Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Put it like this......

Would you not buy a Skoda car based on the fact that they uesd to make shit motors but are now one of the best manufacturers around?

Judging from the feeble 360 version (which i borrowed regrettably) they'll need to perform miracles to reach that status...
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

the thing is I heard the PC version is not next-gen , so I wonder if we're going to have the 1000 descision thing the AI supposly have on pc? and do the flow of the game will change any idea or tought?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Watch the defender try and jump in front of the ball when the player strikes it. Can't wait to get this on my 106" screen via my HD projector.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I didn't see that defender jump until you mentioned it JayD. It's little things like that that you wouldn't normally notice and kinda take for granted that are cool when someone points them out.

I'm gutted I'll have to wait til September for the demo (got a PS3), but maybe the PC demo will be good enough. I (and a couple others on another forum) actually thought Madden 08 on PC (using the current gen system) was a lot better than 360/PS3 versions, things like the grass looked miles better on the PC. So fingers crossed for PC then :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I get so bored with posts that try to justify thier support for a game that is all down to the marmite syndrome.

you either love it or hate it , simple as.Why we have to keep going around in circles with comments regarding what one game does better than the other is pretty pointless imo.

I loved FIFA07 but I thought PES was just OK, that does not mean to say that we should keep lambasting Konami or EA regarding thier efforts this year, its down to what you want.

My perceptionis FIFA has the more enjoyable game this year, not neccerssarily that its the best football game ever made, but to completely dissmiss one over the other like, "its shit" etc is not adding any value.

PES has not made drastic changes- fact, FIFA has because it had to and thankfully they are concentrating on realism over pick up and play which was always a fault of FIFA in the past in comparison to the massive learning curve of PES.

But i feel that FIFA is challenging that now, with a deep career mode,amazing animation, freedom to pass, authentic teams, cups and leagues, thus its my perception that its far more value for money in comparison to Konami's slight upgrade in graphics and gameplay.

That does not mean that PES is shit and it would be far more of a thread if people just accepted both for what they are and added to the excitement of each appropriate thread.

We just dont need lots of dissing in either threads games.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Just put power on ignore, thats what i did and works a treat. There is just no point having these endless discussions and it breaks up the nice flow this thread was getting with views and information.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Me and Ken gave the game a bigger go when Adam wasnt with us on the Friday and a lot more shots are parried away rather than just pushed back into play. Thats what I noticed anyways.

Glad Jay can see both games for what they are. You cant play them both the same way at all

i can confirm that the keepers did parry the ball out for a corner a lot more in fifa08.

i also said that fifa08 and pes2008 are 2 different games and you have to play them a different way to each other.

i will post a link to the tricks video later.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Those shots look great in the full video, especially the one placebo captured. Looks to have excellent weight and bounce. And the kicking animation for it looks really good aswell; a lazy, inside of the foot, shot. No unneeded "power" animation. From what ive seen so far of the shots the ball connects with the foot far higher up(as it should be) then in 07 where they all looked like stretched toepokes to me.

The opinion back then was that the game[engine] had the potential to be really good and they are showing a very good tempo of improvement and adjustment to get there. 2010 could be the year folks, the year we get a game that has the gameplay/graphics/ai/animation/structure/content spot on. FIFA seems to have most, if not all, of those in place now. They just need to tweak/adjust most/some of them the coming few versions.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

i can confirm that the keepers did parry the ball out for a corner a lot more in fifa08.

i also said that fifa08 and pes2008 are 2 different games and you have to play them a different way to each other.

i will post a link to the tricks video later.

So Kenny is it an improvement over the last 2 versions 07 & UCL? How do you find the new shooting?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

So Kenny is it an improvement over the last 2 versions 07 & UCL? How do you find the new shooting?

i didn't like o7 or UCL.

for me it plays exactly like UCL, but with a few tweaks.

i cannot say what has been improved as i had not played enough on UCL to compare.

i only made 2 shots, as i am rubbish at the game, but watching other people play, the keepers look improved as they parry the ball out more.

also, i saw adam score a couple of nice finesse shots.

the gfx and animation in fifa are stunning. it's leagues above PES2008.

the player likenesses are worse than PES though.

one thing i didn't like was when i had control of the ball will good players, i could not feel the difference. i tried contolling with ronaldo & rooney and doing some dribbling, but they seemed slow and unresponsive, just like the other members of the team.

if you liked UCL, then you will love this game.

i also heard you can change the speed of the game, so i will be buying it because of this option as i like to play the game with a bit more pace.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I'm gutted I'll have to wait til September for the demo (got a PS3), but maybe the PC demo will be good enough.

Yeh mate there is always the urge to play early, but i wouldnt be to down, personally what i do with a demo is i play it once or twice, and if i dont like it, i delete it, or if i like it a bit or really love it, then i also delete it. this is because i find if you keep playing the same 1 level, or course, or half, as the case may be, then eventually when you get the game, there is no newness and excitement to it.

just my personal opinion, so when you get the demo, you can try it, then if you do like it, you'll only have 2 weeks to wait, which is great!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Not if I could buy a better car for the same price (PES2008 = better car)

it's not better or worse.

they are 2 different games, you either like it or not.

it's like marmite(pes) and bovril(fifa).

they are doing the same thing, but are made with different ingredients and packaging.

you have been eating marmite all your life amd you love it. then you give bovril a try and it's a bit different, so you go back to eating marmite.

some like both (me), but some hate one or the other.

but as i said before, you cannot play FIFA in the same way as PES. although they have different styles of gameplay, not one is better or worse. EA have done a great job with the new engine. lets hope both developers keep advancing so we benefit from it.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Cheers Kenny didn't realise you weren't a fan. The controls do take getting used to but once you do it's no problem so I'm not worried about that. Cheers anyway. I look forward to your vids
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

i also heard you can change the speed of the game, so i will be buying it because of this option as i like to play the game with a bit more pace.

Really?! That would be a great option, and hopefully it would speed up the response of players. I personally wouldnt mind the game to have a faster pace as long as the players "felt" like they would respond better. Although if you havent played pes for quite a while the response time is less of an issue, for me atleast.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Not if I could buy a better car for the same price (PES2008 = better car)

Well, to continue the car analogy, it's seems that one car perhaps goes faster, but has an automatic gearbox, no luggage space, is a less refined ride, corners very badly and sometimes you can't steer it properly unless you hold down the horn and turn on the windscreen wipers simultaneously.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

lets hope both developers keep advancing so we benefit from it.

Wise words my man, all fanboys read that and understand, not only for FIFA and PES, but apply it to Sony and MS.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Cheers Kenny didn't realise you weren't a fan. The controls do take getting used to but once you do it's no problem so I'm not worried about that. Cheers anyway. I look forward to your vids

i only have the video to the skills compo that CW took part in.

but it shows off some nice skill animations and you can play the game in this view in 'be a pro' mode.

i spoke to KAZ, the gameplay developer of this game adn i asked him if the ps3 demo was going to be the same as the final build in terms of gameplay and he said 'yes, it will be very close'.

CW played the final versions of both games, and he told us that the PS3 & 360 versions were near identical. but i don't know if it plays any different from the demo build.

it's not like i was never a 'FAN' of this franchise. i don't take sides. i just never enjoyed the speed and response of the gameplay, so i didn't like it. so i will buy it now, as i can change the speed of the game which suits me.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

So fingers crossed for PC then :)
The PC version is NOT the version that you're watching videos of in this thread. It is a port of the current-gen version and doesn't have the ball physics, or the AI, or anything that compares to the next-gen version, so... I thought this was common knowledge?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Yep I'm already aware it'll use the current gen engine mate (if Madden 08 is anything to go by). But Madden 08, even though it mainly used current gen, still had excellent graphics and animations which it had pulled over from next gen, as well as bringing over a lot of other features. It wasn't the full next gen package, but it played a better game.

I'll be getting FIFA for the PS3, but I'll grab the PC demo to give me a footy fix while I wait :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Yo Kenny M,how are the controls ?Are they more responsive ?
How is defending ?Has it been improved ?Is it easy or hard to defend against all the right stick dribbling ?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The PC version is NOT the version that you're watching videos of in this thread. It is a port of the current-gen version and doesn't have the ball physics, or the AI, or anything that compares to the next-gen version, so... I thought this was common knowledge?

massive cock up by EA IMO.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

xb360 - ps3 -pc demos delayed to september im hearing the 6th
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