappoing some PS fanboys.

The only concern I had graphics wise is some slowdowns during cut scenes, so let's hope Konai irons this out before game goes gold.

More importantly, the impressions of the FIFA 8 are very very positive. We all loved 07, at least the direction it was suppose to take the series. It was surely flawed, but definitely a move in the right direction. Well, it seems like EA finally arrived to that "right direction" with 08.
It is one incredibly impressive looking game, at FULL 1080p HD resolution and 60 fps for both PS3 and 360.
The game looks identical on both platforms which is great.

Details in 08 are stunning, I think even after months and months of playing it will keep people impressed. Animation is crazy. My wife thought it was a real match on Tele we were watching, even though she knew it was a game. So at times it really tricks.

Colours are much better than 07 washed out look, game is vibrant, with impressive lighting. Player models look better than ever, with kits that fold and become dirty/sweaty.

The menu looks pretty much the same as 07 and CL 06/07 which is not bad at all. The arena is now in the daylight, as opposed to a night arena that was in 07 and here I had a chance to check out the new tricks system and just play around with Ronaldhino.

The new tricks system is in a word GREAT.
I can't imagine better implementation of tricks in a football game than this. It is "logical", and it takes some getting used to. What is important is that you can't execute all the tricks with all players, there are some tricks like elastico, which only ronaldhino (and suppose a few other players) can do, at least I was able to pull off only with ronaldhino. Basic tricks are easy to execute and some more advanced naturally flow from here, but some of the really technical tricks are quite tricky to do and it is great to see that there is a balance in the actual execution of the tricks, and not just tapping the button or spinning the trick stick. So it will take time to master some of the more advanced tricks.
In a summary, tricks are back, better than ever and the look of these, feel and usability is absolutely spot on. It will make the game completely different to last year's installment.

Gameplay wise, it plays extremely well. Game is much much more responsive, and you feel more in control. It doesn't feel like players are on a rail and it is well done how players translate one animation into another. So controls are much better, which will be the first thing you notice when you play for the first time.

Shooting, crossing and passing is significantly improved and feels different than last year's game. Feels very natural and unscripted.

The pace is football perfect (as opposed to PES which is much faster than real football), and attention to detail is incredible.
For the sake, in PES for example when you are executing a free throw, and you start moving a player left or right, the player spins over his axis (i.e. it slides)... In Fifa 08, the player actually twists his upper body towards the player you want to throw the ball to with feet perfectly planted in the ground, then takes a couple of steps back and throws the ball. It looks amazing, and very realistic. This attention to detail will knock you off the ground. There is no sliding/treading in Fifa at all...

The ball feels more free than in 07, and it flows naturally from one player to another. Passing looks amazing, especially first touch passing. Manual passing has been improved from 07. Ball feels heavy enough and is convincing.

Shooting has been much improved, and shots off the ground finally look like they should, no more "funny" looking shots or jump shots like in 07. These are still in the game, but happen in the appropriate occasion.
The ball bounces off very realistically when you hit other players, so there is a definite distinction when the ball hits another human being and a post for example.
Sounds is as crazy as it always has been in Fifa.

A few problems that I found a bit disappoing were AI related, especially GK AI, as I scored a few cheap goals, AI players not responding to a ball that was just a meter away from them, and occasionally players not running towards the ball when you pass them, however an EA guy was quick to point out that the version we were playing is older than the one team is working on and that AI was one of the top on the list things to be balanced out before the game ships.
Let's hope they improve it.
On a more positive note, I haven't noticed ridiculous GK saves like when you shoot full power and GK just catches it like it was a cheap shot, instead GK punches the ball or just deflects it in the other way. This made close shots more interesting. Also, the GK l doesn't just magically deflect the ball to the opposition forward, which was case in 07 and some really cheap goals scored. Sliding tackes look incredible and animations when you knock a player will blow you away.

Another disappointment is net physics which are identical to last year's game. I don't know what's wrong with EA and net physics, last gen game had better net physics than next-gen game. It is quite funny to see a ball almost getting "sticky" to a net like it is a spider web not goal net. Oh well, we'll have to live with it I guess. But it does hurt overall slick presentation and spot on attention to details.
Fifa is definitelly not just tweaked version of 07. It certainly uses the same engine as a basis, but game feels, looks and plays like a completely different game, which is good of course.

I had just one match of be a pro and it looks like a great addition to a game. It is definitely something I will give a proper shot once the game ships. I was worried that it would be boring and not properly presented, but I was wrong, the camera is awesome and it you really get a feeling you are "in the game".

All in all, we will have 2 proper next-gen, and I dare to say, first next-gen football games worth it's next-gen name.

Both PS3 and 360 receive same treatment graphics, sound, gameplay wise so no fanboyism by the system.

Between PES and Fifa, both are incredibly enjoyable and you would be MAD not to get both. At least I will... And even if historically only played one or the other, you'll be happy with sticking to your choice, as both are an improvement to games before.

Football games are definitely stellar this year.

Here in Australia we usually get FIFA a week before EU release, so I'll come back mid-late September to post the impressions of a final game.

Till then, happy reading, and hopefully you get something out of this post.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have and I'll try to answer them.

P.S. Just a note to guys that I played Fifa 07 online last year, I had a bad experience with my 360 (6 consoles died on me) so I changed camps and you can find me on PSN...

his name in the soccergaming forum is Miki23!!
i don´t know if he will post here, so i do!!!;)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

more from Miki23...

Originally Posted by goal_machine84 View Post
Very interesting reading indeed...sounds like you work with EA/Konami or both or a game magazine Miki23

You gave a very balanced view of both games but imo, it was too balanced !! I dont mean to say that you should take sides but i would have loved to know which game just edged it for you with the hands-on playing time you had ?

The only thing that FIFA lacks is in the gameplay department....that is the "feel" you get in terms of player control/movement and ball physics which dont match upto PES yet.

FIFA feels too "mechanical" whereas PES feels independent and more fluid/natural...the transitions between animations in PES is just out of this world, i think thats the key to fluidness and natural gameplay

I would try the demos and judge them but i just feel EA have a long way to go untill they get that "feel"...they maybe taking the right steps but it will take them time


"Posted by Miki23"

I won't comment about my work ;o), but you are on the right track (I'll give you a hint, I don't work for EA nor Konami).

It is hard to pick a side if you are trying to be objective. And I'm not trying to be objective so that people don't flame me nor for the reason to leave impression that I don't enjoy one or the other better.

Subjectively I am more impressed with Fifa. Konami is "there" already and PES2008 is what PES players will expect it to be. They'll be right at home after a few matches and getting used to a new game. Plus if new Master League is what it promises than it sounds even more exciting.

However, PES is a bit stale and I grew over it (a bit) to be honest. I'm playing it for the past 10 years, and yes it is a benchmark football gameplay... But I think we are (or at least I am) coming to a stage where it is not all about gameplay, because the gap between Fifa and PES gameplay is not as night and day anymore. There are other things that count and make the game fun and long lasting.

For example, I enjoyed Fifa manager mode better than Master League, especially last years...

This year I think Fifa has good enough gameplay to keep you going and keep things fresh, realistic and engaging. Fifa tries to be something different. It is not hard core simulation, but it is not arcadey either. What is important, it is FUN to play. It has a lot of potential... PES has a new master league too, and I don't know much more about it besides what has been already posted before on the forums, so without repeating that I am yet to see it in action and make up my mind about it. Hopefully it is as good as it sounds.

Some will even argue that it has an edge over PES gameplay wise. It all depends from what you expect from a game. I'm not talking about licences and presentation now, but purely from a gameplay perspective.

If you like a slower paced (realistic), but nevertheless exciting football, Fifa is definitely a game to go for. It is well paced, has a variety of camera engles to satisfy everyone, it flows beautifully, it is not robotic anymore, ball feels great - it is free and feels unscripted. You have to build up your game well before you get in a chance to score. AI even though I criticised it, it is quite good in reading your game and learning your patterns of attack (as PES calls is Teamvision)... so both games offer you that...

Goals you score are quite rewarding and realistic, and atmosphere the game creates is unparalelled in football games. I even enjoyed watching others play really, which means the gameplay has to be convincing enough to have people stare at the screen and watch. No two goals were the same from those scored, so it is not repetitive as it was an issue with Fifa before. It was for the first time exciting to be just a part of an audience.

Controls wise, Fifa requires you to be percise, i.e. to be accurate in your controls... more than before, but not as accurate as PES. Especially new trick system brings that to life. So PES still has a slight edge there, especially if you play with the D-Pad. But PES feels a bit same 'ol same 'ol... but again different. People do expect a revolution from PES, like 360 degree controls etc... and it's 16way movement is now more "annoying" then before. This type of movement is more evidenced in PES than Fifa this year, as Fifa feels more "blended in". Having said that, it is by no means something people will be necessarily put off PES or Fifa.

If we compare games as a whole package and what each brings, then Fifa has no contestant. It has more teams and players, more game modes, better presentation (graphics + sound), more licences (if you are fussed by those) and better online support. I'm unsure about Master League vs. Fifa Manager mode so I can't comment on that. If you take into accound FIWC then there you go, it's another thing to be happy for as a PS3 owner and Fifa fan.

Personally, I'm looking forward to play both and I love that each game brings something different and an experience of football from different perspectives.

I'll conclude by saying that Fifa is convincing enough gameplay wise to be taken seriously and made bigger improvement than PES did from last-gen. It is quite realistic representation of the sport. There's still room for improvement, but it is "there" now. Future releases will tweak things here and there, just like annual PES improvements, but gameplay is there.

If you really love football, you'll try them both for yourself and give each game a proper chance to grow on you.

There is no easy winner this year, and people will still find taking one side or the other. I forecast review scores of 9/10 for both, for different reasons.

We'll see... but it is a "releif" to know that no one game is a clear winner and definite choice. Fans of both or either one will be happy with the package.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Great photos Placebo :)

Hmmm Australia gets the game a week earlier than EU? I might order from Australia then :)
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

fucking nets, really lets this game down

i hate it in UCL when your shot goes just over the bar and then sticks to the top of the net.....looks awful
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Interesting to read this:

Gameplay wise, it plays extremely well. Game is much much more responsive, and you feel more in control. It doesn't feel like players are on a rail and it is well done how players translate one animation into another. So controls are much better, which will be the first thing you notice when you play for the first time.

Gives me some more hope that it will be responsive enough for me.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Agreed on the shitty net physics, I think the nets were pretty decent in the Road to world cup 2006 (first ever fifa game on the 360) I cant see why they cant resort back to them!!

On the whole im looking forward to testing the game out, im not getting over excited,FIFA always seem to let me down when i get excited.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)


All versions

Will it be possible to simulate individual matches or dates in Manager Mode?
Yes, individual matches can be simulated via the visual or quick-sim however it won’t be possible to sim to a specific date but who would want to as in FIFA 08 you have the option to schedule mid-week practices to improve specific player attributes.

Will players be able to choose from the whole squad rather than just fifteen players when playing online?
Unfortunately, it will be the same as FIFA 07. You get to play with the pre-selected squad of 16 players. However, this list will be updated once around launch and once after the January transfer window with our transfer database updates. If you think the first 16 players for the teams are wrong please let us know in the forums and we’ll look at making changes for the winter update.

Will there be real companies for sponsors in manager mode or will it be generic ones?
No, it will be fictional companies as in FIFA 07.

Will there be real money in manager mode, and will you be able to select between Euro, Pound Sterling, and US Dollar?
Yes, in Manager Mode you’ll have the option to select which currency will be used. The options are Euro, Pound Sterling and the US Dollar. This option is available from the Manager Contract screen at the start of the game mode.

Have you considered including a dive button?
It’s something that had crossed our minds but the reality is that we are striving to recreate the beautiful game within the parameters of the official rules. It’s unfortunate that diving is part of the real sport and with the videogame we’re in a position to maintain what makes football great in it’s purest form – skill, vision and determination.

Will the Classic XI be included?
Yes, our FIFA Classic XI and World XI teams will be included.

Any plans for demo prior to release? When can we expect it?
We're working on a demo for PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. We plan to release this in September but the exact date is TBC - we're trying to get the balance between a demo that is exactly the same gameplay as the finished game and one that arrives with plenty of time for you to play it.

Will the referee and linesman be visible?
We only show the match officials during in-game cut-scenes to display bookings, red cards and warnings.

This is another feature that generated a lot of passion in our studio. Having the referee and linesman visible during the match is something we really want to do and really deliver on it. It’s important to the story of each match and having dynamic interactions between players and match officials is certainly a feature we’ll be looking at for our next game.

What’s being done about online quitters?
We're looking into this at the moment. We're looking back at the scoring logic and want to test the system to see what improvements we can try to create a more level playing field. We're also working on new tools to identify cheating so we can react to reports with stats and data to prove if someone was cheating. Sometimes when people think they've been cheated it's just a network issue = we had a chase where someone lost their Wi-Fi network when their girlfriend used the microwave so not every disconnect is a cheat but we're certainly looking at it.

Will we be able to edit player’s faces and stats? Will there be a limit?
You can edit every player's stats but can only edit a player's face if they have a generic face. We have set a limit for memory reasons.

Which leagues are being included this year?
We’re actually adding three new leagues this year to the roster we had for current-gen version of FIFA 07 to all the different versions we’re releasing on all platforms. The new leagues are:

* Irish Eircom Leauge
* Czech Gambrinus League
* Australia Hyundai A-League

Is there an official release date yet?
We’re going to be announcing this very shortly.

You have suggested that you will be able to change player using the right analogue stick, do you have any more information about how this will work?
When the other team has the ball, you simply flick the right stick in the direction of the player you want to control. It gives you complete control of which player you are controlling and is a great compliment to the button-press player switch.

Next-gen - PS3 & 360

Is shirt-pulling part of the game?
No however we have done lots of work on physical play including a new jostling system and a re-written collision system with 100’s of new collision animations.

Can we play 2 vs 2 online?
Yes you will be able to play 2 vs 2 online using Multi-Player Co-op

Will the pitch degrade during a match or over the course of the season?
Yes, we have seasonal pitch wear to show how the pitch will degrade throughout the season and improve slightly towards the end of the year when the weather improves. But through the winter months in Manager Mode you will see a noticeable difference. The stadium you’re playing in will also make a difference. For example, playing in a Division 2 stadium will not have the same maintenance as the big top league grounds.

How are the goal keepers going to change based on the new shooting system?
Increasing the variety and realism of the shooting system has allowed us to make similar strides with the GK. Some of these improvements include:

* Shot Preparation: The GK will prepare to save by hopping forward to narrow the angle and getting into a crouch position, thus narrowing the angle and enabling him to dive further.
* Reaction time: After a shot is taken the GK will take a little time to react to the shot to enable him to ‘read’ the ball trajectory.
* Line of sight: If he cannot see the ball being kicked then his reactions will be slower
* Anticipation Saves: In 1-on-1 situations the GK will realize that the shot is too close to react to and thus preemptively dive as soon as the attacker starts to kick
* Momentum: More realistic momentum will enable the user to wrong foot the GK. If the GK is moving left for example it will inhibit his ability to save shots that go to his right.
* Animations: All of the GK animations have been reworked making them more fluid and realistic.

Will there be a full practice pitch in the next-gen version like we have seen in previous titles on current gen; not the arena but the full-on pitch where you can select how many players on each side?
Not for FIFA 08. Our focus was to really invest in our core 11 v 11 gameplay experience and we’re still using our Arena to showcase the new gameplay features that you’ll see this year. The skill move feature alone has a huge impact to what you can do in the Arena.

Will there be more club crest gamer pictures available?
We are still working on our downloadable content plan and will announce something closer to launch

How have free kicks changed from FIFA 07?
We re-worked the free-kick system from 07 and it now gives the user more control over the power and spin of the ball

Will weather be a feature in FIFA 08?
Not in FIFA 08 unfortunately. When we do weather, we want weather to affect primarily the pitch and how the ball and players move across the surface and then we want to ensure our visuals are ultra-realistic with kits, player’s skin and hair and the stadium and crowd all being affected by the weather conditions.

Can we now save replays?
This is one of the exciting new features we’re introducing into FIFA 08. You can now upload your replays directly to a specific location on the internet and then access it straight away. You can now share that replay with the entire FIFA community. We’ve been testing this feature internally and it’s generated a lot of banter and debate as to who has scored the best goal of the day and who had the worst result

Is the crowd 3D?
Yes and they look lovely.

Is there a free-kick editor?
No we don’t have this feature. We spent a lot of time working on the free-kick system to give the user more control over their shot using topspin, backspin and sidespin.

Has defensive heading been improved?
We have done lots of work on our trapping system and our in air trapping system to give the user more control over in air situations. Headers are definitely balanced a lot better this year as a result.

Can keepers get sent off or injured this year?
Unfortunately we weren’t able to add this feature into the game this year but it’s on the list for next year.

Can we use official boots like in FIFA 07 for created players and edit existing players boots?
Yes, we have all the latest official boots in FIFA 08 and you’ll be able to edit existing and created players and select which boots you want them to wear

Are there more official goalkeeper kits?
Yes, we’ve created more kits this year than in any other version of FIFA. In fact I can tell you that we have close to 1400 kits in the game this year. This includes the obvious official home and away kits as well as official goalkeeper kits for all the top teams. We also have a selection of 3rd kits that can be accessed via the Fan Shop within the game.

Will the “You’ll Never Walk Alone” chant be in the game?
Yes, this is one of our many licensed chants. It’s important that we not only convey an authentic performance from our crowd but also ensure that those trademark chants are included in the game. You’ll Never Walk Alone is a chant synonymous with the Liverpool and Celtic fans. I’ve been lucky enough to attend many matches at Anfield over the years and when you experience that atmosphere it really does inspire you to deliver that same sense of emotion in our game.

How many stadiums will there be and will Celtic park be in there?
We will have 30 environments. Unfortunately Celtic Park isn’t included this year but we’ve included the Scottish Premier League in FIFA 08. So you can take the helm as manager of Celtic in our Manager Mode experience and aim to keep the silverware coming back to the Bhoys. Conversely you can always attempt to take newcomers Gretna to glory! We will be launching a request for stadiums you'd like to see us work on for the next game.

Will there be more national teams?
We’ve added a handful of additional national teams. But what we’ve really focused on is domestic football. We’ve added three additional leagues in FIFA 08 on Xbox360 and PlayStation3.

One of the biggest criticisms we had on FIFA07 was the lack of depth and teams. It was our goal to address this for FIFA 08 and we thought let’s not just match the number of leagues and teams in our current-generation of FIFA titles, let’s add a lot more. And that’s what we’ve done. FIFA 08 has more players, teams and leagues than any other FIFA game to date.

Have any new celebrations been added?
We’ve added a few new goal celebrations this year. In addition to this we also play a goal celebration cut-scene based on its importance in the match. Getting the context right and ensuring we have a believable celebration is vital. For example, you don’t want to see the player’s jumping all over each other after they’ve scored a consolation goal while six goals behind!

Will the game be any harder than previous versions?
I wouldn’t say the game is simply more difficult than last year but that the improvements that we’ve made to the AI will provide more of a challenge. Each of our players now process 35 different choices simultaneously making them react far more realistically. There won’t be any cheats or sweet spots for beating the best players. We're very happy with the AI in the game and feel it’s really taken massive steps this year.

Will there be a create-a-player mode?
Yes; there is a create-a-player mode (it's like the one that was in FIFA 07 on the Xbox 360).

Have any changes been made to the goal nets?
We've looked into the physics of the goal nets and made changes to make them look more life-like.

Will you have some shirts tucked in and others un-tucked (Lionel Messi)?
Yes, this will feature in FIFA 08 and each player in our extensive database is assigned to either having a tucked in or loose shirt. Lionel Messi and Wayne Rooney for example never tuck their shirts in.

I think they haven't been posted before... :roll:
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Yeah i know.......but i will continue to hope that it is a bit improved. Strange that he (mike) said that though, as the rest of what he says seems to be very accurate/balanced, including his pes views.

Just wait for the demo.......
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

No information about defending in FIFA :( .I don't wanna see those crazy runs and goals made by the CPU with any players because it sucked big time in UCL .Everything else makes me more excited about FIFA 08 than PES2008 this year.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I think the people saying they're looking forward to this game immensely (especially Coopz who says he's dying for it now) need to realise that its base is UEFA CL and the button-lag is still there. I agree with Gomito - well, 50%-ish, which I think is the most I will ever agree with him over anything ;) - that if you couldn't stand the lag in UEFA you won't be able to stand it in FIFA 08. Yes the physics are incredible, the AI is improved and the shots are "fixed", but the lag is still there and the crosses are still "floaty", so if you had a problem with either of those in UEFA CL you're going to have a problem with it in FIFA 08. In the same way that I will have a problem with PES2008, because the ML is the same and the videos show it has the same base gameplay, which I don't like any more unfortunately (and I regret that because I had so much fun with the game six or seven years ago).

I think i enjoyed UCL but all my mate are PES players so not much UCL or Fifa got played, I completed the champions league though and it was very easy but i did like it

I would try it again now but i have lost the disk
i wanna give it another go though so im gonna have to go searching
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I learned that GC Asia in Singapore next week is free public entry on the Saturday and Sunday, so if the Fifa demo isn't out by then I might be tempted to go take a look, no idea if Konami are their but I assume so........
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