Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

:) ta for that WMV Video of Man United and Everton. I could really see how the game has changed, it again looks more refined, tighter gameplay. The main issue I have with what I have just seen is the ball physics... they do seem a bit too floaty to be honest. But anything has got to be better than stiff robotic players and bullshit deflections :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

omg what a second goal that was from ronaldinho nice commentry to :)

tbh, the Barcelona team sheet alone is enough to make grown men weep and tear their clothes in exstacy!

The game mode looks interesting. It may not work that brilliantly but at least its something different.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Not 100% keen on be a pro Offline, Will be interesting to see how it works online! :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Doesn't Be a pro mode only let you play friendlies.


Be A Pro: Co-op Season — Take on the role of a professional footballer, create your own player and test yourself in one position for an entire season. Master positioning, improve your attributes and develop into an elite player. Co-operate with up to three friends fixed to their player on the same team, but compete with those same friends on individual challenges. All performances are tracked through detailed statistics to determine who really is a pro.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I finally found a decent flv - avi converter so I was able to clean up and edit one of the Fifa 08 vids that had a segment I found very impressive.....

Video is some human player versus AI, watch how the AI builds an attack down the left wing after the human foolishly gives the ball away, I love how it builds the attack patiently, sees there's nobody in the box to pass to so delays then rolls the ball back to the attacking left back and eventually the pass comes into the attacker and a good shot is matched by a good save.......

Also impressive is the movement of the AI, always looking for space and making themselves available for a pass etc. etc.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Be A Pro: Co-op Season — Take on the role of a professional footballer, create your own player and test yourself in one position for an entire season. Master positioning, improve your attributes and develop into an elite player. Co-operate with up to three friends fixed to their player on the same team, but compete with those same friends on individual challenges. All performances are tracked through detailed statistics to determine who really is a pro.

That's current gen only, the next gen versions sadly only have be a pro one off matches so it's pretty shite IMO.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

hold on a second, are you sure that is fifa08. I have been getting excited about some of the other videos but my reaction to this one is that is looked just like UEFA CL.... i didnt see anything new added to the gameplay... i didnt see the new tricks, and shooting looked the same, not sure what to think now :(
Dunno what video you saw, but it's certainly FIFA 08 and I see many things improved...
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Dunno what video you saw, but it's certainly FIFA 08 and I see many things improved...
ok i played a game with UEFA CL and now i do see some things, the passing has gotten tighter.. i.e. you can pass in smaller spaces, really good. The shooting seemend better too now that i look at it. But all of this goes for not if there still is a delay between button pressing and what your player does..
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I think you can pretty much guaruntee that there will be some sort of button delay but maybe not as hars as previous efforts.

The whole game looks tighter to me with the ability to play nice intricate football, its just that the people playing it are crap and do not know how to play it like football.

Even a few efforts with tricks would be nice but I have not seen hardly any in game trick sequences.

But you can tell they are one continuous animation from the arena shots so i am not too bothered.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I think you can pretty much guaruntee that there will be some sort of button delay but maybe not as hars as previous efforts.

The whole game looks tighter to me with the ability to play nice intricate football, its just that the people playing it are crap and do not know how to play it like football.

Even a few efforts with tricks would be nice but I have not seen hardly any in game trick sequences.

But you can tell they are one continuous animation from the arena shots so i am not too bothered.

tell me about it, I've always found it a real shame that gameplay videos seemed to always be filmed by people who honestly can't play the game properly. Maybe they feel they have to play fast and furious to get goals for people to see for instance, but I rather see two players who know who to build attacks, keep posession and make the most of their players attributes.

Maybe this is the problem with the diabolical PES2008 videos I've seen. No change of pace at all, just playing one two's down the middle etc. Maybe PES2008 is a pleasant playing experience if you take the time to play as if it was a real game of football.

Strangely enough, the FIFA players on the whole seem to be better at defending and building attacks than the PES players. In the past, PES has always been the game for those that take the game ALMOST too seriously.

I just can't wait to play FIFA, yes it looks good, the graphics look far superior to PES, the Audio is excellent as usual, but it just looks as if you can play the game how you want it. Players seem to be able to slow the pace of the game down when required and then up the tempo for instance when someone like Kaka/Gerrard gets on the ball with space infront of him. Even the AI seems capable of playing a patient game, passing to someone in a better position, holding the ball up for support etc. The AI in FIFA already looks light years ahead of PES. I'm just hoping the player likenesses and the stat engine is as good as PES's
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Do you think FIFA 08 on PS3 and XBOX 360 will be better than PES2008? I personally think the graphics of FIFA 08 looks a bit better than PES. The gamplay seems good in both games, what do u think?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

tell me about it, I've always found it a real shame that gameplay videos seemed to always be filmed by people who honestly can't play the game properly. Maybe they feel they have to play fast and furious to get goals for people to see for instance, but I rather see two players who know who to build attacks, keep posession and make the most of their players attributes.

Maybe this is the problem with the diabolical PES2008 videos I've seen. No change of pace at all, just playing one two's down the middle etc. Maybe PES2008 is a pleasant playing experience if you take the time to play as if it was a real game of football.

Strangely enough, the FIFA players on the whole seem to be better at defending and building attacks than the PES players. In the past, PES has always been the game for those that take the game ALMOST too seriously.

I just can't wait to play FIFA, yes it looks good, the graphics look far superior to PES, the Audio is excellent as usual, but it just looks as if you can play the game how you want it. Players seem to be able to slow the pace of the game down when required and then up the tempo for instance when someone like Kaka/Gerrard gets on the ball with space infront of him. Even the AI seems capable of playing a patient game, passing to someone in a better position, holding the ball up for support etc. The AI in FIFA already looks light years ahead of PES. I'm just hoping the player likenesses and the stat engine is as good as PES's

Nice post Peter

That is something I have noticed, that the AI can also dictate the pace rather than continually catching you on the break(A LA PES)The Ai passes well and you can tell that it seems to evaluate threat and reward quite well.

It makes for a realistic approach that may well be more rewarding if you put everything to manual on a hard setting.Putting moves together done by you is what makes a game special, no script just intelligent creative play from the user.

This approach is going to result in far more tighter games scrapeing 1-0 wins or getting draws rather than the 3-3 we see alot of in FIFA 07 and UCL.

looking forward to taking Notts forest to Anfield to come away with a well earned point on a difficult setting lol
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

one nice thing i notice in the man utd everton video is that we have EPL fonts now...first time in next gen i guess.

also, everton has the real gk kit...meaning not only eropean giant teams will have them like in past versions.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The EPL fonts may be real but they're still stupidly small. And they still all look like apes. Apart from that it looks good.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The EPL fonts may be real but they're still stupidly small. And they still all look like apes. Apart from that it looks good.

If your in London I suggest you visit London Zoo and see what real apes look like. ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

looks and sounds very good.
the only things i don't like about it is that from far its hard to differentiate the players from each other and the transitions between the animations could be smoother. other than that this game is looking good.

o and the heads look a little too big for the bodies.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

had to post this...........

over on the ea fifa o8 forum, things are really heating up, people swearing and stuff askin when is the demo out, and in the middle of all the chaos, some little foreign guy comes out with........

" but you can at least say if fifa 08 PC will be various from the 07?
there will be finally the T-shirt outside from the shorts? "

and i actually laughed out loud, i was pissing myself.

people are asking if shooting will be better, nets, animations, and here is some little guy, right on the edge, just wondering if this is THE year, that finally the shirts will be untucked. lol

cheered me right up :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Lol fookin hilarious is that! I got flamed in that forum because I said "Stop whinging,the demo will be out when its out!"
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