Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Do you feel the tricks are simple enough to impliment to become a useful thing to use in 08?

Or is it just too fidly to bother with after a while?

It works a treat and can be used to pull off some great attacking moves

This ruins Fifa 2003. Every gamer played online with the new L1 (ODB control?) and make crossos for the header,which are always in the net. I hate this game!

If you dont like it then dont buy it, simple as...
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

This ruins Fifa 2003. Every gamer played online with the new L1 (ODB control?) and make crossos for the header,which are always in the net. I hate this game!

Nooooo, says the man in Washington! It makes it more realistic, it's like having the ball in real life and shouting "Someone make a fucking run for me!"

Looks like in PES 2008 they automatically make these runs for you.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Yeh like I said if you are used to Fifa 07/CL then you will love it. If not then keep staying away as this isnt going to change your mind.

CW should confirm how poorly the keepers parry shots, very unrealistic. We chatted about it while were there.

CW mentions the keepers are improved and parry shots away a page or 2 back. It's definatly a different game than PES, that's what people need to realise, you can't play it like PES that's why people can't get it. It's a different engine and requires different methods. Me I'm now accomplished in both because I took the time to learn FIFA, that's why I can get enjoyment from both but soem are just to dismisive.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Do you feel the tricks are simple enough to impliment to become a useful thing to use in 08?

Or is it just too fidly to bother with after a while?

Very simple and easy to use, but Im not sure how realistic some of them are.

I played as Barca and whenever Messi got the ball I hammered the trick stick and beat players with amazing skill. Sometime though I worry about the accuracy of this when you watch a real game. I can also see multiplayer matches becoming a trick fest!

What I will say is that the animations in Fifa 08 are far beyond anything PES 2008 has to offer. Its an amazing acheivement by EA.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Hi mate just leave it now. If you don't like the game fair enough that's your opinion but why are you trying to make it out that this is an issue of right or wrong. FIFA has improved and even between 07 and UCL there was a massive difference. So to say there was none is wrong as I myself noticed it. You keep posting the same things over and over how FIFA never changes and it's boring now.

It is only my opinion to the new hands on of adonis. He said what i guessed 3 days ago:

Anyone hoping this is different from Fifa 07/CL should stop hoping.

I also mentioned Fifa 08 have better animation and looking better as pes08.
You also keep posting that Fifa is a better game and you will buy it...but I have no problems with it. Furthermore this is not a fifafan thread with only positive opinions about fifa.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Me and Ken gave the game a bigger go when Adam wasnt with us on the Friday and a lot more shots are parried away rather than just pushed back into play. Thats what I noticed anyways.

Glad Jay can see both games for what they are. You cant play them both the same way at all
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

You can whip crosses in, although I hope they have fixed the amount of goals scored from them as that was a pet hate of mine in UCL. CW says keepers parry away and Adonis says they parry into danger, we'll just have to see. I'm guessing this is a game which will get better with practise as the previous 2 incarnations have. My main gripe was shooting and that seems improved so I'm delighted and response time wasn't really an issue for me anyway. FIFA 08 is looking like my choice this year.

agreed man...
shooting and gks, were my main gripe too.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I remember FIFA 2000, we'd always run down the wing tapping the shoulder buttons and doing that flick/jump move cancelling out any tackle (I think you could deliberately shoulder barge and get sent off in that game) then tapping "Triangle" like mad to outpace defenders only to end up doing some pathetic atomatically curled shot.

PS, why did they take out the ability to slide tackle the keeper? It was like taking away part of the freedom when they got rid of it in FIFA 2003, was hilarious to crog a keeper who was standing up holding the ball and get sent off!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Looking forward to the Demo. Really hoping Fifa cracks it this year beacuse I have a bad feeling about the direction PES is headng in, and we just need something different to break the staleness.

It's really a shame that there's only really two serious visual football game developers.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Nooooo, says the man in Washington! It makes it more realistic, it's like having the ball in real life and shouting "Someone make a fucking run for me!"

you are joking right? ;) Do you ever played the game online or in a online league?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

anyone has any idea of which teams will be avelible in the demo?

At the show you had:

Man Utd
Bayern Munich
Inter Milan
Red Bulls (I think thats what they were called!)

I expect it to be the same.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

It is only my opinion to the new hands on of adonis. He said what i guessed 3 days ago:

I also mentioned Fifa 08 have better animation and looking better as pes08.
You also keep posting that Fifa is a better game and you will buy it...but I have no problems with it. Furthermore this is not a fifafan thread with only positive opinions about fifa.

Fair enough but you keep saying FIFA hasn't improved but it has, And Adonis is entitled to his opinion but that doesn't mean it's FACT either, you have ignored everything CW has said who played the game more than Adonis because it doesn't conform wit hyour FIFA negativity.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Fair enough but you keep saying FIFA hasn't improved but it has,

Please read my posts! Fifa have the best animation in a football game and looks more realistic as pes08 and fifa 07.

And Adonis is entitled to his opinion but that doesn't mean it's FACT either, you have ignored everything CW has said who played the game more than Adonis because it doesn't conform wit hyour FIFA negativity.

You ignored the opinion of the winningeleven blog who also said the game is nearly the same as fifa 2007 gameplay. and dont forget the pes vs fifa comparison which said pes is the better game.

One positive opinion against 3 not so good opinions...and you believe Fifa is the better game? But hey i have no problems with that. Because i read so many hands on and opinions from different games sites and german forums,which say the same: Fifa looks awsome but plays like fifa 2007 and pes have the better gameplay!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

All I can say is they are different games which require different methods of playing. PES fans will always prefer it over FIFA until they adapt to the new method of playing. The opinion of others really means nothing to me when I have played something myself, I know I like FIFA because I play it and have adjusted, so those opinions of others doesn't really matter to me. But anyway it's all good buy I'll get FIFA and enjoy it.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

One positive opinion against 3 not so good opinions...and you believe Fifa is the better game? But hey i have no problems with that. Because i read so many hands on and opinions from different games sites and german forums,which say the same: Fifa looks awsome but plays like fifa 2007 and pes have the better gameplay!

..........and there's plenty of people saying the contrary - that FIFA is the better game this year. There's also many who are saying there is very little between the two games, and that both have their faults.

Hopefully the demo arrives in the next few days because then we can decide for ourselves and put to bed much of the bickering on here. I value other people's opinions on the games but generally people have some bias towards one title or another.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Jamez, you think a demo will end the bickering? There'll be ten people in this thread who say it's amazing, along with four or five who pop in purely to say "I tried it and it's shit" (and I bet most of them are lying as well, FIFA turns you gay you know :roll:).

People should just play what they want and praise (or constructively criticise) what they want, rather than try so desperately to spoil everybody else's fun. There's constructive criticism, and there's utter desperation to make you think like them.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Jamez, you think a demo will end the bickering? There'll be ten people in this thread who say it's amazing, along with four or five who pop in purely to say "I tried it and it's shit" (and I bet most of them are lying as well, FIFA turns you gay you know :roll:).

People should just play what they want and praise what they want, rather than feel the need to spoil everybody else's fun. There's constructive criticism, and there's utter desperation to make you think like them.

Sums it up perfectly. People just can't accept that some people like FIFA. If you like FIFA it's instantly assumed you have never played real football or you know nothing about real football. Well I have played football to Semi Pro level and follow football passionatly and not to brag know a lot about the game and guess what " I LIKE FIFA"
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Regardless of what it is like, I for one won't be buying it, they will never be able to compensate for the half-arsed, unplayable crap they've been churning out for the last decade.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

That was what I was getting at though.

Once we all play the demo, those that like it can count down the days until September 28th. Those that don't can walk away and stick with PES.

Each to their own, as they say.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Regardless of what it is like, I for one won't be buying it, they will never be able to compensate for the half-arsed, unplayable crap they've been churning out for the last decade.

Put it like this......

Would you not buy a Skoda car based on the fact that they uesd to make shit motors but are now one of the best manufacturers around?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Whether I disagree or not, that is funny :lol: and I can understand his point of view to be honest. :D
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Yo Adonis ,how is defending in FIFA 08 .I mean it's great to have all those tricks and stuff but I don't want the game to become like FIFA STREET because in competitive football you'd no time and space (most of the time) to make all those fantastic moves we've seen.On UCL/FIFA07 defending was dodgy and a little hard sometimes to retrieve the ball ,how is that part of the game on FIFA08 ?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Put it like this......

Would you not buy a Skoda car based on the fact that they uesd to make shit motors but are now one of the best manufacturers around?

Well, if I could just download a Skoda for free, maybe that way I would punish them for all the trash released before... But, listen. No that's no good, that would be like blaming any german for you-know-what (no offense there, just recalling Fawlty Towers right now ;) ).

Really, I'll gladly pay EA if they have managed to do something new and good. Only shame is no next-gen in PC, that's absurd considering the Xbox versions work with DirectX.
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